1867 Abington Massachusetts Directory

E – H Surnames

Easterbrook Chas. G., printer, r cor. Walnut & Thaxter
Eaton Shepard, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Edson George, crimper, r Rockland
Edwards Rev. Henry L., r Washington
Ellis Benj. F., oyster saloon, r Market
Ellis Freeman, tack maker, r Boston
Ellis Horatio, machinist, r Washington
Ellis John, shoemaker, r Dover
Ellis N. B., shoemaker, r Market
Ellis Reuben, shoemaker, r Liberty
English Thomas, shoemaker, r Washington
Erskine M. A., shoemaker, r Washington
Erskine J. S. painter, r Washington
Erskine Valentine, shoemaker, r Washington
Estes Daniel B. watchmaker, r Union
Estes Edward, shoemaker, r Spring.
Estes Elijah, carpenter, r Union
Estes J. J., druggist. Union
Estes Robert, blacksmith, r Market
Estes R. T., (Estes A Whiting,) at West Hanover
Estes Warren, shoemaker, r Market
Eustice Edward W. shoemaker, bds Liberty
Eustis Thomas F., shoemaker, r liberty
Everson Geo. JST., shoemaker, r Randolph
Everson Isaac, shoemaker, r Hingham
Everson I. F., shoemaker, r Plain
Everson Seth C, carpenter, r Plymouth
Everson Wilmot V., shoemaker, bds Plymouth

Fairbanks C. W. (Fairbanks & Pook) r Temple
Fairbanks William, shoemaker, r Plain
Farrar Greenleaf, finisher, r Centre Avenue
Farrar Job P. shoe manuf. r Dunbar Sq.
Farrar J. P. (Floyd & Farrar) r Columbus Square
Farrar John C. finisher, (S. Vaughan) r Washington
Farrar Judson N. cashier, r Washington
Farrar Lucian W. jeweler, r Dunbar Sq.
Farrington J. peddler, r Washington
Faunce Arthur M. carpenter, bds. Walnut
Faunce Elijah, carpenter, Thaxter Avenue
Faunce Ichabod W. mason, r Centre Avenue
Faunce Quincy A. mason, Centre Avenue
Faxon Alfred W. shoemaker, r Belmont
Faxon Andrew, bds. cor. Washington and Rockland
Faxon B. E. grocer, Washington, bdh. same
Faxon Calvin, shoemaker, r Belmont
Faxon Lucius, shoe manuf. cor. Washington and Rockland
Faxon William, stitcher, r Bedford
Fay Patrick, shoemaker, bds. Plain
Fenner _____, silversmith, r Washington
Fenno James, shoemaker, r Liberty
Fenno James H. shoemaker, r Webster
Ferris H. hotel, Centre Abington
Fickett Elbridge L. shoemaker, bd. Union
Fitzgibbon James, shoemaker, r Dover
Fielding J. F. gentleman, r Temple
Fitzgerald John, laborer, r Central
Fish Lee B. shoemaker, r Washington
Fitzgerald William H. marble worker, r Central
Flanegan Thomas, laborer, r Plymouth
Flemming Edward, shoemaker. Liberty
Fleming William, cutter, r North Avenue
Floyd Ira, shoe manufacturer, (Floyd & Farrer), Washington
Floyd John A. shoemaker, r Orange
Flynn, laborer, r Centre Avenue
Fly nu Jeremiah, shoemaker, bds Central
Flynn Michael, shoemaker, r Salem
Flynn Patrick, laborer, r Union
Flynn Wm. laborer, r Central
Foley Cornelius, shoemaker, r Dunbar sq
Foly Patrick, shoemaker, r Plain
Foley Patrick, shoemaker, r Summit
Folsom Hiram, harness maker, Belmont
Forbes Wm. shoemaker, r Union
Ford Augustus N. shoemaker, r Randolph
Ford Austin, shoemaker, r Randolph
Ford Austin A. shoemaker, bds Randolph
Ford B. F. painter, r Union
Ford Daniel A. farmer, r Centre Avenue
Ford David, farmer, r Randolph
Ford Eldridge G. expressman, r Washington
Ford Gilbert, shoemaker, Union
Ford James, groceries, r Bedford
Ford James, shoemaker, r Market
Ford James, carpenter, bds Vernon
Ford J. L. shoemaker, r Union
Ford John, cutter, r North Abington
Ford John, shoemaker, r Bedford
Ford John, shoemaker, bds Union
Ford John, shoemaker, r Liberty
Ford John C, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Ford Jos. E., shoemaker, r Randolph
Ford Oscar, shoemaker, bds Union
Ford Lewis, carpenter, bds Vernon
Ford Lucius, shoemaker, r Randolph
Ford Lucius, bootmaker, bds Bedford
Ford Lucius jr., shoemaker, bds Bedford
Ford Solomon, bds Randolph
Ford Thomas, shoemaker, r Market
Ford Wilson, shoemaker, cor Randolph & Hancock
Ford Wilson, shoemaker, bds Plymouth
Foster Alonzo T., shoemaker, r Liberty
Foster Freeman, cutter, r Washington
Foster Freeman, shoemaker, Washington
Foster Hiram, shoemaker, r Cottage
Foster Lorenzo, shoemaker, r Liberty
Foster Nathan B., clerk, bds Market
Foster Samuel, shoemaker, r Washington
Foster Solomon, currier r Market
Foster Thomas, stitcher, r Liberty
Fox ____ laborer r near R. R.
