Turnbow, Maybel G. – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Maybel G. Turnbow of Joseph, who had been ill for the past four months, passed away on Wednesday, June 11, 1975 at the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient 19 days. She was born Nov. 4, 1902 at Elgin, daughter of Samuel L. and Ella Knight, and had lived in Wallowa County most of her life. On Jan. 22, 1927 she was married at Enterprise to John E. Turnbow who preceded her in death on March 10, 1958. She was a retired school teacher. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Cleve (Lita) Berry … Read more

Bradley, Jack – Obituary

Poison Is Fatal To Jack Bradley Well Known Wag and Joker Dies At Joseph—–No Relatives Found Jack Bradley died last Friday night in the Sheets hotel at Joseph, after taking laudanum. He had been drinking heavily a day or so and was taken to the hotel by the authorities. A four-ounce bottle labeled laudanum was found after his death. Burial was in the Prairie creek cemetery on Monday. J.T. Reach, the Joseph undertaker, telephoned and telegraphed to a number of cities in the west, trying to locate a brother reported to be somewhere in this part of the country. His … Read more

Childers, Thelma Marie (Crow) – Obituary

Graveside services will be held at the Lostine Cemetery for Thelma Childers on Thursday, March 27, 1997 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Childers, a lifelong resident of Wallowa County was 97 years of age. Born at Hurricane Creek on December 12, 1899, the daughter of Grace and S. P. Crow, she attended and graduated from Lostine Schools. On July 24, 1921, she married Cecil Childers and has lived most of her remaining years in Joseph. She was preceded by her husband in 1991. She was a longtime member of the Eastern Star, Rebeccas, Daughters of the Nile and the Ladies Auxiliary … Read more

Biography of John Johnson

As a general rule, those who came to us from the rich sections of England are the very best who have wrought in the development of this country, and among this number must be mentioned the intelligent, thrifty, and sagacious gentleman, of whom we now have the pleasure of writing, who has made a success in his efforts here, demonstrating an ability that could but win as it has done, while in his career he has maintained an untarnished reputation, displaying honor of a high order and moral qualities of intrinsic worth. Mr. Johnson was born in England, on December … Read more

Wold, Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow Wold of Joseph died January 31, 2007, at her home in Joseph. She was 90. A memorial celebration will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at Joseph City Park, followed by a barbecue potluck dinner. Hamburgers and hot dogs, with condiments, will be provided. Salads, desserts, etc. for pot luck would be appreciated. There will be tables at the park but card or portable tables in addition would be welcome. Any flowers ( her favorite was purple) can be delivered to the park or the Joseph United Methodist Church prior to … Read more

Coulter, James – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon James Coulter, several years a citizen of Elgin, but of late years a resident of La Grande, died in that city August 31, 1945, aged 86 years and 21 days. Although his health had been generally failing, due to his advanced years, his final illness was of short duration. Graveside services were conducted at the Elgin cemetery at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, and entombment followed immediately thereafter. Only two direct relatives survive deceased. They are two sons: F. L., of Sisters, Ore., and Jas. J., of Joseph. James Coulter was born at Mulkeytown, Ill., August 12, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Sherod

The subject of this sketch is one of the well known business men of Wallowa County and conducts a mercantile establishment in Wallowa, being one of the substantial, capable and wide awake men of the business world, and is actuated by a broad public spirit which leads him to labor assiduously for the welfare of his county, as well as prosecute his business with enterprise and characteristic skill and ability, while his amiability and sound principles have won for him the esteem and confidence of all who may have the pleasure of his acquaintance. William was born in Tennessee, the … Read more

McElhannon, Janet – Obituary

Janet McElhannon died in Spokane, Wash., on April 1, 2008. A Wallowa County resident since 2000, she was born Janet Raye Osier on April 28, 1943 in Valley City, ND. She married Dallas McElhannon in May 1978. She was a hard worker, enjoyed the simpler things in life, and most recently enjoyed serving the wonderful folks at the Alpine House in Joseph. Her consistent and devoted prayer life kept her close to her savior and served as an example to many who knew her. Janet was the loving wife of Dallas McElhannon, mother of Cynthia, Joie, and Ray. Sister to … Read more

Conrad, Eda Frances, Mrs. – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Mrs. Eda Frances Conrad, of Joseph, passed away Monday, May 9, 1966 at the Wallowa Memorial hospital. She had been a hospital patient for the past three months and had been in failing health for two years. She was born in Germany on June 13, 1876, daughter of Rudolph and Bertha Bork, and came to Wallowa County 75 years ago. On May 18, 1894, she was married at Flora to William Robert Conrad who passed away May 27, 1930. She was a member of the Methodist Church and of Silver Lake Rebekah Lodge 121. Survivors include three sons, … Read more

Schaupp, Addie – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Addie Schaupp wife of Arthur Schaupp of Joseph died Tuesday night June 17, 1919 at St. Vincent hospital in Portland. Her death came as a great shock to her friends here as she had gone with Mr. Schaupp to Portland on a pleasure trip a week ago Monday. They went to take in the Rose Festival and to enjoy a vacation. Thursday evening Mrs. Schaupp was taken ill and her condition quickly grew so serious that she was removed to the hospital where and operation was performed. This failed to afford relief and on Tuesday … Read more

