The Delaware in Kansas

Black Beaver, Delaware

In 1682, the seat of the Delaware government was at Shackamaxon, now Germantown, Pennsylvania. There Penn found them and made his famous treaty with them. Although extremely warlike, they had surrendered their sovereignty to the Iroquois about 1720. They were pledged to make no war, and they were forbidden to sell land. All the causes of this step were not known. Because of it the Iroquois claimed to have made women of the Delaware. They freed themselves of this opprobrium in the French and Indian War. The steady increase of the whites drove the Delaware from their ancient seat. They were crowded … Read more

Biography of H. B. Rodecker

H. B. Rodecker, an enterprising and successful druggist of Ramona, was born near Eureka, Illinois, on the 22d of August, 1874, and was taken by his parents, William B. and Leona (Hellen) Rodecker, to Newton, Harvey county, Kansas, in 1880. The mother is a niece of the late Cecil Rhodes, multi-millionaire and statesman of South Africa. The father was a tinner by trade and followed that pursuit until 1889, when the family removed to Oklahoma City and he entered the employ of W. J. Pettie, a hardware merchant, conducting a business that has since been developed into a large wholesale … Read more

Biography of A. T. Hill

Among those whose progressive methods and intelligently directed efforts have constituted factors in the agricultural development of Washington county is numbered A. T. Hill, a member of one of the pioneer families of the state and the owner of a desirable farm near Bartlesville which in all of its appointments reflects the progressive spirit and capable management of the owner. A native son of Oklahoma, he was born in Dewey, August 3, 1874. His father, who as known as Mr. Top-of-the-Hill, was a native of Kansas and a member of the Delaware tribe, with whom he came to Indian Territory, … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Jennie Stewart

Taking up her residence in Bartlesville eighteen years ago, Mrs. Jennie Stewart has thoroughly identified her interests with those of the town, in whose progress and development she is deeply and helpfully interested, her influence being at all times on the side of advancement and improvement. She was born in Osborn, Dekalb County, Missouri, her parents being Joseph and Nancy J. (Parrott) Truex, the former a native of Tennessee while the latter was born in Illinois. In Missouri her father engaged in merchandising and he also took a prominent part in public affairs serving as a member of the state … Read more

Biography of T. W. Truskett

T. W. Truskett. The real estate brokerage business established by Thomas W. Truskett, in 1908, had gone hand in hand with the development of Caney since its inception and undoubtedly had contributed largely toward the advantageous disposal of property and the honorable and satisfactory placing of loans, as any concern of the kind in Montgomery County. Mr. Truskett is one of Caney’s substantial citizens; his success is self-made and in its scope and usefulness directs attention to qualities of perseverance, business integrity and ability and high regard for the welfare of the community. Mr. Truskett was born in Monroe County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Reuben Harris

(See Foreman)-Andrew Taylor, a native of Orange County, Virginia married Jennie Bigby and they were the parents of Minerva Jane Taylor who married Robert Wesley Walker, a native of North Carolina. Their daughter Senora Adelaide Walker born December 23, 1859 in Tennessee married June 16 1878 Morgan Lemuel Pyeatt born in Washington County, Arkansas December 29, 1851. He died April 29, 1889. Their daughter, Bessie Lee Pyeatt was born at Tahlequah in 1883. Educated in the Female Seminary. Married at Collinsville in 1901 Reuben, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Harris. They are the parents of: George, born Dec. 1911; … Read more

Biography of R. L. Gordon

R. L. Gordon, the popular and efficient Mayor of Ochelata and a member of one of the prominent pioneer families of Oklahoma, was born just across the boundary line, in Kansas, April 4, 1891, his parents being W. H. and Sarah (Bolen) Gordon, the former a native of Kentucky, while the latter was born in Texas. The father journeyed, overland from Kentucky to Missouri and from that state made three round trips to Texas, also going by the over land route. He became a pioneer of Indian Territory and is now residing in Ochelata, where lie follows the carpenter’s trade, … Read more

Biography of L. E. Phillips

To the list of the many names that are synonymous with the commercial development of Bartlesville may be added L. E. Phillips, who is vice president of the First National Bank and of the Phillips Petroleum Company, and who since 1904 has been one of the substantial and influential citizens of Bartlesville. He was born in Taylor county, Iowa, August 18, 1876. He spent his childhood and early youth on a farm there, attending the common schools to the age of sixteen and also learning many valuable lessons in the school of experience. When seventeen years of age he took … Read more

Biography of Robert Drakely Rood, M. D., D. S.

Dr. Robert Drakeley Rood enjoys the distinction of bringing in the first large oil well in what was then Indian Territory and since the fall of 1903 has made his home in Bartlesville, while through the intervening period he has operated extensively in connection with the development of the oil industry in the south-west. His labors have constituted a most effective and important factor in the up-building and progress of this section of the country, nor has he ever been remiss in duties of citizenship or in recognition and utilization of the chances for contributing to the development and welfare … Read more

Biography of W. M. Tate

For twenty-one years W. M. Tate has been engaged in farming in Nowata county, residing all of this time on his present farm of one hundred and forty acres, four and one-half miles southeast of Nowata. He was born in western Kansas on the 4th of December, 1873, a son of P. A. and Margaret (Barnes) Tate, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Indiana. They moved from Iowa to Kansas one year before W. M. was born and located in Lincoln county, where they lived two years. At the termination of that time they went to … Read more

Biography of James Colyer Gordon

James Colyer Gordon, superintendent of the waterworks system of Independence, had, together with his father, who for thirty years was engineer of the waterworks, had more to do with making this public utility a splendid and effleient organ of public service than any other individual. Independence had had a system of waterworks for thirty years or more. For many years it had been a municipally owned plant and the city corporation had expended an immense amount of money in perfecting the plant and the source of supply. The new water plant is located a mile and a half northeast of … Read more

Biography of Fred Roscoe Sutton, M. D.

