Biography of Charles S. Ferry

CHARLES S. FERRY – The firm of Charles S. Ferry & Son, lumber dealers of Pittsfield, which has been conducting one of the largest concerns of its kind in Western Massachusetts, was established by the late Charles S. Ferry, in 1886. In the rapid growth of Pittsfield during the past years this firm played a most important part, because it supplied the lumber and the builders’ materials for much of the construction work that has been done in Pittsfield and the surrounding country. It is over three and a half decades since Charles S. Ferry took over the business from … Read more

Biography of Carlton E. Nay

CARLTON E. NAY, treasurer, secretary and a director of the Monarch Accident Insurance Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, was born in Westford, Vermont, January 11, 1881. His father was Elisha A. Nay, a farmer; and his mother, Lucy (Maxfield) Nay. He attended the public and high schools of Milton, Vermont, and at an early age engaged in business with Swift & Company at Burlington as bookkeeper, where he continued for eight years. He followed this with a period in the mercantile business in Underhill, Vermont, where he was engaged for six years. Afterwards he came to Springfield in 1916, and was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James T. Brown

JAMES T. BROWN, manager of the Hotel Worthy, Springfield, Massachusetts, was born in Luzeme, New York, February 24, 1885. His father was William E. Brown, and his mother Jennie I. (Taylor) Brown. The father was engaged in the mill business at Norwich, and also conducted a tannery. The family removed from the New York village where the early years of Mr. Brown were passed, to Norwich, Connecticut, when he was twelve years old. There the boy attended the public schools. He completed his studies to become a hotel employe, and his chosen occupation he has followed steadily through life. After … Read more

Genealogy of the Hitchcock family

The genealogy of the Hitchcock family

The genealogy of the Hitchcock family who are descended from Matthias Hitchcock of East Haven, Conn. [1651], and Luke Hitchcock of Wethersfield, Conn., [1653]. Compiled and published by Mrs. Edward Hitchcock, Sr. Arranged for the press by Rev. Dwight W. Marsh, D. D. Amherst, Mass. : Press of Carpenter & morehouse, 1894. 8 vo, 555 pages, portraits, indexes.

Biography of Hugh Cardinal Crawford

President, secretary and manager of the Springfield Tool Company, was born in Stafford, Connecticut, in 1893, the son of Herbert Merrill and Jennie (Cardinal) Crawford. The name of Crawford, represented in the United States and Canada by many men who have been conspicuous in almost every field of human endeavor, is of Scotch origin. wherever found, and although some of the immigrant ancestors of the name came to this country from the North of Ireland, and were of Scotch-Irish descent, the name was derived directly from Scotland. (I) John Crawford was the immigrant ancestor of the branch of the family … Read more

Biography of David H. Lloyde

David H. Lloyde is one of Champaign’s oldest and most widely known business men. In fact, his business is practically as old as the University of Illinois, which, as is generally known, is one of the greatest educational institutions of its kind in the entire world. The Lloyde business was originally established for and has always been distinctively supported by the student body of the state university. Mr. Lloyde is also president of the recently organized First University Bank, located at 606 East Green Street, in the very heart of the student district. The chief business with which his many … Read more

Asa Emerson Todd of Springfield MA

Asa Emerson Todd7, (Asa6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Feb. 25, 1839, died Nov. 2, 1898, in Springfield, Mass., married, Dec. 31, 1868, Anna Elizabeth Eaton, of South Deerfield, Mass., who was born March 4, 1839. He lived in South Deerfield, Mass., prior to 1860, and enlisted from there in the 10th Massachusetts Infantry, serving through the last three and a half years of the civil war. From 1872, till his death he lived in Springfield, Mass., where., his widow still lived in 1920. Children: *1658. Robert Emerson, b. July 22, 1871. *1659. James Lewis, b. Aug. 18, 1873.

Biography of A. Olin Sinclair

A. OLIN SINCLAIR – A man of determined and ambitious character, A. Olin Sinclair early planned the details of his career, and is now executing them with vigor and success. He wanted to be a lawyer. This, he felt, would give scope to his desire to deal with facts and with men, would use all his powers in the solution of human problems, and in the initiation of desirable measures for human betterment. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, June 10, 1894, A. Olin Sinclair is the son of Frederick O. Sinclair, born in Canton, Massachusetts, June 18, 1856, and his wife, … Read more

Biography of Maurice Sinclair Sherman

In the present-day development of the publicational plans of the Springfield “Union,” one of the foremost of the long established newspapers of Massachusetts and of New England, Maurice Sinclair Sherman, editor-in-chief of that journal, himself a successor to many editors who had already borne a notable share in the history of publicity in the Bay State, is a thoroughgoing interpreter of the value of the news and of the newspaper of to-day. That the “Union” continues in its robust and progressive pace with the demands of these times, as it ever has in other eras of its career, is due … Read more

Biography of Henry Hill Couillard

HENRY HILL COUILLARD – A life of most stirring adventure was that of Mr. Couillard, remarkable, too, in that his experiences shared in succession with events of the Mexican War, the African slave trade, and with gold mining in California, eventually led to his later activities in the ownership of many hotels, and to his cattle raising and general farming business. In wanderings that were almost limitless at a time when sea rovers went upon desperate voyages, and when impressment in sordid and piratical servitude were not uncommon, Mr. Couillard throughout the early part of his career participated in a … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Bump

