Biography of William Henry Jordan

William Henry Jordan is a printer and newspaper man, and for over thirty years had been identified with the publication of the Seneea Tribune, founded in 1879 by Wren and Clawson. Mr. Jordan, now the sole proprietor and editor, is a native of England, born at Rye, March 7, 1854. His father, Henry Jordan, was born in the old cathedral city of Canterbury in 1822, was reared there, and was married at Rye to Miss Elizabeth Head. She was born at Rye in 1831. After the birth of two of their children they immigrated to the United States in March, … Read more

Biography of William H. Marshall

The combination of human attributes which yields success in many fields, though a rare one, is embodied in the subject of this review. The drug business, manufacturing, stock raising, what ever he has turned his hand to, has given a balance on the right side of the ledger, so carefully has he studied and so well has he wrought. William H. Marshall was born April 23, 1851, in Warren County, Indiana. He was the youngest of eleven children, five of whom are still living. His father was Edward P. Marshall and his mother Ann (Kellam) Marshall, both being natives of … Read more

Biography of John Spencer Kenyon

John Spencer Kenyon is a member of the furniture firm of Hardcastle & Kenyon at Emporia. Established nearly thirty-five years ago, this is one of the oldest furniture houses in Kansas, and so far as known only one firm had been in business for a longer time and that is the Thompson Brothers at Topeka. Mr. Kenyon’s had been a most creditable business record. His name had been familiar to the people of Emporia and that section of Kansas for more than a generation, and always suggests the best qualities of commercial enterprise. His public spirit had also been a … Read more

Biography of J. F. Drish

J. F. Drish, dealer in general hardware and agricultural implements, Mattoon; was born in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va., May 8, 1833; his father came west to Illinois in 1836 or 1837, and first settled in Whitehall, Greene Co., where he engaged in the practice of his profession-that of a physician and surgeon; at the age of 19, the subject of this sketch left home and crossed the plains to California; here he engaged in speculating and contracting; in 1854, he returned by way of the Isthmus of Panama and New York City; he next settled in Carlinville, and engaged in … Read more

Biography of Wiand Tunnell

WIAND TUNNELL. Among the prominent business men of Linden none stand higher in the community than Wiand Tunnell, who is manager and one of the proprietors of Linden Roller Mills. This mill is owned by Mr. Tunnell, B. A. Stone and T. J. Stapp, and was built about the year 1840, being probably the first mill erected in the county. It was put up by John Hoover and operated by that gentleman until 1886, when the present owners took possession. The firm is known as Tunnell, Stone & Stapp, as William Park owned an interest up to 1892, and in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. J. P. Campbell

Rev. J. P. Campbell, minister and editor of Oakland Herald, Oakland; born in Macoupin Co., Ill., June 9, 1842; when 2 years of age, he removed with his parents to Clinton Co., where, after living five years he removed to Kentucky, where he attended the common schools until 19 years old, when he entered the Beuleyville Academy, and, after attending several mouths, enlisted as private in the 3d Kentucky Cavalry, serving six months, when, on account of physical disability, he was discharged; after remaining at home three months, he re-enlisted for twelve months in the 52d Kentucky Mounted Infantry, serving … Read more

Biographical Sketch of X. X. Crum

Crum, X. X.; real estate; born in Macoupin County, Ill.; educated, public schools Lombard University and Blackburn University, degree of A. B.; in 1883, married Miss Marcia Phelps; issue, two sons; supt. of schools for five years in Carlinville, Dl.; teacher of sciences in Keokuk, Ia.; supt. of schools of Lincoln, Neb.; came to Cleveland in 1881, as sec’y and treas. of the Board of Trade, later known as the Chamber of Commerce; wrote the history ,of the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Life of Cleveland; organized the National Safe & Lock Co.; charge of Safe Dept. of MacNeale … Read more

Biography of Simon P. Kramer

Simon P. Kramer. During the greater part of the years since 1880, Simon P. Kramer had been a resident of Kansas and had been identified with the milling industry. He is one of the oldest flour millers in the state and had operated in many different towns. In 1915 he removed to Topeka, where he bought and reorganized the Topeka Flour Mills Company, of which he is now president. He had now one of the finest mills in equipment and service in this section of the state. It is equipped throughout with Allis-Chalmers machinery and only recently he gave an … Read more

Biography of H. B. Smith

H. B. Smith. The greater part of the forty-five or more years he had lived in Kansas Mr. Smith had spent as a farmer and business man, but is now living retired at El Dorado. He had acquired property, had the superintendence of that, and also busies himself with public duties as a member of the city council. He was born in Macoupin County, Illinois, June 20, 1849. His ancestors came originally from Scotland and were Colonial settlers in America. Mr. Smith’s grandfather was a soldier under Washington for four years during the Revolution and spent the dreadful winter with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. J. Howe, M. D.,

A. J. Howe M. D., of Santa Ana, was born in Vermont in January, 1850. His father, Philip Howe, M. D., is still living in this city. He moved to Illinois when the subject of this sketch was only four years old, locating in Macoupin County, where he remained until 1863. He then made a three months’ trip across the plains to this State. Dr. Howe graduated at the State Normal School in San Francisco in 1870, and subsequently taught school in several different counties in this State, and at the same time prosecuted medical studies. In 1873 he graduated … Read more

