Biographical Sketch of Christopher Avery

Christopher Avery, the founder of this family, was born in England, about 1590, and died in New London, Connecticut, March 12, 1679. There are several traditions as to his place of origin, one that he came from an old Cornish family, another that he was a native of Salisbury, county Wilts. According to one statement, he accompanied Governor Winthrop to Boston, on the “Arbella” in 1630, and a second account says he emigrated with the younger Winthrop, in 1631 and on the voyage formed a close friendship with the latter, which eventually led to his settling in Connecticut. Whether, as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Cotton

Isaac, son or nephew of Nathan Cotton, was born in western Massachusetts, before 1790, died in 1869. He settled in Farmington, Ontario county, New York. and married Sarah Bennett. of Macedon, New York. Children: Nathaniel, Susan, Annie B., Isaac, Matilda, Leonard, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of James Cavanaugh

James Cavanaugh, the founder of the family at present under consideration, was born in Dublin, Ireland, and was killed in a railroad accident at Phelps Junction, Ontario county, New York, February 15, 1888. At first he was destined for the Roman Catholic priesthood and he began his studies with that end in view. Finding, however, that he had no vocation, he ceased his studies and took a position as bookkeeper and overseer to a large estate. Later, he emigrated to America and settled in Auburn, Cayuga county, New York, where he worked for forty-three years for the New York Central … Read more

Biography of Martin Rigney

Martin Rigney was born in county Kings, Ireland, and came in 1851, when a young man, to this country, landing at New York City. He followed his trade as a baker in that city for three years and in 1855 came to Bloomfield, New York, where he was employed at first as a farm laborer. He bought a farm there in 1870 and conducted it the remainder of his life. He died there in 1880. His widow continued on the homestead and carried it on until her death in 1887. He married Mary McGory, also a native of county Kings, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas W. Hall

(II) Thomas W., son of Edward Hall, was born at Halls Corners. Ontario county, New York, January 31, 1812. and died September 7. 1901. He married Mary Ann Sibs, who was born in England and came to this country at the age of four years.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Throop

Benjamin Throop, son of Daniel (2) and Susanna (Cary) Throope. was born in Lebanon. Connecticut, October 8. 1754, died at Palmyra (Port Gibson), Wayne county, New York. January 17. 1842. He was named after his maternal grandfather, Deacon Benjamin Cary. He was one of the first settlers of Palmyra, and an account of his life was published in the Shortsville Enterprise in 1903. In 1801, he purchased, for four dollars an acre. five hundred and twelve acres of land from Ichabod Ward and Samuel Dorrance, mortgagees of Phelps and Gorham to whom large tracts of land were deeded in settlement … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Sweeney

Charles Henry, son of Thomas Henry and Honora Frances (Donnelly) Sweeney, attended the St. Francis de Sales School at Geneva, New York. At the age of fourteen he began his active career, entering his father’s office, engaged in real estate and general insurance. He is now (1910) the head of the firm of T. H. Sweeney & Sons, the other members being his brothers, William Edward and Stephen Joseph Sweeney, and in addition to a general insurance business, they handle all kinds of real estate and make extensive loans. It is the oldest established real estate agency in eastern Ontario … Read more

Biography of Fayette Taylor

Fayette Taylor, one of the younger members of the farming fraternity in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is not by any means the least of those to be considered when the value of practical and progressive methods is taken into consideration. Those farmers who are ready and willing to adopt the modern and scientific methods of cultivating the soil whenever these methods can be readily adopted are the ones whose farms produce the largest crops in proportion to the acreage tinder cultivation, and it is these farmers who raise the general prosperity of the country, which depends in a great … Read more

Biography of George Frederick Fordon

(IV) George Frederick Fordon, a member of the third generation of his family in this country, is a well known farmer and fruit grower in Geneva, Ontario county, New York. He is descended from a family engaged in agriculture in England for many generations. Continuing the excellent and proven methods in vogue in that country for many years, he has supplemented them by adopting the most modern ideas that have been evolved in the cultivation of the soil and bringing its products to the highest state of perfection. In this direction, Mr. Fordon has been especially progressive, and the excellence … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Seth Knowles

(V) Seth Knowles, it is known, was born in Massachusetts in 1789. He was probably son of Seth Knowles who was living, according to the first federal census, at Loudon, now (1910) Otis, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in 1790, and had in his family two sons tinder sixteen and two females. The father, Seth, doubtless came with other settlers from Cape Cod, and belonged to the family mentioned above. Seth, born 1789. moved to Orleans county, New York, with his parents, when a young lad, and settled in the town of Clarendon. He died in the year 1848 at Littleville, town … Read more

