Biographical Sketch of Louis I. Litzler

Litzler, Louis I.; attorney; born, Cleveland, Nov. 17, 1873; son of John and Caroline Marsal Litzler; educated, St. Mary’s Catholic Parochial School; St. Ignatius College and The Cleveland Law School; LL. B., Cleveland Law School of Baldwin University; married, Cleveland, June 5, 1895, Albertine Fischer; issue, five children, Louis, Jr., Rose, Agnes, Cyril, and Genevieve; member Cleveland Charter Commission; director The Glick Clothing Co.; sec’y and treas. The Model Home Building Co.; pres. The Litzler Realty Co.; member Cuyahoga County Bar Ass’n; Cleveland Real Estate Board; charter member City Club, and Forest City Council, Knights of Columbus; member St. Mary’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Henry Needs

Needs, Samuel Henry; sec’y and treas. Ohio-Pennsylvania Coal Co.; born, Tiverton, Devonshire, Eng., Sept. 30, 1859; educated in the common schools of England; with the L. S. & M. & R. R. for five years; since then has been engaged as a coal operator; pres. Enterprise Printing Co.; Past Exalted Ruler, Past District Deputy, G. A. R., Past Grand Treas., B. P. O. Elks; Mater Mason, Iris Lodge, Webb Chapter; member Al Sirat Grotto No. 17; Republican; member Oriental Commandery, Knights Templars, and Al Koran Shrine.

Biographical Sketch of Daniel H. Pond

Pond, Daniel H.; pres. and gen. mgr. Economy Bldg. & Loan Co.; born, Petroleum Center, Pa., March 11, 1870; son of Henry Herbert and Maria M. (Gates) Pond; educated, district schools of Trumbull County, public schools Cleveland, and Allegheny College; married, May 17, 1891, Miss Ola Clark; one son, Ralph; worked one year in a factory in Painesville, O.; came to Cleveland and worked for The Cleveland Baking Co., as driver; later purchasing agt. one year; served one enlistment 7th U. S. Cavalry; messenger for the Adams Express Co.; then entered the real estate and insurance business and in 1894, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Houghton Otis

Otis, Arthur Houghton; Northern Ohio mgr. Otis Elevators Co.; born, Yonkers, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1881; son of Norton Prentiss and Elizabeth Fahs Otis; educated, Yonkers public and High School, and Princeton University, B. S., 1906; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1912, Mildred Vilas; issue, Malcolm V. and Arthur H., Jr.; since graduation from college, connected with The Otis Elevators Co.; mgr. for Northern Ohio; his father, who died in 1904, was pres. of the Otis Elevators Co.; was a native of Vermont; member of New York Assembly, and Mayor of Yonkers; served two terms in Congress, and in 1900, was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William J. Kuehn

Kuehn, William J.; mfr.; born Cleveland, Jan. 4, 1880; son of John and Elizabeth Jacoby Kuehn; educated, Cleveland High School and Business College; married, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1910, Lulu Beck; started with Scofield, Shurmer & Teagle, 1898; with The Cleveland Refining Co. and The Republic Oil Co.; in 1907 with The Stevens Grease and Oil Co.; has been in the oil and grease business all his life; sec’y and director The Stevens Oil & Grease Co.; member Sons of Veterans, Cleveland Athletic, and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of William Joseph Akers

Akers, William Joseph; business and philanthropy; born, England, Aug. 2, 1852; son of John and Catherine O’Leary Akers; educated, public schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Miss Maud M. Miller of Brooklyn, N. Y.; at the age of 13 went to work in a blacksmith shop, since then interested in the hotel business; owner with S. T. Paine of the Forest City House, Cleveland; partner Sagertown Inn, Sagertown, Pa.; formerly connected with many railroad eating houses; organized the Cleveland Hotel Men’s Ass’n, and was pres. for several years; one of the organizers of the State Hotel Men’s Assn, and was its second … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Stephens

Stephens, Jesse; attorney; born, Wood County, Feb. 9, 1865; son of David and Elizabeth Bonam Stephens; educated, Fostoria Academy and The Ohio Northern University; read law with the Hon. Thomas N. Bierly, of Toledo; admitted to the bar in 1889; married, Fremont, O., 1887, Miss Belle Clark; issue, two sons, A. A. and Clarence Clark Stephens; practiced law in Fostoria, O., for twenty years, attaining a high place in the legal profession; particularly noted as trial lawyer, having tried some of the most important cases in Northwestern Ohio; has never sought political honors, although urged to become a candidate for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Clement Connelly

