Biography of Dr. Oscar H. Bradley

Last Updated on August 20, 2012 by

Dr. Oscar H. Bradley was born in Louisville, Ky., February 10, 1826. He was a grandson of Jonathan Holmes, of Londonderry, N. H., an officer who served under General Stark, at Bennington, and under Washington through the dark and memorable winter at Valley Forge. At the age four years Oscar H. moved with his parents to the western part of Vermont, where he lived until he reached the age of seventeen. He graduated fry Black River academy, at Ludlow, Vt., in 1847, taught school the following winter at Mt. Holley, Vt., and in the spring of 1848 entered the law office of Hon. D. E. Nicholson, of Rutland. In the autumn of that year he commenced the study of medicine with Drs. Amos and George B. Twitchell, Keene, N. H., and in 1851 graduated from the Castleton Medical college. He has from its inception been a director of the Monadnock railroad. He was largely instrumental, too, in the establishment of the Monadnock Savings bank, in this town, of which he has been its only president. Soon of he began the practice of medicine in Jaffrey. No physician or surgeon in southern New Hampshire is better known or more generally employed in difficult and serious cases than he. In the medical profession he is particularly noted for keeness and accuracy of perception in the diagnosis of disease and for positiveness of judgment and a self-reliance that rarely errs. His influence in the public affairs of the town has been marked, and has always been exerted in behalf of advancement and progress in all worthy objects. He married Julia A., daughter of Daniel Spaulding, Esq., of Fitzwilliam, in 1853 and has two sons, Daniel Edward and Mark S. The former, born May 16, 1861, graduated from Dartmouth college in 1883, and from Thayer school of civil engineering at Hanover in 1885. He married Annie R. Samson, of: “Albans, Vt., December 31, 1883. He is now employed as civil engineer for the Hoosac Tunnel & Readsboro railroad. Mark S. was born January 1868, and expects to enter Dartmouth college in 1885.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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