Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Locke

(II) Ebenezer, son of William Locke, was born January 8, 1674, in Woburn, and married (first), October i8, 1697, Susannah, born March 1, 1674, died June 13, 1699, daughter of Israel Walker.. He married (second), October 14, 1701, Hannah Meads, born September 17, 1676, daughter of David and Hannah Meads, of Cambridge. She survived him, and died July 24, 1739. He lived with his father on the homestead, of which he had become owner by gift and purchase. He owned also other land and a house, previous to his father’s death, and later became the possessor of several lots in … Read more

Biography of Edward H. Palmer

Edward H. Palmer, who is the head and the leading spirit of numerous enterprises of financial importance in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and its vicinity, and whose keen foresight and unusual executive ability have been the means of greatly improving the business prospects of the section, is one of that class of citizens who labor earnestly to build tip the commerce and manufactures of the communities in which they live. and by so doing enrich and benefit the entire country. Mr. Palmer was born in Clinton county, Iowa, May 17, i855, and acquired his early education in the district … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Nathaniel Horton

(VI) Deacon Nathaniel (2) Horton, son of Nathaniel (1) Horton, was born in Southold, in 1741, and married, 1761, Rebecca Robinson, born June 21, 1742, died December 14, 1819. He died August 13, 1824. Children, born in Chester: Huldah, January 14, 1762: Rebecca, December 31, 1763: Jonah. 1765; Susan, 1767: Polly, 1769; Nathaniel; Hiram; Mehitabel : Elisha, about 1777, mentioned elsewhere; Nathaniel, 1778; Esther, about 1782.

Biographical Sketch of William Blossom

William, son of Joseph Blossom, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was born in Amsterdam, New York, and was probably a descendant of the Cape Cod, Massachusetts, family. A number of Blossoms are mentioned in the records of Barnstable and Sandwich, and the name is associated with Wells, Vermont, through a descendant of the Cape Cod Blossoms. William, son of Joseph Blossom, was in Manchester, New York, before 1837. He had been educated for the Presbyterian ministry, but did not enter it. He engaged in farming in the town of Seneca township, and in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Burrus Osgood

Burrus Osgood, son of Elihu and Amy (LaMunion) Osgood, was born in Manchester, June 27, 1818. He owned a farm and obtained good results as a reward for his labor, using much of his leisure time for the benefit of his fellow-townsmen. He served with marked ability in many positions of responsibility and trust, invariably discharging his duties in an upright and satisfactory manner, and owing to the implicit confidence inspired by his sterling integrity, he was frequently called upon to act as executor and trustee of estates, a business which absorbed much of his attention for more than fifty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Woolston

Joseph (2), son of Joshua Woolston, was born in New Jersey. With his wife and two children he came from New Jersey to Ontario county, New York, in 1806. He married Elizabeth Bell, who was also born in New Jersey. At that time it was a journey of three weeks from their old home in New Jersey and much of the country was still a wilderness. Children: William, mentioned elsewhere; Joshua, John, Michael, Jane, Wesley, David, Ann.

Biographical Sketch of Brownell Wilbur

Brownell, son of Isaac Wilbur, was born December 15, 1755. He married, September 1, 1776, Esther, daughter of William Wilbur. Children: Nancy, born August 31, 1777; Patience, June 11, 1779; Thankful, December 21, 1781 ; Wright, May 19, 1783, mentioned elsewhere; Esther, October 4, 1786; Phebe, November 6, 1788; Hannah, August 15, 1793; Isaac, April 11, 1795; Lois, December 20, 1796; Mary, February 17, 1799; Martha; Emlin; Benjamin.

Biography of Dr. Albert L. Beahan

Dr. Albert L. Beahan, an eminent physician of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, has attained his present distinguished position by many years of patient and unremitting toil, united with inflexible and unfaltering courage in the face of apparently insurmountable difficulties. His noble efforts to relieve human suffering have earned for him the high esteem of his fellow citizens, and the universal good opinion of his professional brethren, this forming the best standard of judgment in such cases. His father was James Beahan, of Watkins, who died in 1907, and who had been engaged in the occupation of farming during all … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hebram Knickerbocker

Richard Monroe Knickerbocker, an energetic and capable representative of a family which has for many years been identified with the agricultural interests of the state of New York, has adhered, as far as changing conditions would permit, to the ideals of his forefathers, and considers it one of the most noble occupations for mankind to follow to obtain from the bosom of mother earth the rich products she is so ready to give to those who love and care for her. (I) Hebram Knickerbocker, grandfather of Richard Monroe Knickerbocker, was born at Naples, Ontario county, New York, on land which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John McDowell

John McDowell, believed to be a descendant of Ephraim McDowell, came to Yates county, New York, from New Jersey, in 1795, and settled in the town of Jerusalem on the west branch of Keuka Lake. He bought land of John Greig, agent of the Hornby estate, and lost a large part of it in the re-survey of the line of Steuben county, throwing most of his farm into Ontario county, instead of Steuben, where it had been located first. He left there in 1803 and lived for a time at the foot of Keuka Lake, where he was employed by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Smith Ellis

Smith Ellis, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in the Mohawk Valley, New York, and removed to the town of Gainesville, Wyoming county. New York, early in the nineteenth century. He was one of the early settlers in that town and, some years later, removed to Pike in the same county. He was an active participant in the war of 1812 and saw service at Sacketts Harbor. He married Christine Helmer, who was also a native of Mohawk Valley.

