Biographical Sketch of Thomas Jaqueth

Thomas Jaqueth, a native of Hollis, N. H., married Marinda Tarbox, of Londonderry, N. H. Dana S., the second of his thirteen children, married Ada M., daughter of Leeprett and Hannah (Keith) Wilber, of Westmore. land, has two children, and resides upon a farm on road 43. He served three years in Co. A, 2d N. H. Vols., was at the first battle. of Bull Run, and was a prisoner ten months, confined in Libby, Parish and aulsbury prisons. His son Willie L. married Jennie S. Chase, of Mt. Vernon, N. H., and now resides on road 55.

Biographical Sketch of Henry F. Morse

Henry F. Morse, son of Elihu L., married Lizzie B. Hunt, and has sir children. He was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting in Co. G, 14th N. H. Vols., served three years, and was honorably discharged. He now resides in Jaffrey.

Biographical Sketch of David Lacy

David Lacy came from Andover, Mass., and settled in Jaffrey previous to 1790, locating on lot 14, tier 8, and his name appears among those of early. land-surveyors. He married Charlotte, daughter of Jonathan Mollie (Fitch) Blodgett, November 2, 1788, and had born to him nine children. His son William married Betsey Brondson, May 26, 1829, and se in Jaffrey, engaging in mercantile pursuits in company with E. Cutter and L. Sweetzer, occupying the Ainsworth store. By diligence and economy found means to enlarge his trade, and in the spring of 1854, he bought stocked the Foster store, of East … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonah Carter

Jonah Carter was a native of Leominster, Mass. His son Jonah married Lucy Joslin and came to Jaffrey about 1793. He settled upon a farm on road 61, and reared a family of ten children, only one of whom, Luke, is now living. This son married Lucy, daughter of Silas and Susan (Reed) Ross, and reared a family of eight children, four of whom are now living. He is a manufacturer of woodenware, and resides upon a farm on road 13.

Biographical Sketch of Harlon F. Morse

Harlon F. Morse, son of Elihu L., married Theoda A. Davis, of Hartland; Vt., and is now a resident of this town. He served four years during the late war, enlisting in Co. B, 8th N. H. Vols., and was honorably discharged.

Biographical Sketch of Joel Cutter

Joel Cutter, son of Joseph, married Mary S., daughter of Col. Timothy Jones, of Bedford, Mass. Nehemiah, one. of their ten children, married Emily A., daughter of Col. Oliver and Deborah (Perry) Bailey. He has two children, occupies a farm on road 20, and is a successful farmer and keeper of a summer boarding-house.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Pierce

Samuel Pierce came to Jaffrey, from Lunenburgh, Mass., in 1773, and settled upon the farm on road 58, where E. Cary now lives. He married twice, first, Abigail Carter, and second, Elizabeth Whitney, and reared a family of ten children. He died December 27, 1824, at the age of seventyfive years. His son Joseph married Esther Jaqueth, settled on the home farm, and had born to him eight children, three of whom are living. He died April 20, 1860. Frederick S., son of Joseph, married twice, first, Martha Tolman, and second, Mary A. Grant. He now resides in East Jaffrey, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Goff

Thomas Goff came from Dublin, Ireland, at an early day, and was at the battle of Bennington. His son Robert married Sallie Bryant and settled Jaffrey, upon a farm on road 28. His only son, Kendall, married M Pratt, of New Ipswich, N. H., and has one son living. This son, Thomas K., married three times, first, Louisa M. Farnham, who bore him one son Charles E.; second, Sarah Sprague; and third, Annie M. Magoon, of Canada, who born him one daughter, Mary L. He now occupies the old homestead.

History of Industry in Jaffrey, NH

The Granite State Hotel, Caldwell Bros., proprietors, located at East Jaffrey, is a fine, three-story, brick building. The present proprietors took possession May 1, 1884, and are sustaining the just celebrity of the house with the public. The Monadnock National bank, located at East Jaffrey, was incorporated in 1850, with a capital of $50,000.00, as the Monadnock State Bank. Its officers were, John Conant, president; Peter Upton, cashier; and John Conant, Benjamin Cutler, Jonas M. Mellville, James Scott, of Peterboro, Rufus Haywood, Samuel Ryan, Jr., and Solomon Allen, directors. In 1855 John Fox was chosen president, and was succeeded, in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Woodruff

Louis Woodruff, a native of Westfield, N. J., married Damaris N. Winans, of Elizabeth, N. J., who bore him six children, three of whom are living. His son John W. married Susan A., daughter of Luke and Abbie (Dawes) Tucker, of Elizabeth N. J. Two of his three children, James D., a resident of Minneapolis, Minn., and Frederick S., of Boston, Mass., are now living. John W. Woodruff resides upon a farm on road 3.

General History of Jaffrey, New Hampshire

JAFFREY lies in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 42° 50′, and long. 4° 59′, bounded, north, 113 rods by Marlboro and 2,408 rods by Dublin; east, 730 rods by Peterboro and 988 rods by Sharon; south, 1,898 rods by Rindge and 603 rods by Fitzwilliam; and west, 349 rods by Fitzwilliam, 806 rods by Troy, and 5o1 rods by Marlboro, thus having an area of about 22,000 acres, 1,000 of which are covered with water, and 3,200 rendered uninhabitable from its mountainous character. It was granted by the Masonian proprietors, under the name of Middle Monadnock. No. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. I. B. Proctor

Captain I. B. Proctor, the present owner of the so-called Felt farm, and proprietor of the Proctor House, situated on the pleasant southern slope of Monadnock mountain, is a native of Lunenburg, Mass., where he was born in 1824, and at which place he lived until 1844, when he was appointed purchasing agent of the Vermont & Massachusetts railroad, with his office in Gardner. In 185r he engaged in the wholesale flour and grain business in Fitchburg. In 1854 was elected captain of the Washington Guards, a fine military company of Fitchburg. In 1858 he was elected superintendent of the … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Cutter

Benjamin Cutter, son of John, was born January 8, 1793. He married Grata, daughter of Nathan and Abigail (Hale) Hunt, of Rindge. She died November 5, 1871, aged seventy-eight. Mr. Cutter settled in early life where he now lives. He became a tanner and currier with his father, and purse the manufacture of leather originally in the establishment erected by father, and afterwards, until 1850, in the building now occupied for the same purpose by his son Julius. He has been a prominent man of the town, n seeking political honors, but ever ready to serve when called by his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eleazer W. Heath

Eleazer W. Heath, son of David, and a native of Corinth, Vt., married Rhoda Merril, of Bradford, Vt., and for his second wife, Mary N. (Gibbs) Gilmore, of Jaffrey. Mr. Heath was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was at the battle of Plattsburg. He is now living, at the great age of ninety years, and occupies a farm on road 29, known as the Emory place. He has seven children.

Biography of Peter Upton

Peter Upton, son of Jonathan and Nancy (Whittemore) Upton, was born in Tyngsborough, Mass., October 1, 1816. He came to Jaffrey in October, 1837, and entered the store of Hiram Duncan as clerk. Two years later he was admitted to an equal partnership in the new firm of Duncan & Upton. Upon the death of Mr. Duncan, in 1840, the business was continued by Mr. Upton, to whom was also committed the settlement of the estate of his late partner. and the completion of many important trusts which Mr. Duncan had in charge. He continued actively-engaged in trade until 1851, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gustavus Cutter

Gustavus A. Cutter, was one of the three children of Charles A. and Philena, who resided on road 53. He served in the late Rebellion and was honorably discharged.