Biography of James Stevenson

James Stevenson. One of the substantial and influential men of Shawnee County, is James Stevenson, for the past eight years an esteemed resident of Highland Park but formerly, for many years, a successful farmer in Topeka Township. Unlike many who came to Kansas in the early part of 1882, Mr. Stevenson possessed capital, hardly-won capital that represented years of weary toil and constant self denial. James Stevenson was born in County Down, Ireland, June 9, 1846, and is a son of Isaac and Nancy (Bradford) Stevenson. His mother died when he was young and his father married again. The latter … Read more

Biography of Andrew Arnold

One of the old and substantial business houses of Topeka is that now conducted under the style of Arnold Drug Company, an establishment which had been operated by father and son. This business was founded nearly forty-seven years ago by the late Andrew Arnold, who same here as a poor young man and subsequently advanced to a substantial position in business circles and to a leading place in civic affairs. Andrew J. Arnold was born in 1845, at Columbus, the county seat of Bartholomew County, Indiana, a son of Ephraim Arnold, whe was a pioneer of Indiana and prominent in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph W. Squires

Ralph W. Squires, present register of deeds of Shawnee County, was born at Columbus, Ohio, April 29, 1870, and was nine years of age when brought to Kansas by his parents, Jeremiah and Virginia E. (Schimp) Squires, and for a few years the family lived on the farm in Pottawatomie County. The recollection of the booming of the prairie chickens in the spring when frost covered the earth in the morning, the cries of the plover, and other incidents of pioneer life, left an indelible impress on his youthful mind. He received his education in the public schools and later … Read more

Biography of Lewis T. Hussey

Within the limits of Kansas there is probably no better informed insurance man than Lewis T. Hussey, who is now filling the responsible position of state fire marshal at Topeka. Mr. Hussey is the only son of Jerry Hussey of Williamsburg, reference to whom is made on other pages. Born in Clermont County, Ohio, November 19, 1866, Lewis T. Hussey came with his parents to Kansas when two years old, and in his early life imbibed the spirit of Kansas prairie. His youth was spent on a farm, where he learned all the duties of a Kansas country place during … Read more

Biography of George Bell

George Bell and members of his family have been prominently identified with various localities in Kansas for thirty-five years or more. The family now reside in Topeka. The birthplace of George Bell was Darlington, Yorkshire, England, where he was born in 1845. He grew up at Darlington, and while there he lived on an estate where Queen Victoria’s three noted grandsons came to hunt. George Bell came to know these distinguished European characters very well. They are now the Czar Nicholas of Russia, Emperor William of Germany and King George of England. George Bell in 1877 came to America, was … Read more

Biography of Mahlon F. Stout

Mahlon F. Stout. Many of the finest citizens of Kansas were never heard of outside of their home state. Their names in fact have not been generally known outside of their home communities and counties. They led quiet, unostentatious lives. They did the duties which lay nearest them, they were honest, straightforward, beloved and idolized in their home, upheld all the moral virtues and practically everything which their lives touched was benefited thereby. Such a citizen was the late Mahlon F. Stout of Williamsport Township in Shawnee County. He did not live to a great age, but he filled his … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Elliott

Charles S. Elliott. Some of Topeka’s most valuable citizenship had been furnished by the Elliott family during the past forty years. One of them was the late George N. Elliott, who was prominent as a lawyer and at one time filled the office of probate judge in Shawnee County. Mr. Charles S. Elliott, son of Judge Elliott, was for some years connected with the work of the first State Railway Commission of Kansas as its secretary, had been active in business affairs at Topeka for many years, and only recently retired from the office of president of the Topeka Commercial … Read more

Biography of Enoch Chase

Enoch Chase was one of the founders of the City of Topeka. He was actively identified with the free state movement in territorial times, and for years was a man of prominence in the state capital. While these reasons make his career a part of Kansas history, it is also noteworthy that his daughter became the wife of the war governor of Kansas half a century ago, while his granddaughter is the wife of the present war governor of Kansas, Arthur Capper. Enoch Chase was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, August 29, 1824, a son of Nathaniel and Harriett Ann Chase. … Read more

Biography of Henry Bennett

Henry Bennett, of Topeka, has been a resident of Kansas over forty years. Before coming to Kansas he made an enviable record as a gallant soldier in the Union army, having served with the famous Chicago Board of Trade Battery. He has lived three-quarters of a century, but still retains his youth and the optimism of virile and aggressive manhood. No individual record could be more worthy of a place in Kansas history than that of Henry Bennett. He was one of the two sons of William and Rachel (Ludby) Bennett, and was born at Chicago, Illinois, June 15, 1841. … Read more

Biography of Julius T. Willard

Julius T. Willard was reared on the home farm and there, in his youth learned valuable lessons through toil and perseverance which have influenced his whole career, and been potent factors in the success which had crowned his life of earnest effort. He attended the best school in the county, was studious and ambitious, and very early developed an interest in sciences. At the time there were fewer opportunities for schooling than at present, but he took advantage of all within his reach, and, in 1879, entered the Kansas State Agricultural College from which he was graduated in 1883 with … Read more

