Biographical Sketch of Adin Squire

(II) Adin, son of Jesse Squire, came to Ontario county with his father in 1992, and lived and died on the farm which had been purchased for him.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Avery

(VI) Henry, son of Solomon and Hannah (Punderson) Avery, was born May 4, 1767, died March 25, 1853. He removed to Columbia county, New York, where he married in Taghkanick, May 20, 1i94 or 1795, Hannah Rockefeller, who was born August 5, 1780 and died February 4, 1865. Children: 1. William, born October 16, 1796, died January 1, 1846; married Sarah Armstrong. 2. Hannah, born January 24, 1800, died September 10, 1855; married Edward H. Reynolds, M. D. 3. Amanda, born July 17, 1802, died August 9, 1841; married, July 23, 1820, Isaac Schaurman. 4. Henry Cyrus, born October 26, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi A. Page

Levi A., son of Nathaniel Page, was born in Seneca, October 6, 1816, died in 1865. He was educated in the public schools and in Cazenovia Seminary, and was a farmer. He married (first) Deborah, daughter of Thomas Ottley of Seneca, who died in August, 1850, and (second) Mary Winters, of Seneca. Children, all by first marriage: Levi A., referred to elsewhere; Joel; Harriet J.

Biographical Sketch of John Webster

John, son of Jonathan Webster. was born at Tyringham. Massachusetts. February 2, 1790. When a young man he located at Franklin, Delaware county, New York, and later removed to Parma. Monroe county. New York. He married Mary Webster. He died in 1852 in Spencerport, Monroe county, New York; his wife Mary died at Victor, New York, in 1866. Children: Freeman, John Riley, Sarah F, Otis A., mentioned elsewhere; James Myron and Milo C.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Garlock

Peter Garlock, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was a descendant of Johann Christopher Gerlach, one of the immigrants from the Palatinate on the Rhine, in Germany. He was born not later than 1690. He was appointed the head man of the “dorfs” or villages in which a number of these immigrants were settled in 1710 and 1711. There were seven of these dorfs, on both sides of the Hudson river, in and opposite what is now (1910) Columbia county. Elizabethtown, over which Johann Christopher Gerlach was head man, was west of the river. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Preston

Samuel (2), son of Samuel (1) Preston, was born at Andover, March 16, 1672. He married Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Howe) Bridges. She married (second) William Price. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Bridges) Preston, born at Andover: 1. Sarah, February 5, 1694-95. 2. Levi, October 25, 1696. 3. Mary, March 31,1699. 4. Jemima, 1701. 5. Samuel, mentioned elsewhere. 6. Child, born October 1, 1710. 7-8. Phoebe and Isaac, twins, born 1711. 9. Ruth, July 25, 1713. 10-11. Caleb and Joshua, twins, April 3. 1716.

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Richardson

(III) Margaret, daughter of Dr. William Plunkett, married Isaac Richardson, who removed from Sunbury, Pennsylvania, to Wayne county, New York, and became a very prominent citizen. Among their children was Isabella, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Cornelius Westfall

Cornelius Westfall, descendant of Juriaen Westvall, was born October 7, 1753, died May 13, 1826. He came from Orange county to Phelps, Ontario county, New York, among the early settlers and took up a very large tract of land. He brought negro slaves with him to clear the land and work the plantation. In the census of 1790 he was reported in Montgomery county, New York, with two sons under sixteen and one female in his family. In that census there were in Orange county and elsewhere, the following heads of family: Abraham, Benjamin, Frederick, Jacobus, Johannes, Peter, Petrus. Simon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Philip Rupert

Theodore D. Rupert, a physician and surgeon of Geneva, New York, is of German descent. (I) Philip Rupert, grandfather of Dr. Rupert, was born in Pennsylvania, and came to Geneva, New York, in 1805. He was a shoemaker by trade and successful in his line of business. He opened a shop for the manufacture of his wares which was considered a large one for those times and employed a comparatively large number of men. The extensive farm which he purchased is still in the possession of the family.

Biographical Sketch of Joel Titus

Joel, son of Jonah Titus, was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, in March and baptized August 24, 1740. He was a blacksmith by trade and for many years followed that calling in Washington, Connecticut. His place of business, known as the Joel Titus forge, was burned about the beginning of the last century. He subsequently resided for a time with some of his children, and he died about 1820 in Ferrisburg, Vermont, while visiting his daughter Hannah. He served in the French and Indian and revolutionary wars. He was a member of the Church of England and a vestryman of St. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Welcome Herendeen

Welcome, son of Nathan Herendeen, was born at Smithfield. April 18, 1768. He went to Adams and thence to Farmington with his father. He married (first) in 1794, Elizabeth, daughter of Gideon and Anna Durfee, of Palmyra, New York. He married (second) May 18, 1806, Mercy Gardner. Children of first wife: Edward, born 1795: Gideon. mentioned elsewhere; Anna; Huldah; Durfee. Children of the second wife: Elizabeth; Nathan G.; Welcome Wilkinson, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Abram W. Ellis

