Biographical Sketch of John Rowlee Fausey

JOHN ROWLEE FAUSEY – To the general advancement of the interests of the public schools of Massachusetts, and particularly of Springfield and West Springfield, Mr. Fausey has devoted the larger part of his career as a teacher and superintendent, and with results that are recorded as having enlarged the bounds and increased the value of the educational institutions in those communities where he has taught and held official position. John Rowlee Fausey, son of James Seldon and Caroline Helen (Blauvelt) Fausey, was born March 19, 1870, in Elmira, New York, where he attended the public school, and he afterwards graduated … Read more

Ashley Family of New Bedford, MA

ASHLEY (New Bedford family). Among the first settlers of Rochester, Mass., and their families appear the names of Joseph Ashley and his wife Elizabeth and their children. There had settled at Springfield as early as 1639 Robert Ashley; and from the fact that many of the early settlers of Springfield were drawn from Roxbury by Pynchon, perhaps Mr. Ashley had been there previously a short time. One Thomas Ashley resided at Cape Ann (Gloucester) in 1639; he was admitted an inhabitant of Boston in 1658, and was probably the Thomas Ashley of Maine, 1654, who, says Savage, may have removed … Read more

Biography of Homans Robinson

HOMANS ROBINSON – Fully equipped by temperament, natural endowments, and training for the great work of the law, Homans Robinson is already well launched on an honorable and useful career. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, October 31, 1884, he is the son of Walter L. and Sarah (Homans) Robinson. His father, also a lawyer, was born in Chicopee, Massachusetts, his mother in Englewood, New Jersey. Mr. Robinson has long been an active and enthusiastic Republican, and his son has followed in his footsteps in this choice of political party. Homans Robinson completed the course in the grammar schools of Springfield, and … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Bump

President and secretary of W. J. Foss & Company of Springfield; treasurer of Foss & Bump, Incorporated; and president of the Mortgage and Investment Company, was born in Hudson, Columbia County, New York, June 11, 1881. His father was Charles Henry Bump, Sr., his mother Mary Augusta (Shattuck) Bump. The name is derived from Boneloz of Normandy, a fief held from the Earl of Melleut, and the family Bompas, as the name came to be known in England. It has for centuries been conspicuously and widely in the legal annals of the country, and honorably mentioned in public affairs. It … Read more

Biography of Alfred Chester Dale

ALFRED CHESTER DALE – Having come from South Dakota to Massachusetts a little more than twenty-five years ago, when he was thirteen years of age, Alfred Chester Dale, of Pittsfield, is today secretary of the Dale Brothers’ Laundry, Inc., whose branch in that city is only one of five which the corporation operates in this State. The remarkable expansion of the Dale Brothers’ business covers a wide range of territory in two States and in four counties, not to mention the overlapping of much of the contiguous area. Mr. Dale was born in Wilmot, South Dakota, April 17, 1882, and … Read more

Biography of James Foster Wells

JAMES FOSTER WELLS – In the Vaux, or Bank, or Bayeux, or de Vallibus family of France originated the De Welles family of Lincolnshire, barons by summons to Parliament. It is one of the most illustrious families known to history. The derivation is traced to the year 794, from which period its members held the highest rank personally and by royal intermarriages. It was founded in England after the Conquest by Harold de Vaux (a near connection of William the Conqueror) and his three sacs, Barons Hubert, Ranulph and Robert, who were all surnamed de Vallibus. The descent is through … Read more

Jesse Todd of West Springfield MA

Jesse Todd4, (Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Jan. 1, 1735, probably in North Haven, Conn., died Oct. 27, 1819, in Agawam, Mass., married first Nov. 26, 1761, Lydia Cooper. He is mentioned in the Cooper Gen. He married second Feb. 24, 1790, Susannah, dau. of Isaac and Abigail (Hale) Chandler, of Enfield, Ct., born Feb. 3, 1754. He was mentioned in the “Century Sermon” by Rev. Benjamin Trumbull of North Haven, Conn., as having removed to “Springfield in Massachusetts.” He was buried in the cemetery at Agawam, which was originally a part of West Springfield, Mass., which was the town in … Read more

Biography of Azel A. Packard

While it is unreservedly declared by his host of friends and acquaintances that Azel A. Packard’s life commanded a far-reaching business influence and respect because of the comprehensive knowledge that he possessed concerning the lines of practical enterprise that he had mapped out for successful procedure, he also won and maintained an even greater degree of public good-will and esteem and the friendship of more intimate circles due entirely to his benign and kindly personality. His whole-hearted and well-poised system permeated all his dealings, and progressively regulated and directed his plans and work. A leader in the mercantile activities of … Read more

