Biographical Sketch of Albert Henry Fiebach

Fiebach, Albert Henry; lawyer; born, Brownhelm, Lorain County, O., Aug. 28. 1876: son of Peter and Sarah Leuszler Fiebach; educated, district schools, Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College; studied two years in the University of Michigan; returned to Oberlin for senior year, graduating in 1899; received degree of A. B.; received LL. B. degree from Harvard in 1902; married, Shenandoah, Ia., Nov. 30, 1905, Miss Louise June Bogart; admitted to the bar in December of 1902; since that time engaged in general law practice in Cleveland; member Chamber of Commerce; member of the benevolence committee of the Chamber; member executive committee … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alcysius L. Roth

Roth, Alcysius L.; milk and cream; born, Cleveland, Aug. 19, 1889; son of Alois and Anna Thomas Roth; graduated from St. Stephens, Commercial class, June 24, 1906; member of the C. M. B. A., branch No. 99. Recreation: Baseball, managed the Seewords, of the D. R. K. League, for two years.

Biographical Sketch of Horace Arthur Fuller

Fuller, Horace Arthur; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Samuel Augustus and Julia Clark Fuller; educated, Cleveland public schools, and one year Western Reserve University; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 14, 1886, Alice Tenney Ingersoll; issue, Antionette F., Pierrong and Marian Fuller; began business in January, 1883, with Condit, Fuller & Co.; this was a partnership; about two years later, entered the employ of The Union Rolling Mill Co.; in 1888, as asst. sec’y, in 1891, elected treas. and gen. mngr., and pres. in 1911; vice pres. of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1891; pres. since January, 1912; pres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lyman Adams Noble

Noble, Lyman Adams; physician; born, Smithfield, 0., June 29, 1877; son of James M. and Eliza J. Smith Noble; educated, Scio. College of Pharmacy, Ph. G., 1900; Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, M. D., 1903; married, Cleveland, June 30, 1903, Mabelle Dorothy Davis; one daughter, Frances Evelyn, born Nov. 2, 1906; asst. prof. chemistry, Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 1904; prof. of chemistry, same college, 1905-1905; member Homeopathic State Medical Society; member Phi Ipsilon Rho Fraternity; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Chauncey F. Minnick

Minnick, Chauncey F.; building contractor; born, Pierceton, Ind., Dec. 1, 1871; son of F. V. B. and Lucy A. Miller Minnick; educated, public schools, Goshen, Ind.; married, Cleveland, Jan. 14, 1904, Helen Minerva Cleveland; sec’y and treas. The Geo. A. Rutherford Co.; sec’y Land & Building Co.; member Cleveland Builders’ Exchange; pres. Mason Contractor’s Assn, Cleveland; member Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Richard Davis

Davis, Albert Richard; automobiles; born, Delaware, O., Dec. 20, 1877; son of A. R. and Jennie Christy Davis; public and high school education; married, Cleveland, Sept. 20, 1900, Hortense Tello; two children; manager Studebaker Auto Co., until July, 1911, when he formed the A. R. Davis Motor Co., taking over Studebaker interests locally; pres. A. R. Davis Motor Co., member Chamber of Commerce, Union, Cleveland Athletic, Hermit, Rotary, Cleveland Automobile and Euclid Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Ensign

Ensign, Theodore; milk business; born, Chester, O., March 26, 1882; son of George L. and Celia M. Foster Ensign; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 22, 1909, Clara Zarnoio; foreman City Ice Delivery Co. for four years; gen. mgr. of Lake City Ice Co. for two years; vice pres. of the Milk Dealers’ Fraternal League. Recreations: Motoring and Music. In the last year the quality of the milk and methods of doing business have doubled their business.