Francis Thos. F., clerk, r Exchange
Freeman Noah, shoemaker, bds Liberty
French Chas., shoemaker, r Market
French Edwin F., clerk, bds Birch
French Francis M., clerk, r Union
French Francis M., shoemaker, r Liberty
French Joseph, grocer, Water, r Union
French Joseph E., shoemaker, r Water
French Wm., laborer, r Washington
French Joseph, painter, r Washington
Friar John, shoemaker, r Spring
Friar William, shoemaker, r Spring
Fuller John, shoemaker, r West
Fuller Josiah F. clerk bds. Union
Fuller .J. K. boot manuf. (Fuller & Blanchard) r Union
Fuller Josiah K. shoemaker, r Union
Fullerton Edward, shoemaker, r High
Fullerton Harvey, shoemaker, r Harvard
Fullerton Henry W. shoemaker, r Washington
Fullerton Lysander N. shoemaker, r High
Fullerton Nahum, shoemaker, r Washington
Fullerton Noah, shoemaker, r Washington
Fullerton Samuel, shoemaker, r Glen
Fulton Daniel M. shoemaker, r Temple

Gains Wm. shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Gannett Thomas, tackmaker, r So. Avenue
Garcelon Peter, carpenter, r Randolph
Gard Peter, shoemaker, r Cross
Gardner James C. shoemaker, r Liberty
Gardner Richard, shoemaker, r Union
Gardner Saunders, shoemaker, r Liberty
Gardner Washington, shoemaker, r Pond
Garrity Lawrence, shoemaker, r No. Avenue
Gary Zephaniah, tackmaker, r Quincy
Geardon John, shoemaker, r Bigelow
Geary Thomas, shoemaker, r Salem
Gifford Chas. T. shoemaker, bd. Cross
Gibbs Henry L. shoemaker, bds. Washington
Gibbs Leonard, engineer, r Washington
Gibbs Warren S. shoemaker, bds. Washington
Gilbert Judson, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Gilbert Julius C. shoemaker, r Washington
Gilbride Bernard, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Giles Jesse H. last manuf. r Centre Avenue
Giles J. H. machinist, r School
Giles John, tailor, r Bedford
Gilman Caleb, r Water
Gilman George H. eating and billiard saloon. Railroad St., r same
Gilson B. shoemaker, r Rockland
Gilson Jonas, carpenter, r Birch
Gilson Lorenzo C. painter, r Union
Gilson William R. mechanic, r Centre Avenue
Glover Cyrus J., shoemaker, bds Washington
Gloyd Daniel, shoemaker, r Plymouth
Glover Luther, shoemaker, r Washington
Gloyd Spencer, shoemaker, r Belmont
Gorman John, patent agent, r Brighton
Gorman Mon-is, shoemaker, bds Groveland
Gormley John, dresser, r Washington
Goss Henry, shoemaker, r Hingham
Goss Walter S. shoemaker, r Washington
Gould Henry, shoemaker, r Union
Gowell William, stone cutter, r Adams
Grace William, shoemaker, r Hingham
Graham Thomas, shoemaker, r Hancock
Gray John, shoemaker, r Webster
Gray Joshua S. shoemaker, r Union
Green James J. shoemaker, bds Liberty
Green .Jeremiah, laborer, r Centre Avenue
Green Michael, shoemaker, r Bigelow
Green Patrick, shoemaker, r Centre Avenue
Green Patrick, shoemaker, r Liberty
Groce Byron, student, r Liberty
Groce Dexter, shoe manuf. North Avenue
Groce Nath. shoemaker, r Liberty
Groce Wm. shoemaker, r Liberty
Grover Almon F. expressman, r Union
Grover Chas. H. grocer, r Union
Grover D. H. grocer, r Union
Grover J. O. express, r North Avenue
Gurney Albert, shoemaker, r Hancock
Gurney Andrew, shoemaker, r School
Gurney Chandler, farmer, r Washington
Gurney Cyrus, tack manuf. r South Avenue
Gurney Davis, shoe manuf. cor. South Avenue and Washington
