Biographical Sketch of Isaac Richardson

(III) Margaret, daughter of Dr. William Plunkett, married Isaac Richardson, who removed from Sunbury, Pennsylvania, to Wayne county, New York, and became a very prominent citizen. Among their children was Isabella, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of William Gifford

William Gifford who. according to Huntington’s “History of Stamford, Connecticut,” was sentenced by the court of that settlement to be whipped and banished in 1647 or prior to that time. He is in all probability the same of the name living in Sandwich, Massachusetts, and a member of the grand inquest at Plymouth in 1650. He was one of the first proprietors and settlers of Monmouth, New Jersey, residing there from 1665 to 1670, but with the exception of these years lived in Sandwich until his death. As a firm adherent to the Society of Friends he suffered severely from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Squire

(III) Jesse (2), son of Adin Squire. was born on the homestead farm in 1803, and from his early youth was well trained in the proper management and cultivation of a farm, which later passed into his possession. He took an active interest in the public affairs of the community in which he lived, and was a devoted member of the Methodist church. His death occurred February 9, 1892. His children were: William A., J. Fletcher, Mary J., Milton M., Jesse C., Eugene A.

Biography of John W. Lauder

(III) John W., son of John A. Lauder, was born on the old homestead at Victor, November 24, 1858. He attended the public schools of his native town, and the Lima Seminary, in which he took a commercial course. Beginning life as a farmer he has followed it with uniform success to the present time, succeeding to the homestead, which comprises one hundred and fifty acres of land. The farm is valuable and is cherished by its owner, not only for its present value and productiveness, but for its associations. About twenty-five acres of his farm are devoted to raising … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Jamieson

(II) David (2), son of David (1) Jamieson, was born at Dumferline, Scotland, September 19, 1800; married at Collinton, Scotland, March 17, 1828, Margaret Muir (Parish Church records at High Edinburgh, Scotland, Rev. Lewis Balfour, minister). Margaret Muir was born in Edinburgh or Glasgow, 1809-n, and died in March, 1870. David died in 1886 in Canada. He came to America when a young man in 1834 and after living for a short time in New York City, removed to Toronto, and thence to Yorkville, Canada. Children: I. David, born in Scotland. 2. Jane, born in New York City, October 7, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luther Flood

Luther Flood was a farmer at Coldwater, Michigan. He married Ruth Caldwell, who married (second) Nathan Porter. Children of Luther and Ruth Flood: Ella, who died aged three years, and Herbert C., mentioned elsewhere. Children of Nathan and Ruth (Caldwell) (Flood) Porter: Ellsworth and Elmer (twins) ; Olive and Marguerite Porter.

Biographical Sketch of Louis D. Collins

(III) Louis D., son of Chauncey Brooks Collins, was born in Rose Valley, Wayne county, New York, 1852. His education was acquired at the high school. He established himself in the wholesale drug business in the city of New York, continuing this for seventeen years, and then removed to Ontario county, New York, and for a time lived retired from business responsibilities. In 1897 he took charge of the New York Central Iron Works in Geneva, and ten years later erected an entirely new plant for the manufacture of steam boilers and hot water tanks. This war, incorporated under the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson

(IV) Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson, son of Joshua Thompson, was born September 3, 1840, in Lima, New York. He married, and shortly after the birth of his son, Robert F., he removed to Phelps. New York, where he followed the occupation of a manufacturer of agricultural implements and resided there until shortly before his death, April 25, 1889. He rendered faithful service to his country during the rebellion, serving in the Fifth and Seventh United States Regular Infantry. He became prominent in Grand Army and political circles: a born leader of men, he wielded a powerful influence in that great … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Buell

John, son of Samuel and Deborah (Griswold) Buell, was born February 17, 1671, and appears on the records as deacon and captain. He was one of the petitioners in May, 1719, for the settlement of what is now (1910) Litchfield. After his marriage he removed to Lebanon, Connecticut, where he became a deacon of the church. He married Mary Loomis. His eldest daughter married Lieutenant John Marsh, of Hartford.

Biographical Sketch of Jared Boughton

Jared, son of Hezekiah and Abigail (Penoyer) Boughton, was born in Salem, New York, February 1q, 1766. He married Olive, daughter of Charles Stone. Children: Selleck, married Clarissa Brace; Melania, married Dr. Archelaus G. Smith; Frederick, married Elizabeth C., daughter of Rev. A. C. Collins; Lyman, married (first) Dinah Boughton, (second) Julianna Turrell; Olive, married James Williams; Minerva; Minerva Caroline, married Charles F. Dickinson; Charles Stone, married Caroline Lettice Markham; Eliza Collins, married Bennett Lewis; Jared Hezekiah, married Sarah Martin; Edna, see elsewhere ; Enos, married Hannah Stone.