Biography of Charles Frederick Minott

CHARLES FREDERICK MINOTT – The Minotts are an old Massachusetts family who, however unlike most of the original New England settlers, are of predominating Dutch and French origin. To mention only the immediate ancestry we know that the grandfather of Mr. C. F. Minott, of Greenfield, was of French origin, while the grandmother was of Dutch descent. Their children were: 1. Henry. 2. Aaron. 3. Charles. 4. William H. 5. Frank. The grandfather was engaged in the time-honored and old-fashioned trade of welldigging. William Horatio Minott, father of Charles F. Minott, was a native of Jamestown, New York, born in … Read more

Biography of A. Olin Sinclair

A. OLIN SINCLAIR – A man of determined and ambitious character, A. Olin Sinclair early planned the details of his career, and is now executing them with vigor and success. He wanted to be a lawyer. This, he felt, would give scope to his desire to deal with facts and with men, would use all his powers in the solution of human problems, and in the initiation of desirable measures for human betterment. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, June 10, 1894, A. Olin Sinclair is the son of Frederick O. Sinclair, born in Canton, Massachusetts, June 18, 1856, and his wife, … Read more

Biography of Albert Perkins Langtry

For more than three decades, up to 1924, Albert Perkins Langtry, president of the Union Publishing Company, of Springfield, was the editor and publisher of the “Springfield Union” of that city. He made his paper one of the foremost of its kind in Central and Western Massachusetts, and has also rendered valuable service in public affairs, serving for ten years as secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and holding numerous other responsible official positions. He is also the author of the direct primary law in Massachusetts. (I) Richard Langtry, grandfather of Albert Perkins Langtry. was born in Belfast, Ireland, and … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Ferry

CHARLES S. FERRY – The firm of Charles S. Ferry & Son, lumber dealers of Pittsfield, which has been conducting one of the largest concerns of its kind in Western Massachusetts, was established by the late Charles S. Ferry, in 1886. In the rapid growth of Pittsfield during the past years this firm played a most important part, because it supplied the lumber and the builders’ materials for much of the construction work that has been done in Pittsfield and the surrounding country. It is over three and a half decades since Charles S. Ferry took over the business from … Read more

Biography of Charles Bishop Knox

Charles Bishop Knox, deceased, one of Rock Island’s pioneer citizens and a wide awake and conservative business man and politician in his days, was born at Blandford, Massachusetts, June 27, 1818, and died in Rock Island on May 28, 1890. Charles Bishop Knox was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Knox, who was one of the old respected families of Blandford. He acquired a common school education in the public schools of Blandford and Springfield, Massachusetts, and in 1841 came to the City of Rock Island direct from his native state. Having arrived here at this early day … Read more

Biography of Frank Whitman Roberts

FRANK WHITMAN ROBERTS – The surname Roberts is frequently encountered in the early records of New England. There were Revolutionary soldiers, farmers, business men, and seafaring men of that name, and their progeny is today scattered over the land, while many descendants of the older settlers of the name still adhere to the original soil. The seafaring men of generations past in New England were venturesome and enterprising persons, some of them whalers, others traders with the West Indies, whose islands then had even more glamorous and romantic atmospheres than they have today, although they are still glamorous and romantic. … Read more

Biography of James Andrew Mahoney

JAMES ANDREW MAHONEY, treasurer of the Eastern States Warehouse and Cold Storage Company of Springfield, is one of its well-known business men. He is the son of the late James Mahoney, who was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1840, was there reared and educated, and upon attaining his majority emigrated to the United States, locating in Loudville, town of Northampton, Massachusetts, where he secured employment in the lead mines. He also resided in Glendale, Easthampton, Massachusetts, for a number of years, and was honored and esteemed by his associates for his excellent characteristics. He was quiet and retiring in disposition, … Read more

Biography of David H. Lloyde

David H. Lloyde is one of Champaign’s oldest and most widely known business men. In fact, his business is practically as old as the University of Illinois, which, as is generally known, is one of the greatest educational institutions of its kind in the entire world. The Lloyde business was originally established for and has always been distinctively supported by the student body of the state university. Mr. Lloyde is also president of the recently organized First University Bank, located at 606 East Green Street, in the very heart of the student district. The chief business with which his many … Read more