Biography of Will G. Evans

WILL G. EVANS. Among the younger generation of business men of Elwood, one who has made a place for himself in. commercial circles is Will G. Evans, the energetic proprietor of the pharmacy at Main and Sixteenth streets, Mr. Evans was born in Irondale, Ohio, September 5, 1887, and is a son of John R. and Matilda (Mayberry) Evans. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Evans spent their entire lives in South Wales, They were the parents of a large family of children, John 11. Evans was born in South Wales, and as a young married man emigrated to the United … Read more

Biography of Herbert D. Webb

HERBERT D. WEBB. Among the energetic and successful citizens of Anderson, Indiana, none is better known that Herbert D. Webb, secretary and treasurer of one of the important manufacturing plants of this city, Mr. Webb has always taken an active part in any movement which had as its aim the advancement of Anderson or of this section of the state and he has played a prominent part in the commercial history of the city. Mr. Webb has been a hard worker throughout his life and his success is not the result of good fortune but of industry and a natural … Read more

Biography of Horace E. Jones, M. D.

Thomas Jones

HORACE E. JONES, M. D. It is eminently fitting that the career of Dr. Horace E. Jones be presented in this volume, for he has been a practitioner of medicine for upwards of forty years and his entire professional career has been passed within the borders of Madison County. During his long and honorable career in Anderson he has been successful not only in a material way, but has established himself firmly in the esteem and affection of a wide circle of sincere friends, and as a man who has always had the welfare of his community and its people … Read more

Biography of William C. Pettigrew

WILLIAM C. PETTIGREW. A former trustee of Green Township, Mr. Pettigrew is one of the leading farmers of the Township where he has spent practically all his life and as the result of many years’ industry and careful management now owns a splendid country home in section 35 of this Township. William C. Pettigrew was born on a farm in his present home Township November 8, 1858. His parents were John and Sarah (Jones) Pettigrew. The father was a native of Virginia, from which state he came to Madison County when a young man and followed farming. His death occurred … Read more

Biography of Patrick S. Bradley

PATRICK S. BRADLEY, general manager of the Home Storage and Manufacturing Company, at Elwood, Indiana, an example of the self- made manhood of which this country is so justifiably proud, has been a resident of this city for nearly twenty years, during which time he has firmly established a reputation as a capable man of affairs, He was, born in Brooklyn, New York, May 14, 1854, and is a son of Arthur and Ann (Murnin) Bradley, natives of County Down, Ireland. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Bradley, Peter and Catherine (Burns) Bradley, were farming people of Ireland, who passed their … Read more

Biography of Judge William W. Noland

Judge William W. Noland, Riverside’s well-known City Recorder and the impartial Judge of her municipal court, was born in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana, June 25, 1825. He is a descendant of representative Southern families. His father, Brazelton Noland, was a native of Kentucky. He was one of the earliest pioneers of Madison County, Indiana, locating there in 1821. Judge Noland’s mother was a native of North Carolina. Her name before marriage was Nancy Russell. The subject of this sketch was reared in the pioneer days of his native place, schooled in the log cabin schoolhouse by the itinerant teacher of … Read more

Biography of Neel M. McCullough

Neel M. McCullough. As cashier of the Citizens Bank of Anderson, as a member of the firm of Vinnedge-McCullough Real Estate Agency and as president of the Pierce Speed Controller Company, Neel M. McCullough is a worthy successor of his late father, and though one of the youngest independent business men, is successfully supervising the many important interests entrusted to his management. Neel M. McCullough was born in the city of Anderson, March 19, 1886, the only son of the late Carroll K. and Hattie B. (Black) McCullough. His early education was obtained in the grammar and high schools at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Larmore

JAMES H. LARMORE. Born near Arcola, Douglass County, Illinois, September 26, 1874, the youngest son of Matthew T. and Mary ( Wild- ridge) Larmore. The father was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, August 15, 1832, the mother in Franklin County, Indiana, January 1, 1834. The son attended the common schools of Indiana and graduated in 1891, after which he spent some years on the farm, reading law in the winter, and one year in the office of Lovett & Holloway, Anderson, Indiana, up to 1898, when he engaged in the insurance business, locating in Pendleton, Indiana. He continued there for … Read more

Biography of Augustus T. Dye

AUGUSTUS T. DYE. A former County recorder and one of the most popular men in public affairs of Madison County, Mr. Dye has a prominent place in financial circles of Anderson, being assistant secretary and treasurer of the Farmer’s Trust Company, of which he was the original organizer. The Farmer’s Trust Company is one of the most substantial organizations of its kind in this section of the state, and among its directors are many of the reliable business men and well known citizens of both Anderson and the surrounding country. The career of Augustus T. Dye began in Clermont County, … Read more

