Biography of Walter Isanogel

WALTER ISANOGEL, Special interest attaches to the career of this well known and highly esteemed citizen of Chesterfield, for he is a native of Madison County, a representative of one of its sterling pioneer families and has been prominently concerned with civic and business activities in the County which has ever been his home. Mr. Isanogel was born on a farm in Union Township, Madison County, Indiana, on the 3rd of January, 1863, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Goheen) Isanogel, whose names are prominently identified with the annals of Madison County, where they took up their abode … Read more

Biography of George M. Overman

GEORGE M. OVERMAN. President of the Madison County Abstract Company at Anderson, Mr. Overman has been successful in the real estate and insurance business at Anderson for more than ten years, and in the abstract company is at the head of one of the solid and prosperous institutions of this County.. He has served as president and manager since 1907. Mr. Overman has had a varied but generally successful career, has been a farmer and stock raiser in early life, followed mercantile lines for a number of years, and finally located permanently in Anderson, where he is held in high … Read more

Biography of George W. Koons

GEORGE W. KOONS. It has been the privilege of Mr. Koons to witness practically all the developments and growth of the remarkable industrial city of Madison County, Elwood, since he has lived in this vicinity for nearly thirty years, and his family represent the early settlers in this portion of Indiana. Mr. Koons has been identified with the Elwood postal service for a number of years and is now assistant postmaster, and during his official term has done much to improve and facilitate the mail service in this city. George W. Koons is a native of Grant County, where he … Read more

Biography of Mason V. Hunt, M. D.

MASON V. HUNT, M. D. The roster of medical men of Madison County who have attained distinction in their profession would be decidedly incomplete did it not contain the name of Dr. Mason V. Hunt, one of the oldest practitioners of the city of Anderson, and a man widely known and highly respected not alone in the ranks of his profession, but in business, social and fraternal circles. For nearly a quarter of a century he has been ministering to the ills of the people of Anderson, and his unquestioned talent and sympathetic nature have drawn to him a large … Read more

Biography of John Willits Jones

JOHN WILLITS JONES. Madison County from its early pioneer history to the present time has had the benefit and the productive labors of different members of the Jones family, one of whose best known members is Mr. John W. Jones of Fall Creek Township. The industrial and social character of a community is the result of its citizenship, and among the many family groups which have contributed in this important regard to the development of Madison County, none could claim more credit than the Jones family, through its various representative since early pioneer times. Mr. John W. Jones the Fall … Read more

Biography of Seneca Chambers

SENECA CHAMBERS. Madison County is essentially an agricultural community, and is noted no less for the excellence of its farms than for the public spirit and enterprise of the agriculturists who till them, One of these successful farmers, a resident of the County for more than half a century, and still engaged in active pursuits, is Seneca Chambers, the owner of sixty-three acres of excellent land located on the Alexandria pike, in Richland Township, Mr. Chambers was born on the farm which he now occupies, February 24, 1861, and is a son of John H. and Julia A. (Drybread) Chambers. … Read more

Biography of William Butler Bronnenberg

Henry Bronnenberg

WILLIAM BUTLER BRONNENBERG. Success has amply attended the efforts of William Butler Bronnenberg, who has devoted himself with diligence and energy to the farming business all his life, Few men in this community have surpassed or equaled him in his accomplishments in the field of agriculture, and he is representative of the best and most progressive class of farming men in the County and state today, Beginning with little or nothing, Mr. Bronnenberg is today the owner of something like 250 acres of the most fertile land in the County, which yields him richly and repays him goodly measure of … Read more

Biography of Hon. Frank P. Foster

Frank Foster

HON. FRANK P. FOSTER. Anderson’s present mayor. has been one of the city’s most progressive and loyal citizens since locating here in 1879. Neither as a citizen nor as a representative in the lower branch of the State Legislature, at home or abroad, has he ever let a fitting opportunity pass to add his mite to the sum total of praise in favor of Anderson as a busy, enterprising city. A native of Orange County, Indiana, after receiving a common and high school education, he took a four years’ course at the Indiana State University, from which he graduated in … Read more

Biography of Garland Hancock

GARLAND HANCOCK. As superintendent of the north Anderson Schools, Mr. Hancock is a young educator who has proven his value and ability, and is now performing a very capable service in one of the largest schools in the County. Garland Hancock was born in 1887 in Richland Township, Madison County, and belongs to one of the old families of this section of the state, His parents were James and Jennie (Bronneberg) Hancock, and the father was for a number of years engaged in the livery business at Versailles in Ripley County, and previous to that time was a farmer, The … Read more

Biography of Clement Warren Hooven

CLEMENT WARREN HOOVEN. When most men die the ranks close up, the community moves on without a break, but a wide circle of acquaintances will long continue to miss the splendid personality of Clement Warren Hooven, who was unexpectedly called from earthly cares and trials on the 28th of August, 1913. He was in all the word implies a man-a man honorable in business, just in his dealings and one who maintained the highest standard of citizenship. Local publications truthfully said of him that his life was not only gentle and pure, but that nature had so mixed its good … Read more

