Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Carter Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Last Updated on December 17, 2014 by Dennis

I find it disappointing in the wonderful manuscript of R.A. F. Candage that he failed to provide any substance on the progenitor of the Carter family in Blue Hill, James Carter, Sr. What we can gather, is James arrived in Blue Hill about 1770 from Edgecomb Maine with his young family and settled at the location known later as the Carter Places. He had at least the following children:

  1. James Carter, born at Damariscotta. Me., Oct. 31, 1764. See further.
  2. David Carter, born in Edgecomb, Me., July 24, 1768. See further.

James Carter, Jr. Family Genealogy

James Carter, Jr., was born at Damariscotta. Me., Oct. 31, 1764, came to Blue Hill with his father’s family in 1770 at the age of six years. He married, first, Hannah Bartlett, March 8, 1792. She died leaving one child, and he married, second, Mercy Cain, of Sedgwick, born Nov. 10, 1773, by whom there were twelve children. He died Nov. 4, 1834, aged seventy, and Mercy his widow, a number of years later.

The children of this family by first wife were:

  1. David Carter, born May 12, 1792; drowned Oct. 22. 1813.

By second wife:

  1. James Carter, born Dec. 7, 1794; drowned Oct. 22, 1813.
  2. John Carter, born Jan. 11, 1796; died Sept. 23, 1796.
  3. Charlotte Carter, born July 27, 1797; married William Roamer.
  4. John Pearce Carter, born April 26, 1799; married, first, Joanna Gott, 2nd. See further.
  5. Judith Carter, born March 16, 1801; married John Trundy.
  6. Charity Carter, born March 16, 1803; married Israel Conary.
  7. Amos Carter, born June 3, 1805; married Martha Choate. See further.
  8. Pamelia Carter, born March 13, 1808; married Joshua Conary.
  9. Mercy Carter, born March 1, 1810; married William Conary.
  10. Moses Carter, born April 25, 1812; married Mariam Parker. See further.
  11. Irene Carter, born April 11, 1816; died July 3, 1816.
  12. James Carter, born Oct. 24, 1817; married Isabella Smith.

In this family lived, and was brought up from childhood, Harriet Little, who married George E. Franks, April 8, 1841.

James Carter, Jr., lived upon his father’s place on the island. He married and moved to Sedgwick, where he died at a good old age.

David Carter Family Genealogy

David Carter, brother of James, Jr., who settled upon Long Island in 1796, was born in Edgecomb, Me., July 24, 1768, married Abigail Cain, of Sedgwick, Oct. 17, 1791. Mr. Carter died March 14, 18-14, aged seventy-five years and eight months. There is no record of the death of Abigail Cain, his wife, at hand. The children by their marriage were:

  1. Joanna or Jenny Carter, born Dec. 16, 1791; married David Gott, of Mt. Desert.
  2. Hannah Carter, born Sept. 26, 1794; married Joseph Gott; he was lost at sea.
  3. Mary Carter, born Nov. 22, 1796; married Ebenezer Day.
  4. Samuel Carter, born June 21, 1800; married Sally Curtis. See further.
  5. Robert Carter, born Jan. 9, 1803; married Melinda Candage. See further.
  6. Abigail Carter, born Jan. 1, 1805; married Merrill Dodge.
  7. David Carter, born August 25, 1810; died Sept. 22, 1810.

James and David Carter raised their own corn and grain, cattle, sheep and swine for use of their families, spun, wove and knit their clothing from the wool of their sheep, and lived within their own resources. They were industrious and worthy people and members of the Baptist church organized upon the Neck and taking in residents of Long Island.

The writer well remembers them as coming to the tide-mill, owned by his father, with grists of corn, barley, rye and wheat, to be ground. Their farms being on newly cultivated ground, yielded them good crops of hay, cereals and vegetables, and the neighboring waters of the bay furnished an abundant supply of edible fish for food.

John Pearce Carter Family Genealogy

John Pearce Carter, son of James, Jr., cleared a farm upon which he built his house, barn and out-building, a half or three-quarters of a mile north of his father’s house, where his children were born and where he resided until his removal to Sedgwick. He was an industrious and thrifty man, who at one time owned the greater part of Long Island. He, like others of the Carter family, was of robust frame and constitution and possessed a remarkable retentive memory for historical data. He was born upon Long Island, April 26, 1799, married, first, Joanna Gott, March 11, 1820. She died, and he married again. He died at Sedgwick, in 1889, aged ninety years. His children were:

  1. John Pearce Carter, Jr., changed to Byron Pearce, born March 11, 1821, married Hannah A. Carter, Feb. 1845; died Feb. 15, 1852.
  2. Isabel H. Carter, born March 19, 1823; married Henry Dunham.
  3. Serena G. Carter, born June 10, 1825.
  4. Julia Ann Carter, born July 7, 1827.
  5. Charity Carter, born June 3, 1829; married Capt. Sleeper, of Rockland, Me.
  6. David G. Carter, born July 31, 1832.
  7. Abram B. Carter, born March 7, 1835.

