Biographical Sketch of George White

George White, the well known implement dealer and auctioneer of Newman, was born near Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky, August 18, 1842, and is a son of M. L. and Mary (Biby) White. Middleton White was born in Barren County, Kentucky and moved to Edgar County, Illinois, where he was married. His wife was also from near Glasgow. Kentucky. ‘They are both dead and buried in the Paris cemetery. George White came to Newman and located in business in about 1874, since which time his business has steadily grown until he is known as one of the most successful and extensive … Read more

McQueen, Melinda Catherine Cochran – Obituary

In last week’s issue of the paper, we announced that Mrs. J. P. McQueen had suffered a stroke of paralysis on the 8th of April and that she was in critical condition at the time of going to press on Thursday, being in an unconscious condition. She remained in that condition until relieved by death, the messenger coming about 8 o’clock Friday evening [April 12, 1918]. The deceased had been a resident of Newman for the past twenty-eight years and prior to removal here had lived on a farm in South Prairie, where she had a large circle of warm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Brock

George W. Brock, one of the reliable and representative farmers of Newman Township, residing within the corporate limits of the city of Newman, was born twelve miles southwest of Crawfordsville, Indiana, September S, 1846. His father, Seth Brock, was a native of Warren County, Ohio. He was a carpenter by trade and farmed also, owning farms in Wayne and Montgomery counties: he later removed to Mason County, Illinois. He was a strong pro-slavery man, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; was born in 1813 and died in 1873. He wedded Mary A. Palmer, who was a daughter of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. McGown

J. A. McGown, a most successful business man and a typical farmer residing in Newman Township, was born in Edgar County, Illinois, March 30, 1832, and is a son of John and Olive Blackman, who were natives of Kentucky and New York respectively. His father emigrated to Edgar County, where he resided up to his death, which occurred April 18, 1882. His mother died in 1892. J. A. McGown was reared to manhood a farm in his native County and in about 1875 located in Newman Township, where he now resides. He owns four hundred and seventy-two acres of highly … Read more

Biography of Ira M. Mulliken

Ira M. Mulliken, junior member of the well-known firm of Barr & Mulliken and one of the rising young business men of Newman, was born in Champaign County, Illinois, December 17, 1865. His father, James W. Mulliken, was a native of Johnson County, Indiana, and removed to Champaign County in about 1852. His mother Catherine was a daughter of Rev. Samuel F. Miller, who was horn in 1815, and at present resides in Arcola. (See sketch of W. H. Bush, of Hindsboro.) In about 1868 the father of I. M. Mulliken removed to a farm near Hindsboro, where the latter … Read more

Cutsinger, William Edward – Obituary

William Edward Cutsinger, who resided about 6 miles north of Hindsboro, passed away on Monday evening, August 1st [1938] at his home, following an illness of several months duration. Death was due to a complication of diseases. The deceased was born on May 29, 1867, near Newman, and has lived here all his life. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Cutsinger, who resided south of Newman for several years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Zua [McQueen] Cutsinger, and three children, namely, William Cutsinger, of Chicago; Mrs. Hazel Wilson, of Gary, Ind.; and Miss Naomi … Read more

Biography of T. W. Swigart

T. W. Swigart, the leading harness dealer and one of the most successful business men in Newman and Douglas County, was born in Carroll County, Maryland, in sight of A Westminister, July 3, 1831, and was a son of Joseph Swigart. When nine years of age T. W. Swigart removed with his parents to Seneca County, Ohio, where he spent a large portion of his life on a farm. From the years 1848 to 1851 he devoted his time to learning the trade of harness maker at Bellefontaine, Ohio. He was a young man of good habits and of splendid … Read more

Biography of Albert F. Fidler

Albert F. Fidler is one of the self-made and highly successful young farmers and business men of the County, and is a son of Levi Fidler, who was born April 28, 1819, in Berks County, Pennsylvania, Albert F.’s grandfather, Samuel, was a native of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and was of Dutch ancestry. Adam Fidler (great-grandfather), who came originally from Germany, was the founder of this branch of the Fidler family in America. Our subject’s grandfather, Samuel Fidler, fought in the war of 1812, and his great-grandfather, Adam, in the war of the Revolution. Samuel Fidler was a brick plasterer and con-tractor … Read more

Biography of James P. Heaton

James P. Heaton, who was a prominent citizen of Newman and a member of its board of education, was born August 16, 1845, and died March 14, 1897, aged fifty-one years, six months and twenty-eight clays. He was a native of Greene county, Pennsylvania, where his early youth was passed among the picturesque hills and scenery of that mountainous region. He was a son of William and Mary Heaton. At the age of sixteen years he came to Illinois and located on the Ridge, four miles north of Newman. At that time there was no church building in that section … Read more

