Village of Jaffrey, New Hampshire

JAFFREY, a post village located in the central part of the town, has one church (Congregational), one hotel, two dry goods stores, a blacksmith shop, livery stable and about twenty-five dwellings. It has in its vicinity, also, the summer residences of many who come here during that season to enjoy the delightful scenery and healthful air.

Biographical Sketch of Harlon F. Morse

Harlon F. Morse, son of Elihu L., married Theoda A. Davis, of Hartland; Vt., and is now a resident of this town. He served four years during the late war, enlisting in Co. B, 8th N. H. Vols., and was honorably discharged.

The First Universalist Society of East Jaffrey, NH

The First Universalist society, at East Jaffrey, was organized November 16, 1822, and re-organized in 1858, with twenty-five members. Rev. Dolphus Skinner was the first pastor. Their church building, erected in 1844, will seat 275 persons, and is valued, including grounds, at $3,000 00. The society now has about sixty members, with Dr. Sawyer pastor. Their Sabbath-school, organized in 1845, has thirty-five scholars.

Biographical Sketch of Jonas Pierce

Asa and Betsey (Pike) Pierce, from Weston, Mass., located in Dublin about 1786. After a few years he died, leaving his widow and two sons, Asa and Jonas. July 29, 1790, his widow married Thomas Davidson, and removed to Jaffrey. Jonas Pierce, second son of Asa, was born in Dublin, April 8, 1788. He married Lucinda, daughter of Benjamin Bailey, of Jaffrey, September 1, 1811. She died in 1838. He married, second, Mrs. Polly Bowers, September 11, 1838, who died March 2, 1895, aged eighty-five years. He died May 28, 1857. He was one of the prosperous farmers of Jaffrey. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joel Cutter

Joel Cutter, son of Joseph, married Mary S., daughter of Col. Timothy Jones, of Bedford, Mass. Nehemiah, one. of their ten children, married Emily A., daughter of Col. Oliver and Deborah (Perry) Bailey. He has two children, occupies a farm on road 20, and is a successful farmer and keeper of a summer boarding-house.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Pierce

Samuel Pierce came to Jaffrey, from Lunenburgh, Mass., in 1773, and settled upon the farm on road 58, where E. Cary now lives. He married twice, first, Abigail Carter, and second, Elizabeth Whitney, and reared a family of ten children. He died December 27, 1824, at the age of seventyfive years. His son Joseph married Esther Jaqueth, settled on the home farm, and had born to him eight children, three of whom are living. He died April 20, 1860. Frederick S., son of Joseph, married twice, first, Martha Tolman, and second, Mary A. Grant. He now resides in East Jaffrey, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver L. Spaulding

Oliver L. Spaulding. was born in Jaffrey, N. H., August 2, 1833, graduated at Oberlin college, Ohio, in 1855; removed to St. Johns, Mich., in 1857. In 1858 he was elected a member of the Board of Regents of the University of Michigan for the term of six years. Served during the war of the rebellion in all the grades from captain to brevet brigadier-general In 1866 he was elected secretary of state for Michigan, and was re-elected in 1868. Was a special agent of the United States treasury department from 1875 till he resigned the position to take his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Lawrence

J. S. Lawrence, son of Ithamer, married Sarah, daughter of Zachariah and Rebecca Emery, who bore him three children, all now living, and occupied the homestead until his death. His son Frederick J. married Clara, daughter of Nehemiah and Adaline (Bailey) Cutter, has one child, and resides on the home farm, road 5.

The Congregational Church of Jaffrey, NH

The Congregational church of Jaffrey village.-The grant from the Masonian proprietors stipulated that a meeting-house be built within six years from the date of the charter. There is nothing in the early records of the town, however, to show that anything was done towards this object previous to 1774, when it was voted that such a structure be built. Neglect to build a meeting-house was not the only instance in which the settlers failed to fulfill the requirements of their charter. From the reports of the settlers to the grantors, testifying of the condition of the colony, we find that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Stephens

James Stephens, a lieutenant under General Washington in the Revolution, and a native of Andover, Mass., came to Jaffrey about 1769. He was twice married, first to Elizabeth Lacy, and second, to Betsey Wood Litch, and settled upon a farm on road 44, where Henry Chamberlain now resides. Polly,, the youngest of his seven children, and the only one now living, resides on the home farm and is eighty-seven years of age. Polly, a granddaughter of James, has a set of spoons made from the silver mountings that were upon the sword worn by her grandfather during the war. His … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Frost

Benjamin Frost, son of Benjamin, who settled in Jaffrey in 1783, married Annis, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Whitney) Pierce, of Jaffrey, and settled in Dublin in 1806. He was a carpenter, millwright and brick-mason. His son, Joseph P., first settled in Dublin, but moved to Jaffrey in 1849. He is a public-spirited man, much employed in town affairs, has been selectman three years, and is now town clerk and justice of the peace. He married twice, first, Sarah E., daughter of Abel and Mary (Spaulding) Cutter, January 4, 1844, and second, Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Polly (Jewett) Osgood, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Garfield

John Garfield, son of Abraham, and grandson of John who was at the battle of Lexington, married Emily Gould, has two children, and resides on road 60.

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Bemis

Timothy Bemis, a native of Marlboro, Mass., came to Marlboro, N. H., in 1776. His son James, a commissioned officer in the Revolutionary war, married Hannah Frost, who bore him nine children, only one of whom is now living, and settled in Dublin. His son Josiah married Sibyl Emery, of Jaffrey, and had born to him three children, only two of whom are now living. His son. Alvin J., married Mary Greenwood, of Marlboro, N. H., who bore him two children, neither of whom is now living. He resides on road 35, in the village of East Jaffrey.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Goff

Thomas Goff came from Dublin, Ireland, at an early day, and was at the battle of Bennington. His son Robert married Sallie Bryant and settled Jaffrey, upon a farm on road 28. His only son, Kendall, married M Pratt, of New Ipswich, N. H., and has one son living. This son, Thomas K., married three times, first, Louisa M. Farnham, who bore him one son Charles E.; second, Sarah Sprague; and third, Annie M. Magoon, of Canada, who born him one daughter, Mary L. He now occupies the old homestead.

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Adams

Stephen Adams came to Jaffrey from Hamilton, Mass., about 1807 and settled upon the farm where D. P. Adams now resides, an road 25. He was in the naval service during the Revolution. He married Mehitable Cummings, of Marlboro, N. H., and reared a family of five children. His son Jessie married Ruth, daughter of Edward and Ruth Perkins, who bore him six children. He resided on road 26 for many years, or until his death, which occurred December 15, 1863. His son Addison has married twice, first, Mary L. Davis, of Lawrence, Mass., who bore him one son; second, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Woodruff

Louis Woodruff, a native of Westfield, N. J., married Damaris N. Winans, of Elizabeth, N. J., who bore him six children, three of whom are living. His son John W. married Susan A., daughter of Luke and Abbie (Dawes) Tucker, of Elizabeth N. J. Two of his three children, James D., a resident of Minneapolis, Minn., and Frederick S., of Boston, Mass., are now living. John W. Woodruff resides upon a farm on road 3.