Abram W., son of Smith and Christine (Helmer) Ellis, was born in Wyoming county, New York, and died in Pike, September 7, 1907. His life occupation was that of farming. In 1863 he enlisted in the Eighteenth New York Light Artillery, was transferred to the Twentyfifth Regiment Light Artillery, and served in the Department of the Gulf until the close of the war. He married. January 1, 1866, Marion A. Phelps, and had one child. Willis C., mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Eber A. Knowles

(VI) Eber A., son of Seth Knowles, was born at St. Johnsville, Montgomery county, July 13, 1834 He came to Hopewell, Ontario county, in 1857; enlisted at Canandaigua, January 1, 1864, in the Fiftieth New York Regiment of Engineers, Company L, and served until he was mustered out with his company at the end of the civil war. He married, in February, 1855, Lydia Bastedo, who was born at Somerset county, New Jersey, November 4, 1837, and came to Cayuga county, New York, with her parents when she was sixteen years old. Her ancestors were residents of New Jersey. Among … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Harrison Merritt

(II) William Harrison, son of Stacy and Elizabeth (Cass) Merritt, was born on the farm at Penfield, 1820. He was occupied as a millwright and carpenter. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment, as corporal of his regiment, and was an active participant in the battle of Fredericksburg. The day following this engagement he was taken sick, and was honorably discharged in 1862. He married Olive M., who died September 3, 1909, daughter of David Allyn. Children: Adelbert Clinton, see forward; Rose V., who married Richard Johnson and had children: … Read more

Biography of Robert Houston

Robert Houston, son of Robert and — (Melvin) Houston, was born in 1821, in Glasgow, Scotland, and died in 1856, in Farmington, New York. His father and mother lived and died in Scotland. His brother James was a merchant in England, and afterward in California. Robert Houston was educated in the common schools of his native land and learned the trade of shoemaker, which he followed until 1845, when he came to this country. He stayed for a short time in New York City, and then made his home in Canandaigua, New York. where he was employed first by See … Read more

Biography of Anson Lapham Gardner

Anson Lapham, son of Sunderland Pattison and Annette Hannah (Bell) Gardner, was born in Farmington, Ontario county. New York, February 7, 1873. His preparatory education was acquired in the district school of Farmington and the Macedon Center Academy, and he then became a student at Columbia University, New York City, from which he was graduated in the class of 1896. During his earlier years he assisted in the cultivation of the home farm and was engaged in teaching in district schools for a period of two years. He commenced the study of law in the office of his uncle, Elisha … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Brice W. Bowerman

(VII) Brice W., son of Silas G. Bowerman, was born in Farmington, New York, in 1837. He attended the district schools there and Macedon Center Academy. He finally settled in Victor, New York, and followed farming. He had an excellent farm of one hundred and eight acres. In politics he was a Republican; in religion a member of the Society of Friends. He married Lucena, daughter of Elwood and Joanna (Jenks) Smith, January 7, 1864. She was born in Farmington in 1839, died in December, 1897. He died in 1904. Children : Lyman, born 1866, married Josie Allen and had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Sweeney

Edward Sweeney, the first of the name of the line here tinder consideration, was extensively engaged in the contracting business. He was reliable, responsible, and of thorough integrity and unquestioned honor. and these qualities were active factors in the success attained by him in his business career. He served in the capacity of justice of the peace for a quarter of a century, discharging his duties with efficiency and promptness. He married Julia Desmond. and among their children was Thomas Henry.

Biographical Sketch of Simon Hoyt

Simon Hoyt, founder of this family, was born in England about 1600, died in Stamford, Connecticut, September 1, 1651. He landed in Salem, Massachusetts, about 1628, and went soon afterwards to Meshawum, Massachusetts, dater Charlestown) with the earliest settlers. He removed to Dorchester about 1633, and later for a short time to Scituate, Massachusetts. He then, about 1640, built a house near Windsor, Connecticut, and the property on which he dwelt is still known as Hoyt’s meadow. In 1649 he sold this property and removed to Stamford. It is supposed that he was twice married, the christian name of his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John V. Salisbury

John V., son of Benjamin F. Salisbury, was born in Phelps, January 26, 1843. From his youth to the present time he has always resided in his native town, devoting his energies exclusively to the cultivation of the soil, and is one of the most able and successful farmers in that section of the state. For a number of years he served as a trustee of the public schools, and in various other ways he has demonstrated his interest in the general welfare of the town. He married Ellen Stryker. Children : Frank A., born September 22, 1873; John Lewis, … Read more