Biography of Rev. O. I. Bennett

Rev. O. I. Bennett, pastor of the Christian Church at Boynton and for many years an earnest worker in a vocation which is recognized as the noblest occupation of man, is also ministering to the physical needs of the body as a chiropractor, and along both spiritual and material lines his efforts have been productive of much good. He was born in Cone, Louisa County, Iowa, September 13, 1867, a son of J. W. and Mary Arm (Manley) Bennett, natives of Indiana and of Irish descent. In 1849, when six years of age, the father was taken by his parents … Read more

WPA Iowa Graves Registration Survey

WPA – Work Projects Administration – 1930’s Iowa Graves Registration Survey Adair County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Adams County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Allamakee County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Audubon County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Black Hawk County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Boone County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Bremer County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buchanan County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buena Vista County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Butler County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Calhoun County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Carroll County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Cass County Iowa … Read more

Biography of John Marshall McCall

JOHN MARSHALL McCALL. – Among the substantial and favorably known residents of Southern Oregon, none have occupied a more useful place in the upbuilding of the state since the days of its infancy than the gentleman whose name is the heading of this brief memoir. His is one of those aggressive, go ahead dispositions that is an example of that time-honored adage, that “God helps those who help themselves;” and his whole life has bristled with instances of this belief. A man of strong convictions and honest prejudices, scorning hypocrisy in all things and in his dealings with friend, foe … Read more

Ball, Dwight LeRoy – Obituary

Dwight L. Ball, 76, of New London died Thursday, Dec. 8, 2005, at Henry County Health Center in Mount Pleasant. Born July 25, 1929, in Marsh, he was the son of John F. and Gladys Rebecca Morrow Ball. On June 26, 1955, he married Roberta Hillard in New London. Mr. Ball was a dairy farmer and worked for J. I. Case for 34 1/2 years. He was a 1947 graduate of New London High School and a member of the New London United Methodist Church. He also was a member of Deerwood Golf Club and the Burge Cemetery board. He … Read more

Biography of Dr. Hiempsal S. Dodd

DR. HIEMPSAL S. DODD. Totheperson who closely applies himself to any occupation which he has chosen as his calling in life, there can only come one result, that of success and a high place in the esteem of those among whom his lot has been cast. Dr. Dodd is no exception to this rule, and he has also at all times manifested much interest in the building up of the sections in which he has made his home, and has given liberally of his means to this end. He is a native of Wooster, Ohio, born in 1828, a son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. W. Magee

H. W. Magee, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., in October, 1847; his father came from Cynthiana, Ky., and settled in Coles Co., Ill., in 1832; here he engaged in farming; he relates that his father labored a whole year for Joseph VanDeren for $96; when H. W., was 2 years of age, his father moved to the western portion of Missouri, and was there during the border troubles; in the fall of 1857, he returned with his family to Coles Co., and settled in what is known as ” Dead Man’s Grove ;” in 1872, … Read more

Biography of Eldred Lloyd Eaton

Eldred Lloyd Eaton has been engaged in practice as a lawyer for the past six years, and in many ways had justified his choice of a profession and calling. In attainments and ability he now ranks as the leading lawyer of Chase County, his home and offices being. in Cottonwood Falls. Mr. Eaton had had a very active career, and he entered the legal profession after considerable experience as a teacher and business man. He was born at Hillsboro, Iowa, November 23, 1876, a son of Eugene E. and Etta Charity (Fligg) Eaton. His grandfather, Ebenezer Ancel Eaton, was a … Read more

Iowa Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books

1859 Map of Washington County Iowa

This collection contains digital atlases, farm directories, and plat books for all 99 Iowa counties. We have collated these from a variety of online sources, and provide them here as a single source for all online Iowa County Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books.

Biography of W. C. Buttman

Agricultural development in Washington county receives impetus from the intelligently directed labors of W. C. Buttman, who resides on a highly productive and well improved farm near Ochelata, which he cultivates according to the most modern and progressive methods. He was born in Louisa county, Iowa, March 10, 1874, his parents being A. C. and Jane (Easton) Buttman, the former also a native of that county, while the latter was born in the state of New York. Both are deceased. The family is an old and well known one in Iowa, W. C. Buttman’s grandparents being pioneers of that state, … Read more

Biography of George W. Ruckman

GEORGE W. RUCKMAN. – One of the men who have been in the front rank of progress and aiding the advancement of the interests of the county of Union, is mentined above, and it is right to remark that Mr. Ruckman has been a leader in several distinct ines of industry in the county, having made a record of success in each one that s enviable and gratifying, and it is a matter of compliment to the county that she is the possessor of one who has ability to manipulate in such worthy manner various industries, each one of which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William B. Fair