Biography of Thomas M. Jones

Thomas M. Jones. From 1903 to 1917 Thomas M. Jones was assistant postmaster of Abilene, and in that time really handled the important responsibilities and executive details of the city postal system. He received his appointment under the late Richard Waring, and steadily continued in the office under subsequent administrations. Mr. Jones is an expert accountant, and that ability gave his service a great value in the postoffice, and during his long residence at Abilene he had been given many important commissions in auditing and in straightening up the books of commercial concerns. He is now cashier of the United … Read more

Biography of Rollin Buell

Rollin Buell. Since his education was finishod Rollin Buell had applied himself chiefly to banking in Kansas, and is now cashier of the Farmers State Bank at Potter in Atchison County. Almost since pioneer times the Buell family was identified with Macoupin County, Illinois, where Rollin Buell was born September 15, 1883, and his father, Charles Buell, in 1856. The grandfather. John Buell, was born in England, and after coming to America located on a farm in Macoupin County, Illinois, whero he died in 1865. John Buell married Miss Mitchell. Her father was a remarkably successful Illinois farmer. He reared … Read more

Biography of George G. Kungle

George G. Kungle was one of the sterling citizens of Shawnee County whose lives deserve special record in these pages. The family is still living at Tecumseh, and since his death his wife and oldest son, George, Jr., have competently managed a farm there. Born at Come, Illinois, in 1864, George G. Kungle was a son of Joseph Byron Kungle, who was born in 1834 in Pennsylvania, of Pennsylvania Dutch stock. Joseph B. Kungle was a carpenter and contractor, was a very successful man, and later in life followed farming. Highly respected by all who knew him, he enjoyed this … Read more

Biography of Henry Drum

HENRY DRUM. – Among the progressive, intelligent and enterprising business men who are lending their energy and strength to the constant and rapid development of the great resources of the State of Washington, no name stands higher, or is more widely known and deservedly popular, than that of Henry Drum. No more conspicuous example of the results of careful attention to business, probity of character and steadfastness of purpose, can be cited than the brilliant career of Tacoma’s ex-mayor. It is to this class of young, keen and active workers that the great Northwest is to-day indebted for its magnificent … Read more

Biography of Corbin Asahel McNeill

Corbin Asahel McNeill, brother of Edwin V. McNeill, was born in Macoupin County, Illinois, January 13, 1867, in a log cabin. He received his public school education in Cherokee County, Kansas, following which he attended the State Normal School, at Fort Scott, and became a telegraph operator, a vocation which he followed for a short time. Mr. McNeill read law in the offices of Ritter & Wiswell, attorneys at Columbus, and was admitted to the bar in 1892, and two years later had so favorably impressed himself upon the people that he was elected county attorney, an office in which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. Crispin

Thomas H. Crispin, farmer; P. O. Rardin; born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, May 5, 1833, where he attended school and assisted his father in the mason trade until 14 years of age, when he went to Bellefontaine, Logan Co., where he learned and worked at the trade of mason and plasterer until 1852, when he emigrated to Carlinville, Ill., and followed his trade for six years; he located in Coles Co. in the spring of 1859, on Sec. 30, Morgan Tp., where he engaged in farming one year, then six years upon Sec 9; he located upon his present place … Read more

Wendt, Betty Jane LaMadin Mrs.

Haines, Oregon Betty Jane Wendt, 77, a former longtime Haines resident, died Sept. 3, 2004, at her home in Lebanon. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Robin Harris of the Cornerstone Baptist Church in North Powder will officiate. Visitations will be held at Gray’s West & Company Pioneer Chapel until 5 p.m. today. Betty Jane was born March 27, 1927, in Carlinville, Ill., to Claude and Ollie May LaMandin. Betty had done many things in her life. She went to college and received her master’s degree, worked at a reserve … Read more

Biography of Charles F. Hamilton

Charles F. Hamilton. The business life of Champaign owes much to the enterprise and energy of Charles F. Hamilton. He first became identified with the city in the lumber trade, and while he has numerous interests elsewhere he has always remained loyal to this city and it is not only to him a home but a place where his many well considered investments have contributed much to local improvement and benefit. Mr. Hamilton is a native of Macoupin County, Illinois, where he was born November 26, 1864, a son of Julius and Virginia L. (VanDeventer) Hamilton. His parents were both … Read more

Biography of Edwin W. Shearburn, M. D.

Edwin W. Shearburn, M. D. A resident of Haddam, Kansas, since 1902, Doctor Shearburn is one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Washington County, and in surgery he takes rank among the ablest men of his profession in the state. Doctor Shearburn is of English lineage. His father, George Lionel Shearburn, was born in Yorkshire County, England, in 1818, and grew up and married in his native country, where he followed the business of farming, stock raising and was also a skilled veterinarian. On coming to the United States in 1848 he located on a farm in Macoupin County, … Read more

Macoupin County Illinois Biographies

The county coordinator of the Macoupin County ILGenWeb site, along with her volunteers, has a comprehensive collection of biographies of Macoupin County people. All told they have compiled 853 biographies from a variety of sources. We’ve placed links to those biographies here. All questions and corrections, as well as donations of additional biographies, should be referred to them. Aberle, Frank J Ackermann, Bernhard Adams, Clayton * Adams, Daniel * Adams, Francis M 1904 bio Adams, Francis M 1911 bio Adams, Giles Adams, W W * Aden, Christopher R Ahrens, John F 1904 bio Ahrens, John F 1911 bio Alderson, Francis B Alderson, J D Alderson, R K … Read more