Biographical Sketch of Arthur Houghton Otis

Otis, Arthur Houghton; Northern Ohio mgr. Otis Elevators Co.; born, Yonkers, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1881; son of Norton Prentiss and Elizabeth Fahs Otis; educated, Yonkers public and High School, and Princeton University, B. S., 1906; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1912, Mildred Vilas; issue, Malcolm V. and Arthur H., Jr.; since graduation from college, connected with The Otis Elevators Co.; mgr. for Northern Ohio; his father, who died in 1904, was pres. of the Otis Elevators Co.; was a native of Vermont; member of New York Assembly, and Mayor of Yonkers; served two terms in Congress, and in 1900, was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ladbrook H. Freeman

Freeman, Ladbrook H.; manufacturer; born, England, June 23, 1870; son of Walter Thomas and Esther L. Healy Freeman; public and high school education; married, Cleveland, May 16, 1894, Emilie Loeber; issue, Harley L. Freeman, born, Dec. 30, 1895, and Ruth E. Freeman, born Sept. 1, 1899; sec’y and treas. The Industrial Machy Co.; pres. The Hall Mnfg. Co.; vice pres. The Guggenheim Ldy. Machy Co.; director the Cahen Mfg. Co.; member Masonic bodies.

Biographical Sketch of Carl A. Radde

Radde, Carl A.; optometrist; born, Cleveland, Feb. 12, 1876; son of Albert W. and Josephine Hassmer Radde; educated, Cleveland Grammar and High schools, and South Bend College of Optics; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1900, Amy A. Wilson; one daughter, Dorothy A. Radde; established jewelry and optical business in 1899; proprietor C. A. Radde; pres. Cleveland Optometrical Society, during 1912m1913; member K. of P., I. O. 0. F.; known in Cleveland musical circles as choral conductor; since 1900, director of the Bach Society, Cleveland’s oldest choral society; member Cleveland Advertising Club. RAINS, Fred. H.; florist; born, Cleveland, April 22, 1876; son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franz Childs Warner

Warner, Franz Childs; architect; born, Painesville, O., Sept. 6, 1876; son of Franz G. L. And Isabel Childs Warner; educated, Painesville public schools and Case School of Applied Science; married, Youngstown, O., July 12, 1902, Hazel Virginia Ward; practice has been largely public and semi-public buildings; member Cleveland Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity; member Cleveland Athletic, Automobile, Shore and Architectural Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of E. K. Gatch

Gatch, E. K.; cashier Graselli Chemical Co.; born, Milford, O., in 1865; common school and graduated from the High School of Milford, came to Cleveland in 1884; went to work for E. G. Graselli & Son, as office boy; promoted to shipping clerk, book-keeper and finally cashier; heavy stockholder in the company; member Y. M. C. A., Business Men’s Club, and Athletic Club. Recreations: Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Oscar Textor

Textor, Oscar; chemist; born, Sandusky, O., March 10, 1860; son of Albert and Anna Rhode Textor; educated, University of Michigan, degree Pharmaceutical Chemist; two years instructor in chemistry; married, Cleveland, June 3, 1886; Minnie A. Dunbar; one son, born Oct. 26, 1888; member American Chemical Society, American Institute Mining Engineers.

Biographical Sketch of Herbert Mathews

Mathews, Herbert; law and real estate; born, Canada, Nov. 21, 1864; son of Aaron and Caroline (Crabtree) Mathews; educated, public schools and Western Reserve Law School, Cleveland; one of the earliest developers of Lakewood, well-known suburb; one of the original committee of the Chamber of Industry; helped to frame the law establishing a County Park Board; pres. The Cleveland Real Estate Board and Home Exposition; director-general West Side Industrial Exposition; in 1900, organized Rocky River Bank; charter member Phi Delta Phi, Legal Fraternity; member Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Industry, Hermit, Athletic, and Keswick Golf Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel D. Latty

Latty, Samuel D.; sec’y and gen. mgr. The Kirk-Latty Mnfg. Co.; born, Boston, Mass., Sept. 12, 1864; educated in the public schools; began career in the tack business with A. Fields & Son, Taunton, Mass., 1881-1883; Tack Dept., Cincinnati, O., 1883-1885; came to Cleveland and worked for the W. Bingham Co., 1885-1887; took charge of the Sales Dept. of the National Screw & Tack Co., 1887-1895; one of the organizers of the Kirk-Latty Mnfg. Co., and when the Company was incorporated, was elected sec’y and gen. mgr.; still serving; pres. the Buckeye Box Co., and interested in other corporations; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Decker

Decker, Harry; merchant; born, Cleveland, Feb. 14, 1864; son of Denceman and Adriana Van Lesser Decker; educated public schools of Cleveland; married, Cleveland, May 31, 1888, Evelyn Weihl; five daughters; dry goods.