President and secretary of W. J. Foss & Company of Springfield; treasurer of Foss & Bump, Incorporated; and president of the Mortgage and Investment Company, was born in Hudson, Columbia County, New York, June 11, 1881. His father was Charles Henry Bump, Sr., his mother Mary Augusta (Shattuck) Bump. The name is derived from Boneloz of Normandy, a fief held from the Earl of Melleut, and the family Bompas, as the name came to be known in England. It has for centuries been conspicuously and widely in the legal annals of the country, and honorably mentioned in public affairs. It … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Silvio Martinelli

SILVIO MARTINELLI – As a pleader before the courts at Springfield, Mr. Martinelli represents the highest interests of his profession, and in civic matters he has proven a capable and popular official. He is the son of Clayton Martinelli, a lumber dealer, who was born in Italy, and Rosa (Nicoli) Martenelli, a native of Italy. Silvio Martinelli was born August 3, 1883, in Italy, where he attended the high school, afterwards graduating at the American International College, with the class of 1907, and he received his degree of Bachelor of Laws at the Valparaiso, Indiana, Law School in the class … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Potter

CHARLES S. POTTER, treasurer and manager of the Hampden Lumber Company of Springfield, and prominent in the civic life of Springfield and vicinity, is a man who holds a high place in the regard of his fellow citizens. Influential in business and social spheres he has been called also to accept the responsibilities of public office, and as president of the City Council of Springfield won general recognition for his efficient and public-spirited administration. He can be counted upon to search out and consistently follow a businesslike, constructive policy in any matter of public welfare to which he gives his … Read more

Descendants of Charles Howard, North Bridgewater, MA

Charles Howard

CHARLES HOWARD, founder and president of the Howard & Poster Company, one of the largest and best known shoe manufacturing concerns in this Commonwealth, and an original promoter of the Brockton Agricultural Society, of which he is also president, is one of the foremost business men and citizens of Brockton, Plymouth Co., Mass., for over forty years continuously and prominently identified with the industrial and financial growth of that city. Mr. Howard was born Jan. 9, 1837, in North Bridgewater, now Brockton, eldest son of the late Charles and Lavina (Rounds) Howard, and a descendant of several of New England’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Hamlin

(IV) Isaac, sixth child and fourth son of Deacon Ebenezer and Sarah dewis) Hamlin, was born July 1, 1714, died at Springfield, Massachusetts, 1805. He removed to Wareham where he and his wife were original members of the church in 1739 and where their eldest son Seth was baptized, March 14, 1742. He was dismissed to the Sharon church May 30, 1742. He owned a share in the Sharon Iron Works which he sold in 1749. He removed from Sharon, Connecticut, and his name appears on the records of Lenox, Massachusetts, June 11, 1777, where he bought land and erected … Read more

Biography of Michael J. Griffin

MICHAEL J. GRIFFIN – Through his training and gifts as an attorney, Mr. Griffin has established a place for himself in general practice at Springfield, where he is held in esteem for his thoroughgoing qualities as a counsellor, and in the courts. He is the son of James J. Griffin, a steam fitter, who was born in Ireland in 1848, and died March 25, 1924, and Catherine T (Osborne) Griffin, who was born in Ireland in 1853. Michael J. Griffin was born August 14, 1888, in Springfield, where he attended the public and high schools. He studied law at home, … Read more

Biography of Azel A. Packard

While it is unreservedly declared by his host of friends and acquaintances that Azel A. Packard’s life commanded a far-reaching business influence and respect because of the comprehensive knowledge that he possessed concerning the lines of practical enterprise that he had mapped out for successful procedure, he also won and maintained an even greater degree of public good-will and esteem and the friendship of more intimate circles due entirely to his benign and kindly personality. His whole-hearted and well-poised system permeated all his dealings, and progressively regulated and directed his plans and work. A leader in the mercantile activities of … Read more

Darius Alanson Wood Genealogy

1. Darius Alanson2 Wood, son of Israel1 and Betsey (Pullen) Wood, b. Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 9, 1830; m. Sept. 13, 1854, Sarah Adeline Moody, b. Landaff, N. H., Oct. 9, 1835, dau. of Moses and Betsey W. (Howe) Moody. He was employed in the U. S. Arsenal at Springfield, Mass. Divorced. After her divorce, Mrs. Wood res. in Sullivan on the Dauphin Spaulding 2nd place. A dau.: Gertrude Lenora3, b. Springfield, Aug. 18, 1855, d. at East Sullivan, Oct. 10, 1904; m. (1), June 27, 1876, Frank Myrick, b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 26, 1851, son of Oren Darius and Mary … Read more

Biography of James P. Moriarty

JAMES P. MORIARTY – To succeed in the legal profession a man must have broad general knowledge, highly specialized training, an acute mind, and ability to study hard. To begin on co-exigent a career presupposes ambition and energy, qualities that James P. Moriarty showed early in his career. He determined to educate himself thoroughly for the profession which above all others he chose to pursue, and he wisely specialized on one branch, counseling credit firms. James P. Moriarty was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, December 27, 1899, con of Thomas J. and Catherine (Griffin) Moriarty. His father was foreman in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Hayes

WILLIAM P. HAYES, practicing lawyer in Springfield, Massachusetts, was born in Springfield March 27, 1866, the son of John and Margaret A. (Hayes) Hayes. He was educated in Springfield, attending the primary, grammar and high schools. He was graduated from Boston University Law School in 1889 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, magna cum laude. In 1890 he engaged in the practice of law for himself, and never has had a partner in business in the thirty-five years which have followed, since he opened an office in Springfield in July of that year. His recognition was immediate, and success … Read more