Biographical Sketch of Charles Alfred Parsons

Parsons, Charles Alfred; real estate; born, Dec. 25, 1847, Hoosick Falls, N. Y.; son of Hial Kenyon and Harriet Robinson Parsons; educated, public school and graduate of Seilers Technical School, Harrisburg, Pa.; married, April 24, 1873, Della B. Parr, Mansfield, 0.; one son, Harry Arthur; Cleveland, 1874, with Cartwright, McCurdy & Co.. iron mfrs., then with Union Foundry Co.; at Harrisburg, Pa., 1881-1886; Pennsylvania Steel Co.; returned to Cleveland, as cashier Union Rolling Mill Co.; in 1892, organized Cleveland Steel Castings Co.; in steel casting and steel brokerage until 1912, when he entered real estate; member K. of P., Royal … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roy Wright MacDiarmid

MacDiarmid, Roy Wright; candy merchant; born, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 31, 1889; son of Alex. A. and Hester L. Wright MacDiarmid; after finishing the public schools, was in a banking position for a time; then with Marks, wholesaler of Ladies’ Furs, as cashier and office mgr.; there five years; in 1905, entered with his family into making and retailing their homemade candies, retaining his position with Marks until 1909, resigning then to devote his entire time to the MacDiarmid’s candy business; came to Cleveland in 1910, and established three retail stores and a complete department for making candies; treas. and mgr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Starke Seibert Saffold

Saffold, Starke Seibert; insurance; born, Mobile, Ala., March 15, 1852; son of Judge Milton J. and Martha Harrison Saffold; educated by private instructor, Graylock and Emerson Institutes; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 1, 1881, Harriet Webb; issue, one daughter, Mrs. Wm. C. Young, of Texas, and one son, J. Webb Saffold, Cleveland; has occupied official position in eight or ten professional and business concerns, from secretary to president; from which since retired; gen. agt., since 1886, Provident Life & Trust Co.; pres. Acme Eng. & Stamps Co.; director Chippewa Lake Co.; Los Seros Copper Co.; Gold Bug Mining Co.; Ohio Lemon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ulysses L. Marvin

Marvin, Ulysses L.; attorney; born, Stow, Summit County, O., March 14, 1839; son of Ulysses and Elizabeth Bradley Marvin; educated, public schools, Twinsburg Academy, Franklin Institute and private tutor; honorary degree, LL. D., Kenyon College; married, Kent, O., Nov. 21, 1861, Dorena Rockwell; died Nov. 1, 1898; married, second time, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1901, Carrie Ensign; two sons living, George U. and Francis R.; volunteered Aug. 9, 1862; served till Oct. 4, 1865, private, first lieut., capt. and Major by brevet; was wounded twice in battle; began to teach school at age of 16; principal Kent High School 1861-1862; Judge … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William G. Phare

Phare, William G.; attorney-at-law; born, Warrensville, O., June 29, 1863; son of Thomas and Mary Short Phare; educated, public schools and Shaw Academy, East Cleveland; graduated from the National Normal University, Lebanon, O., in 1882; married, Lebanon, 0., Nov. 26, 1884, Mattie M. Linder; one son, Ray Phare; member Ohio Legislature, 1900-1902, Ohio Senate, 1910-3912, Mayor of the Village of Cleveland Heights, 1912-1914; active professional career; organized The Fairmount Savings Bank Co., in 1902; afterwards merged with The Cleveland Trust Co.; also active in real estate matters; member Cleveland and State Bar Associations, and Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange; for several … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John C. Skeel

Skeel, John C.; building contractor; born, Sterling, N. Y., 1846; son of Truman C. and Sarah M. Cooper Skeel; married, Dover, Mich., 1889, Carrie P. Stockwell; issue, five children; served two years in the Civil War, in the 110th Reg. N. Y. S. Vol.; vice pres. The Skeel Bros. Co.; director The Cleveland Builders’ Supply Co.; The Woodward Masonic Temple Co.; member Woodward Lodge, No. 508, F. & A. M.; McKinley Chapter, R. A. M.; Oriental Commandery, Knight Templars; belongs to Cleveland Builders’ Exchange, and Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Martin Friedrich, M. D.

