Biographical Sketch of Dwight Goddard

Goddard, Dwight; mechanical engineer; born, Worcester, Mass., Dec. 27, 1861; son of Dorrance S. and Mary H. Williams Goddard; graduate Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1881, Harvard Theological Seminary, 1894; married, Nov. 27, 1895, Frances E. Nicberg, M. D.; issue, Dorrance, Theodore; treas. Goddard Machine Co.; asst. master mechanic American Steel & Wire Co.; missionary to China under the A. B. C. F. M.; mngr. Weyman & Gordon Co.; treas. The Park Drop Forge Co.; also director the same company; member American Society Mechanical Engineers; member Housing committee, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Howard H. Knapp

Knapp, Howard H.; lawyer; born, Garrettsville, O., July 4, 1886; son of Edmund and Adelia Higby Knapp; educated, Garrettsville public schools and High School, Cleveland Law School, degree of LL. B., honor of “Cum Laude”; not married; after admission to the bar, he was associated with E. M. Fisher, in the Williamson Bldg., as Fisher & Knapp; in March, 1911, withdrew from that partnership to form the present firm of Alden, Knapp & Magee, in the B. of L. E. Bldg.; member Sigma Kappa Phi (Legal Fraternity), Garrettsville Lodge, F. & A. M., Silver Creek Chapter, R. A. M., of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Alvin Alburn

Alburn, John Alvin; lawyer; born, Pennsylvania, Feb. 9, 1879; son of John Frederick and Cecelia Luebben Alburn, educated, Rayon High School, Youngstown, Ohio; A. B., Adelbert College, Cleveland; O. B. K. and Magna A. M., Western Reserve University; LL. B., W. R. U. Law School; married, Columbus, O., Oct. 10, 1911, Maybelle Murphy; one daughter, Annabelle Alburn, teacher in Youngstown township and in Cleveland night High Schools; Chief Probation Officer, Cuyahoga Co., Juvenile Court; Councilman-at-Large, Cleveland; Asst. Atty. Gen. of Ohio; Special Counsel to the Atty. Gen. of Ohio; was advisor to Prosecuting Attorneys, City Solicitors and various state departments … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Royal Snyder

Snyder, John Royal; attorney-at-law; born, Stark County, O., Feb. 11, 1876; son of John J. and Maria Shearer Snyder; educated, Mt. Union, 1899, A. B., Junior Scholarship prize; Harvard, 1909, L. B.; married, Massillon, Gertrude Smith; treas. Stark County, 1902-1906; deputy county treas. 1899-1902; treas. City of Canton, 1902-1904; member B. P. O. E., No. 68, F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., No. 39; Jr. O. U. A. M., No. 60, and A. T. O. Fraternity. Recreations: Tennis, Baseball and Football.

Biographical Sketch of Harley Brownell Gibbs

Gibbs, Harley Brownell; banker; born in Milan, Erie County, O., March 13, 1849; son of Edward Hanford and Maria Louise Brownell Gibbs; early education in Milan, O.; married, Hudson, Oct. 24, 1878, Miss Emma Johnson; Mrs. Gibbs died in 1894; when 16 years of age, went to work in a grain and commission house in Chicago, Ill.; there six years; came to Cleveland in 1871; served as bookkeeper for the King Bridge Co. until 1875, then elected sec ‘y, and in 1887, became treas. of the Company; resigned in 1907, but still a director of the Company; organized the Lake … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Franklin Wade

Wade, Benjamin Franklin; treas. The Taylor & Boggis Foundry Co.; born, Cleveland, Nov. 26, 1857; son of James and Margaret Uhl Wade; father came to Cleveland in 1845, and practiced law until his death in 1907; graduated, Brooks Military Academy, 1877; S. S. B., University of Michigan, 1879; married, Cleveland, 1887, Mary Boggis; issue, one daughter, Helen Wade, born April 26, 1889, died, Feb. 26, 1890; asst. sec’y Woodland Ave. Railway Co., about four years from 1879; treas. Cleveland Window Glass Co., for four years; since that time with the Taylor & Boggis Foundry Co.; greater part of the time … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Bernard Wilberding

Wilberding, John Bernard; banking; born, Cleveland, March 2, 1873; son of Henry and Catherine Wilberding; educated, parochial and Business College; married, Cleveland, Oct. 28, 1898, Johanna Butler; issue, one daughter, Florence; sec’y of The Mutual Building & Investment Co.; six years prior to that cashier of the company; sec’y and treas. The Fullers Earth Co., and The Lakewood Chemical Co., also The F. S. Hoskins Co.; member Knights of Columbus, Athletic, Euclid, Rotary, and Gentleman’s Driving Clubs.