Biography of Nathaniel Oak

The founder of this family, Nathaniel Oak(e) must not be confounded with Thomas and Edward Oak(e)s, the founders of the Cambridge-Malden family, or with the Welsh William, who founded the Worcester county family. As Nathaniel wrote his name, it was originally Oak or Oake. His son Jonathan added a final “s” and descendants of the fourth and fifth generations are about equally divided between the spellings Oaks and Oakes. Nathaniel Oak(e) was born about 1645, and died at Westboro, February 17, 1721. The following account of his immigration is inscribed in the family Bible of one of his greatgrandchildren : … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Charles Andrew Rowley

Dr. Charles Andrew Rowley, son of Franklin Rowley, was born in Victor. January 13. 1863. He attended the public schools and the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, New York. He entered the Cleveland Medical College in Ohio, and was graduated in due course, March 10, 1888. Since then he has practiced at Victor and has been very successful, especially in the diseases of women and children, of which he has made a specialty, and in surgery. His practice is extensive a, d his calls are numerous at a distance from his home, as well as in Victor. His office practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benajah Andruss

(VI) Benajah, third son of Miles Andruss, was born at Newington, Connecticut, November 13, 1769; died at Bluff Point, New York, July 24, 1838. He married Abigail Nash, born February 20, 1776, and had a family of seven sons and four daughters.

Biograhical Sketch of Thaddeus Collins

(I) Thaddeus, grandfather of Louis D. Collins, served during the revolutionary war, entering the army at the age of sixteen years and enlisting a number of times. He also served during the war of 1812. He went to Ontario county, New York, in 1998, took tip a tract of land and engaged in farming.

Biographical Sketch of John Richmond

(I) John Richmond, the immigrant, said to have been bore in Wiltshire, at Ashton, Keynes, where the old Richmond manor house is still standing, was baptized there in 1597. He came to America about 1635, and was one of the purchasers of Taunton, Massachusetts, in 1637. George Richmond, possibly a cousin, was engaged in business in Saco, Maine, in 1635 and John may have been there also before coming to Taunton. John is mentioned in court records March 7, 1636, showing that at that time he was engaged in trade, and it is thought he may have returned to England. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Burrell

(II) Edward, son of Thomas Burrell, was born on the homestead in 1825, and after the land had passed into his possession made the improvements which the times and conditions warranted. He married Elizabeth Parker, who was also of English descent. He died in 1907, while his wife passed away in 1902. Children: T. William, see forward, and Edward P.

Biographical Sketch of William Young

William Young, the first of the family in this line of whom we have record, was of Providence, Rhode Island, and served in the continental army during the revolution. He had eleven sons.

Biographical Sketch of William Buell

William Buell, in Chesterton, Huntingdonshire, England, the ancestor of all of that name in America, who died at Windsor, November 23, 1681. He sailed from Plymouth, England, March 31, 1630, in the company conducted by Rev. John Wareham, on the ship “Mary and John,” and landed at Nantasket, Boston Bay, May 30. He settled at Dorchester, Massachusetts, and five years later became one of the proprietors of the new settlement at Windsor. After residing there five years he married Mary . Children : Samuel, see elsewhere ; Peter; and there may have been others.

Biographical Sketch of Solomon Avery

(V) Solomon, son of Humphrey and Jerusha (Morgan) Avery, was born in Groton, June 17, 1729, died there, December 23, 1798. He married there, February 18, 1751, Hannah, daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Punderson, who was born about 1783 and died February 5, 1775. Children: 1. Zipporah, born February 8, 1752. 2. Esther, born November 19, 1754. 3. Solomon, born August 13, 1757, died May 13, 1833; married Sarah Bugbee. 4. Miles, born September 5, 1760, died June 27, 1850, married in November, 1783, Malinda Pixley. 5. Stephen, born August 13, 1762, died in October, 1842; married (first) in 1780, … Read more

Biography of James R. Vance

James R. Vance, sole proprietor of the J. R. Vance Iron Works, of Geneva, and the inventor of a number of patented devices in the boiler making industry, is a fine example of what may be accomplished by unaided effort and a never-ceasing ambition. His grandfather, John Vance, was a Methodist minister in Scotland, and as his father died when he was a very young lad, he was thrown upon his own resources, which developed the sterling qualities with which he was liberally endowed. James R. Vance was born in Scotland, April 4, 1849. His school instruction was limited, as … Read more