Friedrich, Martin, M. D.; born, Paussau, Prussia, May 11, 1885; son of Joseph and Therese Bauer Friedrich; early education in the schools of Passau and the gymnasium there; 4 years in the University of Munich; then went to Paris to study French Literature at the Sorbonne and the Bibliotheque; there three years; in 1892 entered the Medical Dept. of Western Reserve University, Cleveland; graduated with degree of M. D., 1894; spent two years in study abroad in Vienna, Paris and Berlin; in early years engaged in the lumber business in Crawford, Pa.; came to Cleveland in 1892; in 1897, associated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William F. Young

Young, William F.; sales mgr.; born, Jonesboro, Ind., July 9, 1862; son of James and Lucinda Bird Young; educated, public schools of Jonesboro and Marion Normal College, married, Jonesboro, Jan. 29, 1887, Phebe C. Adams; issue, two sons; taught school five years in Jonesboro; five years principal of the Gas City, Ind., schools; fifteen years in employ of Brunswick, Balke, Callender Co., first as traveling salesman, then as branch manager; served as township trustee for five years in Mill Township, Grabt County, Ind.; member B. P. O. E., No. 39, Omaha, Neb.; K. of P., No. 7, Omaha; Ben Hur … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Max Myers

Myers, Max; vice pres. the Nicola, Stone & Myers Co., lumber dealers; born, Germany, April 10, 1866; educated in the Youngstown schools, and graduated from the Youngstown Business College, in 1881; from 1884 to 1890, with the Youngstown Lumber Co.; traveling salesman for the Nicola, Stone Lumber Co., 1890-1898; vice pres. The Lakewood Lumber Co.

Biographical Sketch of Wilbur J. Watson

Watson, Wilbur J.; civil engineer; born, Berea, O., April 5, 1871; son of D. R. and Maria Parker Watson; educated, public schools of Berea, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, B. S. (C. S. A. S.), S. E. (C. S. A. S.); married, Cleveland, 1900, Harriet Martha Barnes; issue, two daughters; five years in engineering dept. of L. S. & M. S. Ry.; nine years as asst. engineer for consulting engineering firms; last six years engaged in consulting, designing and supervising work in connection with construction of bridges and buildings for cities, counties, railroads and private corporations, etc.; work covers … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles K. Teter, D. D. S.

Teter, Charles K., D. D. S.; professional anesthetist and minor oral surgery; born, Westfield, Ind., Sept. 25, 1875; son of Rev. J. H. and Sarah Howard Teter; educated, Westerville High School, 1892-1894; Otterbein University, 1894-1897; Ohio Medical University, D. D. S., 1897-1900; married, Galena, O., Feb. 28, 1900, Etta M. Bush; issue, two sons and one daughter; private in 4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Spanish American War; saw service in Porto Rico; chief anesthetist St. Luke’s Hospital; inventor of the Teter oxid and oxygen apparatus; vice pres. of the National Association of Anesthetists, 1912-1913; pres. The Teter Mnfg. Co.; member National … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert V. Barnes

Barnes, Herbert V.; manager; born, Huntsburg, O., Sept. 18, 1869; son of Virgil T. and Ella Cummings Barnes; educated, district schools, Huntsburg, and New Lyme Institute, New Lyme, O.; married, Huntsburg, Sept. 20, 1892, Anna L. Barnes; one son, Earl H. Barnes; worked on his father’s farm until he was married; then engaged in farming for himself for 5 yrs.; came to Cleveland in March, 1898; was employed by the Brumelage Co., wholesale butter, eggs and cheese dealers; has had charge of sales force and was a stockholder and director until April, 1908; then went in with The Public Hand … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Erie Monroe Patchin

Patchin, Erie Monroe; Cleveland dentist; born, Cleveland, May 2, 1880; son of Dr. Eugene L. and Ella M. Slabaugh Patchin; educated, Cleveland public schools and Western Reserve Dental Department; member National Dental Fraternity, Delta Sigma Delta; member Cleveland Horseshoe and Quoit Club.

