Biographical Sketch of Dr. Chauncey W. Grove

Dr. Chauncey W. Grove, a physician and surgeon in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and throughout that section is descended from an old family of Germany. The family name was originally spelled Von Graffe, and this by successive changes has finally developed into Grove. From the earliest times the family has adhered to the Protestant denominations, and it was during the very early days of the settlement of the colonies that the first members came to this country and made their homes here. Dr. Chauncey W. Grove, son of Jay C. and Zettirah (Fry) Grove, was born in Fredonia, Pennsylvania, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick P. A. Clark

Frederick P. A., son of Cephus and Deborah (Wilbur) Clark, was born in Glover, Vermont. May 2l, 1819, and was engaged in farming throughout the active years of his life. He married, December 9, 1845, Eliza J. King, who was born in Glover, Vermont, November 6, 1823. Her great-great-grandfather was the son of a slave owner in the south, migrated to the north and took part in the revolutionary war, during the progress of which he was killed.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Ellis

Henry, son of Samuel Ellis, was born in Florida, Montgomery county, New York, December 10, 1798. He was a farmer in Florida and afterward at Victor in Ontario county. He married, December 29, 1823, Isabel, daughter of Amos Bennett, of Duanesburg. Schenectady county. They came to Victor, April 5, 1824, and in 1831 he succeeded to the homestead which his father bought in 1816 of Roswell Murray. He was interested in public affairs. He died September 1, 1884. His wife Isabel died January 24, 1875. Children: 1. Nancy M., born November 14. 1824, married Thomas C. Turner. 2. Eliza J., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Harris Welch

William Harris Welch was born at Erie, Pennsylvania, December 15, 1862. He moved from there to Lock Haven with his parents the following year, and was educated in private and public schools, finishing with a special one year’s course in the State Normal at that place in 187980. During the next five years he studied and practiced civil engineering with his father, Edwin H. Welch, on the Pennsylvania railroad. In February, 1885, he entered the maintenance of way department of the Northern Central railway at Elmira as rodman. In June of the same year he came to Canandaigua as assistant … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Severance

(II) John (2), son of John Severance, was born November 27, 1647, in Salisbury. He and his father kept the inn, and about 1672, he went to Boston, where he settled. In 1680, he removed to Suffield, Connecticut, and in 1689, to Deerfield, Massachusetts, where he settled on Lot No. 1. He became a large landowner in Deerfield. About 1703, he removed again to Bedford, Westchester county, New York. where he remained about twelve years, returning to Deerfield about 1713, and living the last years of his life, with his son Joseph. He married, August 15, 1672, Mary . Children, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Colonel Seth Lafayette Lee

Colonel Seth Lafayette (2) Lee, son of Major Seth Lafayette (1) Lee, was born in East Bloomfield, in 1823, and died March 20, 1875. He was a farmer, owning two hundred and thirty-eight acres of land in East Bloomfield. In politics he was a Republican. He married Sarah Peck, born in 1824, at West Bloomfield, daughter of Reynolds and Nancy Peck, and is now (1910) living at Canandaigua, New York. Children: Roswell Munson, meutioned below: Reynolds Peck; Willis E.; Cynthia: Josephine; Lillie; Sarah and Inez. All of the children lived in Ontario county.

Biography of Dr. Albert L. Beahan

Dr. Albert L. Beahan, an eminent physician of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, has attained his present distinguished position by many years of patient and unremitting toil, united with inflexible and unfaltering courage in the face of apparently insurmountable difficulties. His noble efforts to relieve human suffering have earned for him the high esteem of his fellow citizens, and the universal good opinion of his professional brethren, this forming the best standard of judgment in such cases. His father was James Beahan, of Watkins, who died in 1907, and who had been engaged in the occupation of farming during all … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Locke

(V) Frederick, son of Lieutenant Joshua Locke, was born at Westboro, June 6. 1757, and married (first) in 1793, at Charlestown, New Hampshire, Anna Farwell, who died in 1804. He married (second), July 15, 1805, Lucy Graves, of Washington, New Hampshire. He prepared for college at Leicester Academy, but instead of going to college enlisted in the American army shortly after the revolution began, anti remained in the army during most of the war. After the war was ended he is said to have often remarked that “he did not regret the decision he made, though he lost his pay … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Spengler

The late John Spengler, of Geneva, New York, came from Switzerland, but the name is indicative of a German origin. In the battle for education and professional supremacy his son Dr. John Arthur Spengler has won a decided victory. and he is recognized as one of the leading exponents of the science of optics. John Spengler, born in Switzerland, 1832, emigrated to the United States when a young man and subsequently became a shoe merchant in Geneva, New York. He died at Reading, Pennsylvania, December 20, 1907. He married in Rochester, New York, December 3, 1866, Elizabeth Von Huben, also … Read more

