Biography of James Boyd Hitt

James Boyd Hitt, who had been actively identified with school work nearly twenty years, is now superintendent of the city schools of Everest, Brown County. Mr. Hitt did his first work as an educator in his native State of Ohio and had been connected with kansas schools for about ten years. His forefathers in the Hitt family were of Scotch-Irish ancestry and were early settlers in Virginia. His grandfather, Garrett T. Hitt, was born in Culpeper County, Virginia. He came North and located in Ohio, at first in Tuscarawas County and later in Williams County. He followed farming, and after a … Read more

Biography of Francis E. Ensign

Holding marked prestige among the prominent members of the Idaho bar is Francis Edward Ensign, who is now engaged in the practice of the legal profession in Hailey. There are few-men whose lives are crowned with the honor and respect which is uniformly accorded him; but through forty-five years” connection with the west his has been an unblemished career. With him success in life has been reached by sterling qualities of mind and a heart true to every manly principle. In his varied business interests his reputation has been unassailable and in offices of public trust he has displayed a … Read more

Biography of J. Newton Rogers, M. D.

J. Newton Rogers, M. D. While too much credit can never be given the pioneers as a class, the work of the physician in a new and frontier country is deserving of special consideration. Not even the minister of the Gospel did so much to relieve affliction and distress as the hard working, patient and skillful doctor who rode his rounds, often for many miles between calls, and disregarded weather and every hardship in order to be of service to those who needed him. Of pioneer, physicians there was perhaps no finer type than the late J. Newton Bogers, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Hertner

Hertner, John H.; mechanical engineer; born, Jan. 14, 1877, Williams county, O.; educated, M. E., Ohio State University, 1899; married, Nov. 20, 1908, Erma King, Cleveland; organized Hertner Electric Co., 1901; Hertner Electric & Mfg. Co.; organized 1906, absorbed by reorganized Rauch & Lang Co., 1907; director and mechanical engineer, Rauch & Lang Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Society of Automobile Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Biographical Sketch of C. G. Beckwith

Beckwith, C. G.; electrical engineer; born, Dowagiac, Mich., Apr. 19, 1870; son of Edwin Walter and Clara L. Sullivan Beckwith; educated, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; married, Cassapolis, Mich., Feb. 19, 1895, Belle M. Norton; adopted son, Raymon N. Ellis; operating and electrical foreman, 1888-1891; supt. of construction of lighting plants in various parts of Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, 1893-1895; supt. electrical engineering, Montpelier, O., Municipal Plant, 1895-1900; supt. and electrical engineer, Collinwood, O., Municipal Plant, 1900-1910; supt. and electrical engineer City of Cleveland Municipal Plant, 1910, to the present time; member American Institute Electrical Engineers, Cleveland Engineering Society, … Read more

Biography of Samuel C. Evans

Samuel C. Evans, one of the most prominent men of Riverside, and who has spent over fifteen years of an active business life in conducting some of the largest business enterprises in the colony, one of which is the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, came to Riverside in 1874 and purchased a half interest in nearly 10,000 acres of land, known as the Hartshorn tract; the land is now known as the Arlington part of Riverside and Arlington Heights. Captain W. T. Sayward, of San Francisco, was the owner of the other half. These gentlemen in the same year commenced … Read more