Dr. Fred Roscoe Sutton, physician and surgeon of Bartlesville, has been successfully engaged in the practice of medicine in Oklahoma since 1898. The passing years have chronicled the steady growth and progress of the state and in keeping with the trend of change and advancement is the record of Dr. Sutton, who at all times has kept abreast of the latest researches and discoveries relative to the laws of health. He was born in Emporia, Kansas, January 14, 1874, and is a son of Dr. George W. Sutton, a native of Kentucky, whose birth occurred just across the River from … Read more

Biography of Thomas Jefferson Ellis, Jr.

The Ellis family has figured conspicuously in connection with the pioneer development and later progress of Oklahoma, and Thomas Jefferson Ellis, Jr., is worthily sustaining the traditions of the name in this respect, being engaged in oil production work. He is also one of the leading agriculturists and stock raisers of northeastern Oklahoma and as President of the Ochelata State Bank is a dominant factor in financial circles here. He was born in Sedan, Kansas, December 16, 1881, and was but a year old when his parents, Thomas J. and Vera Allen (Smith) Ellis, came to Indian Territory. The father … Read more

Biography of Frank M. Johnson

Frank M. Johnson is one of the native sons of Washington County, where he still makes his home, being identified with farming and with oil interests. He resides a mile west of Dewey, on an excellent tract of land which he has brought under a state of cultivation. His birthplace was on Turkey creek, in the eastern part of Washington County, and the date of his birth was July 6, 1892. He is a son of John H. Johnson, who for many years was a progressive and enterprising farmer of Oklahoma. The father was born in Laurel County, Kentucky, December … Read more

Biography of J. H. Truskett

For forty-one years J. H. Truskett has devoted his attention to farming in Washington county and is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Oklahoma whose labors have been a potent factor in the development of the agricultural resources of the state, while he has also contributed in substantial measure to the promotion of educational interests in his section. A native of Ohio, he was born August 31, 1845, and in 1880, when thirty-five years of age, he settled at the forks of the Caney river, where he purchased a farm, upon which he engaged in raising grain and cattle, continuing … Read more

Biography of Joseph A. Bartles

Joseph A. Bartles, prominently identified with the development of the oil and gas industry in northern Oklahoma, makes his home in Dewey and has spent almost his entire life in Washington County. Actuated by a spirit of progress and enterprise at all times he has become a dynamic force in connection with the development of this section of the state. His judgment is sound, his enterprise unfaltering and the essential features of success he readily recognizes and utilizes. Joseph A. Bartles was born December 15, 1874, on Turkey creek, in the Cherokee Nation, his parents being Colonel J. H. and … Read more

Biography of S. B. Ward

S. B. Ward, a pioneer farmer and stock raiser of Oklahoma residing near Ramona, in Washington county, is conducting his operations on an extensive scale and in the management of his business interests he displays marked executive ability, firm determination and sound judgment. A native of West Virginia, he was born January 21, 1860, and his parents, Simon and Savannah (Hammer) Ward, were also born in that state. In 1881 they removed to Missouri, settling near Appleton City, where the father engaged in farming and in that year he planted five hundred acres to corn which averaged between sixty and … Read more

Biography of O. B. Toalson

Many lines of activity profit by the enterprising spirit and resourceful business ability of O. B. Toalson, agriculturist, dairyman and lumberman, whose marked executive ability and determination have enabled him to carry forward to a successful termination whatever he has undertaken. He was born in the western part of Missouri, January 10, 1869, and there acquired his education. In 1906, when thirty-seven years of age, he came to Bartlesville and embarked in the retail lumber business, in which he is still engaged. Broadening the scope of his activities, in 1911 he turned his attention to the dairy business, the family … Read more

Biography of J. H. McMorrow

Coming to Bartlesville in 1965, J. H. McMorrow has since been actively and prominently identified with the commercial development of the town and as secretary and treasurer of the Rood Oil Company he has contributed substantially to the attainment of the success which has attended the activities of that corporation. He was born in Cohoes, Albany county, New York, December 9, 1859, of the marriage of Francis and Mary (McCusker) McMorrow, both of whom were natives of Ireland, the latter being brought to this country in infancy. The father came to the United States in 1833, settling in Cohoes, Albany … Read more

Biography of John B. Fowler

Long connection with the oil industry has made John B. Fowler an expert in this branch of activity and through the capable management of his business affairs he has accumulated a substantial competence which now enables him to live retired in the enjoyment of a well earned rest, his home being in Bartlesville. He was born in Butler County, Pennsylvania, September 16, 1852, and his parents were John P. and Margaret (Keppler) Fowler, who were also natives of the Keystone state, the father’s birth occurring in the same County. John P. Fowler became a resident of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, in … Read more