Biographical Sketch of Clifford W. Fuller

Fuller, Clifford W.; lawyer; born, Garrettsville, O., Feb. 6, 1864; son of Sherman W. and Flora R. Case Fuller; educated, Garrettsville public schools, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., A. B., M. A. and Ph. D. pro merite; capt. 10th O. V. I., war with Spain; admitted to the Ohio bar, 1890; practiced law in Cleveland since 1891; sec’y The Cleveland & Youngstown R. R. Co.; sec’y and treas. Willowick Country Club; director The West Ninth Co., The Shaker Vineyards Land Co., and The Sedgwick Land Co.; sec’y Terminal Bldg. Co.; trustee The H. B. Hurlburt Trust for Art; member Phi Gamma … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. P. Congalton

Congalton, W. P.; real estate; born, Guelph, Can., 1875; came to Cleveland when a boy; public school and Spencerian Business College Education; business career, clerk for several years Relief Dept. of the Pennsylvania R. R.; asst. bookkeeper Standard Tool Co.; for three years charge of Real Estate Dept. of the Old Savings & Trust Co.; previous to its consolidation with the Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; in 1902, became associated with John H. Blood in the capacity of real estate salesman; in 1906, started in business for himself, making a speciality of business realty; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic Club, … Read more

Biography of Asahel Bush

ASAHEL BUSH. – The subject of this memoir, Asahel Bush, of Salem, is no ordinary man. His strong personality, quick and clear perception, energy and persistence of purpose, together with his strong common sense, would have made him distinguished in almost any walk of life. Mr. Bush was born at Westfield, Massachusetts, on June 4, 1824. His father, whose name he bears, was a person of prominence in the community, being frequently chosen to fill its public offices. His mother’s name was Sally Noble; and both his father’s and mother’s families were among the oldest of the town, having settled … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Andrew Leonard, Rt. Rev. D. D.

Leonard, William Andrew, Rt. Rev. D. D.; Bishop of Ohio; born, Southport, Connecticut, July 15, 1848; educated, Philips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, St. Stephen’s College, Annadale, N. Y., and Berkley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn.; ordained May 31, 1871, degrees of D. D. from St. Stephen’s College, and Washington and Lee University, Virginia; Rector the Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872-1880; St. John’s Parish, Washington, D. C., 1880-1889; consecrated Bishop of Ohio, Oct. 12, 1889; in charge of the American Episcopal churches on the continent of Europe, 1897-1906; one of the founders of the University Club; Chaplain Ohio Society of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Winthrop Gould

Gould, Charles Winthrop; life insurance; born, Worcester, Mass., July 7, 1866; son of Henry and Sarah W. Howland Gould; educated, Boston, and Lynn, Mass., public schools; married, Los Angeles, Cal., June 1, 1896, Cora Lee Holcomb; continuously engaged in the life insurance business since 1882; at the age of 16, entered the office of the Massachusetts Life Insurance Co. at Boston; in 1892, appointed special agent of the vice president’s department of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.; in 1909, formed partnership with Major Frank A. Kendall & Son, representing the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Cleveland; member Chamber … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Payne McIntosh, Jr.

McIntosh, Henry Payne, Jr.; real estate; born, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1884; son of H. P. and Olive McIntosh; educated at University School, Cleveland, and University of Pennsylvania; married, Cleveland, Feb. 19, 1908, Isabel Strong; issue, two sons, Henry Payne, III, Gregory Strong; asst. real estate officer, Guardian Savings & Trust Co.; sec’y and director General Aluminum & Brass Casting Co., and Building & Investment Co.; director Standard Tool Co., Standard Welding Co., Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co.; member Union, Hermit, and Cleveland Athletic Clubs; Troop A., O. N. G., three years.

Biographical Sketch of John Eaton Darby

Darby, John Eaton; physician; born, South Williamstown, Mass., Aug. 20, 1835; son of William and Electa (Edwards) Darby; A. B., Williams College, 1858; M. D., Western Reserve Medical College, 1861; married at Cleveland, Julia Frances Wright, of Hudson, O., April 11, 1861 (died May 3, 1867); 2d, Emma Maybell Cox, of Cleveland, May 1, 1872 (died June 2, 1888); prof. Latin and Greek, Cleveland Institute, 1858-1860; demonstrator anatomy, Western Reserve Medical College, 1861-1862; surgeon in Civil War, 1862-1866; surgeon Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R., 1867-1887; member medical board, City Hospital, 1895-1908; emeritus prof. therapeutics, 1906, Western Reserve Medical College; has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Price