Gurney D. B. tack manuf. Centre Avenue at South Abington
Gurney D. B. tack manuf. r Washington
Gurney Edmund, farmer, r Washington
Gurney Edwin, shoemaker, r South Avenue
Gurney E. L. music teacher, r South Avenue
Gurney Francis, shoemaker, r Hancock
Gurney Fredk. H. clerk, bds Washington
Gurney Henry, shoemaker, r Washington
Gurney James C. shoemaker, r Vernon
Gurney James S. shoemaker, r Webster
Gurney J. H. sole cutter, r Washington
Gurney John, shoemaker, r Washington
Gurney Jos. W. shoemaker, v cor. Webster and Hingham
Gurney Richd. shoemaker, r Washington
Gurney Samuel, shoemaker, r Washington
Gurney Thomas, cutter, r Liberty
Gurney Thos. W. r Webster
Gurney Wesley, stitcher, r Webster
Gurney Wm., shoemaker, r Hancock
Gurney Wm. H., clerk, r School

Hackett Edmond, laborer, r Liberty
Hackett Joseph H., mill hand, r Adams
Hackett Seth H., mill hand, r Adams
Hackey Daniel, shoemaker, r Cross
Hall Silas W., shoemaker, bds Washington
Hallett H., shoemaker, r Liberty
Hallett Amasa, cutter, r East Ward
Hammond Chas. F., shoemaker, r Liberty
Hammond David, shoemaker, bds Union
Hanlen Timothy A., shoemaker, bds Groveland
Hannan John, laborer, r Union
Harden James F., painter, r Washington
Harding Frank, shoemaker, r Harvard
Harding Morton E., painter, r Dunbar
Hardy J. W. grocer, (Noyes (§ Hardy) r Washington
Harlow A. H. clerk, r Washington
Harlow Frank B., shoemaker, r Washington
Harlow George, carpenter, r Washington
Harlow Geo., carpenter, bds Bedford
Harlow Zaccheus, carpenter, r Centre Avenue
Harper John, clerk, r Union
Harrington Dan’l, shoemaker, bd. Union
Harrigan James, shoemaker bd. Water
Harris Jacob B. lawyer, r Union
Harris James H. shoe manuf. r Central
Harris John H, farmer, r Centre Avenue
Harris Dr. John T. cor, Elm and Rockland
Hart Matthew, shoemaker, r Union
Hartleff John, laborer, r Linden Avenue
Harvell Elisha, cutter, at Lane’s
Hastings B. F. physician, r Union
Hatch Geo. shoemaker, r cor. Bigelow Avenue and Union
Hatch J. Warren, shoe manuf. r cor. Progress St. and Centre Avenue
Hatch Samuel G. shoemaker, r Webster
Hatch Thos. cooper, r Water
Hayes Dennis, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Hayes John, laborer, r near R. R.
Hayes John, shoemaker, r Bigelow Avenue
Hayes Michael, shoemaker, r Central
Healy Aaron, shoemaker, r Harvard
Healy Oliver G. carpenter, r Beulah
Hedge, J, shoemaker
Henderson M. H. shoemaker, r Plymouth
Herring John E. blacksmith, r Deering
Herron Patrick, shoemaker, r Union
Hern John, farmer, r Liberty
Hersey Avery, r Plymouth
Hersey George E. clerk, bd. Washington
Hersey I. trial justice, r Plymouth
Hersey Jason, livery stable, r Washington
Hersey Timothy, shoemaker, r Bedford
Hetherington Chas. carpenter, bds. Washington
Heywood William, shoemaker, bds. Centre Avenue
Hibbard Albert, shoemaker, r Union
Hibbard Chas. A. shoemaker or, r Union
Hibbard Harrison, shoemaker, r Union
Hibbard Wm. H. shoe manuf. r Webster
Hickey Cornelius, laborer, r North Avenue
Higgins Patrick, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Hiland Morgan, shoemaker, r Union
Hill Frank, shoemaker, r South Avenue
Hill Isaac, shoemaker, r Washington
Hill I. F. clerk, r South Avenue
Hill Roger, laborer, r near B. B.