William “Billy” Fair was born in Fivemiletown, County Tyrone, N. Ireland, to James and Margaret (Graham) Fair on October 29, 1833. He learned the carpenter trade from his father. When he was 40 years old, he had saved enough money to come to America. The first ship across the Irish sea ran into a fierce storm and had to turn back. It was sometime before another ship was ready to sail. After he arrived in America in 1875, he took a train to Wapello, Iowa, where his father had homesteaded land earlier. While living in Louisa County, he became lonesome. … Read more

Iowa Death Records by County

Many experts recommend starting your research with the death records first. The death record is the most recent record, so it will more likely be available to you. Death records are kept in the state where your ancestor died, not where they were buried. However these records can provide a burial location. Death records are especially helpful because they may provide important information on a person’s birth, spouse, and parents. Some researchers look first for death records because there are often death records for persons who have no birth or marriage records. Early death records, like cemetery records, generally give … Read more

Glenn, Tolbert Thomas – Obituary

Summerville, Ore., Jan. 11, 1912 – Tolbert Thomas Glenn was born in Wapello, Iowa on June 22nd, 1844, and died at his home near Summerville, Oregon, on January the 6th instant. In 1862 he crossed the plains with his father and mother who settled in the Grande Ronde valley, where he has resided continuously since that time. On Sept. 20th, 1868 he was married to Miss Sarah Myers who survives him. The family of Mr. Glenn is now represented by Chas. A. Glenn of Lostine; William T., Arthur C. and Guy J. Glenn of Summerville; Mrs. Hattie McWilliams of Newcastle, … Read more

Biography of Edward P. Ashby

EDWARD P. ASHBY. – Among those who came to Union county with limited capital and have been enabled to work out here a competence for themselves, becoming prosperons and well-to-do in the goods of this world, may be mentioned the successful agriculturist and stockman whose name is at the head of this brief article and who stands to day as one of the substantial and worthy citizens of this progressive and wealthy county. At the present time Mr. Ashby owns a good farm about seven miles north of North Powder, and also a comfortable residence in the town of North … Read more

Biography of Tolbert T. Glenn

TOLBERT T. GLENN. – An amiable and intelligent gentleman who has wrought faithfully for the progress and development of Union county since the time that there has been a Union county, the subject of this sketch is by right entitled to representation in this history of his section, and we are pleased to accord to him space for an epitome of an interesting career that has done much for the country, both by actual endeavor and bright example, while his unqualified success demonstrates the ability with which he has wrought, being today one of the largest farmers in the valley. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. T. Hollenbeck

J. T. Hollenbeck, merchant, was born in Indiana October 14, 1835; removed to Louisa County, Iowa, thence to Johnson County, thence to Grundy County, came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1871, and took a homestead, moved to Burr Oak, and engaged in general merchandising and is also extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising, making fine stock a specialty. Is now doing business under the firm name of Faidley, Hollenbeck & Smith. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in Walnut Township, in Jewell Co., Kan. Was a soldier in the United States Army, in Company D, Sixteenth Iowa … Read more

Biography of S. R. Geddis

S.R. GEDDIS. – Mr. Geddis, a portrait of whom, together with a view of his beautiful home farm, appears in this history, is a leading and wealthy citizen of Kittitass county. He is one of the men whose success in life has been mainly achieved in the county in which he now lives by the exercise of economy, industry and business integrity, guided by intelligent financial ability. He is now a rich man, while but a few years ago he came to the Kittitass valley with nothing but an unblemished reputation as his entire capital. Mr. Geddis was born in … Read more

Ormsby, Margaret Vesey – Obituary

Mrs. Margaret Ann Ormsby, 72, of 607 Sixteenth Avenue South, a resident of Nampa since 1928, died yesterday in her home [July 27, 1953]. Mrs. Ormsby was born Feb. 18, 1880, in Hopkinton, Iowa. She was married in Hopkinton in November, 1897, to William Ormsby. The couple moved to Iowa, and in 1913, to Grandview. They lived there until coming to Nampa. Mr. Ormsby died in Nampa in December, 1939. Mrs. Ormsby was a member of the Methodist Church, Colfax Rebekah Lodge and the Women’s Relief Corps. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Irene Scribner, Burns, Ore. and Mrs. Helen Stanford, … Read more