Biography of Earl J. Andrews

Andrews, Earl J.; architect and builder; born, Wilmington, O., Nov. 16, 1882; son of William Garner and Rachel Seal Andrews; educated, Marion, Ind., high school and Marion Normal & Science College; married, Canton, O., April 10, 1904, Birdette Wertenberger; learned carpenter’s trade in Cleveland during summer vacations and in 1903 finished trade and took up drawing and de-signing at the same time following practical building work; in 1905 started in business for myself; was the first Cleveland architect to dispense with sub-contractors and employ my own labor and material, thus eliminating annoyance to clients in dealing with a great number … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge William E. Ambler

Ambler, Judge William E.; real estate; born, Medina, O., 1845; son of Chester C. and Margaret Eglin Ambler; educated, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich.; A. M., Albion College, Albion, Mich.; B. S., Adrian College, Adrian, Mich.; A. M., Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y., LL. B.; married, Lyons, Mich., Dee. 25, 1871, Flora E. Lewis; issue, four children, Jay C., Angell A., William and Marguerite Faye; Judge of the Probate Court of Oceana Co., Mich.; state senator eight years, from Mich.; Pres. Pro. Tem. of the Senate; member of judiciary committee; chairman of committee of appiopdis and finances; have practiced law … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Elijah Burton

Burton, Theodore Elijah; U. S. senator to March 3, 1915; born, Jefferson, O., Dee. 20, 1851; son of Rev. William and Elizabeth ‘(Grant) Burton; A. B., Oberlin College, 1872, A. M. 1875; (LL. D., Oberlin, 1900, Dartmouth, 1907, Ohio University, 1907); unmarried; admitted to bar, 1875, and since in practice at Cleveland; member 51st (1889-1891), and 54th to 61st (1895-1911) congresses; 21st Ohio Dist.; resigned from 61st Congress, March 4, 1909; U. S. senator, 1909-1915; chairman Inland Waterways Commission, 1906-1908; chairman National Waterways Commission; member National Monetary Commission; Republican nominee for mayor, Cleveland, 1907; delegate Republican National convention, 1904, 1908 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Maxwell Vernon Emerman

Emerman, Maxwell Vernon; attorney-at-law; born, Cleveland, Nov. 17, 1867; son of Benjamin and Lena Luntz Emerman; educated, public schools, Central High School 1905, and University of Michigan, 1908, degree LL. B.; married, Baltimore Md., Nov. 3, 1912; member executive committee Progressive Republican party, Cuyahoga county, 1912; sec’y and treas. The Esplande Apartments Co.; sec’y North American Export Co.; director Ohio Adjustment Co., Weger Motor Co., Akron Scrap Iron Co., Akron, O.; general counsel Erie Iron & Steel Co., Erie, Pa.; member Cleveland Shakespeare Club, and Knights of Pythias.

Biographical Sketch of Jay E. Latimer

Latimer, Jay E.; capitalist; born, Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1864; sou or James and Mary A. Latimer; (College of Hard Knocks); married, Cleveland, June 12, 1889, Jennie C. Zeidner; three children; business career, promoted Electric Railway, built Cleveland, Chagrin Falls, Columbus, Delaware & Marion R. R., Cleveland, Painesville & Ashtabula R. R., Buffalo Dunkirk & Western R. R., and The Fireproof Storage Buildings; pres. The Fireproof Warehouse Co., The United Light & Power Co., and The Ontario Street Land Co.; member Athletic, Willowick, and Cleveland Driving Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Charles T. Richmond

Richmond, Charles T.; manufacturer; born, Johnsville, N. Y., June 13, 1856; son of Theodore and Caroline Baucus Richmond; educated, Greylock Institute, South Williamstown, Mass., and Yale ’78, S. Ph. B.; married, Fremont, 0., Jan. 28, 1891, Mrs. Addle G. Noble; after graduating, became deputy collector Internal Revenue, 10th District of Massachusetts (three years); then founded Richmond Carbon Co., North Adams, Mass. (four years); then became pres. Thomson-Houston Carbon Co., at Fremont, O., (five years); since 1893, with National Carbon Co., Cleveland (twenty years); consulting engineer and asst. sec’y National Carbon Co.; member Delta Psi Fraternity; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick D. Kellogg

Kellogg, Frederick D.; The Ohio Quarries Co.; born, Rockford, Ill., Sept. 3, 1880; son of George F. and Anna M. Doubler Kellogg; educated, Grade and High School, Rockford, Ill., High School, Chicago, and Chicago College of Law; married, Winnebago, Ill., May 16, 1902, Florence M. Clark; one daughter, Virginia; seven years banking business in Chicago; moved to Cleveland in 1909, and became connected with The Ohio Quarries Co.; in 1910, was elected sec’y and treas. of the Company; sec’y and asst. treas. Lorain & Southern R. R. Co.; pies. and treas. Quarries Equipment Co.; member Woodward Lodge, Masons, Oakwood Lodge, … Read more