Connelly, William Clement; mfr.; born, Cleveland, 1875; son of Daniel and Kate Laughlin Connelly; education, St. Ignatius College and Case School of Applied Science; married, Buffalo, Nov. 12, 1907, Mary C. Schaefer; issue, Daniel, born April 6, 1909; on leaving college, entered employ of his father, who had been established as a boiler manufacturer in Cleveland since 1875; business incorporated in 1905, and taken into firm as secretary and treasurer; elected president of the D. Connelly Boiler Co., on death of father, in 1911; member Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas A. Burke

Burke, Thomas A.; surgeon; born, Cleveland, April 18, 1864; son of Thomas A. and Ellen Shannon Burke; A. B., Canisius College, 1885; A. M., same college, 1892; Western Reserve Medical College, 1888; married, Cleveland, 1892, Lillian G. McNeil; three children; after graduating in medicine, received appointment as house surgeon at City Hospital; later assistant to supt. Cleveland State Hospital; 1890, appointed visiting physician to St. Alexis Hospital, and later to same position Charity Hospital; 1902, elected coroner Cuyahoga county; re-elected 1906 U. S. pension examiner in President Cleveland’s administration; has made three trips abroad to study in London and Vienna … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Augustus Henry

Henry, Frederick Augustus; lawyer; born at Bainbridge, Geauga county, O., June 16, 1867; son of Charles Eugene and Sophia Marcia Williams Henry; A. B., Hiram College, Ohio, 1888; A. M., LL. B., University of Michigan, 1891; married, Louise Adams, of E. Smithfield, Pa., Jan. 25, 1893; in law practice at Cleveland, 1891-1905; judge Circuit Court of Ohio, 1905; prof. law, Western Reserve University, 1894-1911; pres. trustees, Hiram College; trustee Cleveland Y. M. C. A.; pres. Ohio State Y. M. C. A.; Republican; member Disciples of Christ; prem. Cuyahoga County Sunday School Ass’n; chairman Cleveland. Committee Laymen’s Missionary Movement; member New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Leonard Mach

Mach, Henry Leonard; attorney-at-law; born, Cleveland, Dee. 27, 1879; son of Frank J. and Mary T. Kohout Mach; educated, Warren School, 1894, South High School, 1898, Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, 1902; A. B., Harvard Law School, 1902-1903-1904, 1907-1908, graduated, 1909, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, May 29, 1911, Blanche May Ward; one daughter, Gertrude Elinor Mach; admitted to practice law in Ohio in 1908; associated with Benjamin C. Starr up to the time of his death, in 1910; practicing alone since at 807 American Trust Bldg., member Woodward Lodge, Masonic, No. 508, and Palacky, K. of P. Lodge, No. 317; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Elmer Duff

Duff, Harry Elmer; manufacturer; born, Bloomington, Ill., July 23, 1873; son of Jos. G. and Mary Ellen Lowdon Duff; graduated from the University of Tennessee, in 1893, taking Bachelor of Arts degree; in 1902, graduated from the New York Law School, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws; in 1894, came to Ohio, and became identified in a manufacturing business, which a few years later was purchased by the American Sheet Tin Plate Co.; since that time, has been continuously associated with that corporation; local sales representative of the American Sheet & Tin Plate Co.; vice pres. Union Metal Mfg. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles B. Walkey

Walkey, Charles B.; contractor; born, Cleveland, Sept. 29, 1880; son of William W. and Lida A. Stephens Walkey; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Aug. 24, 1909, Mary A. Forquer; issue, two children, one daughter and one son; general building contractor; with L. S. & M. S. R. R. Co., for five years; member M. E. Church, Masonic Order, Knight Templars, K. of P.

