Biography of H. V. Lowe

H. V. Lowe, proprietor of the telephone exchange at Ramona and an alert and energetic business man, whose connection with various interests is at all times beneficial to the enterprises which he represents, was born in Sydney, Iowa, on the 18th of May, 1878. His father, James Lowe, was a native of Ohio and during the early boyhood of his son H. V. Lowe, he removed with his family to the old Indian reservation in what is now Gage County, Nebraska, settling at Beatrice. There he still resides at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. His wife, who bore the … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Bryan E. Sanders

(See Grant and Ward)-Adda LaDayle, daughter of John Lowrey and Laura Ann (Edmondson) Ward was born Wednesday August 8, 1895. Educated in the Cherokee public schools and Female Seminary. Married at Tulsa Nov, 29, 1917 Bryan Elton son of William Henry and Rose Mary Sanders, born July 25, 1895 in Benton County, Ark. They are the parents of Mariann Josephine Sanders, born July 6, 1921. Mrs. Sanders is a member of the Christian church. Mr. Sanders served six months in the World’s War as secretary to Captain Martin R. Rohn at Camp Pike. He is a member of the American … Read more

Biography of Thomas Lincoln Robinson

Miami owes much to the progressive spirit and business ability of Thomas Lincoln Robinson, who has been a most important factor in its up-building and development. He was formerly prominently identified with building operations in the city but is now at the head of the Independent Mining & Royalty Company and also has valuable real estate holdings here, being recognized as a very capable and enterprising business man whose efforts are resultant factors in whatever he undertakes. Mr. Robinson was born in Osage County, Missouri, August 3, 1860, his parents being John W. and Elizabeth (McLaughlin) Robinson, the former a … Read more

Biography of Leonard Elmore Henderson, M.D.

Leonard Elmore Henderson, M. D. The medical profession of Wilson County numbers among its skilled and careful practitioners Dr. Leonard Elmore Henderson, who since 1907 had been located at Coyville, an enterprising community in the northwest part of the county. Prior to locating at this place, Doctor Henderson had valuable and comprehensive experience both in Kansas and Indian Territory, and this, combined with a thorough training in his calling and a natural predilection therefor, gave promise for a successful career in his professional work. That this promise had been fulfilled is shown by his excellent standing in medical circles and … Read more

Slave Narrative of John White

Person Interviewed: John White Location: Sand Springs, Oklahoma Date of Birth: April 10, 1816 Age: 121 Occupation: Yard Worker Of all my Mammy’s children I am the first born and the longest living. The others all gone to join Mammy. She was named Mary White, the same name as her Mistress, the wife of my first master, James White. About my paopy. I never hear his name and I never see him, not even when I was the least child around the old Master’s place ‘way back there in Georgia more’n one-hundred twenty years ago! Mammy try to make it … Read more

Biography of L. W. Servey

The lumber industry of Washington County finds a prominent representative in L. W. Servey, who as President of the Ochelata Lumber Company is controlling a large and growing business, which he has developed through close application, capable management, energy and determination. He was born in Dempsey town, Venango County, Pennsylvania July 2, 1813, of the marriage of A. J. and Adeline (Weikal) Servey, both now deceased. The father, who was a building contractor, went to Kansas in 1868 and there took up a homestead, which he improved and developed. L. W. Servey completed a course in the high school at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Minerva Wormington

(See Ross)- Minerva, daughter of Isaac Alexander and Susannah Coody (Ross) Wilson was born at Tahlequah on Tuesday June 1, 1886. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Female Seminary. She married in 1914 at Tulsa, Frederick Wormington and they are the parents of Lorine Wormington, age six. Mrs. Wormington’s father was a gentleman of more than ordinary intelligence and her mother was a member of the distinguished Ross family.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Lee Jordan

(See Riley) Robert E. Lee, son of John W. and Sallie (Bean) Jordan, born in 1867 in Texas. Educated in the Male Seminary. Married in the Cherokee Outlet in 1890, Harriette A., daughter of Richard A. and Mary A. (Simkins) Riley. They are the parents of: Lee Owen, born February 8, 1891; William Penn Adair, born December 15, 1892, and Dennis Bushyhead Jordan, born November 24, 1894, who was in the Navy for two years during the war, during which time he crossed the ocean thirty-four times and was on watch twice when German submarines were sighted and sunk. Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Walter W. Shaw

Mary, daughter of John and Nellie (Conkle) Bullette, was born at Claremore October 24, 1886. She was educated in Lexington, Missouri Baptist Female College and Lindenwood Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, graduating from the latter institution. She married in 1906 at Claremore, Walter W., son of Charles and Ida (White) Shaw, born November 21, 1880 in Owego, New York. They are the parents of Walter W., Jr. born April 17, 1907, and Martha Helen Shaw, born August 7, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Mason. He was elected County Judge of Rogers County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles D. Roberts

(See Grant, Downing, Foreman and Sanders).—Essie Elizabeth Foreman, whose Cherokee name is Chiuka, was born at Chelsea, December 1, 1886. Graduated from Cottey College, Nevada, Missouri in 1908. Was Art teacher in Chelsea, Oklahoma. Married at Tulsa, July 29, 1916 Charles D. Roberts. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and entered the marine service in the World War on August 3, 1913 and was awarded a medal of honor. Mr. Roberts is an Episcopalian and Eastern Star. Nelson B., son of Ellis and Margaret (Richardson) Foreman was born in Going Snake District, November 20, 1860. Married November 8, 1882 Nannie … Read more