Slave Narrative of James Lucas

Person Interviewed: James Lucas Location: Natchez Mississippi Place of Residence: Natchez, Adams County MS Date of Birth: October 11, 1833 James Lucas, ex-slave of Jefferson Davis, lives at Natchez, Adams County. Uncle Jim is small, wrinkled, and slightly stooped. His woolly hair is white, and his eyes very bright. He wears a small grizzled mustache. He is always clean and neatly dressed. “Miss, you can count up for yo’se’f. I was born on October 11, 1833. My young Marster give me my age when he heired de prope’ty of his uncle, Marse W.B. Withers. He was a-goin’ through de papers … Read more

Biography of Walter E. Pierce

Walter E. Pierce, ex-mayor of Boise, is an energetic, enterprising young businessman who for the past nine years has been closely associated with the commercial, political and social activities of the city. He is a notable example of the self-made man who rising above the difficulties and drawbacks of early environment, makes a place for himself in the world and justly claims the respect and esteem of all. A native of Bell County, Texas, born January 9, 1860, Mr. Pierce is a descendant of an old and prominent Rhode Island family, many of whose representatives resided in Providence, where they … Read more

Slave Narrative of Matilda Bass

Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Matilda Bass Location: 1100 Palm Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 80 Occupation: Farmed “Yes ma’am, I was eight years old when the Old War ceasted. “Honey, I’ve lived here twenty years and I don’t know what this street is. “I was born in Greenville, Mississippi. They took my parents and carried ’em to Texas to keep ’em from the Yankees. I think they stayed three years ’cause I didn’t know ’em when they come back. “I ‘member the Yankees come and took us chillun and the old folks to Vicksburg. I ‘member the old … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Hastings

It has been the discovery of the rich mineral deposits of the northwest that has led to the development of this section of the country, and among those who have been prominent in promoting the mining interests of Idaho is Benjamin F. Hastings, late mining inspector of the state. An excellent judge of the value of ore, and a man of unimpeachable integrity, he was well qualified for the position which he so acceptably filled, and all concerned commended him for the straightforward, prompt and reliable manner in which he discharged his duties. A native of Mississippi, Mr. Hastings was … Read more

Slave Narrative of Isaac Stier

Interviewer: Edith Wyatt Moore Person Interviewed: Isaac Stier Location: Natchez, Mississippi Date of Birth: Jefferson County MS “Miss, my name is Isaac Stier, but folks calls me ‘Ike.’ I was named by my pappy’s young Marster an’ I aint never tol’ nobody all o’ dat name. It’s got twenty-two letters in it. It’s wrote but in de fam’ly Bible. Dat’s how I knows I’ll be one hund’ed years old if I lives ’til de turn o’ de year. I was born in Jefferson County ‘tween Hamburg an’ Union Church. De plantation joined de Whitney place an’ de Montgomery place, too. … Read more

Biography of Col. Thomas A. Marshall

Col. Thomas A. Marshall, deceased, late of Charleston; was a son of Hon. Thos A. Marshall, a prominent lawyer, and for more than twenty years Judge of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky; he was born in Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 4, 1817; in early childhood, he removed with his parents to Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky.; his opportunities for obtaining an education were excellent and were appreciated and improved by him; he early became a student in Transylvania University, and, in about 1833, entered Kenyon College, but near the close of the Junior year, he left College, and was employed for … Read more