Biographical Sketch of George Andruss

(VIII) George, third son of Zebina C. and Almira (Garlick) Andruss, was born at Bluff’ Point, Jerusalem, New York, January 4, 1824; died at Canadice, New York, April 2, 1870. He was a farmer. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. As a member of the Republican party, he served as justice of the peace for a period of sixteen years, and was supervisor of the town of Canadice for several years. He married, at Canadice, New York, July r1, 1844, Sarah, born in Barrington, New York, March 12, 1827, daughter of Cornelius and Esther (Angel) Ter Bush, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Whitney

Nathan, son of Captain Jonathan (3) Whitney, was born at Conway, October 18, 1761, and married there (first), November 1, 1780, Olive Whitney, daughter of Lieutenant Jesse, born February 19, 1758, died November 17, 1828. He married (second) Thankful Caldwell. He lived in Conway until 1792, when he emigrated to Seneca Castle, New York. one of the first pioneers. He was a farmer by occupation. Nearly all his children were remarkable for their longevity. He died April 19, 1838. Children: 1. Luther, August 20. 1782, married Hannah Witter and Hannah L. Smalley. 2. Theodore, March 4, 1785, died June 29, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Child

(II) Richard (2), a son of Richard and Mary dinnett) Child, was born in Barnstable, in March, 1653; died January 15, 1716. He is mentioned in the records as an honored deacon of the Congregational church, About the year 1678 he married Elizabeth Crocker, born October 7, 1660, daughter of John Crocker. Children: Samuel, mentioned elsewhere; Elizabeth (died young) ; Thomas; Hannah; Timothy; Ebenezer; Elizabeth; James; Mercy; Joseph, and Thankful.

Biography of John Arthur Spengler, M.D.

John Arthur Spengler, M. D., son of John and Elizabeth (Von Huben) Spengler, was born in Geneva, March 10, 1868. His preparatory studies were pursued at the Geneva high school, from which he entered Hobart College and was graduated in 1893. He subsequently studied at Cornell University, taking the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1895; he attended medical lectures at the University of Buffalo, graduating a Doctor of Medicine in 1899. He also received from Hobart College the degree of M. L. in 1897, and that of D. C. L. was conferred upon him by the University of Nashville … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi A. Page

Levi A., son of Nathaniel Page, was born in Seneca, October 6, 1816, died in 1865. He was educated in the public schools and in Cazenovia Seminary, and was a farmer. He married (first) Deborah, daughter of Thomas Ottley of Seneca, who died in August, 1850, and (second) Mary Winters, of Seneca. Children, all by first marriage: Levi A., referred to elsewhere; Joel; Harriet J.

Biography of Myron M. Buck

Myron M. Buck was born in Shortsville, Ontario county, New York, January 16, 1835. His ancestors settled in central New York, when the state was wild and uncultivated, his maternal grandfather, Theophilus Short, in whose honor Shortsville, New York, was named, having been a member of the “Old Holland Land Purchase Company,” and prominent in every way in the affairs of the community. Attracted by the fertility of the soil in this undeveloped district, the company purchased a large portion of central New York. They at once proceeded to establish homes for the pioneers who were the leading spirits. The … Read more

Biography of Grant Maitland Kennedy

(III) Grant Maitland, youngest child of Francis M. and Phoebe J. (Fisher) Kennedy, was born in Italy, Yates county, New York, January 3, 1866. His early education was received in the district school of Italy Hollow, New York, and at the age of sixteen years he entered the Naples Academy, at Naples, New York, spending three years in that institution, and finishing with one year at the State Normal School at Genesee, New York. His early years were spent upon the homestead farm, and in the fall of 1885, he made his first appearance as a teacher of district schools, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Pietro Caesar Alberto

Pietro Caesar Alberto, the pioneer ancestor of Arthur Benjamin Burtis, of Oaks Corners, New York, from Venice, Italy, records his arrival in Nieuw Amsterdam in the Council Minutes of the West India Company, December, 1638, by entering a complaint against the skipper of the ship “Love.” It is also recorded that in the year 1635 this same skipper (David Pieterson de Vries, of Hoorn) had threatened to leave Pietro C. Alberto at Cayenne and Virginia. The register of the provincial secretary records a contract between Pietro C. Alberto and Peter Monfoort to build a house and make a plantation, December … Read more

Biography of William Frederick Clark

William Frederick, son of Frederick P. A. and Eliza J. (King) Clark, was born in Glover, Orleans county, Vermont, January 7, 1849. His elementary and college preparatory education was received at the Montpelier Seminary and the Orleans Liberal Institute, in his native town, and this he supplemented later by taking up the study of law. His first actual business occupation was as a farmer, and he then entered into general business. It was at about this time that he engaged in his legal studies, which, however, he abandoned in favor of the real estate and insurance business, with which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred W. Hollis