The house and buildings once situated upon the John Pearce Carter lot no longer are standing.

Samuel Carter Family Genealogy

Samuel Carter, son of David and Abigail, was born in 1800, married Sally Curtis, of Surry (Newbury Neck) by whom he had seven children.

  1. Abijah Sprague Carter, born Nov. 21, 1830.
  2. Sarah Carter, born Nov. 3, 1832.
  3. Deborah Carter, born July 4, 1836.
  4. Joanna Carter, born March 4, 1839.
  5. Susan Emeline Carter, born March 27, 1841,
  6. Abigail Carter, born Feb. 11, 1843.
  7. Mary Jane Carter, born June 2, 1845.

Samuel Carter was a farmer, a man of good reputation, and a deacon of the Neck and Long Island Baptist church. The writer knew him and his family well, at the time he taught a winter school upon the island, but of his and his wife’s later life and their deaths he knows nothing.

Robert Carter Family Genealogy

Returning from the upper end of Long Island to the earliest settlement made by James and David Carter, we find located between the houses erected by them, the house of Robert Carter, the son of David and Abigail, who was born Jan. 9, 1803, and married Melinda Candage, daughter of Joseph Candage, Jr., Sept. 1, 1837.

The house referred to in which he and his family resided was built shortly after his marriage, but has been gone from the spot many years. Robert Carter was blind, having been made so when a child by measles or some other disease incident to children. He was a kindly and well-informed man, possessing that remarkable memory so characteristic of his race, which enabled him to retain what was read or told to him. He died in 1867 at the age of sixty-four. His children were:

  1. Vienna, Carter born Dec. 14, 1839.
  2. Matilda Carter, born May 5, 1846.
  3. Rose Eleanor Carter, born Jan. 29, 1854.

In the David Carter house (father of Robert), long since demolished, lived, after the death of the builder, Samuel, brother of Robert, and his family.

Amos Carter Family Genealogy

Farther down toward the extreme lower end of the island resided Amos Carter, born upon the island June 3, 1805, son of James Carter, Jr.; married Martha Choate, by whom he had children, as follows:

  1. Joan Emeline Carter, born March 11, 1830.
  2. Hannah Angeline Carter, born March 11, 1830.
  3. Mary Augusta Carter, born May 13, 1832.
  4. Lavina H. Carter, born Dec. 20, 1833.
  5. Martha Edna Carter, born Feb. 13, 1837.
  6. Mercy Caroline Carter, born Dec. 20, 1840.
  7. Amos Pierce Carter, born Oct. 20, 1842.

Mr. Carter died about 1844, and his widow married Elder Samuel Macomber, a Baptist preacher, October 2, 1847.

Moses Carter Family Genealogy

Moses Carter, son of James, Jr., lived on the lower end of the island. He married Olive Dow Feb. 10, 1835, by whom he had children as follows:

  1. Rowland C. Carter, born Jan. 8, 1838.
  2. Nelson Carter, born Dec, 25, 1841.
  3. Sarah D. Carter, born Aug. 10, 1843.
  4. Mary L. Carter, bom Nov. 5, 1847.
  5. Byron P. Carter, born Feb. 18, 1854.

This family removed from the island many years ago and nothing further is recorded of it at Blue Hill.

Albina Hall Carter Family Genealogy

Albina Hall Carter was the son of Robert, 2d, and Abigail Carter, born Dec. 20, 1839; grandson of John, and great-grandson of Thomas, an early settler of the town who resided on Blue Hill Neck. He served in the war of the rebellion. He married Eunice M. Carter, by whom he had the following named children:

  1. Katie May Carter, born May 16, 1866.
  2. Mark Haskell Carter, born July 13, 1867.
  3. Wallace Hall Carter, born Oct. 18, 1870.
  4. Bert Leslie Carter, born May 28, 1872.
  5. Charles Sumner Carter, born Feb. 4, 1874.
  6. Son Carter, born Dec. 1880.
  7. Herman A. Carter, born Jan. 26, 1882.

Mr. Carter died on Jan. 4, 1887. His widow and family continued to occupy the Jonah Holt House for some years after his death, and then it was sold to its present occupant, Capt. William W. Peters.

Capt. Peters is a native of the town and son of Lemuel E. D. and Betsey (Wood) Peters, born Dec. 26, 1835. He was a sea captain, retired, and with his wife and daughter occupies the place. Capt. Peters is the grandson of John Peters, Esq., one of the early and influential settlers of the town and a nephew of Daniel Spofford, whose wife was Phebe Peters, the builder of the Jonah Holt House.

Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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