Slave Narrative of Charles H. Anderson

Interviewer: Ruth Thompson Person Interviewed: Charles H. Anderson Location: Cincinnati, Ohio Place of Birth: Richmond, Virginia Date of Birth: December 23, 1845 Place of Residence: 3122 Fredonia St., Cincinnati, Ohio Occupation: Handy man “Life experience excels all reading. Every place you go, you learn something from every class of people. Books are just for a memory, to keep history and the like, but I don’t have to go huntin’ in libraries, I got one in my own head, for you can’t forget what you learn from experience.” The old man speaking is a living example of his theory, and, judging … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Amos N. Barron

Barron, Amos N.; manufacturer; born, Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 24, 1866; son of Henry and Elana Barron; educated, Prescott Grammar School, Charlestown, Mass.; Boston Latin School, Boston, Mass.; Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; married, Cleveland, Feb. 11, 1908, Jane Carson; one year with The General Electric Co. in Lynn, Mass.; and for one year with one of their sub-companies in Chicago and New York; then entered the employ of The National Carbon Co., in 1894, as traveling representative; after 5 yrs. was made mgr. of the Noblesville, Ind., works; came to Cleveland to assist the general mgr. in supervision of the various … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Claude Wilber Shimmon

Shimmon, Claude Wilber; real estate; born, Allegheny, Pa., Dec. 31, 1878; son of John C. and Elizabeth McLaughlin Shimmon; educated, public grade and High School, Cleveland; A. B., Western Reserve University, 1901; Cleveland Law School, 1904; married, Bedford, O., Sept. 22, 1905, Florence A. Prestage; issue, two daughters; 1 and 4 years old; Republican; member City Council, 1910-1911, for Ward 18; member Cleveland Improvement League, and The Miles Ave. Civic League; 1901-1905, real estate salesman with The Van De Boe-Hager Co.; 1905, salesman The American Book Co.; asst. sales mgr. The West Madison Realty Co; 1906, real estate broker, 1907-1912, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bert LeRoy Wilkins

Wilkins, Bert LeRoy; manufacturer; born, LaGrange, O., Dec. 11, 1869; son of H. J. and Anna Rowell Wilkins; educated, LaGrange public school and Oberlin Business College; married, LaGrange, O., Nov. 27, 1889, Lucy A. Richmond; issue, one daughter, Ada Vera; organized the partnership of Wilkins & Rawson, February, 1890; Lakewood Plumbing Co., 1903; Lakewood Wash Tray Co., 1906; consolidated the above with Euclid Stove & Brick Co., June, 1912; sec’y The Euclid Stove & Brick Co.; partner The Lakewood Plumbing Co.; director Colonial Savings & Loan Co.; Lakewood Lodge, F. & A. M.; Cunningham Chapter, R. A. M.; Forest City … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert R. Teachout

Teachout, Albert R.; mnfr. and merchant; born, Royalton, O., June, 12, 1852; son of Abraham and Julia Ann Tousley Teachout; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 17, 1873, Sarah Parmly; issue, Kate P., Albert R., Jr., and David William; associated with his father in the mercantile business in Cleveland in the fall of 1873; business first known as A. R. Teachout & Son; in 1889, incorporated as The A. Teachout Co., manufacturers of and dealers in doors, glass, mantles, and interior finish; in forty years, the business has grown to large proportions. and the house now … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David J. Barry

Barry, David. J.; D. J. Barry & Co.; general insurance; born, Cleveland, 0., July 16, 1877; educated, Cleveland public schools; began career as office boy for the firm of Binghm, Douglass & Squire, 1891; when firm was dissolved, went with C. B. Squire; afterwards appointed mgr. of the local dept. of the insurance firm of Squire, Hahn & App, until November, 1901; with insurance firm of Termaine Draper Co. from November, 1901, to September, 1902; October, 1902, organized the firm of Barry, Lermann & Buerkle; in October, 1905, succeeded to the business of Barry, Lerman & Buerkle, under the firm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Hansen

