G Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded.


Elizebeth and Isack Chinery, Nov. 16, 1654.*


William, Rev., and Maria Antionett Mady [int Maria A. Madey], Mar. 14, 1822.


Edward and Mary Jones, May 9, 1734.*
James W. and Altemira Elizabeth Fiske, Oct 9, 183 1.
John of Stow, and Mrs. Mary Baxter, Apr. 14, 1720.*


Asenarth of Bow, N.H., and Rev. Joseph Bullard Jr., int. Dec. 3, 1825.

GAY (see Guy, Gye)

Abigail and Samuel Hindill, Dec. 23, 1719.*
Almira and Capt. Phinehas Ellis, Mar. 28, 1822.*
Jacob of Walpole, and Mrs. Sarah Smith, SepL 29, 1774.
Jason and Hannah Cutler, Nov. 20, 1794.
Joel [int. of ? Walpole] and Prescilla [int. Percila] Wheelock, Oct 5, 1789.
Meribah [?] ” of the District of Dover,” and Nathan Lealand, Dec. 13, 1803.*
Nathaniel Jr. of Wallpole, and Abigail Hawes [?], Aug. 9, 1759.*
Phinheas of Dover, and Mary Chickering, Apr. 3, 1817.*
Sarah and Noah Allin, Mar. 25, 1713-14.*

GERALD (see Jerald, Jerauld).


Ruth of Rutland, and James Livingston, int [Apr.] 28, 1826.


Samuel [int. Gilbert] and Lucy Cheney, Apr. 2, 1795


Marcus of Walpole, and Attarah Smith, Nov. 25 [1824].


Jonathan E. of Framingham, and Amy Fisher, May 23 [1833].
Jonathan E. and Mary Fisher, May 28, 1837.


Alonzo and Elizabeth N. Smith, int. Mar. 7, 1841.


Levi, Col., of W. Boylston, and Orinda Cleveland, int Apr. 5, 1827.


Daniel [int. Gogins] of Dedham, and Finis Peters, Mar. 4, 1784.


Elisebeth [dup. Goold] of Medway, and Daniel Clark, Aug. 18, 1748.*
Esther of Medway, and Benjamin Chenery, int. Sept. 17, 1791.
Mary of Walpole, and Asa H. Field, int. June 14, 1833.
Nancy A. of Holliston, and Sanford Clark, int. Mar. 18, 1827.
Simeon of Dedham, and Lydia Clark, Apr. 29, 1788.


Arthur, Rev., and Mary Elizabeth Tyler, int. Sept 24, 1831.


Benjamin and Presillia Morse, Sept. 14, 1692.*
John and Louisa Fisher, Apr. 8, 1819.*
Louisa, 21, d. John and Louisa, and Joseph W. Legalle, Apr. 15, 1846.*
Mary Ann and James M. Ward, int. Nov. 11, 1843.


Dolly, Mrs., of Ashburnham, and Arnold Wight, June 13, 1827.*


Samuel [and] Rachel Coffee, int Feb. 8, 1821.
Susannah and Dr. James Jerald, Nov. 27, 1771.*
Worrick [int. Worick] and Mary Dego, Jan. 23, 1783.


Joseph of Bellingham, and Betsey Chenery, int. Apr. 15, 1813.


Abigal of Walpole, and Jotham Morse, Feb. 18, 1773.*


John and Sarah Mason, May 13, 1752.*

GUILD (see Guile)

Aaron of Walpole [int. Wolpole], and Cynthia Smith, Nov. 30, 1797.
Luther, widr., 40, b. Wrentham, s. Alanson and Keturah, and Olive Clark, May 5, 1844.
Mary E., 21, d. Luther and Sophia, and Albert Carpenter, Apr. 2, 1846 .*
Nathaniel of Walpole, and Rebekah Hart, Oct. 22, 1767.*

GUILE (see Guild)

Lucinda of Wrentham, and Samuel Turner, int Dec. 12, 1789.

GUY (see Gay, Gye)

Benj[a]m[in] Jr. [int. Gay] of Dover, and Sarah Smith, May 30, 1805.
Martin and Adeline Bailey, Jan. 2, 1834.
Timothy and Elisabeth C. Perry, int. Apr. 13, 1834.

GYE (see Gay, Guy)

Timothy and Martha Plimpton, Mar. 20, 1745-6.*

Medfield, MA. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850. New-England historic genealogical society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903.

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