Hobart Albert, shoemaker, r East Ward
Hobart Hon. Benj. r South Avenue
Hobart Caleb, r East Ward
Hobart Elbert F. shoemaker, r Brighton
Hobart John, shoemaker, r Hingham
Hobart Walter H. clerk, r at E. Bridgewater
Hobbs .John, fireman, r Deering sq.
Hobson Robert, barber. Union, r Plain cor. Water
Holbrook Amos L. shoemaker, bds. Union
Holbrook David, shoemaker, bds. Union
Holbrook Dexter, shoemaker, r Salem
Holbrook Enos, shoemaker, r Salem
Holbrook Franklin, shoemaker, bds. Salem
Holbrook .Jerome A. shoemaker, r Bedford
Holbrook Loring, furniture, r Washington
Holbrook O. M. undertaker, r Market
Holbrook Otis, shoemaker, r Walnut
Holbrook Quincy, shoemaker, r Salem
Holbrook Quincy 2d, shoemaker, r North Avenue
Holbrook Richard, shoemaker, r Union
Holbrook Soranus, shoemaker, bds. Union
Holbrook Turner, shoemaker, r Cross
Holbrook Turner R. shoemaker, r Union
Hollis Edwin, shoemaker, bds. Bedford
Hollis Edwin F. shoemaker, bds. Bedford
Hollis John, shoemaker, r Temple
Hollis Wm. F. shoemaker, r Randolph
Holmes Abraham, clerk, r Washington
Holmes Bradford R. shoemaker, r Randolph
Holmes Farrell, laborer, r Washington
Holmes Isaac K. shoemaker. Centre Avenue
Holt John F. supt. alms house. Central
Holt Meltiah E. shoemaker, bds Hancock
Hook Chas. O. shoemaker, r Union
Hooker Edwin B. shoemaker, bds. Plymouth, near N. A.
Hooker Joseph, shoemaker, bds. Central
Hopkins Isaac, shoemaker, r Market
Hough George, machinist, bds North Avenue
House James, grocer, r Liberty
House Julius jr., shoemaker, r North Avenue
Howard Elijah C, cutter, r Washington
Howe Charles, shoemaker, r School
Howe David, butcher, r School
Howe Rev. Sereno, r Linden Avenue
Howland Caleh, shoemaker, r Glen
Howland Chas. W., clerk, r Bedford
Howland Freeman P., insurance, r Bedford
Howley Patrick, shoemaker, r near R. R.
Howley Thomas, shoemaker, r near R. R.
Hughs R. J. shoemaker, r Hingham
Hunt Benj. N. r Washington
Hunt Chas. H. shoemaker, bds. Randolph
Hunt David, shoemaker, r Union
Hunt David F. shoemaker, r Union
Hunt Ebenezer, fanner, r Bedford
Hunt Ed. G. shoemaker, bds. Union
Hunt Emerson, laborer, bds. Plymouth
Hunt Fredk. W. shoemaker, r Union
Hunt Geo. H. shoemaker, r Union
Hunt Gilbert, farmer, r Union
Hunt Gridley, shoemaker, r Union
Hunt Henry, boot and shoe manuf. Washington
Hunt Horace M. shoemaker, bds. Union
Hunt John W. (Brown & Hunt), r Ashland
Hunt Jos. W. shoemaker, r Union
Hunt Kingman, shoemaker, r Hancock
Hunt Leander, shoemaker, r Union
Hunt Marcus shoemaker, r Hancock
Hunt N. T. town clerk, r Washington
Hunt Orlando, shoemaker, r Hancock
Hunt Reuben, drover, r Union
Hunt Seth, farmer, r High
Hunt Thomas, shoe manuf. r Washington
Hunt T. J. boot and shoe manuf, r Washington
Hunt Ward, stitcher, r Groveland
Hunt Washington, cutter, r Washington
Hunt Wm. shoemaker, v Union
Hunt Wm. E. farmer, bds. Bedford
Hunter William, shoemaker, Dover
Hunting Chas. farmer, r Washington
Hurd Wm. A. shoemaker, r Bedford
Hylan Thos. shoemaker, r Summer
Hylett Chas. shoemaker, r Union
Hyslop John, shoemaker, r Belmont
Hyslop jr. John, carpenter, bds. Belmont


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