Tremain, Frieda June Thudium Mrs. – Obituary

Frieda June Tremain, 86, a former Baker City resident, died Nov. 8, 2005, at the Jennings McCall II Assisted Living Center in Forest Grove. A celebration of Frieda’s life will begin at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Jennings McCall Assisted Living Center in Forest Grove. Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt Funeral Home in Forest Grove is in charge of the arrangements. Frieda was born June 12, 1919, at St. Catherine, Mo., to Edward Thomas Thudium and Nellie Rose Baker Thudium. She was raised and educated at Brookfield, Mo., and was a 1936 graduate of Brookfield High School. She then attended Kirksville … Read more

Biography of Dawson W. Cooley

Dawson W. Cooley is president of the Oxford Bank in Sumner County. His home has been in Kansas for upwards of half a century, and while his years have been chiefly employed in the banking business, he has also identified himself with various other enterprises for the good and upbuilding of this state. Mr. Cooley is one of the surviving veterans of the great Union army during the Civil war. He served during the first two years of that struggle in one of the noted regiments of New York State. His enlistment was in Company C of the Ninth New … Read more

Biography of Thomas Higginbotham

THOMAS HIGGINBOTHAM – The representative and well known gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article has been a resident of Union County for more than a score of years, and he is to-day numbered with the most substantial and influential citizens here, and his home place, a farm two miles northwest from Elgin, displays industry and thrift, coupled with which are his stanch qualities of worth and moral excellence. On March 17, 1856, in Wayne county, Kentucky, our Subject was born to James and Priscilla (Cullum) Higginbotham, natives also of the Blue Grass State. In 1863 the … Read more

Biography of Neri L. Ackles

NERI L. ACKLES. – A man of broad experience in the business world, gained by practical contact with the different lines of enterprise in the northwest, the subject of this sketch is today one of Union county’s prominent and capable farmers and stockmen, whose ability has wrought for the advancement of the welfare of all, while he has prosecuted with vigor the industries that have come to his hand, gaining the reward of wisely bestowed labor in the land of resources and fertility. In Linn county, Missouri, Neri L. first saw the light and July 30, 1860, was the time … Read more

Biography of Alexander M. Dockery

Alexander M. Dockery was born in Livingston county, Missouri, February 11, 1845. His father is a distinguished minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Sarah E. McHaney, his mother, was a native of Kentucky; of their family of three children, the subject of this sketch is the only survivor. He received a thorough classical education in Macon Academy, Macon, Missouri. In 1863 he entered the St. Louis Medical College, from which he graduated in March, 1865, receiving his diploma. Dr. Dockery then located for the practice of his chosen profession in Linneus, Missouri, where he pursued the practice of medicine … Read more

Biography of Maj. Willis L. Brown

Maj. Willis L. Brown, of Kingman, is one of the eminent Kansas whose records serve to illustrate and adorn the history of the commonwealth. Mr. Brown had been through nearly everything that is significant of Kansas life for forty years. He was at one time a poverty stricken homesteader and while the general public knows him chiefly through his broader business and civic relations, he is still in close touch with Kansas farming and through his work and initiative had probably done as much as any man in Kingman County to promote intensive and high class farming and stock raising. … Read more

Biography of George W. King, M.D.

GEO. W. KING, M.D. – The early life of Doctor King of Pendleton was made dark by the terrible days of the Rebellion; and the recital of his early efforts to work out the distressful circumstances into which he was thus thrown is full of pathetic interest. He was born near Glasgow, Howard county, Missouri, November 14, 1844, and when but a boy of five went with his parents to reside near St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived until the spring of 1854, when his father moved to Kansas Territory, then but a prairie wilderness. He settled on Pottawatomie creek, … Read more

Biography of William S. Gooch, M. D.

William S. Gooch, M. D., has practiced surgery and medicine at Mapleton, Kansas, for the past fifteen years, and in point of experience and general ability ranks as the first and leading member of the profession in that community. Doctor Gooch is a Missourian and was born at Meadville, in that state February 6, 1875. His family settled in pioneer times in Northwestern Missouri and the original stock came out of England and established themselves in Kentucky along about the close of the Revolutionary war. Doctor Gooch’s Grandfather Gideon Gooch was born in Kentucky, moved from that state to Northern … Read more

Biography of James Duncan Millar Crockett

James Duncan Millar Crockett. Modern business and industry have developed specialists in various lines, and one of the professions that had arisen to meet the increasing demands of business efficiency is that of public accountancy. One of the best known public accountants of the State of Kansas is J. D. M. Crockett, who had done much to organize and extend the field of public accountancy in this state. He is a member of the firm Crockett, Couchman & Company, certified public accountants, now having offices in New York, St. Louis, Kansas City and Topeka. Mr. Crockett was born near the … Read more

Biography of William T. Lamkin

WILLIAM T. LAMKIN. The bar of Christian County is given much force and power by the membership of William T. Lamkin, who has made his way to the front in the profession of law and is a prominent and useful citizen. He is a sincere, direct, positive man, a true man in the best and highest sense, and his standing at the bar is deservedly high. Mr. Lamkin is a product of this State, born in Linn County, June 15, 1848. He is a son of R. H. and Sarah H. (Hurt) Lamkin, natives of Kentucky and Missouri, respectively. The … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Huss, William Sylvester – Obituary

Graveside funeral services for William Sylvester Huss, 84, Ellensburg pioneer who died at Medical Lake, Monday [January 10, 1949], will be held at the IOOF Cemetery here Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock with Rev. R. W. May officiating. The family requests that no flowers be sent. Born in Laclede, Mo., June 3, 1864. Huss came across the plains by ox cart with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Huss in 1865. They settled in Grant County, Oregon and moved to the Kittitas Valley in June 1885. He had resided here since that time. He was employed for 25 … Read more

Biography of Lincoln Austin,

This enterprising and representative business man and property owner of Flora is a member of the firm of Clark & Austin, which does a general merchandise business in Flora carrying a complete and well selected stock and gaining a patronage from the adjacent country that betokens a lucrative business. Lincoln was born in Adams County, Illinois, on September 21, 1866, being the son of Moses and Mary L. Austin. Our subject had one brother, Clarence F. of Paradise. On July 25, 1870, his father contracted a second marriage, the lady being Nancy Hester, a native of Missouri and the nuptials … Read more