Roster of Pulaski County Georgia Volunteers

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis

Company G, Eighth Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, Infantry, C. S. A., First company to leave Pulaski County. Compiled by the late D. G. Fleming:

T. D. L. Ryan, captain. Enlisted May 23, 1861; resigned March 2, 1863.

Geo. W. Carruthers, first lieutenant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; resigned January 1862.

S. W. Taylor, Jr., second lieutenant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; resigned January 1863.

John A. Young, first sergeant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; transferred to Regimental Band of Musicians, June 25, 1861; elected first lieutenant, February, 1862; promoted to captain, March 5, 1863, killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.

Daniel H. Mason, second sergeant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; lost arm First Manassas, July 21, 1861; died of wound, October 1861.

John W. Laidler, third sergeant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in camp near Manassas, September 1861.

Moses Daniel, fourth sergeant. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in hospital at Richmond of disease, September 1861.

Daniel M. Blue, fifth sergeant. Enlisted May 23. 1861; promoted to first sergeant September 15, 1861; killed at Spotsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864.

Alexander Pipkin, first corporal. Enlisted May 23, 1861; elected second lieutenant jr., December 1861; died May 10. 1862, at Richmond.

T. J. Spivey, second corporal. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in same hospital near Manassas, September 1861.

Geo. W. Folds, third corporal. Enlisted May 23, 1861; mortally wounded at Fort London. Knoxville. Tenn., November 19, 1863; died January 1, 1864, at Knoxville. Tenn.

C. C. Benton, fourth corporal. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged on account of rheumatism contracted in 1861.

A. H. Affleck. Enlisted May 23, 1861; made leader Regimental Band; discharged 1862.

J. J. Armstrong. Enlisted May 23, 1861; mortally wounded at Price’s Farm, June 7, 1862; died June 8, 1862.

James Argo, Sr. Enlisted May 23, 1861, nearly 70 years of age; discharged on account of age.

James Argo, Jr. Enlisted May 23, 1861; served throughout the war and surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

S. D. Andrew. Enlisted May 23, 1861; elected second lieutenant May 25, 1863; lost arm at Wilderness, May 6, 1864.

A. Asbell. Enlisted June 20, 1861; died in Virginia, 1861.

Thomas Boatwright. Enlisted May 23, 1861; mortally wounded at First Manassas, July 21, 1861; died July 22, 1861.

J. L. Bryan. Enlisted June 20, 1861; appointed first sergeant June 25, 1861; discharged by substitute, September 1861.

A. W. Budd. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1861.

William Budd. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died at Winchester, Va., July 1861.

W. J. Budd. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Virginia, 1861.

G. W. Budd. Did not enlist regularly; served as a substitute for his brother, A. W. Budd, about nine months, beginning June 28, 1862, and made a good record; relieved on return of his brother; then served with Georgia State troops.

G. L. Bridges. Enlisted May 23, 1861; elected second lieutenant, January 31, 1863; promoted first lieutenant July 9, 1863; captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; in prison till surrender, April 9, 1865.

G. B. Bridger. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Virginia, 1861.

J. M. Bridger. Enlisted June 20, 1861; died in service, 1863.

J. H. Budd. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died of disease at Richmond, Va., August 22, 1864.

C. P. Brown. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged account of disability, 1864.

James Burrows. Enlisted May 23, 1861; captured at Deep Bottom, 1864; remained a prisoner till after surrender, April 9, 1865.

John Burrows. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

W. N. Bowen. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at First Manassas, July 21, 1861.

Samuel Buffington. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Virginia, 1862.

W. O. Bagby. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died at hospital in Richmond, Va., February 1862.

Jacob Blount. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Second Manassas, August 30, 1862.

H. D. Bohannon. Enlisted August 10, 1861; badly wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; discharged 1864.

J. D. Bohannon. Enlisted August 10, 1861; lost arm at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863; discharged 1863.

J. F. Bohannon. Enlisted August 10, 1861; captured at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; released and surrendered April 9, 1865.

J. W. Bohannon. Enlisted August 10, 1861; elected lieutenant 1863: lost leg and captured at Deep Bottom, August 16, 1864; released from prison at Elmira, N. Y., 1865.

Kenneth Bembry. Enlisted December 20, 1862; killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.

John Bembry. Enlisted December 20, 1862.

John W. Carruthers. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at First Manassas, July 21, 1861.

Jos. Carruthers. Enlisted May 23, 1861. Transferred to Regimental Band, June 1861.

T. E. Carruthers. Enlisted July 23, 1861; discharged account disability, 1861.

A. R. Coley. Enlisted May 23, 1861; badly wounded at First Manassas, July 21, 1861; disabled and discharged, 1861.

Alatia Coley. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged by substitute, August 27, 1862.

J. A. D. Coley. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged by substitute, August 27, 1862.

J. V. Cowan. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died of typhoid fever at Camp Bartow, near Manassas, August 1861.

