Barnhart, Olive A. Brisson – Obituary

Mrs. Olive A. Barnhart, former Ellensburg resident, died Tuesday, Jan. 24 [1961] at the home of her son Fred G. Barnhart in San Diego, Calif., at the age of 76 years. Mrs. Barnhart was born August 15, 1884 in Flint, Mich., and was married to P. Fred Barnhart in Wenatchee, June 1903. Following their marriage they moved to Ellensburg where he farmed for several years in the Fairview District before moving into town when Mr. Barnhart began working for the N. P. Railway. In 1917 they were moved to Pasco by the railroad and Mrs. Barnhart lived there until 1952, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas William Hill

Hill, Thomas William; banker; born, England, May 30, 1847; son of Thomas R. and Mary Alice Hunt Hill; public school education; married, Detroit, Mich., July 15, 1870, Harriette C. De La. Hooke; one son, Harold H.; came to America with parents in 1850; located at Flint, Mich.; enlisted, September 1863, with the Michigan Cavalry (Custer Brigade), (Sheridan’s Cavalry Corps); served until the close of the war; with the W. U. Telephone Co. at Toledo until 1869; with the same company at Detroit, as bookkeeper and cashier, 1869-1885; transferred to Cleveland, as mgr. of their Cleveland office, 1885-1892; elected cashier Cleveland … Read more

Biography of Selden B. Kingsbury

The profession of the law, when clothed with its true dignity and purity and strength, must rank first among the callings of men, for law rules the universe. The work of the legal profession is to formulate, to harmonize, to regulate, to adjust, to administer those rules and principles that underlie and permeate all government and society and control the varied relations of men. As thus viewed there attaches to the legal profession a nobleness that cannot but be reflected in the life of the true lawyer, who, rising to the responsibilities of his profession, and honest in the pursuit … Read more

Biography of Alfred B. Miner

Alfred B. Miner, one of the leading and representative businessmen of Colton, and as the president of the Colton Packing Company is at the head of one of the most important industries of that city. Mr. Miner is a native of Michigan, dating his birth in Genesee County in 1842. His father, Pilo Miner, was reared in Genesee County, New York, and was an early settler in Michigan, and engaged in farming. Mr. Miner was reared to farm life, and given a fair education in the public schools. He was an energetic and thorough worker, but he was never intended … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Genesee County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Genesee County. Argentine Township. – John Wykes, Egbert B. Nolton, Lyman McDonnell, S. S. Hill, Philetus Henry, Griffin Ladue, Henry Coykendall, Ira Cummings, Amos Graves, Henry Bishop, Henry Croft, Alexander Gillespie, George Chase, John King, Sr., William Jewell, Lewis Case, S. Montgomery, Warren Luce, Larius Cronan, William Brooks. Isaac Healey, George W. Kelly, Alfred Jones, Levi Washburn, David Galloway, James Page, Jason Carmer, [Albert Ervy, John Wrigglesworth, A. Pollock]. Atlas Township. – Thomas Nicholson, William W. Carmer, Alvin … Read more

Chippewa Indians

Catlin, George - 334, Chippeway Village and Dog Feast at the Falls of St. Anthony; lodges build with birch-bark: Upper Mississippi

Chippewa Indians. The earliest accounts of the Chippewa associate them particularly with the region of Sault Sainte Marie, but they came in time to extend over the entire northern shore of Lake Huron and both shores of Lake Superior, besides well into the northern interior and as far west as the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota.

Descendants of Peter Crapo

William W. Crapo

Through the greater part of the last century and up to the present writing, the name of Crapo has stood in and about New Bedford as a synonym for useful citizenship. Here have lived during that period Henry Howland Crapo and William W. Crapo, father and son, of whom a recent biographer says: “Among the many citizens of New Bedford and Dartmouth who have achieved high honor, and whose names are held in respect wherever they are known, are Henry H. Crapo and his son William W. Crapo. Born on a Dartmouth farm, from the sterile soil of which his … Read more

Anna Todd Roger of Flushing MI

ROGER, Anna Todd8, (George E.7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Oct. 16, 1856, in Flushing, Mich., married in 1874, Napoleon Roger, who was born in 1854. Children: I. Alice, b. Jan. 18, 1876, m. June 23, 1897. II. Estella, b. June 15, 1877, d. March 30, 1901. III. Seva, b. July 13, 1881, d. Feb. 7, 1911, m. Aug., 1906.