Biography of John H. Raymer

JOHN H. RAYMER. No more honored and respected citizen might be pointed out in Green Township than John H. Raymer, who has been a resident of the County since about 1860, or since he was eighteen years of age. He was born in Maryland, on September 20, 1843, and is the son of W. P. and Lena (Prior) Raymer, both of whom were born and reared in Maryland. They came to Montgomery County, Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives, which had been devoted to the business of farming. W. P. Raymer was a \ran of prominence in … Read more

Biography of Michael Striker

Michael Striker

MICHAEL STRIKER, When the Striker family first located in Ander-son son much of what is now within the city limits was open country covered with hazel brush or wood, and Eight Street, now one of the busiest thoroughfares of the County seat, wound in and about the trees which still cumbered its course. Various members of the family have been well known in this city and County and Mr. Michael Striker was for a long number of years successful as a butcher and wholesale and retail dealer in meats, but is now living retired. Michael Striker was born in Cincinnati, … Read more

Biography of Martin L. Cromer

MARTIN L. CROMER. Probably there is no better known citizen in Anderson than Martin L. Cromer, who for more than twelve years has served in the capacity of assistant postmaster here, and whose efficient, courteous and obliging services have not only been of great value to his adopted city, but have served to gain hint widespread popularity. Mr. Cromer entered upon his career as a member of the legal profession, but since his appointment to his official position he has given the greater part of his attention to the disarge of its duties. He is a native of the Hoosier … Read more

Biography of Andrew F. Kaufman

ANDREW F. KAUFMAN. A man who has been connected with many phases of the life of Madison County during a period extending over sixty years and who has always played his part well, is A. F. Kaufman, now in the insurance business at Summitville, and also serving in the office of justice of the peace. For years he has been connected with business and farming interests in this vicinity, and although of late years he has lived in town he is still near enough to his farm to keep an eye on its management. A. F. Kaufman was born in … Read more

Biography of Benjamin H. Cook, M. D.

BENJAMIN H. COOK, M. D. Numbered among the most important of the learned professions, and the one that undoubtedly has made the most progress during the past several decades, is that of medicine, whose devotees are called upon to continue their studies at all times and to keep fully abreast of the times in order to observe the numerous discoveries and advancements of their honored calling, A practicing physician since 1885, Dr. Benjamin H. Cook has risen to a high place in his profession, and since 1903 has been located in Anderson, in which field of endeavor he is highly … Read more

Biography of Chancey Vermillion

CHANCEY VERMILLION. On the first day of January, 1910, Chancey Vermillion, a pioneer resident of Richland Township, and Madison County, died at his home, full of years and leaving behind him a record for useful living that will be an honor to his memory far into the future, For seventy-six years he was a resident of Madison County, and few there are who won a more secure position in the hearts and minds of the people than did he, A farmer of the most prosperous order, he was long known to be a man of means, and he retained to … Read more

Biography of O. B. Custer

0. B. CUSTER. The citizenship of Fall Creek Township has no member more respected and esteemed, both for his individual worth and his many kindly and disinterested service in behalf of his friends and the community, than Mr, 0. B. Custer. He was born near Mortonsville, Indiana, August 9, 1838, and was a son of William and Judah (Kendle) Custer. William Custer, the father, was a native of Kentucky, born near Georgetown, and early in life came to Indiana, locating in Fayette County. In that County he married Miss Kendle and spent the rest of his life as a farmer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Larmore

JAMES H. LARMORE. Born near Arcola, Douglass County, Illinois, September 26, 1874, the youngest son of Matthew T. and Mary ( Wild- ridge) Larmore. The father was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, August 15, 1832, the mother in Franklin County, Indiana, January 1, 1834. The son attended the common schools of Indiana and graduated in 1891, after which he spent some years on the farm, reading law in the winter, and one year in the office of Lovett & Holloway, Anderson, Indiana, up to 1898, when he engaged in the insurance business, locating in Pendleton, Indiana. He continued there for … Read more

Biography of George W. Showers

GEORGE W. SHOWERS. Now filling the office of justice of the peace in Anderson, Mr. Showers has been identified by residence and business with Anderson and with Madison County for more than twenty years. In business affairs he is best known as a building contractor, and has done much substantial work as evidence of his ability in this line. George W. Showers was born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1847, a son of John H. and Maria (Hicks) Showers, In 1856, when George was nine years old, the family moved from Pennsylvania to Henry County, Indiana, locating at a … Read more

Biography of Sanford R. Moss

SANFORD R. MOSS, Located in Richland Township, not far from the city of Anderson is found Shadeland Stock farm, a property of sixty acres from which comes some of the finest light harness horses bred in Madison County. The proprietor of this enterprise, Sanford R. Moss, has had a long and successful experience in his line of work, having been trained therein as a boy, and his firmly-established reputation as a raiser, breeder and trainer of these animals has created an active demand for his animals in the markets of the big cities, Mr. Moss was born on his present … Read more