Rufus Dykes. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died at hospital in Richmond, Va., December 1861.

Jon. J. Eubanks. Enlisted May 23, 1861; wounded at Wilderness, July 6, 1864; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

A. F. Fraser. Enlisted May 23, 1861; transferred to Company G, 10th Georgia, June 1861.

J. E. Floyd. Enlisted May 23, 1861; badly wounded at First Manassas, July 21, 1861, from which he did not recover until several years after the war, though he returned and did good service until the surrender on April 9, 1865.

James F. Fraser. Enlisted May 23, 1861; lost leg at Garnett’s Farm, Va., June 28, 1362; discharged.

James Farnell. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged account disabilities, 1863.

A. F. Fraser. Enlisted May 23, 1861; absent without leave, James Island, S. C., October, 1863; never heard from afterwards.

J. T. Fleming. Enlisted May 23, 1861; made member of the Regimental Band, June. 1861; died at Winchester, Va., July 19, 1861.

D. G. Fleming. Enlisted May 23, 1861; made third corporal October, 1861; promoted to third sergeant, June 16, 1862; badly wounded at Suffolk, Va., April 17, 1863; appointed to Regimental Staff as ordnance sergeant, August 20, 1863 (see Field and Staff).

A. W. Folds. Enlisted December 20, 1862; killed at Fort London, Knoxville, Tenn., November 1863.

Robert Grantham. Enlisted June 7, 1861; died in Virginia, 1864.

M.  D. Gainer. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Virginia, 1864.

Alvey Goodson. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at First Manassas, July 21, 1861.

A. H. Grace. Enlisted May 23, 1861; made corporal, 1861; promoted to second sergeant, 1863; captured at Wilderness on May 6, 1864; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

T. J. Garrett. Enlisted June 7, 1861; wounded at Price’s Farm, June 22, 1862; surrendered April 9, 1865.

Iverson Grimsley. Enlisted July 1, 1862; Surrendered April 1865.

Jas. D. Gordon. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.

John C. Howell. Enlisted May 23, 1861; severely wounded at First Manassas, July 21, 1861.

Josiah Hudnell. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered April 9, 1865.

John R. Harris. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Virginia, 1861.

T. J. Holder. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered, Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

T. D. Hudson. Enlisted December 16, 1862; severely wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.

G. Herrman, Enlisted December 16, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

J. L. Holland. Enlisted June 20, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

J. J. Holland. Enlisted June 20, 1861; died in Virginia hospital, 1862.

G. W. Hopson. Enlisted June 20, 1861; discharged, 1862; died, 1862.

Joe J. Jelks. Enlisted May 23, 1861; promoted to captain and assistant Commissary, 26th Georgia, October 1862.

Jas. 0. Jelks, Jr. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged June 1861, account infirmities.

L. C. P. Jones. Enlisted June 7, 1861; seriously wounded, losing an arm at Price’s Farm, June 22, 1862; discharged.

H. H. Lancaster. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Virginia hospital, 1861.

J. W. Lancaster. Enlisted May 23, 1861; lost arm at Thoroughfare Gap, Va., June 28, 1862.

John H. Lowry. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at First Manassas, July 21, 1861.

R. C. Lawson. Enlisted May 23, 1861; mortally wounded at Price’s Farm, June 22, 1862; died. June 23, 1862.

G. W. Love. Enlisted May 23, 1861; transferred to Company G, 10th Georgia, May 30. 1862.

Robert Lynch. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Gettysburg, 1863.

James Leonard. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged account of old age, December 21, 1861.

C. Leonard. Enlisted, Charles Mills. Enlisted May 23, 1861; captured at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863.

J. J. Morris. Enlisted June 20, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

Reubin Manning. Enlisted June 20, 1861; lost arm at Fort Harrison, Va., September 29, 1864.

Daniel Martin. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

J. M. Mitchell. Enlisted December 20, 1862; disappeared 1864; f ate unknown.

W. J. Mullis. Enlisted May 23, 1861; mortally wounded at Price’s Farm, June 22, 1862; died June 24, 1862.

A. McClelland. Enlisted May 23, 1861; lost arm at First Manassas, July 21, 1861; died of wound, September, 1861.

John McCullers. Enlisted May 23, 1861; sent to Orange C. H. Hospital, August 1861; fate unknown, and supposed to have died there.

J.  M.  McDowell. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Richmond hospital, 1861.

R. L. McCall. Enlisted May 23, 1861; captured at Gettysburg, Va., July 3, 1863; exchanged, 1864.

W. A. McNair. Enlisted May 23, 1861; elected second lieutenant August, 1863; lost arm at Darlytown Road, October 7, 1864; died of wound, November, 1864.

Jesse V. Nixon. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

James Nelms. Enlisted September, 1861; killed at Funktown, Md., July 1863.

