Biography of Ed F. Rose

Last Updated on May 29, 2013 by Dennis

Ed F. Rose, as president of the Clarinda National Bank, needs no introduction to the readers of this volume. The institution bears the impress of his individuality in its progressive methods. His course at all times will bear the closest investigation and his name is synonymous for business probity, while his word is as good as any bond ever solemnized by signature or seal. He was born in McDonough county, Illinois, July 24, 1859, his parents being Charles 1\I. and Elsie H. (Buckner) Rose. The father was for some years engaged in various pursuits and following his removal to Page county, Iowa, made his home in Shenandoah, where lie was connected with the grain trade.

Ed F. Rose pursued his early education in the public schools of Prairie City, Illinois, and afterward benefited by the system of public instruction in Shenandoah, subsequent to the removal of the family to this state. When his school clays were over he entered a grocery store, where he was employed for a year, after which lie became connected with the grain business owned and carried on by his father. This association was maintained in Shenandoah until 1879, when they removed to Coin and continued in the grain trade. In 1887 they purchased a lumber business, which they carried on under the firm style of C. M. Rose & Son. In 1892 the father retired from active business life and two years later passed away. On his father’s retirement E. F. Rose took over the business, which he conducted and successfully managed in Coin until 1902, when he sold out. The succeeding three years were spent in Washington and Oregon, where he invested quite largely in timber land. In 19o5 he came to Clarinda and accepted the position of vice president of the Clarinda National Bank and on the 1st of January, 19o6, was elected to the presidency of this institution, which is regarded as one of the most substantial moneyed concerns of the county. It was founded on a safe, substantial basis and has been conducted along conservative lines, yet the spirit of modern progressiveness has not been lacking. Back of the bank are large securities and in control of the affairs of the institution are men of marked business capacity and power.

On the 12th of October 1886, Mr. Rose was united in marriage to Miss Clara Howell, of Lovington, Illinois, a daughter of Charles Howell, a farmer of that locality. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rose have a wide acquaintance in Clarinda and have won the warm friendship of many with whom they have been brought in contact. Mr. Rose is a well known Scottish Rite Mason, having attained the thirty-second degree, and he also belongs to the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He is never remiss in the duties of citizenship and in fact gives hearty cooperation to many progressive public movements, yet he regards his business affairs as the chief feature of his life, and year after year, whether in the grain trade or in banking, he has wrought along modern lines, never considering any points as too unessential to claim his time and attention if it promises to contribute to the substantial growth and upbuilding of the business. His interests have been advanced in accordance with the old and time-tried maxims-“there is no excellence without labor” and “honesty is the best policy.” As the years have passed he has enlarged the sphere of his activity, and his labors and influence have been potent elements in general progress as well as individual success.



Kershaw, W. L. History of Page County, Iowa: also biographical sketches of some prominent citizens of the county. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1909.

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