1867 Abington Massachusetts Directory

Last Updated on February 13, 2013 by Dennis

J – M Surnames

Jackson Arthur, shoemaker, r Cottage
Jackson Francis E. machinist, Dunbar Square
Jackson Isaac R. farmer, r Randolph
Jackson Luther, farmer, r Randolph
Jackson Winslow, shoemaker, r Bedford
Jacobs David, shoemaker r Water
Jacobs jr. David, shoemaker, r Water
Jenkins Chas. S. shoemaker, p Washington
Jenkins David, shoemaker, r Plymouth
Jenkins Isaiah, shoemaker, r Union
Jenkins Lemuel, shoemaker, r Union
Jenkins Nathan S. shoe manuf. r Union
Jenkins Warren, shoemaker, r Linden Avenue
Jenkins Woodbridge, mercht. r Washington
Jenkins Zenas, selectman, r East Ward
Johnson Dan’l, shoemaker, r Union
Johnson jr. Dan’l, shoemaker, bds. Union
Johnson Jacob, boot maker, bds. Cross
Johnson Jacob, woodcutter, r Washington
Johnson James B. shoemaker, r Washington
Johnson John A. shoemaker, bds. Union
Johnson Joseph F. shoemaker, r Washington
Johnson William, shoemaker, r Hingham
Jones Christopher E. trader, r Pond
Jones Ebenezer W. shoemaker, r Plymouth
Jones Geo. W. shoemaker, r Pond
Jones John, shoe cutter, r Plymouth
Jones Sam’l, shoemaker, bds. Randolph
Jones Winslow L. mariner, r Centre Avenue
Jones Wm. shoemaker, r Washington
Joslyn Eleazer, shoemaker, r Market
Josselyn Marquis F. tack maker, r Harvard
Joy Benj. F. shoemaker, bds. Bedford
Joy Martin, cutter, r Washington

Kaleher John, laborer, r Central
Kamel James, shoemaker, r near R. R.
Kannelly John, shoemaker, bds Plymouth
Kanneally John, shoemaker, r Adams
Kanneally Timothy, laborer, r Adams
Kanney Augustus, cigar maker, r Market
Keith E. shoemaker, r Temple
Kearing James, shoemaker, r Union
Keith J. E, lawyer. Centre Avenue r Washington
Kendrigan John, blacksmith, r Union
Kennedy, shoemaker, r Dover
Keene Bradley J. shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Keene Geo. R. carpenter, r Walnut
Keene James, shoemaker, r Central
Keene J. clerk, r Union
Keene John F. peddler, r Market
Keene Josiah, farmer, r Randolph
Keene Julius, shoemaker, r Market
Keene Melzer, shoemaker, r Water
Keene Saml. shoemaker, cor. Liberty and Market
Kehoe William, fish dealer, r Adams
Kelleher Daniel, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Kelleher Jeremiah, shoemaker, r Washington
Kelley Albert F, clerk, r Union
Kelley Edward, farmer, r Plymouth
Kelley Patrick, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Kelley Thos. shoemaker, r Plymouth
Kenney Charles, shoemaker, r Plymouth
Kenney John, shoemaker, r Plymouth
Kennedy Hugh, shoemaker, r Deering sq
Kennedy Patrick, shoemaker, r Cork
Kennely Timothy, boot freer. North Abington
Kepen Goddard, shoemaker, r Glen
Kilbride Thomas, shoemaker, r Central
Kimball E. A. machinist, Central Avenue r same
Kimball Jos. E. shoemaker, r cor. Orange and Washington
Kindregon John M. shoemaker, bds Central
King A. P. express, r South Avenue
King William, carpenter, r South Avenue
Kingman Lucius, shoemaker, r Hancock
Kingston J. R. shoemaker, r Dover
Knox Ellis, expressman, r Webster

