Biography of Hiram Doncaster

HIRAM DONCASTER. – No one seems to operate so much in the capacity of a creator as the shipbuilder. The products of his brain and hand have a life of their own, are given a name, and have their own personality. Shipbuilding on the Sound is, moreover, an important business; and the masters of this craft are men of distinction. One of these is the man whose name appears at the head of this sketch. He was born in Nova Scotia in 1838, and first came to this coast via Panama in the year 1856, mining in Plumas county two … Read more

Micmac Customs And Traditions

Waltes Bowl and Sticks

My information about the customs and traditions of the Micmac Indians of Nova Scotia has been derived almost entirely from Abram and Newell Glode, the first a man of seventy-three years, the latter somewhat younger and of exceptionally pure blood for a time when none are wholly so. These two Indians have justly achieved a reputation among their tribe for intelligence and knowledge of their native lore. During the many days I have spent with them at Digby and elsewhere I have invariably found them as eager and interested in being questioned as I was in catechizing them. However, in … Read more

Outhouse, John T. – Obituary

Released From Suffering The Death Of John T. Outhouse At La Grande Last Tuesday After many years of constant suffering, John T. Outhouse a well known resident of Union county passed away last Tuesday morning at his home in La Grande. Mr. Outhouse was a native of Nova Scotia, born November 16, 1828. Coming to Oregon in 1850 he located at Portland and was one of the first school teachers in the Willamette valley, In 1879 he came to the Grande Ronde valley following the evocation of teacher in La Grande, Union and other places in the county. In 1880, … Read more