Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Alden

Alden, Charles E.; attorney-at-law; born, Middlefield, O., Dec. 18, 1875; son of Edward H. and Hercy Dunham Alden; educated, Hiram College; degree of A. B. 1901; legal education at the Cleveland Law School and W. R. U., finishing in 1905; admitted to the Bar that year; married, Brunswick, O., Dec. 25, 1902, Ina May Gibbs; issue, Marcella Eugenia Alden age 5, and John Butler Alden age 3 years and 9 months; in Jan. 1906, formed partnership with E. J. Hopple, firm of Alden & Hopple; in 1909 firm changed to J. M. Cullough, firm of Alden & Hopple; in 1909 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abner H. Bedell

Bedell, Abner H.; insurance; born, Shalersville, O., July 29, 1872; son of H. C. and Sarah L. (Horr) Bedell; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, March 29, 1913, Bertha R. Lewis; paymaster, Ohio Battalion Naval Reserves to 1896; quartermaster 10th 0. V. Inf. 1898; War with Spain; entered insurance business, 1890; treas. and director 0. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Co.; Coventry Road Land Co.; West Ninth Co.; Cleveland Athletic Club; director Guarantee Title and Trust Co.; member Military Order of Foreign Wars; member Union, Cleveland Athletic, Hermit, Euclid and Mayfield Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Warren Sherman Hayden

Hayden, Warren Sherman; investment banker; born, Danbury, Ct., Oct. 20, 1870; son of Warren L. and Anna Flower Sherman Hayden; his father was born in Ohio and mother in Vermont; educated, Hiram College, 1892, Ph. B.; married, Hiram; O., 1893, Blanche R. Squire : one daughter, Margaret Hayden; second marriage, Cleveland, 1906, Elizabeth Strong; one son, Sherman Strong Hayden, and one daughter, Eleanor Hayden; pres. Cleveland Council of Sociology, 1909-1910; vice pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1912; vice pres. Investment Bankers Ass’n of America, 1912; pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1913; representative Lamprecht Bros. & Co., 1892-1895; manager Bond Department … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Virgil P. Kline

Kline, Virgil P.; lawyer, born, Conneaut, Nov. 3, 1844; educated, Electric Institute, Hiram, O.; graduated from Williams College, 1886; studied law in Cleveland, and passed examinations in 1870, and was admitted to the bar; with Albert T. Slade, until his death in 1876; member of the firm of Henderson, Kline & Tolles; later Kline, Tolles & Goff; when Mr. Goff became pres. of the Cleveland Trust Co., firm was organized as Kline, Tolles & Morley; powerful orator; special student of financial and economic questions; Democrat; frequent nominee for office; ran ahead of party ticket, but majority of Republican party caused … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. Scott

John F. Scott, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Geauga Co., Ohio, A. D. 1844; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his experiences those common to a farmer’s soil; at the age of 16, he became a student in the Eclectic Institute (now Hiram College), at that time presided over by Gen. J. A. Garfield; here he remained one year; returning home, he engaged in farming one year, and subsequently engaged in teaching; in 1866, he entered the Commercial College in Poughkeepsie, N.. Y., remaining eight months; he next engaged in the sale of territory for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jay P. Dawley

Dawley, Jay P.; lawyer; born, Ravenna, O., March 7, 1847; son of Perry P. and Rebecca Clemens Dawley; educated, Ravenna High School, and Western Reserve College; married, Corry, Pa., Sept. 12, 1873, Iva G. Canfield; issue, Frances C., William J., Arthur A. and Ruby S.; member of Company C, 16th Ohio Batallion Infantry; member Cleveland Board of Education and Cleveland Library Board; practiced at Cleveland Bar for forty years; director Webb C. Ball & Co., and Baldwin Hotel Co.; member Delta Upsilon Fraternity.