Cutsinger, Jennie House – Obituary

After a lingering illness of several months, Mrs. L. D. [Draper Maletta] Cutsinger died at her house [June 26, 1898] two miles west of Palermo Saturday night, about ten o’clock. She has always had delicate health and finally became the victim of consumption. Mrs. Cutsinger, who was the youngest daughter of Thomas House, was born in this city, March 12, 1872, and spend a larger portion of her life in this city and on a farm southeast of the city. She graduated from the Newman schools in 1889 at the age of sixteen years and married to L. D. Cutsinger, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. W. Pepper

W. W. Pepper, a popular lawyer and a successful young business man, was born on a farm seven miles south of Newman May 24, 1866, and is the eldest of seven children born to Dudley H. and Nancy Liston Pepper. His father was a native of Kentucky and resides at Oakland. Mr. Pepper received his early education in the public schools of Oakland and afterward took a three-years’ course in the University of Illinois in Champaign. After leaving the university he took a two-years’ law course at the Northwestern University at Evanston and was graduated with honor in 1893, shortly … Read more

McQueen, Joshua P. – Obituary

Newman Man Takes Own Life With Poison. Mr. Joshua P. McQueen Committed Suicide Thursday Evening Of Last Week By Taking Concentrate Lye And Carbolic Acid-Funeral Held Saturday Afternoon. The funeral rites took place at the late home on Kings Street, Saturday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, conducted by Rev. F. O Fannon, pastor of the Christian church, and were largely attended by relatives and friends. Music on the occasion was rendered by a quartet composed by Mrs. F. S. Lydick, Mrs. George Roller, Messrs. F. L. White and M. S. Smith; and at the request of the family Mr. Smith sang … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank W. Hammett

Frank W. Hammett, cashier of the First National Bank of Tuscola, and one of the County’s young men of recognized ability, was born on a farm in Camargo Township. Douglas County, Illinois, February 12, 1 862. (See sketch of his father, James R. Hammett.) Mr. Hammett grew to manhood on his father’s farm and was principally educated in the University of Illinois. For some years after leaving college he was engaged in the manufacture of tiling at Camargo and Long View. In March, 1391, be accepted the position of book-keeper in the First National Bank of Tuscola, and was promoted … Read more

Cutsinger, Mabel McQueen – Obituary

Funeral services for Mrs. Mabel M. Cutsinger, 87, were held at the Scott Funeral Home in Chrisman Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. Lowell White officiated. Burial was in Newman Cemetery. Mrs. Cutsinger, a former Metcalf resident who had been residing with a daughter, Mrs. Florence Wyatt, in Chrisman six years, died Sunday, May 19, in St. Elizabeth Hospital in Danville. She had been a patient there five days. Born Jan. 29, 1876, in Newman, she was a daughter of George and Francis McQueen. She was married Jan. 4, 1901, to Demp Cutsinger, who preceded her in death in 1957. [Mabel’s first … Read more

Cutsinger, Henry Isom – Obituary

The funeral of the late Henry I. Cutsinger, who died at his home near this city, on the morning of the 4th [March, 1904], was held at the M. E. Church, at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, the 6th under the auspices of Low Post No. 343, G.A.R. of which Mr. Cutsinger was an honored member; Rev. A. E. Hamilton pastor of the church preaching the sermon. The attendance, the condition of the weather considered, was remarkably large, attesting the fact of the esteem in which the deceased was held in the community in which he had spent so many years. The … Read more

Biography of Isaac Skinner

Isaac Skinner was born in Vermillion County, Indiana, January 5, 1829, and is a son of Joseph Skinner, who was among the earliest settlers in the neighborhood of Newman, coming, in 1839, from Vermillion County, Indiana, and settling along the timber a mile and a half southwest of where Newman now is. There were no schools in the vicinity when he first came to the County. He worked for his father until of age and then engaged in farming on rented land. In about 1853 he had saved money enough to enter one hundred and sixty acres of land. His … Read more

Biography of Oliver O. Hockett

Oliver O. Hockett, one of the younger members of the medical fraternity of Douglas County, and one of the leading men in the social, professional and educational life of Newman, was born in Paris, Edgar County, Illinois, March 2, 1866. He was graduated from the high school of Paris in 1882 and subsequently entered the state university at Champaign, where he remained for three years. He then took up the study of medicine with Dr. M. P. Smith, with whom he remained until he entered Chicago Hahnemann College, from which well known institution he was graduated in the class of … Read more

Biography of Edward W. Calvin

Edward W. Calvin, the leading druggist and owner of both livery stables of Newman, was born in Wayne County, Illinois, December 21, 1860. He is a son of Dr. J. W. Calvin, who was born in Kentucky in 1829, and he the son of Hiram Calvin, who was a native of Virginia. His father was a graduate of Rush Medical College. He married Sarah Brown, of New Buffalo, Michigan, whose death occurred some twenty years ago. He has practiced at various places, was at Newman one year and is at present in active and successful practice at Toledo, Ohio. E. … Read more