Biography of Willis C. Ellis

Willis C., only child of Abram W. and Marion A. (Phelps) Ellis, was born in Pike, Wyoming county, New York. January 12, 1868. His preparatory education was acquired in the Pike Seminary, from which he was graduated in June, 1888. He then became a student at Cornell University, from which he was graduated June 16. 1892. with the degree of Bachelor of Letters. He continued the study of law in the offices of Day & Romer, Buffalo. New York, and was admitted to the bar, June 12, 1893. In June of the following year he came to Shortsville, New York, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis M. Kennedy

(II) Francis M., son of James and Margaret (Houston) Kennedy, was born in Kells, Scotland, May 30, 1830. His whole life after coming to this country was spent on his farm in Italy, New York, with the exception of the last six years, when he lived retired from active work, in Canandaigua, New York. He was a member of the Protestant church, and adherent of the Republican party. He married (first) in Italy, Yates county, New York, 1853, Phoebe J., daughter of James and Rachel Fisher. Children: James M., born September 23, 1854, deceased; John A., born May 19, 1857, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Williams

Arthur Williams, immigrant, was born in England and settled in Windsor, Connecticut, as early as 1640, removing thence to Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1659. He married, November 30, 1647, Catherine Carter, widow of Joshua Carter, of Windsor, and she married (third) February I1, 1677, William Branch, of Springfield. She died August 8, 1683. The only child of Arthur and Catherine Williams was Zebediah, mentioned elsewhere.

Biography of Dr. James J. Collie

Dr. James J. Collie, who has for a number of years been engaged in the practice of the medical profession in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is descended from an old family whose original home was in Scotland, and he has inherited the habits of thrift, determination and perseverance which characterize the natives of that favored land. Honorable in every relation of life and earnest in forwarding the good of his fellow men in every possible manner, he has gained the respect and confidence of all with whom he comes in contact. As a physician he has won a distinct … Read more

Biography of Daniel Kane

Chief of police, Daniel Kane, of Geneva, is not only one of the oldest guardians of the peace in the State, in point of service, having held that office for more than twenty consecutive years, but also enjoys the distinction of being one of the most efficient detectives between New York city and Chicago. His rapid advancement in the police department was the result of his close attention to duty, and his long continued retention in his present office is a fitting recognition of his earnest endeavors to protect the community from the aggressions of law-breakers. Daniel Kane was born … Read more

Biography of Francis Granger

Francis. second son of Gideon and Mindwell (Pease) Granger, was born in Suffield, Connecticut, December 1. 1792, and in 1811, at the age of nineteen years. was graduated with honor from Yale College. He followed the example of his distinguished father by studying for the bar, and soon after the removal of the family to Canandaigua took up the practice of his profession in that village. He promptly entered public life and for many years the suffrages of his constituents placed him in positions of honor and responsibility, where his natural and acquired qualifications enabled him to occupy the foremost … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Buell

Timothy (2), son of Captain Timothy (1) and Olive (Norton) Buell, was born in Goshen, Connecticut, December 8, 1791, died in East Bloomfield, January 16, 1873. He resided on the Buell homestead. He married Lucy, daughter of Daniel Rice. Children, born in East Bloomfield: 1. Olive, born August 30, 1815, married Frederick Munson; 2. Caroline, born May 8, 1817, died October 19, 1891 ; 3. Frederick, born April 29, 1819, died in Buffalo, 1894, married, 1844, Eliza Storrs; 4. Charles, born March 17, 1821, died 1822; 5. Augustus, born January 31, 1824, married (first) Electa Gauss; children: Timothy (3d), born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson

(IV) Isabella, daughter of Isaac Richardson, married Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson, son of Benedict Robinson, of Jerusalem, Yates county, New York, and a descendant of Rowland Robinson, of Rhode Island. Benedict Robinson and a Quaker named Hathaway purchased township No. 7, second range, of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase in 1790. Of his 14, 000 acres he gave a thousand to Jemima Wilkinson, a prominent Quakeress, with whom he came to Yates county. He married Susan Brown in 1795. Children of Dr. Daniel Arnold and Isabella Robinson: Susanna Brown, married Robert Howland, of New Bedford; Dr. Benedict, of Union Springs: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Roberts Stilts

John Robert Stilts, a native of Canada, settled in Steuben county, New York, where he became a successful farmer, and was highly respected for his excellent character. He married Flizabeth Hennion, and their children were : Rhoda, Mary, Ann, Rebecca, Sophronia, Jacob and Thomas Henry. The family records were accidentally burned many years ago, and information is meagre.

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Tilden

(IV) Christopher, son of Joseph Tilden, was baptized at Scituate May 4, 1712. He married Sarah Parrot of Boston and lived there. Children, born in Boston: Major David, mentioned elsewhere; Sarah, born March 6, 1743; Abigail, April 17, 1745; Captain Joseph. of Boston, had sons Joseph, Bryant P. and William.

Biographical Sketch of James Thompson

(II) James, son of Hugh Thompson, was born in Derryfield, New Hampshire, November 14, 1758. He served throughout the revolutionary struggle in Captain Amos Morrill’s company, Colonel John Stack’s regiment, raised by the state of New Hampshire; he enlisted as a private, and was promoted to corporal. He also held the title of muster master.