Biography of R. N. Gray

R. N. GRAY. In tracing the genealogy of the Gray family in America, we find that the first member who made his home here was Robert Gray, the great-grandfather of our subject. He was a native of North Ireland, and was there reared and married, his wife being Miss Margaret Wilson, also a native of that country. Nearly a year after their marriage this young couple decided to cross the ocean and make their home in America. This was at a period ante-dating the Revolutionary War, for Mr. Gray was a soldier in that war and fought bravely for independence. … Read more

Biography of Judge James J. Gideon

There is no man better known throughout the Ozark region than Judge James J. Gideon, the subject of this sketch. Born on the soil and reared among the descendants of the pioneers, he is one of those self-made sons of Missouri, who, while he has distinguished himself as a lawyer and jurist, has a far greater claim to the respect of the people in his sturdy integrity of character and his lifelong course as a friend of justice. He springs from a sterling Irish-Scotch ancestry of Colonial American stock. James Gideon, the great-grandfather of our subject, was the founder of … Read more

Biography of John G. Land

John G. Land, whose intimate friends call him Jack and who is representing the Prudential Life Insurance Company of America as manager for the territory embracing Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas, was born in Springfield, Missouri, May 26, 1878, and is a son of J. G. and Nancy A. (Berry) Land, both of whom are deceased. The son was educated in the public schools of St. John, Kansas, and in Marmaduke College at Sweet Springs, Missouri. When sixteen years of age he took up the study of telegraphy and for fifteen years was an operator. In 1898 he came to Muskogee … Read more

Biography of E. O. Sloan, M. D.

E. O. Sloan, M. D. The attainment of success in life along any path of endeavor demands energy, honesty, conscientiousness, self-reliance and proper preparation. The presence of genius is also desirable, but for permanency the homely virtues and practical qualities are absolutely necessary. To the undoubted possession of these may be, in large part, attributed the success that had attended the efforts of Dr. E. O. Sloan, who had figured prominently in the medical profession of Crawford County for more than a quarter of a century, as a practitioner at Pittsburg and had maintained throughout his entire career a high … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William H. Park

Dr. Park is a son of John and Elizabeth (Waggoner) Park, and was born January 8th, 1825, at Milton, Pennsylvania. When he was about six years of age his parents moved to Tiffin, Ohio. He was educated at Tiffin and at the Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio. In the spring of 1855 he graduated from Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. He was appointed resident physician at the alms house of the city of Baltimore, Md., but soon after returned to Tiffin, Ohio. In August, 1862, he was commissioned as surgeon of the 49th Ohio Regiment, Col. W. H. Gibson. He … Read more

Biography of Hervy A. Massey

HERVY A. MASSEY. This worthy citizen, who is one of the leading farmers and stockraisers of Stone County, Missouri, was born in Greene County, Missouri, in 1846, and is a son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Ellison) Massey, who were natives of Tennessee. Previous to marriage, and when children, they came with their parents to Greene County, Missouri, and there, after growing up, their nuptials were solemnized. After marriage they located four miles east of Springfield, on the wild prairie, where they improved a good farm and spent the balance of their days, he dying in 1869, when about forty-seven years … Read more

Biography of Jefferson D. Cox

Jefferson D. Cox is actively connected with a profession that has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of every community, and one in which advancement depends upon individual merit and ability. Ability becomes in a measure prominence, and that Mr. Cox occupies a leading position in the ranks of the legal profession is an indication of his learning and skill in his chosen field. He is also a successful stock man and he owns a large ranch where fancy Duroc hogs and Durham cattle are raised. Jefferson D. Cox was born in Walhalla, South Carolina, on the 1st … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adolf Sumerlin

Adolf Sumerlin, editor and attorney at law, Mattoon; born in Keosauqua, Iowa, Aug. 24, 1851; moved with his parents, Rufus and I. A. Sumerlin, to a farm in Scotland Co., Mo., in 1859; his father having embarked in the newspaper business in Memphis in 1860, he commenced learning the printer’s trade; in 1865, he moved to Shelbyville, Ill.; in 1869, he conducted the reportorial department of the Shelby Leader, which his father had purchased in 1865; in. the same year, commenced reading law with Thornton & Wendling; moved with his parents to Springfield, Mo., in April, 1871, and after completing … Read more

Biography of Capt. Benjamin F. Bodenhamer

CAPT. BENJAMIN F. BODENHAMER. It has been clearly demonstrated time and time again that “honesty is the best policy,” and while a man may not gain wealth so rapidly, yet he can look his fellowman in the face without fear of reproach, and know that he has wronged no one, and therefore can thoroughly enjoy what he has. Such a man is Capt. B. F. Bodenhamer, who was born in Greene County, Missouri, in 1843, the son of Chapman W., who was a native of Giles County, Tennessee, and grandson of Jacob Bodenhamer, who was one of the very earliest … Read more

Biography of Capt. S. H. Julian

Captain Julian is the son of Isaac and Nancy (Wood) Julian, and was born, in Monroe county, Tennessee, April 4, 1822. When he was fifteen years of age his parents moved to Greene county, Missouri, and settled the farm in Cass township, where they both afterwards died. Stephen grew to manhood upon the farm, and on May 15, 1842, was married to Miss Sarah L. Vestal, of Putnam county, Indiana, but a native of North Carolina. They were blessed with six children, Flavius C., Melcena M., Mary L., John C. (deceased), Robert F. and William R. He built a house … Read more

Biography of Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D.

Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D. A useful life crowded with activity and crowned with achievement both as a physician and as a citizen, Dr. Thaddeus C. Frazier, of Coffeyville, may still further be considered because he is the pioneer medical man of this city. For forty-two years he has been a physician and surgeon here and additionally has been a leader in all forward movements, accepting public positions as a helpful means of progress for the city, encouraging educational movements and through his stability of character conferring honor upon this whole section. Doctor Frazier was born in Henry County, Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of James Small, M. D.

JAMES SMALL, M. D. The physician is one who inspires confidence because he is worthy of it. His humanity is expressed in the interest he takes in his patient’s welfare, as well as for the experience he may gain while pursuing the paths of this his arduous profession, in order to benefit future sufferers. Dr. Small is one of the old practitioners of southern Missouri, and is living in Smallett. He was born in McMinn County, East Tennessee, October 28, 1841, a son of James and Mary A. (Wallace) Small, the former of whom was born in Kentucky about 1802. … Read more

Biography of R. W. Cline

R. W. CLINE. Few citizens of Missouri are more highly favored in respect to mercantile establishment-sin size, purity and general excellence of stock, etc., than Forsyth. Among the leading establishments of this kind is that conducted by R. W. Cline, which for the extent of its trade, the variety of its stock and the superiority of its goods is entitled to more than ordinary prominence and recognition. For a period of about sixteen years Mr. Cline has resided in Forsyth, and during that time he has won the esteem and respect of all. He was born in this State, Dallas … Read more

Biography of A. T. Yoachum

A. T. YOACHUM. Many minds labor under the misapprehension that real patriotism is peculiar to men of high genius or the favorites of fortune. The true patriot is one who, from love of country, does, or tries to do, in the proper sphere, all that appears necessary to promote her honor, prosperity and peace. The substantial elements of this precious virtue which underlies the welfare of every nation, and especially of one professing to be free, like our own, are furnished by men in every walk of life, who step out of the realm of mere self-love, and seek to … Read more

Biography of John Short

JOHN SHORT. John Short, who is a native of east Tennessee, born in Roane County in 1826, but who has long been a resident of Stone County, is a son of Willis and Nancy (Kindrick) Short, who were also natives of east Tennessee, where they owned the farm upon which our subject was reared. The parents were hard-working, industrious people, and by their thrift and enterprise accumulated a fair competence. They passed their entire lives in their native State, the mother dying in 1873. Aaron Short, grandfather of our subject, was a native of Kentucky, but early moved to Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of Milton B. Chandler, M. D.

MILTON B. CHANDLER, M. D. Although young in years, Dr. Milton B. Chandler has made rapid strides in his profession and is classed among the popular members of the healing art in Howell County. He has gained a flattering reputation as a physician and has already built up a patronage complimentary to his ability in the medical profession. He was born in Springfield, Missouri, August 2, 1857, and is a son of William P. Chandler, an old resident of Springfield, who died at the beginning of the late war. The father enlisted in the Eighth Missouri Cavalry and died while … Read more

Biography of Ranson D. Blades

In the following sketch is strikingly illustrated the force of well-directed energy, steadfast purpose and never-ceasing effort for the accomplishment of noble ends, and the successful overthrow of those obstacles which beset the progress of every young man who, unaided and alone, starts out to combat life’s stern realities and hew his own way to distinction and fortune. To ambitious, struggling youths, with only the broad, perhaps cheerless, highway of the future before them, this narrative of a self-made man-a successful life-presents an example worthy of consideration and earnest emulation, and might even fill a faltering heart with strong zeal, … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Blades

EDWARD A. BLADES. The farming class of America is notable for the degree of intelligence that is possessed among its representatives. Our subject belongs to one of the most progressive of families, and is proud of the fact that his father was one of those fast disappearing landmarks of a heroic past-an early pioneer. Mr. Blades was born in Monroe County, East Tennessee. In 1830, but his parents, Edward and Ellen (Maner) Blades, were natives of North Carolina, where they grew to mature years and united their fortunes. From there they removed to Tennessee, and about 1836 came by ox-team … Read more

Biography of Alexander Thompson

ALEXANDER THOMPSON, farmer and stockraiser of Williamson Township, Stone County, Missouri, and one of the representative men of the section in which he lives, is a native of Tennessee, born in Maury County March 25, 1833. His parents, Thomas and Lucinda (Dobyns) Thompson, were natives of Indiana and Kentucky, respectively, and their nuptials were celebrated in the latter State. From there they moved to Indiana, and thence to Tennessee, the father dying in Williamson County of the latter State when about forty-five years of age. He was a farmer, but was of a roving disposition, and never accumulated much property. … Read more

Biography of R. L. Goode

R. L. GOODE. Of the many members of the bench and bar in the West, none has awakened more respect for his character and ability than R. L.Goode, of Springfield, Missouri He is descended from a long line of honorable ancestors who were noted for their patriotism and love of liberty. The family of Goode first became represented in this country by two brothers who, on account of their religious belief, were compelled to leave England in 1648. They settled at Norfolk, Virginia, where some member of the family has resided to the present day. The original home of the … Read more