Biography of Sargent, John Richard

John. Richard Sargent, who for five years before his father’s death was junior partner in the firm of the Sargent Cut Stane Company, was born April 17, 1871, attended both private and public schools, including the Marmaduke Military Academy at Sweet Springs, Missouri, and learned the cut stone trade from his father. He worked in the shops with his father for several years before he was taken into partnership. On May 8, 1894, he married Miss Grace Churchill, and their four children are Mary Eloise, John Churchill, William Carroll and Elizaboth Alice. He is one of the active young business men … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Baker

Robert M. Baker was a pioneer Kansan. Nearly fifty years ago he identified himself with the frontier in Phillips County and helped to develop that wild prairie section into one of the finest agricultural districts of the state. In the year 1900 he moved his home to Topeka, where he lived in retirement until his death. He was born at Mount Vernon, Ohio, in 1839. His father James Baker had a specially adventuresome and interesting career. James was born in the historic town of Battle, forty miles from London, England. As a young man a romantic experience caused him to … Read more

Biography of Paul J. McBride

Every one who had had any relations with the Department of Labor in the state government during the last year realizes that Governor Capper could not have made a better ehoice for the office of State Labor Commission than when he selected Paul J. McBride for these important responsibilities. To his official duties Mr. McBride brought a long and varied experience, most of it obtained in the ranks of organized labor. He is in close touch with the men who toil and he also had that breadth of mind and sympathies which are the fruit of association with people and … Read more

Biography of Albe B. Whiting

Albe B. Whiting, a resident of Topeka for the past forty years, is distinguished as being one of the few survivors of the great free-soil struggle in Kansas during the decade of the ’50m. His home had been in Kansas since 1856, and few men now living have more interesting-experiences to connect them with Kansas history. Of New England birth and ancestry, he was born in Lamoille County, Vermont, November 10, 1835, and had already Imssed the fourscoro milestone on life’s joursey. His parents were Harris and Mary (Dodge) Whiting. His father was of old English celonial ancestry, and died … Read more

Biography of Richard O. Preston, M. D.

Richard O. Preston, M. D. Since he completed his medical course Doctor Preston had been in active practice in Meriden in Jefferson County, and his reputation as a capable physician and surgeon is now widely extended. He is the son of a physician, and the name had been identified with medicine and surgery in this part of the state for over forty years. The Prestons are a family originally from England, and they were pioneers in the state of Missouri. Dr. Richard O. Preston was born at Arrington in Atchison County, Kansas, March 12, 1885. His father, Dr. J. F. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aaron Sage

Aaron Sage, one of the sons of Samuel and Elizabeth (Davis) Sage, had long been a well known resident of the Dover community. He was born in England March 18, 1841, and was eight years of age when brought to America by his parents. Reared on a farm, with meager educational opportunities, he had given the best years of his life to the agricultural industry. He is an honored veteran of the Civil war, having served his time before coming to Kansas. He enlisted and was mustered in December 13, 1861, in Battery F of the Third New York Light … Read more

Biography of Ward Burlingame

Ward Burlingame, during the twenty years of his activities in Kansas, a well known journalist of Leavenworth and a confidential secretary to several noted men of the commonwealth, while over a quarter of a century of his life was devoted to the national postal service, ten years as chief clerk of the dead letter division. He was born at Gloversville, New York, February 6, 1836, and received a public school and academic education prior to locating at Leavenworth in 1858. Mr. Burlingame’s first newspaper experience was on a daily paper called the Ledger, edited by George W. McLane. Later he … Read more

Biography of Francis A. Kiene

Francis A. Kiene, of Dover Township in Shawnee County, had lived more than three-quarters of a century. His had been a long life of wholesome industry, strict integrity and more than ordinary achievement and experience. The fruits of such a life are not to be measured in material prosperity alone. He had done his part as a patriot soldier, as a citizen, and as a father and husband. The declining years of himself and his noble wife are being spent in comfort and peace at their fine country home in Dover Township, and they are blessed not only with memories … Read more

Biography of Milton F. Ward

Milton F. Ward. Among the business men of Kansas, there are none more far-seeing and intelligent than those who make up the agricultural class. The career of a farmer is somewhat exacting, in that he may not choose his own times or seasons for labor, for Nature adjusts such matters; but it is not probable that any other vocation gives such large and certain returns for well-directed effort expended. When an agriculturist successfully produces large crops he may be called a capable husbandman, but when he is able also to profitably handle the yield of his fertile fields himself, he … Read more

Biography of Laroy Mcclellan Penwell

Laroy Mcclellan Penwell was born at Buchanan, Michigan, November 25, 1862. He was one of seven children of Eli W. and Mary L. (Rouse) Penwell. Eli Penwell was born at Elkhart, Indiana. He went with his parents to Michigan when a small boy, and spent most of his life in that state in the lumber business. He died in Kansas in 1886. His wife, Mary L., died in Kansas in 1889. The subject of this sketch, L. M. Penwell, as he is known, received his education in the rural schools in Michigan, and came to Kansas with his parents when … Read more