Roll Of Capt. Hezekiah Nooney’s Company

(Probably from Portage County) Served from August 24, until September 4, 1812. Capt. Hezekiah Nooney Lieut. Oliver Snow Ensign Ella Wilmot Sergt. Seth Harmon Sergt. Gershom Judson Sergt. Horace Ladd Sergt. Ariel Walden Corp. Henry Blair Corp. Phinas Pond Corp. Moses McIntosh Corp. Basil Windsor Drummer Virgil Moore Fifer, Joseph Skinner Privates Atwater, Jonothan Bright, Thomas Carlton, Peter Gardner, John Judson, Samuel Ladd, Eleazar Ladd, Ezekial Leeland, Lyman Moore, Samuel, Jr. Pond, David Pond, Moses Ray, Patrick Russell, William Snow, Franklin Terris, Henry B.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Everett McMillin, Jr.

McMillin, Henry Everett, Jr.; musical instruments; born, Shelby, O., April 27, 1876; son of H. E. and Emma C. North McMillin, Sr.; educated, Hiram College, Hiram, O.; married, Cleveland, April 19, 1899, Minna A. Frisch, of Mansfield, O.; Q. M. Sergt., Co. K, 10th O. V. I., Spanish American War; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The H. E. McMillin Co.; member Cleveland Athletic Club. Fond of Tennis.

Roll Of Capt. Frederick Caris’ Company

(Probably from Portage County) Served from August 22, until September 4, 1812 Capt. Frederick Caris Sergt. David Collins Sergt. Titus Belding Sergt. Samuel Coe Sergt. Graham Norris Corp. Samuel B. Spellman Corp. Ariel Case Corp. Lemuel Chapman, Jr. Drummer, Alpheus Andrews Fifer, Ashur Guerley Privates Bostwick, Charles H Bostwick, Joseph R Chapman, Beman Chapman, Chester Chapman, Ephraim Collins, Daniel L Elsworth, Colvin Heroff, John McKnight, Robert Newberry, William Reed, Abraham Reed, Timothy Richardson, Mason Willyard, John

Biographical Sketch of Floyd D. Shook

Shook, Floyd D.; insurance; born, Randolph O., March 5, 1867; son of David and Linda A. Stambaugh Shook; educated, Hiram College, 1882-1883; finished at Ohio Normal University, Ada, O., 1887; married, Randolph, O., Nov. 20, 1889, Josephine E. Trescott; with The Adams Ford Co.; with firm twenty years, until August, 1913, when he became associated with The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, as associate general agent; director The Rotary Mnfg. Co.; director The Ohio Insurance Agency Co.; director The Knollwood Cemetery Co.; trustee Cleveland Christian Orphanage and Euclid Ave. Christian Church; member Masonic Order, McKinley Chapter, Royal League, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Augustus Henry

Henry, Frederick Augustus; lawyer; born at Bainbridge, Geauga county, O., June 16, 1867; son of Charles Eugene and Sophia Marcia Williams Henry; A. B., Hiram College, Ohio, 1888; A. M., LL. B., University of Michigan, 1891; married, Louise Adams, of E. Smithfield, Pa., Jan. 25, 1893; in law practice at Cleveland, 1891-1905; judge Circuit Court of Ohio, 1905; prof. law, Western Reserve University, 1894-1911; pres. trustees, Hiram College; trustee Cleveland Y. M. C. A.; pres. Ohio State Y. M. C. A.; Republican; member Disciples of Christ; prem. Cuyahoga County Sunday School Ass’n; chairman Cleveland. Committee Laymen’s Missionary Movement; member New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George N. Noah

George N. Noah was born in Portage County, Ohio, October 25, 1826. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother of New York. His parents came to Daviess County in 1836, and located on a farm in Sheridan Township, where George remained until he was twenty years of age. In 1861 he was enrolled in the home guards and served daring the war. Since that time he has been a resident of Daviess County. Mr. Noah was married, January 16, 1848, to Miss Marilla Bacon, a native of Portage County, Ohio, and daughter of Lawton Bacon, formerly of Connecticut. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Carr Goss

Goss, Thomas Carr; insurance; born, Edinburg, O., April 22, 1862; son of Alfred R. and Martha Carr Goss; educated in Edinburg public schools, and Mt. Union College; married, Cleveland, Oct. 8, 1889, Anna M. Knowles; issue, two sons, Leonard Knowles and Alfred Edward; after leaving school, spent one year in father’s country store; came to Cleveland, January, 1881, to attend business college; in May, that year, entered the service of Hull Vapor Stove Co.; August, 1881, entered insurance business with Thomas H. Geer; has remained in insurance since, except for few months; vice pres. The O. M. Stafford, Goss, Bedell … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Howard H. Knapp

