Biography of Ed F. Rose

Ed F. Rose, as president of the Clarinda National Bank, needs no introduction to the readers of this volume. The institution bears the impress of his individuality in its progressive methods. His course at all times will bear the closest investigation and his name is synonymous for business probity, while his word is as good as any bond ever solemnized by signature or seal. He was born in McDonough county, Illinois, July 24, 1859, his parents being Charles 1\I. and Elsie H. (Buckner) Rose. The father was for some years engaged in various pursuits and following his removal to Page … Read more

Biography of W. P. Ferguson

It is not the distinctive and specific purpose of biography to give expression of a man’s modest estimate of himself and his accomplishments, but rather to leave the record establishing his position by the consensus of public opinion. Judged in this manner W. P. Ferguson is numbered among the eminent representatives of the Iowa bar and for many years has been termed “the first citizen of Shenandoah,” not only in the fact that he was the first to establish himself in business here, but also because he has ever stood as a leader in the work of public progress and … Read more

Biography of Earl R. Ferguson

Earl R. Ferguson, a man of purpose whose plans are well formulated and who accomplishes what lie plans, is a native son of Shenandoah, his birth having here occurred April 30, 1876. He is a son of judge W. P. Ferguson, mentioned elsewhere in this volume, and his work has been in accordance with the example set by his honored father, who from the earliest days of Shenandoah’s development has been a most important factor in its growth and upbuilding. At the usual age he was sent to the public schools and passing through the consecutive grades was graduated from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Henry Fiebach

Fiebach, Albert Henry; lawyer; born, Brownhelm, Lorain County, O., Aug. 28. 1876: son of Peter and Sarah Leuszler Fiebach; educated, district schools, Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College; studied two years in the University of Michigan; returned to Oberlin for senior year, graduating in 1899; received degree of A. B.; received LL. B. degree from Harvard in 1902; married, Shenandoah, Ia., Nov. 30, 1905, Miss Louise June Bogart; admitted to the bar in December of 1902; since that time engaged in general law practice in Cleveland; member Chamber of Commerce; member of the benevolence committee of the Chamber; member executive committee … Read more

Biography of Thomas Henderson Read

With no special training for the conduct of important financial interests Thomas Henderson Read is now acting as president of the First National Bank of Shenandoah and has been since its organization and in the control of its affairs he has given proof of his ability to solve the more difficult financial and economical problems. The subjective and objective forces of life are in him well balanced, making him cognizant of his own capabilities and powers, while at the same time he thoroughly understands his opportunities and his obligations. He was born in Huntsville, Schuyler county, Illinois, March 3, 1841, … Read more

Biography of Hon. O. H. Frink

Hon. O. H. Frink is one of Page county’s representative citizens who has never allowed personal interest or ambition to dwarf his public spirit. His feelings have ever found expression in prompt action rather than in theory and as mayor of Shenandoah lie is now doing effective work in promoting needed restrictive, regulative and constructive measures. He also stands as one who has been prominent in business circles, his previous activity and well directed energy bringing him the competence that makes possible his present retirement. A native of Indiana, Mr. Frink was born in the city of Elkhart, May 26, … Read more