Biography of Walter Isanogel

WALTER ISANOGEL, Special interest attaches to the career of this well known and highly esteemed citizen of Chesterfield, for he is a native of Madison County, a representative of one of its sterling pioneer families and has been prominently concerned with civic and business activities in the County which has ever been his home. Mr. Isanogel was born on a farm in Union Township, Madison County, Indiana, on the 3rd of January, 1863, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Goheen) Isanogel, whose names are prominently identified with the annals of Madison County, where they took up their abode … Read more

Biography of Seneca Chambers

SENECA CHAMBERS. Madison County is essentially an agricultural community, and is noted no less for the excellence of its farms than for the public spirit and enterprise of the agriculturists who till them, One of these successful farmers, a resident of the County for more than half a century, and still engaged in active pursuits, is Seneca Chambers, the owner of sixty-three acres of excellent land located on the Alexandria pike, in Richland Township, Mr. Chambers was born on the farm which he now occupies, February 24, 1861, and is a son of John H. and Julia A. (Drybread) Chambers. … Read more

Biography of Oscar F. Mingle, D. V. S.

OSCAR F. MINGLE, D. V. S. A resident of Pendleton for the past four years, and the only doctor of veterinary surgery in that locality, Dr. Mingle is a progressive young citizen and has made a very excellent success in his profession and in general affairs of citizenship in this locality. Oscar F. Mingle was born in Hancock County, Indiana, May, 28, 1878, a son of Madison and Martha D. (Jackson) Mingle. The father now makes his home in Pendleton and the mother passed away in the fall of 1906. They were the parents of five children, four of whom … Read more

Biography of George W. Hupp

GEORGE W. HUPP. Now retired after a long and successful career, Mr. Hupp represents the earlier business activities of what is now the city of Elwood. He became a merchant in the center of Madison County fifty years ago, when the place was known as Quincy and was only a small rural trading point, Twenty-five years passed before the discovery of natural gas and the consequent boom which raised this town to the rank of one of the leading industrial centers of eastern Indiana. Through all this time Mr. Hupp was actively identified with the mercantile enterprise and continued a … Read more

Biography of Joseph Draper

JOSEPH DRAPER. In the eighty-fifth year of his life, Joseph Draper, whose home is in what is known as Scotts addition, and who is the owner of a section of land in Monroe Township, is one of the venerable old men of Madison County, has been a farmer, has grown many thousands of bushels of corn and wheat and other grain crops during his career, and his record is one of which his family and fellow citizens may well be proud, Joseph Draper was born December 18, 1828, in South Hampton, Virginia, the old Dominion state, a son of Thomas … Read more

Biography of John A. Smethers

JOHN A. SMETHERS, A farmer and lifelong citizen of Greene Township, in Madison County, John A. Smethers has lived a life of usefulness and worthy influence in his native community, and is well deserving of the position he holds in the minds of those who know him. He was born here on August 20, 1867, and is the son of James W. and Mary R. ( Schweikhardt ) Smethers. James W. Smethers was born in this Township also, and is now a resident of Ingalls, He has been twice married, His first wife died on April 7, 1889, leaving him … Read more

Biography of Ransom Bronnenberg

RANSOM BRONNENBERG. After a long period spent in agricultural pursuits, Ransom Bronnenberg, of Anderson Township, is now actively engaged in farming, enjoying the fruits of his years of industrious toil, He has spent his entire life within the limits of Madison County, where he has borne no small part in the wonderful development that has made this one of the garden spots of the Hoosier State, and the success that has attended his efforts is shown in the ownership of a handsome farm of 370 acres, located on the old State road, Mr. Bronnenberg was born on a farm, August … Read more

Biography of George A. Phipps

GEORGE A. PHIPPS. In the little village of Huntsville in Fall Creek Township, on the north bank of historic and picturesque old Fall creek, the principal industrial features and also business institutions are the flour mill and the saw mill which for many years have been conducted under the name and proprietorship of Mr. Phipps. A mill or factory is always an important institution in any community, and particularly is this true of the small rural settlement of Huntsville, where the mill becomes almost the central feature of the place and around it are grouped in comparative order the church … Read more

Biography of Joseph R. Cain

Joseph R. Cain

JOSEPH R. CAIN was long numbered among the honored merchants of Anderson and as one who saw service in all the grades of its industrial activity, He began his business connection here during the Civil war, and at the close of his long and useful life he enjoyed the quiet fruits of his previous industry and good management. Joseph R. Cain, who for more than half a century was a resident of Anderson, was born in Clinton County, Ohio, near the Butler County line, August 12, 1831, He belonged to an old family with a distinctive military record, His grandfather … Read more

Biography of John H. Raymer

JOHN H. RAYMER. No more honored and respected citizen might be pointed out in Green Township than John H. Raymer, who has been a resident of the County since about 1860, or since he was eighteen years of age. He was born in Maryland, on September 20, 1843, and is the son of W. P. and Lena (Prior) Raymer, both of whom were born and reared in Maryland. They came to Montgomery County, Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives, which had been devoted to the business of farming. W. P. Raymer was a \ran of prominence in … Read more