Biographical Sketch of George D. Koch

Koch, George D.; furniture business; born, Wurtenberg, Germany, Dec. 23, 1850; brought to the United States at the age of three and one-half years; studied in Cleveland public schools until 13 years of age; married, Cleveland, Dec. 1, 1875, Bertha Berno; issue, George B., Charles C., Math and Estelle; learned finishing and polishing in the furniture store of J. Vincent; in 1872, when 21 years old, formed partnership with Mr. M. Fleming, under the name of Fleming & Koch, cor. Penn. and Lorain Aves.; in 1873, opened branch store on Detroit St., under the management of Wm. Toni, who entered … Read more

Biographical Sketch of B. F. Corday

Corday, B. F.; printing; born, Chicago, Ill., 1871; son of B. H. and Dora Baruch Corday; public school education, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1895; two children, one son, Ellis H., born Jan. 17, 1897, and Estelle, born Sept. 9, 1898; pres. and treas. The Corday & Gross Co.; trustee Euclid Ave. Temple; member Athletic and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Otto Miller

Miller, Otto; bond business; born, Cleveland, July 1, 1874, son of James H. and Sophia M. (Hensch) Miller; educated, University School and Yale University, graduating in 1896, with degree of Ph. B.; spent a year in travel abroad; married, Cleveland, Dec. 4, 1901, Elizabeth Clark Tyler; issue, two sons, Otto, Jr., and Washington Tyler; at outbreak of the Spanish-American War, enlisted as a member of Troop C, 1st O. V. C., and became quartermaster sergeant; member firm of Hayden, Miller & Co.; director Bank of Commerce; treas. University School; director of Troop A Riding Academy; member Burdeck Camp, U. S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Kelsey Devereux

Devereux, Henry Kelsey; railway supplies; born, Oct. 10, 1860; son of Gen. J. H. and Antionnette Kelsey Devereux; educated, Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland, scientific course, Sheffield College, Yale, graduating in 1883; married, Mildred Abeel French; issue, one son, Julius French, and one daughter, Aileen Mildred; civil engineer on the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati R. R., located in Cleveland, and engaged in the railroad supply business; mgr. Chicago-Cleveland Car Roofing Co.; director American Sportsman Co. and The Roadside Club; moving spirit in organizing the Forest City Live Stock & Fair Co., which built the North Randall trotting track; from boyhood, a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Ford

Ford, Horatio; banker; born, Cleveland, June 23, 1881; son of H. Clark and Ida M. Thorp Ford; educated, Cleveland public schools, Central High, Yale University, A. B., Western Reserve University, LL. B.; married Cleveland, May 7, 1908, Ella A. White; issue, three sons, H. Clark II, Andrew, Thomas Windsor; admitted to bar, 1906; cashier Garfield Savings bank, 1907-1909; see’y same institution, 1909-1913; director and sec’y Ford-McCaslin Co.; director and vice pres. Star Electric Co.; director and vice pres. New Amsterdam Co.; director and sec’y Bankers’ Realty Co.; sergeant, Troop A, O. N. G.; vice pres. American Institute of Banking, vice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Will P. Blair

Blair, Will P.; brick business; born, Plainfield, Ind., June 28, 1849; son of Enos and Margaruitte Blair; educated, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., married, Indianapolis, Ind., Viola V. Sanders; issue, one daughter, Marion W. Blair; pres. National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Ass’n, 1904-5; also pres. in 1910; member of American Ceramic Society; member brick committee of the American Society for Testing Materials; author of “Direction Direction for the Construction of Brick Street Pavements”; 1894 to 1909, sec’y and mgr. of Terre Haute, Ind., Vitrified Brick Co.; sec ‘y and member board of directors National Paving Brick Mfr’s Ass’n; member Ohio, Indiana and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Starr Cadwallader

Cadwallader, Starr; settlement worker; born, Howard, N. Y., June 11, 1869; son of Joseph Shepard and Anne E. (Starr) Cadwallader; A.. B., Hamilton College, 1893, A. M., 1896; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1896; married Harriet E. Gomph, of Utica, N. Y., July 30, 1896; was engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, 1887, 1888 and 1890; teacher in private schools, 1892-1895; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1896; head worker Goodrich Social Settlement, Cleveland, 1896-1903 (trustee since 1903, sec’y since 1906); school director of Cleveland, 1902-1905; sec’y board of trustees, Cleveland School of Art, 1905-1908; supt. of sanitation, 1908-1910; pres. Social Service Club; … Read more