Biography of Milton B. Chandler, M. D.

Last Updated on June 14, 2012 by

MILTON B. CHANDLER, M. D. Although young in years, Dr. Milton B. Chandler has made rapid strides in his profession and is classed among the popular members of the healing art in Howell County. He has gained a flattering reputation as a physician and has already built up a patronage complimentary to his ability in the medical profession. He was born in Springfield, Missouri, August 2, 1857, and is a son of William P. Chandler, an old resident of Springfield, who died at the beginning of the late war. The father enlisted in the Eighth Missouri Cavalry and died while in service at Springfield. He was a native Virginian and came to Missouri in 1843, settling in Greene County, six miles north of Springfield. He came to this State with his father, Daniel Chandler, a well-known man in Springfield, who died in 1891. The latter was one of Missouri’s pioneers, and a large slave owner and a Republican. The mother of our subject died when the latter was but nine days old. Her maiden name was Harriet A. Thomas, and she was the daughter of Blockman C. Thomas, an early pioneer of Greene County, Missouri Mr. Thomas came to Greene County in 1844, with seven children and but very little money, and made his home there from 1843 till 1856. From there he moved to Howell County and located ten miles north of West Plains, at what is known as White Church. He was the founder of the church and was also one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in Springfield. Mr. Thomas died in 1890 in West Plains, where he had lived since 1874, and where he had followed merchandising. He was also a leading real estate man and built many residences and laid out a large part of the city of West Plains. He held the position of chief of the Commissary Department at Springfield, Missouri, and was an old-line Whig, and a strong Union man. He had a large family, but only three children are now living: G. B., lumber dealer in West Plains, and Mrs. Henry and Mrs. G. W. Burrough, who are residing ten miles north of West Plains.

Our subject received his scholastic training in Springfield, obtained a good education, and in 1879 began the study of medicine. Later he entered the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, and graduated in the class of 1882. Later he began practicing in this city, has been very successful and confines himself to city and office practice. He is well-read and well posted on all matters relating to his profession, seems to have a natural taste and a decided aptitude for the study of medicine, and his skill and success in this calling are well known. In 1893 the Doctor took up a special course at Chicago and is up with the times. He is giving more attention to surgery than any other branch of the profession and excels in this. Dr. Chandler is a member of the Missouri State Medical Society, also the Southwest Missouri Association and Howell County Association, and was vice-president of the Missouri State Medical Association in 1890. He is a member of the K. of P., of West Plains, and is treasurer of the same. In a business way he has been successful. He is interested in the real estate of West Plains and is a stockholder in the Howell County Bank. In politics he is an active Republican, a member of the State Central Committee, and was a member of the County Committee, in which he held the position of secretary. The Doctor held the position of secretary of the United States Board of Examining Physicians of Howell County, from 1889 up to 1893, and then resigned. He resides on West Main Street, and his pleasant home is presided over by his wife, formerly Miss Emma C. Shutler, the daughter of Dr. C. H. E. Shutler, an old settler of Howell County, who died in 1887. To Dr. and Mrs. Chandler have been born one son, Otto. Both are members of the Presbyterian Church.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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