Knapp, Howard H.; lawyer; born, Garrettsville, O., July 4, 1886; son of Edmund and Adelia Higby Knapp; educated, Garrettsville public schools and High School, Cleveland Law School, degree of LL. B., honor of “Cum Laude”; not married; after admission to the bar, he was associated with E. M. Fisher, in the Williamson Bldg., as Fisher & Knapp; in March, 1911, withdrew from that partnership to form the present firm of Alden, Knapp & Magee, in the B. of L. E. Bldg.; member Sigma Kappa Phi (Legal Fraternity), Garrettsville Lodge, F. & A. M., Silver Creek Chapter, R. A. M., of … Read more

Clarence Lewis Todd of Pittsburgh PA

Clarence Lewis Todd8, (Lewis C.7, Lewis C.6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Feb. 23, 1849, in Nelson, Portage County, Ohio, died May 5, 1905, in Pittsburg, Penn., and was buried in Ashtabula, O., married Emma Wiley. Children: *2401. James G., b. June 16, 1876. 2402. Lena, b. Feb. 28, 1878. 2403. Agnes. 2404. Sarah.

Biographical Sketch of David William Teachout

Teachout, David William; merchant; born, Cleveland, Sept. 20, 1886; son of Albert R. and Sarah Parmly Teachout; educated, Hiram College, 1908, degree of M. A.; Harvard, 1910; married, Hiram, O., June 20, 1911, Ruth Eugene Meigs, Nanking, China; one son, David William, Jr.; vice pres. and treas. The A. Teachout Co.; treas. and gen. mgr. The Edgewater Co.; sec’y The Broadway Co.; director The Coates Co.; The Big Four Milling Co., and the Teachout Sash, Door & Glass Co., Columbus; Fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon; member Lakewood Tennis Club, Chamber of Commerce, and University Club.

Biographical Sketch of William George Dietz

Dietz, William George; investment banker; born, Warren, O., April 7, 1857; son of August A. and Katherine Baehr Dietz; educated public school and in the private school of Miss Sackett, in Warren; graduated Hiram College, 1881, Ph. B.; married, Solon, O., Nov. 18, 1885, Jessie B. Pettibone; one daughter, Marian; deputy auditor Trumbull County, 1867-1877; sec’y to Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, supt. of the Cleveland public Schools, from September, 1882, to February, 1886; was one of the first two teachers in the night schools of Cleveland; taught news boys; with Lamprecht Bros. & Co., bankers, 1886-1893; organized the firm of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ulysses L. Marvin

Marvin, Ulysses L.; attorney; born, Stow, Summit County, O., March 14, 1839; son of Ulysses and Elizabeth Bradley Marvin; educated, public schools, Twinsburg Academy, Franklin Institute and private tutor; honorary degree, LL. D., Kenyon College; married, Kent, O., Nov. 21, 1861, Dorena Rockwell; died Nov. 1, 1898; married, second time, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1901, Carrie Ensign; two sons living, George U. and Francis R.; volunteered Aug. 9, 1862; served till Oct. 4, 1865, private, first lieut., capt. and Major by brevet; was wounded twice in battle; began to teach school at age of 16; principal Kent High School 1861-1862; Judge … Read more

Mary Ellen Todd Brown of Nelson OH

BROWN, Mary Ellen Todd8 , (Lewis C.7, Lewis C.6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Sept. 3, 1855, in Nelson, Portage County, Ohio, married E. W. Brown Children: I. Frank, b. March 24, 1874. II. Turca, b. Sept. 29, 1876. III. Todd Lewis, b. May 10, 1884. IV. John, b. Jan. 23, 1886.

Biographical Sketch of Irwin Bacon

Irwin Bacon is a native of Portage County, Ohio, and was born January 19, 1843. His father was a native of Connecticut, and his mother, of Ohio. His parents came to Daviess County in 1848, when he was five years of age, and settled on a farm, where he remained until 1861, when he enlisted in Company G, Thirty-third Regiment Enrolled Missouri State Militia, and was on duty at intervals during the war and participated in several noted engagements. At the close of the war he returned to his home and engaged in farming until 1870, and has been a … Read more