Biographical Sketch of Edmund Smith

Edmund Smith, son of Asa and Hannah (Poor) Smith, was born in the town of Manchester, New York, December 12, 1825, and was educated there in the public schools. He went west when a voting man and was in Michigan three years. He left there in 1849 to cross the plains when gold was discovered in California, and was successful in gold mining. After two years in the gold fields, however, he returned to his native place and bought a large farm in partnership with his brother Franklin, whose interests he bought two years afterward. Here he has followed farming … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Rowley

Henry Rowley, immigrant ancestor, was born in England, and died in Barnstable or Falmouth, Massachusetts, in 1673. He was one of the early planters of Plymouth and was a taxpayer as early as 1630. He was admitted a freeman in 1634, after removing to Scituate, where he and his wife Anne joined the church, January 8, 1634. In 1638 he removed with Rev. John Lothrop to the new settlement at Barnstable on Cape Cod. He was a deputy to the general court at Plymouth. In 1650 he removed to West Barnstable, and later to Falmouth. He married (first) Sarah, daughter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Silas Bowerman

(V) Silas (2), son of Silas (1) Bowerman, was born at Falmouth or New Bedford, Massachusetts, and came with the family to Dutchess county, New York, settling at length at Duanesburg, near Albany, New York, where he had a farm and where he died.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cammett

Samuel, son of Johnson Cammett, was born in Canandaigua about the year 1826. When he was three years old his parents moved to Hopewell, and he grew to manhood in that town, taking kindly to the independent though strenuous life of a farmer, and deriving a comfortable living. He succeeded to the ownership of the homestead farm. and at the time of his death, which occurred September 6, 1906, he had resided there for a period of seventy-seven years. In politics he was a Democrat and served upon the board of supervisors for two terms. He married, July 2, 1867, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Warner

Andrew, son of John Warner, of Hatfield, England, was born there in 1595. e came to America in 1630 and in 1632 was a resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts. He removed to Hartford, Connecticut, with the party of original proprietors, and was chosen deacon of the First church there, October, 1633. He held this office continuously until 1660, when, owing to an unhappy and protracted quarrel in the church, he removed with others of the church to Hadley, Massachusetts. An agreement to go was signed “at Goodman Ward’s House in Hartford, April 18, 1659,” among them being Andrew Warner. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Bryon Hayes

(V) Joseph Byron, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Gilbert) Hayes, was born in Plattsburgh, June 8, 1809, and died in Canandaigua, New York, October 6, 1841. He was known by his second name. Byron. Succeeding his brother George Edward as a pupil of Dr. Pliny Hayes, he became an apothecary in Canandaigua. He was a man of lofty principle, excellent in every relation and duty of life, and his early death was sincerely mourned by the entire community. He married in Canandaigua, December 20, 1832, Sarah Antis, born in that town, February 21, 18, C, daughter of William and Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest S. Bowen

Ernest S. Bowen, a member of the firm of Fay & Bowen, belongs to that class of society, which has developed our great manufacturing industries, spread our commerce and built up our cities. He is the son of Wilford M. Bowen, who was a farmer, and died in 1893. Ernest S. Bowen was born in Levanna, Cayuga county, New York, May 8, 1858. He attended the public schools of Aurora, New York, then Hillsdale College, Michigan, and finally, Cornell University, from which he was graduated in 1890 from the mechanical engineering department, his name being one of the ten on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Whitney

Jonathan (2), son of Jonathan (1) Whitney, was born October 17, 1704, and married, January 26, 1727, Lydia Jones, born September 15. 1705, died March 4, 1783. He owned lands in Hopkinton, Holliston and Mendon. He was a prominent citizen and influential member of the church and assisted in establishing the town of Milford. He died intestate, in 1755. Children: Susanna, February 12, 1728; Jonathan, October 18, 1729, died October 19, 1729; Jesse, November 24, 1730; Lydia, November 18, 1732; Jonathan, July 26, 1737, mentioned elsewhere; Ruth, baptized April 11, 1742, died young; David, baptized September 21, 1746; Sarah.

Biographical Sketch of Ulysses Grant Burnette

Ulysses Grant, son of Hiram and Eliza Ann (Parsons) Burnette, was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York. October 1, 1865, and is now (1910) living there. He received his education in the Union school of Phelps, and then worked a farm for twenty years. In 1907 the came to the village of Phelps, where he engaged in the coal and produce business with Charles D. White, under the firm name of White & Burnette. He was road commissioner for three years. He is a member of Sincerity Lodge, No. 200, Free and Accepted Masons, and at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Tilden

(II) Stephen, son of Nathaniel Tilden, was born in England, about 1630-34; married in 1661, Hannah Little, daughter of Thomas Little, of Marshfield. He resided most of the time at Marshfield. Children: Hannah, 1662; Stephen, 1663; Abigail, 1666; Mary, 1668; Judith, 1670; Joseph, mentioned elsewhere; Mercy, 1674; Ruth, 1676; Isaac, 1678; Ephraim. 1680.