Biographical Sketch of Thomas Goff

Thomas Goff came from Dublin, Ireland, at an early day, and was at the battle of Bennington. His son Robert married Sallie Bryant and settled Jaffrey, upon a farm on road 28. His only son, Kendall, married M Pratt, of New Ipswich, N. H., and has one son living. This son, Thomas K., married three times, first, Louisa M. Farnham, who bore him one son Charles E.; second, Sarah Sprague; and third, Annie M. Magoon, of Canada, who born him one daughter, Mary L. He now occupies the old homestead.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Pierce

Benjamin Pierce, fourth son of Jonas, born July 11, 1821, married Lucinda, daughter of Isaac and Betsey (Bailey) Stratton, May 12, 1846, and has two children-George A. and Ada L. He located in Boston, where he accumulated a large estate, but finally removed to this town, and now owns the Shedd farm, off road 36. In 1897 he built the Granite State Hotel, which is a valued addition to East Jaffrey. He is a prominent man in town affairs, having held many positions of trust, was town representative in 1870 and 1871, and was delegate to the State constitutional convention … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Jaqueth

Thomas Jaqueth, a native of Hollis, N. H., married Marinda Tarbox, of Londonderry, N. H. Dana S., the second of his thirteen children, married Ada M., daughter of Leeprett and Hannah (Keith) Wilber, of Westmore. land, has two children, and resides upon a farm on road 43. He served three years in Co. A, 2d N. H. Vols., was at the first battle. of Bull Run, and was a prisoner ten months, confined in Libby, Parish and aulsbury prisons. His son Willie L. married Jennie S. Chase, of Mt. Vernon, N. H., and now resides on road 55.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Buckwold

Jacob Buckwold married Catharine Hahn, of Baden, Germany, March 7, 1858, and has eight children. He came to this country in May 1857, and settled in Jaffrey. He was a soldier in the late Rebellion, enlisting in 1861 in Co. G, 14th N. H. Vols., and was honorably discharged in 1863. He died August 18, 1882. His family resides in the village of East Jaffrey.

Charles Henry Wyman Genealogy

Charles Henry4 Wyman, b. in Barnard, Vt., Jan. 30, 1863; son of Elliot and Hester (Woodward) Wyman; m. June 15, 1890, at Barre, Mass., Martha Robinson, b. in Barre, June 5, 1865; dau. of Charles and Mary Stearns (Henry) Robinson. This Charles Henry was son of Elliot Wyman of Barnard, Vt.; who was the son of Ira Wyman of Stockbridge, Vt.; who was the son of Jasher Wyman of Stockbridge, who came there from Athens, Vt. The ch. of Charles H. and Hester were: Carl Robinson5, b. Summit, Wis., July 2, 1891. Herbert Harland5, b. East Jaffrey, Dec. 17, 1898. … Read more

Biography of Peter Upton

Peter Upton, son of Jonathan and Nancy (Whittemore) Upton, was born in Tyngsborough, Mass., October 1, 1816. He came to Jaffrey in October, 1837, and entered the store of Hiram Duncan as clerk. Two years later he was admitted to an equal partnership in the new firm of Duncan & Upton. Upon the death of Mr. Duncan, in 1840, the business was continued by Mr. Upton, to whom was also committed the settlement of the estate of his late partner. and the completion of many important trusts which Mr. Duncan had in charge. He continued actively-engaged in trade until 1851, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harlon F. Morse

Harlon F. Morse, son of Elihu L., married Theoda A. Davis, of Hartland; Vt., and is now a resident of this town. He served four years during the late war, enlisting in Co. B, 8th N. H. Vols., and was honorably discharged.

Biographical Sketch of John Cutter

John Cutter son of Nathaniel, born at Woburn, Mass., March 16, 1765 came to Jaffrey in 1789. He married Abigail Demary, of Rindge, and so after commenced business as a tanner, buying the tannery of a Mr. Tanner which was afterwards occupied by his son, B. Cutter, Esq., but which has since been demolished. He was a man of singular energy of character and the first person in Jaffrey who kept his accounts according to the decimal system. By frugality and industry he acquired a competency. His so Ethan married Nancy B., daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth (Stiles) Blodgett, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Daniel Ryan

Dr. Daniel Ryan, in 1750, came from Ireland as surgeon on board of a vessel, and settled in Marblehead, Mass. His son Samuel, also a physician, moved to Sharon, N. H., in 1790, married Mrs. Patty Sawyer, who bore him four children. One of these, Samuel, Jr., married Hannah J., daughter of George and Alice (Sawyer) Shead; of Peterboro, N. H., July 14, 1811, and rear a family of three children, two of whom are now living. He was a farmer and lumberman and the principal owner of the famous steam-mills of Fay, Comwins & Ryan. He was a leading … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Woodruff

Louis Woodruff, a native of Westfield, N. J., married Damaris N. Winans, of Elizabeth, N. J., who bore him six children, three of whom are living. His son John W. married Susan A., daughter of Luke and Abbie (Dawes) Tucker, of Elizabeth N. J. Two of his three children, James D., a resident of Minneapolis, Minn., and Frederick S., of Boston, Mass., are now living. John W. Woodruff resides upon a farm on road 3.

