Biography of Marcus E. Benson

MARCUS E. BENSON, manufacturer and lumber dealer of West Plains, Missouri, like many of the prominent and successful business men of the town, was reared to farm life and there learned habits of industry and energy that have remained with him thus far through life. He was born September 15, 1856, and his parents,J. R. and Julia (Jones) Benson, were natives, respectively, of Vermont and New York. Grandfather Benson was in the battle of Lundy’s Lane. The father of our subject moved to Michigan at an early date, but in 1865 came to this State, and settled in Monroe County, … Read more

Biography of John A. Chapin

JOHN A. CHAPIN. The calling of the farmer is the primitive occupation of man, and the majority of those who have followed it have led upright and blameless lives, and the career of John A. Chapin is no exception to this rule. He is a native of Sangamon County, Illinois, where he first saw the light in 1829, a son of Paul Stillman and Sarah (Harrison) Chapin, natives of the Old North State, the birth of the father occurring in 1799. They accompanied their parents to Overton County, Tennessee, and were there married, and afterward lived for about three years … Read more

Biography of Joseph Voohers

JOSEPH VOOHERS. In reviewing the leading industries of the town of Willow Springs, the mercantile interests claim special attention. Mr. Joseph Voohers, one of the leading merchants of the place, is esteemed on all sides for his enterprise and just methods, and has many warm friends. He is a native of Missouri, born January 24, 1853. The son of Dr. James B. Voohers, who was an early pioneer of Missouri. The Doctor was born in the Buckeye State, and practiced his profession many years in Springfield, Illinois, Booneville, Missouri, and St. Louis. His death occurred in 1855. Our subject received … Read more

Biography of Judge James Orchard

The judges of the various courts established in Howell County have always been noted for their character and ability, and one of the most popular of the many worthy men elevated to the bench in the history of the county’s jurisprudence is Judge James Orchard, attorney at law at West Plains, where he has made his home for the past few years. Judge Orchard was born in Shannon County, Missouri, October 24, 1850, to the union of Jesse and Alcey (McCormack) Orchard. Jesse Orchard was a native Kentuckian, and the son of a Scotchman, who came to this country many … Read more

Biography of Hugh K. Chapin

HUGH K. CHAPIN. The primitive occupation of man-farming-has many noble and successful votaries in Howell County, Missouri, but none who deserves more honorable mention than Hugh K. Chapin, who is also quite extensively engaged in stockraising in South Fork Township. He was born in the county in which he now lives September 10, 1852, a son of John A. and Sarah (Kyle) Chapin, and was the eldest of their five sons and two daughters, the other members being Paul Stillman, a farmer of Howell County; John O., also of this county; Hiram, who died at the age of twenty years, … Read more

Biography of M. B. Clarke

M. B. CLARKE. M. B. Clarke, cashier of the West Plains Bank, is one of the capable and practical business men of the place and his name is synonymous for integrity and good judgment. The bank, of which he is the most efficient cashier, was incorporated in 1883 with a capital stock of $15,000, and the officers were: B. F. Olden, president, and Joseph L. Thomas, cashier. The capital stock in 1890 was increased to $50,000 and the present officers elected. In 1889 Mr. M. B. Clarke was elected cashier, and after serving two years again took the position March … Read more

Biography of S. W. Wilkinson

S. W. WILKINSON. This prominent general merchant of Willow Springs, Missouri, was born in Alton, Illinois, January 6, 1856, son of Simon and Anna (Lea) Wilkinson, both natives of England. The parents came to the United States about 1850 and settled in the Prairie State, where the father followed farming until his death in 1859. The mother is now living in Missouri. Their family consisted of five children, and our subject is the only one now living. S. W. Wilkinson passed his early life in Missouri, whither his mother had moved before the war, and when he was about thirteen … Read more

Biography of Capt. Francis Marion Pollock

CAPT. FRANCIS MARION POLLOCK. This well-known farmer, stock trader and mill man, of Mt. View, Missouri, owes his nativity to Limestone County, Ala., where he first saw the light on the 19th of April, 1840. His parents, Francis Asbury and Ann (Wilkinson) Pollock, were also born in Limestone County, Ala., in 1808 and 1810, respectively, were reared and married there, and about 1834 removed to Cooper County, Missouri, where Mr. Pollock was soon after elected sheriff, and died while in office in 1839. He was a very prominent Mason, one of the wealthy farmers of the county, and became prominently … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthias Kenaga

HON. MATTHIAS KENAGA. The occupations to which Mr. Kenaga is devoting his attention are of the utmost importance to any community, and this is especially so in regard to the lumber business, which he is very extensively and successfully carrying on. He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in 1842, but his parents, Abraham and Christina (Sese) Kenaga, were Pennsylvanians, and were taken to Ohio by their parents when young. The mother of the subject of this sketch died when he was an infant, and his father after-ward married Esther Kore, and in 1850 removed to Whitley County, Indiana, where … Read more