Buckley, Doris – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Doris Buckley died at a care home in Phoenix, Ariz. on Jan. 25, 2007. She was 75. Mrs. Buckley was born in La Grande on Sept. 18, 1931, to Albert and Anna Gake. She lived in La Grande for a few years until the family moved to Enterprise and then to Joseph, where she attended school. During the war, the family moved to Huntington where her father worked for the Union Pacific Railroad. She graduated from Huntington High School. She married Glen Buckley in 1949. They worked on ranches in Wallowa County for a number of years, and … Read more

Baker, Alma W. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Alma Wilhelmina Eckley Baker passed away at Wallowa Memorial Hospital in Enterprise on Sunday, June 24, 1894. She was born on June 7, 1905at Joseph, daughter of Albin Max and Louise Rudger. As a young girl she grew up in the Liberty area east of Joseph and received her education at the Liberty School. She was baptized in the Lutheran Church. She started her married life with her husband, Benjamin Eckley, at Devil’s Gulch in a home in the mountains near Little Ship Creek. Ben ran two bands of sheep there and in the higher mountains. … Read more

Conaway, Violet – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Violet Effie Conaway, 88, of McMinnville, died April 15, 2004, at home. She was born Oct. 3, 1915, in Flora to Roy and Bessie Varney. Mrs. Conaway spent most of her growing up years on Upper Prairie Creek and graduated from Joseph High School. After marrying James B. Conaway in 1938, the couple moved to La Grande a few years later where she worked as a high school secretary, followed by a move to McMinnville in 1950. After a short time in Alaska, the couple lived in Vancouver, Wash., before returning to McMinnville in 1980 with two young … Read more

Scott, Sarah W., Mrs. – Obituary

Services Held Mrs. Sarah Scott Enterprise, Oregon Memorial services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Bollman Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Sarah W. Scott who passed away Saturday, March 28, in a La Grande hospital where she had been a patient for the past ten days. Rev. John Munsey officiated and Mrs. A.L. Kintner was organist. Soloist was Mrs. Gerald R. Brown who sang “In The Garden” and “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere.” Casket bearers were: Wilbur Reece, Maurice Weaver, William Morris, Ray Repplinger, Lowell Wortman and Pat Wortman and burial was in the Enterprise cemetery. Mrs. Scott was born … Read more

Anderson, Charles – Obituary

Anderson, Charles Joseph, Oregon Charles Anderson, a former resident of Joseph and Baker City, died April 30, 2006, in Baker, Mont. He was 57. Funeral services will be held May 8 at 2 p.m. at Baker United Methodist Church in Baker City. A full obituary will run in next week’s paper. Wallowa County Chieftain, May 4, 2006 Charles Anderson, a former resident of Joseph and Baker City, died April 30, 2006, in Baker, Mont. He was 57. Mr. Anderson was born Aug. 6, 1948, to Eldon James and Roberta May Griffin Anderson in The Dalles. He grew up and attended … Read more

Widman, C. Wayne – Obituary

C. Wayne Widman, 69, of Parkdale, and a former Baker City resident, died March 31, 2002, at the Hood River Memorial Hospital. His funeral was at 11 a.m. today at the Hood River Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Burial was at the Upper Valley Cemetery. Wayne was born April 7, 1932, at Baker City to Carl Henry and Dorothy Ellen Williams Widman. He was raised and educated in Baker City and was a 1950 Baker High School graduate. After high school, Wayne left Baker City to work in a sawmill at Joseph. About a year later he returned … Read more

McClain, Benjamin Franklin – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Frank McLain Laid To Rest Benjamin Franklin McLain, born June 9, 1892, passed away suddenly at his home Friday, February 27. For some time his general health had been poor and the complications had proved fatal. Benjamin Franklin McClain, the son of James and Alice McLain, was one of the early pioneers of Wallowa County. His early life was spent on the family farm on upper Prairie Creek. He moved to Joseph with his parents in 1910, graduating from the Joseph high school with the class of 1914. He worked a few years in the First … Read more

Conley, Rebecca S. Hooper – Obituary

Mrs. Geo. W. Conley Passes Rebecca S. Hooper was born near Baltimore, Maryland, May 25th, 1828, and died at Dayton, Wash., April 10th, 1920, at the age of nearly 92 years. With her husband, Geo. W. Conley, she came to Joseph in 1888 where he died in 1907. During this period of nearly twenty years they contributed largely to the development of the county and added materially to the social life of this community. Following the death of Mr. Conley she resided with a daughter Mrs. W.T. Mahon until last summer when she went to Dayton to make her home … Read more

Folker, Erline – Obituary

Former Resident Killed By Gunman Mr. and Mrs. Claire Childers left Friday for Walla Walla after having received word of the tragic death of his half-sister, Mrs. Erline Folker. Mrs. Folker’s body was found Wednesday, November 5, in the desert near Las Vegas, Nevada with her throat slashed. She was identified and relatives were notified Friday. Sheriff’s Sgt. Bob Griffin, of Las Vegas, said Jack Rainsberger had been booked on suspicion of murder after he had told a bizarre story about voices telling him in Los Angeles last week to go to Las Vegas and make a human sacrifice. Rainsberger … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mary E. Perkins

We are pleased to add to the list of leading and prominent citizens of Wallowa county the name of the estimable lady whose life’s career it is now our pleasant task to outline, since she is one who has labored for the advancement of the interests of the county and has wrought here with skill and industry for many years, and her thrift and good financing have rendered her a generous possession of this world’s goods and she is highly esteemed among all. Our subject was born in Indiana, being the daughter of William and Nancy (Anderson) Warnack, natives, respectively, of Ohio … Read more