Lane Albert, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Lane Alonzo, merchant, bds. cor. Union and Market
Lane Ceron P. peddler, r Market
Lane Chas. H. shoemaker, bds. Liberty
Lane E. (Lane & Sons) r at New Orleans
Lane Elbridge, shoemaker, r Union
Lane Jenkins, (Lane & Soils) shoe manuf.
Lane John, merchant, r Union,
Lane John F. shoemaker, cor. Washington and Rockland
Lane Marshall, shoemaker, r Union
Lane Patrick, shoemaker, r Dublin Row
Lane Thomas, shoemaker, r Liberty
Lane, Richmond J. (Lane & Sons) mercht.
Lane Z. N. shoe manuf. r Union
Lane Z. L. (Lane & Sons) r Union
Lang Andrew, shoemaker r Centre Avenue
Lannin Rob’t, shoemaker, r Union
Lannin Wm. shoemaker, r Union
Lapham Andrew, shoemaker, r Union
Lapham Melzer, shoemaker, r Vernon
Lawrence Albert H. painter, bds. Washington
Lawrence Franklin N. shoemaker, r Linden Avenue
Lawrence Geo. R. shoemaker, bds. Union
Leach A. cutter, bds. Liberty
Leach John, machinist, r Havard
Leahy Cornelius, laborer, r Salem
Leahy John, shoemaker, r .Deering Sq.
Lean Wm. M. blacksmith, r Washington
Leavitt Geo. E. shoemaker, bds. Plymouth
Leavitt Harry, shoemaker, r Water
Leavitt Winslow, farmer, r South Avenue
Lee Michael, shoemaker, r Spring
Leighton, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Lewellen Henry, shoemaker r Vernon
Lewellan John, laborer, r Union
Lewellen Wm. shoemaker, r Liberty
Lewis George, carpenter, r Plain
Lewis Henry M. shoemaker, r Union
Lewis John F. shoemaker, bds Hancock
Lewis Wm. carpenter, r Summer
Lincoln James B. cutter, r Centre Avenue
Lincoln James P. shoemaker, r Centre
Lincoln Matthew, shoemaker, r Havard
Lincoln Samuel B. painter, r Brighton
Lincoln W. P. shoemaker, r Temple
Lincoln W. W. shoemaker, r Brighton
Lindsay Martin, shoemaker, r Plain
Linnell .Josiah, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Litchfield L. Elwin, shoemaker, r Vernon
Litchfield N. F. stitcher, r Orange
Locke James, shoemaker, r Vernon
Locke Parmelins, cutter, r Washington
Looby Jeremiah, shoemaker, r Liberty
Lord Geo. school teacher, bds. Randolph
Loring Edwin, shoemaker, r Washington
Loring James E. shoemaker, r Bedford
Loring Jos. carpenter, bd Vernon
Loring Morton, carpenter, bd Vernon
Lond Alden S. grocer, r Rockland
Lond Chas. shoemaker, r Union
Lond C. G. boot manuf. Rockland
Lond John M. shoemaker, r Dunbar Sq.
Lond Joshua B. shoemaker, r Walnut
Lond Lem. shoemaker, bd Liberty
Lond Livingston W. shoemaker, r Bedford
Lond Loring, carpenter, r Rockland
Lond Percie, carpenter, r Bedford
Lond Rueben, farmer, r Salem
Lond Samuel, boot maker, r Centre Avenue
Lond S. T. packer, r Rockland
Lond Tyler, shoemaker, r Spruce
Lovell Mareena, shoemaker, r Union
Lovell W. S. clerk, bds Union
Lowell Elihu B. cutter, r North Avenue
Lowell Ira F. boot and shoe manuf. So. Avenue
Lowell Nelson, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Lucas Albert, shoemaker, r Union
Lucas Daniel, shoemaker, bds Washington
Luddy Patrick, boot treer
Lufkin Albert, shoemaker, r Washington
Lydon John, shoemaker, r Adams
Lyon John P. carpenter, r Adams
Lyons Henry, laborer, r Central
Lyons .James, shoemaker, r Union
Lynch James, shoemaker, r Central