Biography of John Albert Granger

John Albert, third son of Gideon and Mindwell (Pease) Granger. was born in Suffield. Connecticut, September 11, 1795, died in Canandaigua, New York, May 26, 1870. Originally intended for the navy, his early education, commenced in Suffield and there continued until the removal of the family to Washington, D. C., was along lines of instruction which, when the idea of the sea was abandoned, found him without the classical training required for a college course. He spent some years under the tutorage of “Parson” Gay, of Fairfield, Connecticut, a noted instructor in those days. from whose hands he entered a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Allyn Griffith

Frank Allyn, son of John Watson Griffith, was born in Phelps, August 17, 1873, and was educated in the public schools of his native town and of Clifton Springs, New York. He commenced his business career as shipping clerk in the office of the Clifton Springs Manufacturing Company. After two years he returned, in 1893, to his native town and since then has followed farming there. In politics he is Republican, in religion a Methodist. He married, January 16, 1894, Christine Bennckenstein, born in New York City, daughter of Edward Bennckenstein, of New York City. Children: Charlotte, born March 12, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Herendeen

Charles H., son of Welcome Wilkinson Herendeen, was born on the farm which he now (1910) owns and on which he resides, June 13, 1840. He received his education in the public schools of his native town and at Macedon Academy. During his youth he assisted his father on the homestead, and afterward his father gave him one hundred and thirty acres of land. Subsequently he succeeded to the remainder of his father’s farm, the old homestead. For four years he also represented the Walter A. Wood Company as selling agent for farming machinery. In politics he is a Democrat … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joshua Parmelee

Joshua, son of John (2) Parmelee, was born in Guilford, in 1661, died in June, 1729. He was a farmer of Guilford, and was a taxpayer of considerable estate in 1716. He married (first) July 10, 1690, Else Edwards, of East Hampton, Long Island, and she died July 10, 1714; (second) in 1716, Hannah, widow of Benjamin Stone, of East Guilford. She afterward married Benjamin Hart, of Wallingford. Children of first wife: Daniel, born June 28, 1691; Susannah, June 19, 169J: Timothy, August 20, 1695; Ann, May 8, 1696; Samuel, March 31, 1698; David, July 31, 1699; Jonathan, mentioned elsewhere; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Merritt Crawford Wilcox

Merritt Crawford Wilcox, whose birthplace was in Alabama, came to Canandaigua with his parents at fourteen. His father, Lucius Wilcox, married Frances A., born in Demopolis, Alabama, daughter of Andrew Jackson Crawford, a southern planter, and a minister of the Methodist Church South. Merritt C. Wilcox was born in Demopolis, Alabama, June 6, 1842. He acquired his education in the public schools of Canandaigua and in the Canandaigua Academy. He married, in Canandaigua, in 1867, Caroline Frances, born in Cortland county, New York, daughter of William rod Caroline O. (Heaton) Richardson, who came to Canandaigua from Cortland county. His father, … Read more

Biography of William H. Williams

William H., son of Enos D. Williams, was born at Amherst, Massachusetts, October 31, 1853. His early education was received in the public schools of his native town and he was graduated from Amherst College in the class of 1876 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. At once. after completing his course, he entered the employ of a large lumber company in Chicago, Illinois, and a year later embarked in the lumber business on his own account at Springfield, Missouri. After continuing in business in Missouri for thirteen years, he came to Nelsonville, Ohio, and continued in the lumber … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Colonel Seth Lafayette Lee

Colonel Seth Lafayette (2) Lee, son of Major Seth Lafayette (1) Lee, was born in East Bloomfield, in 1823, and died March 20, 1875. He was a farmer, owning two hundred and thirty-eight acres of land in East Bloomfield. In politics he was a Republican. He married Sarah Peck, born in 1824, at West Bloomfield, daughter of Reynolds and Nancy Peck, and is now (1910) living at Canandaigua, New York. Children: Roswell Munson, meutioned below: Reynolds Peck; Willis E.; Cynthia: Josephine; Lillie; Sarah and Inez. All of the children lived in Ontario county.

History of Ontario County New York

Canandaigua Lake PostCard

The second volume of the work, The History of Ontario County New York, and Its People, is a volume of genealogical and family history. In it are chronicles of the people who have made Ontario County what it is. These records are presented in a series of independent narratives relating to lineal family heads, and the most conspicuous representatives down to the 20th century, giving it a distinct personal interest. The first installment of this series includes over 900+ biographies.

Biography of Terrence W. Rice

Terrence W. Rice, nurseryman of Geneva, New York, belongs to that class of citizens who, although undemonstrative in their natures, nevertheless form the character and mold the society of the communities in which they live. This class it is that develops our great manufacturing interests, spreads our commerce, and furthers enterprises of all kinds. They, above all others, develop our cities and towns, and they alone deserve the credit for it. John Rice, father of Terrence W. Rice, was born in Dundalk, Ireland, in 1845, and came to this country about the year 1868. He was industrious and painstaking, and … Read more