Florence E. L. Todd Hurd of Davison MI

HURD, Florence E. L. Todd7, (Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 8, 1849, in Portland, N. Y., married in Clayton, Mich., Albert E. Hurd, who was born May 18, 1842, in Cussewago, Crawford County, Penn. They live now (1911) in Davison, Mich. Children: I. Winifred, b. Jan. 15, 1869, in Clayton, Mich., m. Sept. 20, 1890, John P. H. Bradshaw, in Davison, Mich., by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, who was b. Nov. 11, 1869, in Richfield, Mich., d. July 18, 1909, en route from Colorado Springs, Col. Issue: (1) Gladys E., b. Dec. 20, 1891; (2) Beatrice E., b. … Read more

Biography of James H. Bush

James H. Bush, deceased, was one of the prominent and widely known businessmen of Boise, where he spent the greater part of his life. He was born in White Lake, Oakland County, Michigan, July 29, 1842, and was a son of Elias Oliver and Mary Jane (Fife) Bush, both of whom were well-to-do farmers and early settlers of Michigan and members of the Baptist church. James Bush was educated in Flint, Michigan, and in early manhood was a purser on a steamboat. In February, 1865, he sailed from New York for the Pacific coast by way of Panama, reaching Boise … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herman E. Dove

Dove, Herman E.; automobile business; born, Port Huron, Mich., Dec. 14, 1875; son of James H. and Winifred Dove; educated Alpena, Mich., High School; married, Lansing, Mich., Feb. 28, 1906, Ursula E. Ackerman; corporal Company B, 33rd Mich. Volunteers; service in Cuba in 1898; five and one-half years in clothing business in Alpena, Mich.; started as errand boy and left as head salesman; was called out from there for service in the Spanish-American War; in October, 1899, left the clothing business, engaging in the manufacture of sugar with the Bay City Sugar Co.; in this business until 1908, removing from … Read more

Ann Louisa Todd Maines of Flint MI

MAINES, Ann Louisa Todd8, (Bethel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 26, 1837, married Dec. 5, 1856, George Brown Maines, who was born June 19, 1834. In 1914, she lived in Flint, Mich. Children: I. Charles Todd, b. July 18, 1858, m. and had issue: (1) George Humphreys, who is m. and lived in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1914; (2) Harry Elbridge, who lived with his father in 1914. He is a Real Estate agent and lived in Flint, Mich., in 1914. II. Marion Lovisa, b. Sept. 3, 1879; in 1914, she was unmarried and lived in Flint, … Read more

Frank Todd of Flushing MI

Frank Todd8, (George E.7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 31, 1868, died Oct. 24, 1889, in Flushing, Mich., married in 1888, Mina Carmichael, who was born in Canada. He was a barber. Child: 2428. Guy, b. April 24, 1889, in Flushing, Mich.

Caleb Todd of Clayton MI

Caleb Todd6, (Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 13, 1807, at Fairfield, N. Y., died March 25, 1856, at Clayton, Genesee County, Mich., married first, at Westfield, N. Y., by Elder Chapman, March 17, 1833, Lucretia Wood, who was born April 10, 1816, at Westfield, N. Y., died Oct. 5, 1840, at Chautauqua, N. Y. He married second, April 21, 1843, at Westfield, N. Y., also by Elder Chapman, Hannah A. Felt, who was born May 4, 1818, at Palmyra, N. Y., died Feb. 2, 1885, at Davison, Mich. Child by Lucretia Wood: *994. George Emmett, b. July 1, … Read more

Biography of Willard Volney Church

Willard Volney Church is one of the older settlers in Marion County. This county had been his home for upwards of forty years, and during that time he had played a varied part as a lawyer, public official and business man. Mr. Church was born at Fort Ann, New York, February 16, 1853, a son of Volney and Harriet (Bush) Church. Mr. Church had the rather rare distinction at this time of being the grandson of a Revolutionary soldier. His grandfather, Willard Church was born at Mansfield, Connecticut, in 1758 and was a very young man when he took up … Read more