Maguire John, shoemaker, r Bedford
Maguire Owen, shoemaker, r Union
Mahan Hugh, shoemaker, r Salem
Mahoney Timothy, laborer, r Central
Maloy John, shoemaker, r Washington
Malumpy John, laborer, r Salem
Manley Carlos, shoemaker, r Lincoln
Manley Edward F. shoemaker, bd Wash.
Manley jr. Patrick, shoemaker, r Wash.
Mann Gustavus N. shoemaker, r Liberty
Maim Horace JS. shoemaker, bd Union
Mann John, farmer, bd Summit
Mann jr. John, shoemaker, r Summit
Mann .Josiah, shoemaker, r Union
Mangan Michael, laborer, r Liberty
Manson A. J. shoemaker, r Union
Maragan Michael, laborer, r Central
Maragan Timothy, shoemaker, bd Liberty
Maguire James, shoemaker, r Bigelow Avenue
Maconney James, shoemaker, r Cross
Mackin John, shoemaker, r Salem
Magney John, shoemaker, r Liberty
Mara James, shoemaker, r Salem
Marsh jr. E. shoemaker, r School
Maxie William H. tinsmith, r Adams
Maxwell Chas. W. shoemaker, r Adams
McAnroa Anthony, shoemaker, r Cork
McAnroa, Michael, farmer, r Cork
McAvoy Joseph, shoemaker, r North Avenue
McCarter Chas. H. blacksmith, bds Wash.
McCarter M. C. blacksmith, r Washington
McCarty Callahan, laborer, r Washington
McCarty Charles, shoemaker, bds cor. Bigelow Avenue and Union
McCarty Dennis, tailor, r Liberty
McCarty Daniel, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
McCarthy John, laborer, r Plain
McCarthy John, shoemaker, r Salem
McCarthy John, shoemaker, r Deering sq
McCarthy Patrick, shoemaker, r Union
McCarthy Simon, farmer, r Plain
McCarthy Thomas, farmer, r Plain
McClintock George, laborer, r Temple
McConney Janies F. shoemaker, cor. Washington and Bedford
McCreight Rogers, laborer, r Union
McDevitt Wm. shoemaker, r Groveland
McElvine Samuel, cutter, r North Avenue
McGovern Philip, shoemaker, r Central
McGrath James, shoemaker, r Vernon
McGuire James, laborer, r Spruce
McHugh Brian, shoemaker r Central
McIlveen Andrew, shoe cutter, r North
McKenna A. W. shoe cutter, Centre Avenue
McKenna Jerry, cutter, r Adams
McKenney Frank, shoemaker, r North
McKenney Henry, shoe maker, r Bedford
McKenney John D. clerk, r Dunbar sq
McKenney Moses, shoemaker, r Washington
McKenney S. shoemaker, r Orange
McKensie Danl. shoemaker, r Chestnut
McMakins Geo. shoemaker, North Avenue
McMakins John, shoemaker, r Randolph
McMorrow John, shoemaker, r Union
McMamara Michael, shoemaker, r Liberty
McMamara Thomas, shoemaker, bds Central
McNary Timothy, laborer, r North Avenue
McPherson Henry M. shoemaker, Hancock
Mealy Timothy, harness maker, Temple
Mears Samuel T. shoemaker, r Bedford
Meigs Wm. F. painter, r Washington
Mellefort Robert, shoemaker, r Central
Mera Cornelius, shoemaker, r Cork
Merrett Charles, sailor, r Plain
Merritt Edward, mechanic, bds Washington
Merritt Francis, shoemaker, r High
Merritt Ira, tool manuf. r Washington
Merritt Jos. shoemaker, r Vernon
Merritt Whitman B. shoemaker, r Niles
Meserve Alonzo, student, r Adams
Meserve Chas. shoe manuf. r Adams
Meserve Gushing, shoe finisher, r Washington, N. Abington
Meserve Justin, shoemaker, i’ Adams
Millet Benj, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue near R. R.
Millet Chas. A. shoemaker, bds Centre Avenue near R. R.
Millet Herbert M. shoemaker, bds Centre Avenue near R. R.
Mitchell Chas. farmer, r Market
Mitchell Chas. W. shoemaker, r Market
Mitchell John, shoemaker, r Washington
Mitchell John, B. shoemaker, r Washington
Moue Francis, ¦ shoemaker, cor. Vernon and Liberty
Monroe James, shoemaker, bd Union
Monroe James A. shoemaker, bd Union
Monroe Joshua L. shoemaker, bd Union
Monroe Saml. shoemaker, r Spring
Mone Francis, shoemaker, r Union
Moran Felix, boot maker, r Central
Moran James, shoemaker, r Vernon
Moreland Thomas, shoemaker, r Dover
Morey Chas. shoemaker, r School
Morrey Saml. carpenter, r Market
Morris Elijah G. shoemaker, r Washington
Morrissey John, shoemaker, r Union
Morse Job L. shoemaker, cor. Granite and Cottage
Morton Edwin, shoemaker, r Central
Morton Geo. H. shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Moulton Henry, market, r Water
Mullally James, shoemaker, r Union
Mulreedy Luke, shoemaker, r Union
Murphy Dennis, laborer, r Plain
Murphy John, laborer, r Dublin row
Murphy Thomas, shoemaker r Bedford
Murphy Thomas, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Murphy Patrick, shoemaker, bds Water
Murray Cyrus D. shoemaker, bds Groveland
Murray Wm. shoemaker, r Chestnut
Murrell Jerry, shoemaker, r Market


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