Samuel Nobles. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

L. Ottenheimer. Enlisted May 23, 1861; deserted to enemy at Fredericksburg, Va., December 14, 1862.

John N. Pope. Enlisted May 23, 1861; captured at Wilderness, May 23, 1864; died in prison at Elmira, N. Y.; buried at Woodlawn National Cemetery, grave No. 2894.

A. P. Price. Enlisted June 7, 1861; detailed in Richmond, Va., hospital, 1865.

James Ragan. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Garnett’s Farm, June 23, 1862.

Isaac Raines. Enlisted May 23, 1861; mortally wounded at First Manassas, July 21, 1861; died July 28, 1861.

Z. J. Redd. Enlisted April 30, 1862; discharged, 1864, on account of old age.

H. G. Scott. Enlisted May 23, 1861; transferred to Co., 15th Georgia Regiment; killed at Chickamauga, 1863.

A. Starowski. Enlisted May 23, 1861; detailed as member of Regimental Band, June 1, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox.

S. B. Stephens. Enlisted May 23, 1861; lost a leg at Darlytown Road, October 7, 1864; discharged, 1864.

H. S. Sheppard. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1.865.

Wm. J. Sapp. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

Wm. J. Sapp. Enlisted May 23, 1861; elected second lieutenant, June, 1863; killed at Funktown, Md., July, 1863.

Mark Sapp. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died in Richmond, Va., hospital in June 1862.

John W. Sapp. Enlisted September 20, 1861; seriously wounded at Garnett’s Farm, June 28, 1862; discharged, 1862.

Luke Sapp, Jr. Enlisted September 20, 1861; discharged, 1862, on account of age and infirmities.

James Pate. Enlisted June 20, 1861; killed at Garnett’s Farm, June 28, 1862.

W. M. Snell. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged by substitute, 1861.

John W. Smith. Enlisted May 23, 1861; home on furlough, April 9, 1865.

Jesse Scarborough. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at First Manassas, July 21, 1861.

James Scarborough. Enlisted June 7, 1861; captured at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; died in Northern prison, 1864.

Marion Sanders. Enlisted May 23, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

William Sanders. Enlisted May 23. 1861; died of smallpox at quarantine camp near Winchester, Va., September 1862.

Jacob Stephens. Enlisted April 7, 1863; discharged on account of old age, 1863.

William Sanforn. Enlisted June 20, 1861. Missing in East Tennessee in 1.864; supposedly captured and killed by bushwhackers.

Curtis Turner. Enlisted December 20, 1862; killed on Darlytown Road. October 7, 1864.

Jas. M. Thomas. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged, 1862, on account of bad health.

Charles Vaughn. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Knoxville, Tenn., December 1863.

Geo. W. Wade. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Garnett’s Farm, June 28, 1862.

Jesse Wade. Enlisted June 20, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

Morris Ward. Enlisted May 23, 1.861; promoted to third sergeant, 1863; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

W. W. Williamson. Enlisted May 23, 1861; elected Captain, July 1863; surrendered at Appomattox, in command of company, April 9, 1865.

Williamson Wilson. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Garnett’s Farm, June 28, 1862.

J. Wilson. Enlisted June 20, 1861; died in Richmond, Va., hospital, 1862.

R. R. Walker. Enlisted May 23, 1861; killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.

W. A. Willcox. Enlisted May 23, 1861; promoted first sergeant, May, 1864; wounded severely at Second Manassas, August 29, 1862; elected second lieutenant, 1864; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9,1865.

J. Y. Willcox. Enlisted May 23, 1861; transferred to Georgia Regiment, 1861.

R. R. Wallace. Enlisted May 23, 1861; discharged by substitute, October 1861.

John R. Willis. Enlisted May 23, 1861; died at Winchester, Va., July 15, 1861.

J. T. Wheeler. Enlisted December 23, 1862; seriously wounded at Knoxville. Tenn. December 1863; discharged.

Council Williford. Enlisted June 20, 1861; died in Virginia hospital, 1861.

Meada Yearta. Enlisted June 20, 1861; died in Virginia hospital, 1861.

Commissaries-Major Chas. H. Smith “Bill Arp”, June 1, 1861; resigned July 1862.

Capt. Geo. C. Norton, July 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

Noncommissioned Staff Sergeant Majors-Henry A. Menard. June. 1, 1861; elected lieutenant, afterwards captain, Company C, January 15, 1862 (see roster Co. C).

Lewis H. Andrews. July 15. 1862.

Ouartermaster Sergeants-H. G. Wellborn, June 1. 1862.

S. H. M. Hall. surrendered at Appomattox, 1862.

Commissary Sergeants-W. J. Morrell. June l, 1861; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

Ordnance Sergeants Dadiel R. Towers. June 1. 1861: elected lieutenant, Company H. August 15. 1863 (see Co. H).

D. G. . Fleming, August 20, 1863; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865 (for complete record, see Co. G).

Pulaski County GA,

Baggott, Rev. J. L. History of Pulaski County Georgia. Daughters of American Revolution. 1935.

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