Native American History of Newton County, Georgia

Newton County located in northern Georgia and is part of the Atlanta Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA.) Its name honors Sgt. John Newton, a hero of the American Revolution. The county seat is Covington. Newton County is bordered on the north by Walton County. Morgan County adjoins it on the east while Jasper County adjoins it on the Southeast. Butts County is located to the south. Henry County forms the southwestern border, while Rockdale County forms the northwest border. Geology and hydrology Newton County was located in the Piedmont geological region, which is characterized by underlying rock strata of igneous … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Melissa (Lowe) Barden

Interviewer: Frank M. Smith Person Interviewed: Melissa (Lowe) Barden Location: Youngstown, Ohio Place of Residence: 1671 Jacobs Road Mrs. Melissa (Lowe) Barden of 1671 Jacobs Road, was “bred and born” on the plantation of David Lowe, near Summersville, Georgia, Chattooga County, and when asked how old she was said “I’s way up yonder somewheres maybe 80 or 90 years.” Melissa assumed her master’s name Lowe, and says he was very good to her and that she loved him. Only once did she feel ill towards him and that was when he sold her mother. She and her sister were left … Read more

Biography of Chester Lee Hill, M.D.

The medical fraternity of Haskell finds a prominent representative in Dr. Chester Lee Hill, who is an exponent of all that is highest, best and most advanced in the, practice of medicine and surgery, and of all that is most worthy and honorable in his relations toward his fellowmen. He was born in Canton, Cherokee county, Georgia, May 1, 1876, and is a son of Andrew H. and Maria (Phillips) Hill, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of South Carolina. The father was one of the early planters of Georgia, becoming the owner of fourteen hundred acres … Read more

Old Cemetery, Newton County, Georgia

Dr. J M Cody 1823 – 1864 Amanda Cody, wife of Dr. J M Cody 1-6-1832 1-21-1858 Mrs. Jane Luckie 5/22/1777 – 5/17/1856 Charles G Luckie 10/23/1844 – 8/6/1845 Capt. Lorenzo Luckie 5-27-1836(or 1838) 7/30/1884 Robert Pullen 7/6/1756 – 1/12/1851 William Brown 1817 -1876 Ransom Worrill Elizabeth Kennan 9/6/1786 – 7/18/1857 Richard Kennan 2/13/1782 – 7/20/1855 Xenephan Kennan 2/20/ 1818 – 5/4/1854 Dr. Jasper Bryan 6/18/1804 – 11/7/1863 Rev. Samuel Patillo 6/25/1771 – 6/4/1844 Girard Camp 12/5/1794 – 12/5/1861 Eliza Buckner Wife of W D Luckie, Sr 10/13/1807 – 5/11/1856 W D Luckie 9/2/1800 – 1/2/1870 Martha Lacy Camp 10/7/1796 … Read more

Slave Narrative of Melissa (Lowe) Barden

Interviewer: Frank M. Smith Person Interviewed: Melissa (Lowe) Barden Location: Youngstown, Ohio Place of Birth: Chattooga County, Georgia Age: 80-90 Place of Residence: 1671 Jacobs Road Ex-Slaves Mahoning County, District #5 Youngstown, Ohio The Story of MRS. MELISSA (LOWE) BARDEN, Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Melissa (Lowe) Barden of 1671 Jacobs Road, was “bred and born” on the plantation of David Lowe, near Summersville, Georgia, Chattooga County, and when asked how old she was said “I’s way up yonder somewheres maybe 80 or 90 years.” Melissa assumed her master’s name Lowe, and says he was very good to her and that she … Read more