Jaffrey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire History

Jaffrey lies in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 42º 50′, and long. 4º 59′, bounded, north, 113 rods by Marlboro and 2,408 rods by Dublin; east, 730 rods by Peterboro and 988 rods by Sharon; south, 1,898 rods by Rindge and 603 rods by Fitzwilliam; and west, 349 rods by Fitzwilliam, 806 rods by Troy, and 501 rods by Marlboro, thus having an area of about 22,000 acres, 1,000 of which are covered with water, and 3,200 rendered uninhabitable from its mountainous character. It was granted by the Masonian proprietors, under the name of Middle Monadnock. No. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Garfield

John Garfield, son of Abraham, and grandson of John who was at the battle of Lexington, married Emily Gould, has two children, and resides on road 60.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas French

Thomas French, son of David, was born December 17. 1765, at Billerica; Mass., and married Hannah Cummings, of Londonderry, N. H, March 31, 1788. He came to Jaffrey about that time and first settled on road 19, upon what is now known as the Spaulding farm. He was a farmer and a shoemaker reared nine children, one of whom is now living. His son Luke married twice, first, Nancy W. Blanchard, who bore him four children, and second Lucy Spaulding, by whom he had nine children, seven of whom are living He now resides in Jaffrey village.

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan D. Gibbs

Jonathan D. Gibbs, son of Joseph S., married twice, first, Rhoda, daughter of Edward and Rhoda (Lawe) Locke, of Westminister, Mass., who bore him one daughter, Elizabeth R., now living; second, Sarah H., daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (Merriam) Wilson. of Mason, N. H. He first settled in Jaffrey upon a farm on road 3, where he remained twelve years, and then moved to Jaffrey Center, where he stayed until his death, March 2, 1882. He published a very accurate map of the town of Jaffrey which is highly prized. His wife and daughter occupy the homestead at the present … Read more

Biography of Dr. Oscar H. Bradley

Dr. Oscar H. Bradley was born in Louisville, Ky., February 10, 1826. He was a grandson of Jonathan Holmes, of Londonderry, N. H., an officer who served under General Stark, at Bennington, and under Washington through the dark and memorable winter at Valley Forge. At the age four years Oscar H. moved with his parents to the western part of Vermont, where he lived until he reached the age of seventeen. He graduated fry Black River academy, at Ludlow, Vt., in 1847, taught school the following winter at Mt. Holley, Vt., and in the spring of 1848 entered the law … Read more

Village of Jaffrey, New Hampshire

JAFFREY, a post village located in the central part of the town, has one church (Congregational), one hotel, two dry goods stores, a blacksmith shop, livery stable and about twenty-five dwellings. It has in its vicinity, also, the summer residences of many who come here during that season to enjoy the delightful scenery and healthful air.

Jaffrey East Congregational Church, NH

Jaffrey East Congregational church.- On the first of December, 1849, the following named persons requested letters of dismission from the church at the Center, for the purpose of organizing a church at East Jaffrey: Jonas M. Melville, Betsey Mellville, Liberty Mower, Mary Ann Mower, William Morse, Salmon H. Rand, Emeline A. Rand, Martha W. Lacy, Mary Bacon, Rebecca Bacon, John Verder, Sarah J. Verder, Samuel Marble, Lucy Marble, Roxanna J. Mower, Angelina S. Mower, Phineal Spaulding, Lyman Spaulding, Susan M. Spaulding, Thomas A. Stearns, Sarah E. Stearns, Samuel N. Laws and Abigail. Parker. On the 9th of January, 1850, the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cummings Sawyer

Cummings Sawyer, son of Josiah, married Elizabeth, daughter of W. Edward and Parnell Young, and has three children. He now resides on the homestead farm, on road 39.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Jewell

Jacob Jewell came to Jaffrey, from Marlboro, Mass., settled upon a farm on road 5. and had born to him ten children. His son Dexter, the only one living, married Sarah Moore, and has four children. His son Samuel D., married twice, first Frances Cutter, who bore him two children, second Emily, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Evens) Upton, of Peterboro, N. H., and resides upon a farm on road 18.

Biographical Sketch of Capt. Eldad Prescott

Capt. Eldad Prescott, son of Benjamin, was a native of this town, and the first settler upon the farm on road 39 corner of 40. His son Oren married three times, first, Martha L., daughter of Jacob and Martha Adams, of Rindge; second, Caroline A., daughter of William T. Nutting; and third, Louisa J. Plummer, of Goffstown, who bore him five children. His son Elliot 0. married Lizzie A., daughter of Julius A. and Eliza Hale, of Rindge, and resides upon a farm on road 35.