Biographical Sketch of Adelbert Clinton Merritt

(III) Adelbert Clinton, eldest child of William Harrison and Olive M. (Allyn) Merritt, was born at the family homestead in Penfield, April 8, 1847. He was educated in the public schools of his district and the Penfield Academy. For a period of fifteen years he worked with his father as a millwright, then, in 1870, went to Rochester, New York, where he was employed in the meat market business. adding groceries to his stock the following year, and at the expiration of two years sold out. returned to Penfield, where he took up his former occupation and also engaged in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stacey Merritt

Adelbert Clinton Merritt, who has been closely identified with a variety of business interests in the state of New York, is descended from a family which settled in this state a number of generations ago. (1) Stacy Merritt, grandfather of Adelbert C. Merritt, was a member of a large family, his brothers being: Isaac, Charles, David, William Henry Harrison, Hudson and Lester. He settled with his father on the farm in Penfield, was a pail and tub maker by trade and also a farmer. He married Elizabeth Cass, who died in 1863. Children: Electa, Oliver C., William H., see forward, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Harrison Merritt

(II) William Harrison, son of Stacy and Elizabeth (Cass) Merritt, was born on the farm at Penfield, 1820. He was occupied as a millwright and carpenter. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment, as corporal of his regiment, and was an active participant in the battle of Fredericksburg. The day following this engagement he was taken sick, and was honorably discharged in 1862. He married Olive M., who died September 3, 1909, daughter of David Allyn. Children: Adelbert Clinton, see forward; Rose V., who married Richard Johnson and had children: … Read more