Biography of John H. Stephens

John H. Stephens, postmaster of Clifton Springs, New York, was for many years prominently identified with educational matters in various capacities. The family originally came from Germany. His father, William L., who was the son of Abraham Stephens, a native of Germany, was born in Rockland county, New York. He removed to the city of New York, where, for many years he conducted the Westchester Pie Bakery, in West Nineteenth street, which was the foundation of the present American Pie Baking Company. He married Elizabeth Wood. Children: William W.; James 0., deceased; John H., see forward; Margaret; Ella, and Elizabeth. … Read more

Establishment of Fort Smith in 1817

Quapaw Cession Map

The white population in Arkansas in 1817 had increased to several thousand, whose protection, as well as that of the Cherokee people living in that territory, from the continued hostilities of the Osage, required the establishment of a military post at the western border dividing the white settlements from the Osage. From Saint Louis came further news of threatened hostilities by the Osage near Clermont’s Town, and a report that Major William Bradford with a detachment of United States riflemen, and accompanied by Major Long, topographical engineer, had left that city for the purpose of establishing a military post on … Read more

Jonah Todd of New Milford CT

Jonah Todd5, (Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 12, 1734, in Greenwich, Conn., died March 17, 1783, in New Milford, Conn., married March 23, 1756, Jane, daughter of John and Deborah (Ferris) Welch, of New Milford, Conn., born 1728, died Dec. 12, 1812. They lived in New Milford, Conn. He moved to New Milford, Conn., about 1755, and was married there the next year. He was appointed Surgeons Mate in the army during the Revolutionary war, receiving his appointment October 1778; was a Representative, or Deputy of the Freemen of the town of New Milford at the General Assembly at … Read more

Arthur Stanley Todd of Greenwich CT

Arthur Stanley Todd8, (William S.7, David6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born July 15, 1881, in Ridgefield, Conn., married in Sept., 1910, Nellie H., daughter of James H. Hopkins, of Oxford, N. Y. He entered the public schools at Ridgefield, Conn., in 1889; in 1895, he entered the High School at Norwalk, Conn. In 1897, he secured a position as clerk of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company at New Haven, Conn. One year later he entered the employ of Bronson & Townsend Company, who were hardware dealers in New Haven, Conn. Thence he went to Greenwich, … Read more

Abraham Todd of South Salem NY

Abraham Todd5, (Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 21, 1738, in Greenwich Ct., died April 19, 1797, married Aug. 24, 1757, Lydia Husted, who was born Aug. 31, 1737, died Aug. 23, 1811. “After his marriage he settled in South Salem, N. Y., now Lewisboro, about three miles east of Goldens Bridge, New York. He was a farmer. His grave is on his farm. He served in the Revolution under Lieut. Col. Joseph Benedicts in the Associated Exempts, Westchester County militia. He was Lieut. in the Westchester County militia, Thirteenth regiment, under Col. Pierre Van Cortland and Col. Drake. He … Read more

Samuel Mills Todd of Greenwich CT

Samuel Mills Todd7, (Washington6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Feb. 21, 1801, died Feb. 7, 1884, married Dec. 28, 1825, Sarah Ann Finch, who was born May 5, 1810, died March 12, 1891. Resided at Greenwich, Fairfield, Connecticut. Children: 1138. Louisa Todd, b. April 6, 1827, d. Feb. 4, 1908, m. Sept. 20, 1845, William Holoway. 1139. Susan Todd, b. Oct. 13, 1828, d. July 21, 1911, m. Sept. 20, 1848, George Weeks. 1140. Washington Todd, b. Oct. 21, 1830, d. Nov. 20, 1890. 1141. Charlotte Eliza Todd, b. April 27, 1833, d. Sept. 28, 1912. 1142. George W. … Read more

Abraham Todd of Greenwich CT

Abraham Todd, (Jonah, Samuel, Christopher) born Feb. 18, 1709-10, died Dec. 17, 1772, married Nov. 30, 1727, Hannah, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (Glover) Dickerman, who was born May 19, 1709, died July 21, 1777. She was a sister of Mary Dickerman, wife of his cousin Michael Todd. He was a graduate of Yale College of the class of 1727. He was ordained in 1733, pastor of the second or West society at Greenwich, Conn. at Horseneck, the church having been located on the hill down which Gen. Putnam later made his famous escape. Here Mr. Todd remained forty years … Read more

Walter Bradford Todd of Fort Myers FL

Walter Bradford Todd8, (William S.7, David6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Jan. 4, 1880, in Ridgefield, Conn., married in 1903, Lucy M., daughter of Robert Jay Walsh. He attended the primary grades of the public schools in Ridgefield, Conn. In 1893, he became a student at Kings School in Stamford, Conn. In Nov., 1896, he secured a position in the Greenwich Trust Company, of Greenwich, Conn., and in 1906 he became its treasurer, which position he held for several years. In 1919, he was living at Fort Myers, Fla. Children: 2335. Ruth Bradford, b. April 5, 1908. 2336. Anna … Read more

Oliver Todd of South Salem NY

Oliver Todd5, (Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 25, 1748, in Greenwich, Conn., died Dec. 25, 1814, married July 25, 1768, Lydia Close, b. Oct. 5, 1747, d. April 27, 1825. Oliver Todd and his brother with their wives moved to South Salem, N. Y., at the time that the British occupied Greenwich, Conn. They settled on land now owned by George Todd. He served in Col. Crane’s regiment from Westchester County during the Revolutionary war, and thus loyally fought for the cause of freedom. He and his wife both lie buried in the old Todd plot, in the cemetery … Read more