Biography of Benjamin Cutter

Last Updated on August 20, 2012 by

Benjamin Cutter, son of John, was born January 8, 1793. He married Grata, daughter of Nathan and Abigail (Hale) Hunt, of Rindge. She died November 5, 1871, aged seventy-eight. Mr. Cutter settled in early life where he now lives. He became a tanner and currier with his father, and purse the manufacture of leather originally in the establishment erected by father, and afterwards, until 1850, in the building now occupied for the same purpose by his son Julius. He has been a prominent man of the town, n seeking political honors, but ever ready to serve when called by his fell townsmen to do so, and always ready to help in doing good wherever occasion required. He has been a willing helper of the poor. He has alva 4 been a Democrat, but liberal in his views on politics and religion. He was town clerk for many years, and justice of the peace. He was one of the first to organize the Monadnock National bank, was one of the directors for thirty years, and was president of the bank for about twelve years, until he resigned, in 1881, on account of advancing age. He is now living a retired life. For several years he has been engaged in antiquarian research, and has a more extensive knowledge of the history of his native town than any other man living. His life has been a successful one, and now, in his ripe old age, he is honored and respected by all who know him. His children were Sarah Augusta, born August 10, 1820, who married Dr. William J. Campbell, at Jaffrey, in 1844. She died December 1, 1846, in Francistown, N. H. She was a poetess of some local note. Ermina, born November 19, 1821, married David Chamberlin, in 1848. Adaliza, born January 21, 1823, married, April 11, 1851, Dr. Gurley A. Phelps: a native of Vermont, but for many years and still a practicing physician in Jaffrey. She died June 3, 1858, leaving one child, Grace Maria. Mrs. Phelps, like her sister, Mrs. Campbell, left partial manuscript, from which a neat volume has been published since her death. Julius, fourth child of Benjamin, was born November 28, 1824. He married Caroline, daughter of John and Huldah Hobert (Conant) Felt, of Jaffrey, and settled on the homestead. He continued the tanning and currying business since 1850 at the old location of his father, until. 1883, when he retired. He has two children, Emma M. and Alice E. He has been selectman since 1883. Benjamin F., fifth and youngest son of Benjamin, was born March 19, 1829. He married Mary E. Cooper, daughter of Josiah and Marietta G. Cooper, of Boston. He settled in Boston in 1846, where he was an importer and wholesale dealer in fancy goods until 1895, when he retired from active business. He represented West Roxbury in the legislature in 1863, ’64, was state senator in 1883, and is now an alderman of Boston. He has four children.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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