Hansen, George C.; attorney-at-law; born, Schlesni, Germany, May 30, 1868; son of Henry William and Hannah Peterson Hansen; educated, Ohio Northern University, B. A., 1895, University of Michigan, LL. B., 1898; married, Cleveland, June 29, 1904, Orra Phillips; issue, three children; asst. county prosecutor of Cuyahoga county, from 1908 to 1910; pres. Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, 1912-1913; pres. Cuyahoga County Sunday School Ass’n, 1908-1910; taught country school in Wood county in 1889-1891; supt. of Hoytville, O., schools, 1892-1894; supt. Perrysburg, Ohio, schools, 1896-1897; began practicing law in Cleveland, September, 1898; director Lakewood Bank, Crucible Steel Castings Co., and W. E. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Adgate Quail

Quail, Frank Adgate; Henderson, Quail & Siddall; lawyers; born, Canonsburg, Pa., June 18, 1865; educated, public schools, and graduated Washburn College, Topeka, Kas., 1887, degree A. B.; University of Michigan, 1889, degree LL. B.; began practice in Cleveland the same year; January, 1895, entered the firm of Henderson & Quail; firm changed to Henderson, Quail & Siddall, in 1904, G. B. Siddall being added; director in a number of corporations doing business in Northern Ohio; member Union, Euclid, University, and Colonial Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce; Democrat.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Emory Bunts

Bunts, Frank Emory; surgeon; born, Youngstown, O., June 3, 1861; son of William C. and Clara E. (Barnhisel) Bunts; graduated U. S. Naval Academy, 1881; served U. S. N., 1881-1883; M. D., Western Reserve Medical College, 1886; married, Harriet E. Taylor, of Cleveland, Oct. 29, 1888; prof. surgery Western Reserve Medical College, since 1893; fellow Am. Surg. Ass’n; member A. M. A., Societe Internat. de Chirurgie; Miss. Valley Med. Ass’n; Ohio State Med. Ass’n; Acad. Medicine, Cleveland; Nu Sigma Nu; Republican. Clubs: Union, University, Euclid (Cleveland); Army and Navy (Washington).

Biographical Sketch of E. R. Grasselli

Grasselli, E. R.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, 1872; son of C. A. and Johanna Ireland Grasselli; married, Detroit, Mich., April, 1901, Mabel Field; one son, Eugene Grasselli; began business with the Grasselli Chemical Co.; now 2nd vice pres. and treas.; director Broadway Savings & Trust Co. and Woodland Ave. Savings & Trust Co.; member Union, Country, Rowfant, and Automobile Clubs, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; member N. Y. Athletic and Chemists Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Lathrop Pack

Pack, Charles Lathrop; forestry expert; born, Lexington, Mich., May 7, 1857; son of George Willis and Frances (Farman) Pack; educated, public schools and Brooks School, Cleveland; studied forestry in Black Forests, Germany; spent several years exploring forests of Canada, the Northwest, Louisiana and Mississippi; married Alice Gertrude Hatch, of Cleveland, Ohio, April 28, 1886; for many years pres. Pack Woods Co., of Michigan (now out of business); for twenty-five years one of largest manufacturers of lumber in United States; owner of pine timber lands; director Sea-board National Bank, New York; one of the founders of Cleveland Trust Co.; life member; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Champ

Champ, Joseph H.; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The Bishop-Babcock Co.; born, Cleveland, Oct. 1, 1857; public school education; learned the plumbing trade and worked at it from 1873 to 1883; then went with The Bishop-Babcock Co.; became a member of the company and was elected to present position in 1895; pres. The Julier Baking Co., 1902; pres. the Board of Trustees of St. Clair Hospital; organized the Cleveland. Savings Bank Co.; pres. one year, then sold the business; director of Standard Welding Co., and interested in a number of corporations; K. T., Mason, Mystic Shriner; member Century, Colonial and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Maurice Maschke

Maschke, Maurice; collector of customs; born, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1868; son of Joseph and Rosa Salinger Maschke; educated, Central High School, Cleveland, Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., and Harvard University; married, Cleveland, June 10, 1903, Minnie Rice; issue, Helen and Maurice, 2nd.; 1890, admitted to practice law in State of Ohio; appointed chief deputy recorder, Cuyahoga County, in September, 1907; Jan. 1, 1910, appointed recorder of Cuyahoga County; May 1, 1911, appointed collector of customs, Port of Cleveland; member Masonic, Pythian, and Elks; member Excelsior, Keswick Golf, and Lakewood Tennis Clubs.