(III) Fred W., son of Alfred M. and Louisa (Smith) Hollis, was born in Canandaigua. Ontario county, New York. December 27, 1871. His education was acquired in the public schools of his native town and in the Canandaigua Academy. Until he was twenty-four years of age he assisted his father in the brick tile and coal business, then purchased a farm near the village in what is now (1910) the town of Hopewell. and is at the present time still occupied with its cultivation. His political affiliations are with the Republican party, and he has served as assessor for the … Read more

Biography of Philander A. Mott

Philander Mott, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, lived in Chatham, Columbia county, New York. The family is believed to have been of French refugee origin, and the name has been common from early times in county Essex, England, on Long Island and in Westchester and other counties of New York. In 1851 Philander Mott, with his wife and children, moved from Chatham to Phelps, Ontario county, New York. He married Mary Ann Baker. Children: Antoinette L., married Orren Gifford; children: Mary, George Mott and Helen; Mrs. Gifford died at the early age of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John D. Gillis

John D., son of Robert Gillis, was born in Hebron, Washington county, New York, in 1776. He settled in Victor where he owned a farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres. He was a blacksmith by trade, and had a shop in which he followed this business until 180. In politics he was a Democrat, in religion a Methodist. He died in May, 1873. nearly a hundred years old. His brother, James Gillis, was a member of congress, and father of James Gillis, of the United States navy. He married Mary Smith, who died in 1864. Children : Margaret; Robert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elias J. Gooding

Elias J., son of Edwin and Fidelia (Crooker) Gooding, was born in Bristol, Ontario County, New York, April 9, 1862. His education, which was acquired at the district school and Canandaigua Academy. was an excellent one. From his early years he has assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm and he was thus employed until 1894. when he purchased his father’s farm, which since that time has been under his sole management and is in a most flourishing condition. As an active member of the Republican party he has always taken a serious and beneficial interest in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carl D. Smith

Carl D. Smith, although still a young man, has been prominently identified with the establishment of a number of newspapers in the state of New York. He was born in Chateaugay, Franklin county, New York, June 19, 1876, and was educated at the Franklin Academy, Malone, New York. While employed in the office of the Malone Farmer, in 1892, he took up the trade of printing and was thus engaged for a period of three years. He then organized the Adirondack Enterprise, at Saranac Lake, this paper being one of the pioneers in this field of publication in that section … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leslie George Loomis

Leslie George, second son and fifth child of George (3) and Hannah Maria (Ketcham) Loomis, was born in Farmington, Ontario county, New York, April 9, 1857, His school education was a thorough one and he was graduated from the Canandaigua Academy. He commenced his business career as a bookkeeper in October, 1876, and in 1878 became a member of the firm of E. S. Norton, wholesale produce dealers. Four years later he formed a partnership with W. C. Woodworth, in the same line of business, the firm being Loomis & Woodworth, with offices at Victor, New York. The business was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Watson E. Stubbs

(II) Watson E., son of William and Elizabeth (King) Stubbs, was born in Oneida county, New York, 1837. He was educated in the public schools of the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, and assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm from a very early age. He was thus engaged until he was about twenty-eight years of age, when he took up carpentry, which he followed for about nine years. In 1886 he established himself in the lumber trade, organizing a retail and wholesale business in Geneva, New York, for lumber and all the materials connected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Williams

Ebenezer, son of Zebediah (2) Williams, was the third generation in which but one son had been left to preserve the surname. He was born December 10, 1702. at Deerfield, and removed to Amherst, Massachusetts, an adjacent town, about 1735. He owned land there and a highway by his place was laid out March 18, 1754. His name was on the tax list in 1760 and as late as 1776. He married, May 16, 1728, Mehitable Fowler, daughter of Samuel Fowler. of Westfield. Children. born at Deerfield: 1. Zebediah, born September 18, 1729, soldier in company of Captain Moses Porter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Tilden

(VII) Christopher (3), son of William B. Tilden, was born in Charlestown, New Hampshire, in 1827. We was but one year old when the family moved to Palmyra and he attended the public schools of that town and the Glens Falls Academy. He worked on his father’s farm in his boyhood. Afterward he located in Manchester, New York, where he bought a farm which he conducted for a number of years. He was a communicant of the Protestant Episcopal church, of Palmyra, of which he was a vestryman and warden. He was a member of the local grange, Patrons of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Denton

Robert, son of William Gifford, was born in 1660, removed to Dartmouth, Massachusetts, where he erected a homestead on the estate deeded to him by his father, and died in 1730. He married (first) Sarah, born February 2, 1658, died 1724, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Briggs) Wing; (second) Elizabeth . Children: Benjamin, see forward; Jeremiah, married Mary Wright; Stephen, married Mary ; Timothy, married Hannah, daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth Tompkins; Simeon. married Susannah.

Biographical Sketch of Chauncey Brooks Collins

(II) Chauncey Brooks, son of Thaddeus Collins, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, 1809, and was a farmer. He was a member of the New York State Militia in 1831, and served as quartermaster of the regiment commissioned by Enos T. Throop, John A. Dix adjutant general.