Biography of Clinton M. Pease

Last Updated on July 8, 2012 by Dennis

C. M. PEASE and GEORGE A. PEASE, owners of the Enterprise Roller Mills, of West Plains, Howell County, Missouri, are conducting one of the largest concerns of the kind in south Missouri. The mill was built in 1889, at a cost of $10,000, by Dr. Pitts and George H. Carter (who is now of the Howell County Bank), and was operated by the above-mentioned gentlemen from July until October, 1889. G. A. and C. M. Pease then bought the mill and since that time have successfully operated it. In 1893 the present owners increased the capacity from 75 to 125 barrels, and changed the bolting system to that of plansifter, and probably adopted the first full plansifter mill used in the United States. The mill has six sets of rollers, and has all the equipments to do first class work. Work is done both day and night with two sets of hands, and a first-class grade of flour is turned out. The mill is located on the Gulf Railroad tract, west of the depot, and consists of the mill proper, 32×60 feet, two stories and basement. It is operated by a 75-horse power Corliss engine. The elevator stands fifty feet from the mill, and has a capacity of 12,000 bushels. The grain used is raised in the section, and the brands of flour are Plansifter Patent, Fancy Patent and Harvest Queen,and are equal to any brands made in the State. The mill turns out about 38,000 barrels per year, and for the past four or five years has been run almost constantly. Ten hands are employed. The Pease brothers, G. A. and C. M., are the sons of Miles and Susan (Metcalf) Pease.

The grandfather, Christopher Pease, was a native of Vermont, and the family is of old Puritan stock, the ancestors coming from England and settling in the East. The father of our subjects was born in Vermont, and all his life was engaged in the milling business, superintending a mill in Lowell, Mass., and another in Burlington, Vt. He emigrated to the West in 1854 and located in Winona County, Minn., where he made his home for four years. He was a pioneer of that State, and hauled the first printing press ever taken to St. Paul up the Mississippi River from La Crosse. He came to Franklin County, Missouri, in 1859, and located near St. Clair, where he engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods. There he remained until 1861, when he moved to Gasconade County, and engaged in the grist mill business, using steam power, until 1865, when he moved to Rolla and embarked in the hotel business. Two years later he went to Arlington, the same county, and engaged in the same business for a short time. The same year he moved to Douglas County, engaged in saw milling and also conducted a grist mill on the north fork of White River. This was one of the first mills built after the war in that section of country, and it was patronized for a distance of forty and fifty miles. There he made his home until his death in September, 1879, but he had sold his business the year previous to his death. In politics he was a Republican, socially a Mason, and in religion a Methodist. He was a man of energy and led a life of great activity. His wife was a native of New Hampshire, and a daughter of Moses Metcalf, who was also a native of that State. Her mother was a Williams, and Grandfather Williams was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Pease is still living in Howell County, and finds a comfortable home with her children. Her children were named as follows: Clarence, farmer and a miller, resides at Dora, Ozark County; G. A., one of our subjects; Ida Wilson, resides in Douglas County; Clinton M., another subject; Myron M., a member of the mill firm at Dora, Ozark County, and also a prominent saw mill man, resides in West Plains; Alando M. resides at Salome Springs, and is also in the milling business; Ella L. married a Mr. Stephenson, of Texas; Minerva, now Mrs. King, resides in Texas.

Clinton M. Pease was born in R. I. September 26, 1852, but received his education in Missouri. He was married the first time in Douglas County to Miss Sophronia E. Rice, a native of Missouri, and daughter of Thomas Rice. To this union were born five children: Clinton M., deceased; Fredrick E., Ada B., Ida and Moses. Mrs. Pease died in 1886, and his second union was with Ina Root, a native of Ohio, and daughter of G. W. Root. She lived but two months after marriage, and his third union was with Miss Sidney Moore, a native of West Plains, and the daughter of Henry Moore. Two children have been given them: Victoria and Helen. Mrs. Pease is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as is also her husband.

He belongs to the A. F. & A. M., the I. O. O. F. and the A. O. U. W. In politics he is a Republican.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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