Price, John H.; attorney-at-law; born, Youngstown, July 31, 1g78: son of Morgan and Margaret Davis Price: graduated, Raven High School, Youngstown, 1897; Mt. Union College, A. B., 1900; Western Reserve Law School and Ohio State University Law School, 1902; married, Cleveland, June 3, 1903, Flora Staats; issue, John H. Price, Jr.; Newman Staats Price, and Emily Louise Price; Spanish-American War, Siege of Santiago, 1898; lieut. of engineers; member Republican Executive Committee, 1906-1912; admitted to the bar in 1903; member law firm Price, Alburn & Daoust; chairman Republican Party, Cuyahoga County, and City Committees, 1906-1907; special counsel to Atty. General, 1909-1910-1911; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Edward Hackenberg

Hackenberg, Harvey Edward; manufacturer; born, Northumberland, Pa., March 8, 1864; son of Albert and Maria Brouse Hackenberg; public and high school education; married, Cleveland, June 18, 1903, Addie May Lawrence; one son, Edward Hackenberg, three years old; Republican in politics; 1881, clerk Tuttle, Masters & Co., iron ore merchants; 1883-1888, clerk The Bouton Carbon Co.; 1888-1899, sec’y The National Carbon Co. of Ohio; 1899-1911, treas. National Carbon Co. of Ohio and New Jersey; 1912, vice. pres., sec’y and treas. National Carbon Co. of New Jersey; sec’y, treas., vice pres. and director The National Carbon Co.; director, sec’y and treas. The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Edmund Jackson

Jackson, Charles Edmund; manufacturer; born, Lowestoft, Eng., April 10, 1865; son of Edmund J. and Lucretia Betts Jackson; educated, Lowestoft, Eng., and Cleveland, O.; married, Detroit, Mich., July 19, 1890, Mary M. Cooper; one son, Herbert C. Jackson; mgr. E. C. Jackson & Co.; business founded Aug. 20, 1896; machine and blacksmith shop and a general repair shop for all kinds of machinery; Master Mason, Halcyon Lodge, Royal Arch Mason, Cleveland Chapter, Knight Templar, Holyrood Commandery, 32nd degree Mason, Lake Erie Consistory, Noble of Mystic Shrine, Al Koran Temple. Recreation is an annual vacation.

Biographical Sketch of Stephen E. Brooks

Brooks, Stephen E.; pres. The Brooks Co., mfg. stationers and printers; born, Elyria, O., Dec. 13, 1850; son of Henry J. and Abagail Hart Brooks; grandfather, Samuel Brooks, one of Lorain County’s early settlers, driving ox team from Connecticut; family moved to Cleveland in 1861; public school education; 1871, founded present house of the Brooks Co., which was incorporated in 1878, with himself as president, the position he still holds; pres. of the Forest City Savings & Trust Co., of which he was an incorporator; director Peoples’ Savings Bank Co.; director W. S. Gilkey Printing Co.; stockholder of many banks … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin D. Rider

Rider, Edwin D.; milk dealer; born, Navarre, O., Nov. 2, 1884; son of Daniel W. and Isabelle Exline Rider; educated at the Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Military School, at Xenia, O.; discharged, June 5, 1901, second sargt.; married, East Bangor, Pa., June 12, 1907, Carrie M. Williams; issue, two daughters, Isabelle and Edith; has been in the dairy business in Cleveland twelve years; four years was associated with The Flood-Pratt Dairy Co.; has been conducting The Model Dairy for eight years; stockholder The Doan Savings & Loan Co.; member of Mayflower Lodge, No. 679, I. O. 0. F.

Biographical Sketch of T. Evans Whitworth

Whitworth, T. Evans; publisher; born, Manchester, England; son of Joseph and Martha Lewis Whitworth; educated in England; married, Cleveland, Sept. 10, 1900, Elizabeth M. Campbell; issue, three children; for 20 years sec’y and treas. The Whitworth Bros. Co.; pres. The Penton Building Co.; director The Penton Press Co., director The Penton Publishing Co., director The Ben Franklin Club; member the Ben Franklin and Fellowcraft Clubs.