Biography of Captain C.C. Miller

Captain C. C. Miller is one of the early settlers of Riverside and has for fifteen years been identified with its growth and improvement. He is a native of Oneida County, New York, dating his birth in 1824. His parents were Chancy and Alice (Reney) Miller, both natives of that county. His grandfather, Grant Miller, was a pioneer of Oneida County, settling there in the days of the colonies, and built the first house erected in his section. Captain Miller was but four years of age when the death of his father occurred. His mother then married Judge Aaron Burley. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Welch Frazier

Frazier, James Welch; consulting engineer; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4, 1870; son of George G. and Sadie B. Smith Frazier; educated, Grammar and High School, Allegheny, Pa.; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; graduated, 1894, degree of Civil Engineer; married, Troy, N. Y., 1895, Jennie H. Van Deusen; two daughters, Ruth and Helen; chief engineer Federal St. & Pleasant Valley R. R., Pittsburg, 1894-1896; asst. engineer Pennsylvania Co., in office of chief engineer, 1896-1899; engineer Brown Hoisting Mchy. Co., 1899-1905; member of firm Frazier & Fox, 1905-1910; pres. The J. W. Frazier Co., 1910, to date; member of board of consulting engineers in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Hertner

Hertner, John H.; mechanical engineer; born, Jan. 14, 1877, Williams county, O.; educated, M. E., Ohio State University, 1899; married, Nov. 20, 1908, Erma King, Cleveland; organized Hertner Electric Co., 1901; Hertner Electric & Mfg. Co.; organized 1906, absorbed by reorganized Rauch & Lang Co., 1907; director and mechanical engineer, Rauch & Lang Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Society of Automobile Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Stilber

Stilber, Peter; florist; born, Austria-Hungary, Jan. 13, 1871; son of Peter and Catherine Miller Stilber; educated, public schools, Hungary; married, Hungary, Jan. 13, 1897, Erma Collen; issue, two children; 1906-1910, with Fred Burger, florist; owner of own business and is in the same location where he first started; decorator and designer; member Home Guards of America, No. 44; Metropolitan; member Limberger Bicycle Club, and Hungarian Church.

Biographical Sketch of Edward Fild

Fild, Edward; milk dealer; born, Cleveland, July 18, 1887; son of Herman and Catherine Schnabel Fild; graduated from Orchard School and went to West High school two years; graduated from the Grammar School in 1901; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1905, Lauretta Corcoran; two children; succeeded his father, Herman Fild, who established the business in 1888; member Milk Dealers’ Fraternal League. Recreations: Bowling and Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Younglove Gowen

Gowen, Albert Younglove; born, Cleveland, May 8, 1883; son of Caleb and Gertrude Younglove Gowen; educated, Harvard College, 1907; married, Cleveland, June 2, 1909, Margaret Huntington Smith; one daughter, born July 7, 1910; went to public schools, Cleveland, studied at University School for six years; later attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., going from there to Harvard College; at completion of college course, started to work in the stone quarries of the Kelly Island Lime & Transport Co., at Kelly Island, O.; remained there six months; then came to the main office in Cleveland, and has been there ever … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George M. Pinkett

Pinkett, George M.; mgr. Cleveland Branch, Armour & Co.; born, Elyria, O., Sept. 6, 1857; son of Samuel and Maria Pinkett; left school at the age of 14, and went to work; married, Cleveland, Jan. 1, 1883, Miss M. Caloo; issue, two sons, George and Joseph; with Jas. Gibbon & Co., meat and provision dealers, from 1874 until 1891, sec’y and mgr. of the Company; in 1903, Mr. Armour bought their wholesale dept.; became mgr. of Cleveland Branch; also opened branch houses in Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Sandusky, Findlay, and Lorain, 0.; director the Gibbon & Pinkett Co.; member Elks, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eaton Alfred Bishop

Bishop, Eaton Alfred; building contractor; born, Adams, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1868; son of Aaron Brown and Ellen Crum Bishop; educated, A. C. I., Adams, N. Y., 1882-85, Rochester Business University, 1885-6, Boston Tech., 1886-1890; construction engineer and architect; married, Sheldon, La., June 25, 1892, Fannie C. Pynchron; one daughter, Eva Bishop; member A. O. U. W.; charter member No. 311, Iowa, B. of A. Y.; charter member No. 232. Recreation: Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Francis H. Haserot

Haserot, Francis H.; wholesale grocer; born, Cleveland, Dec. 19, 1860; educated in the public and German Lutheran schools of Cleveland; married, Cleveland, 1889, Miss Sarah Henrietta McKinney; issue, three sons and one daughter; business career, 1881 to 1883, merchandise broker; junior member of the firm of W. J. Hayes & Co.; 1886 to 1894, partner in the firm of S. F. & F. H. Haserot & Co.; firm reorganized, and became vice pres. of the Haserot Co.; in 1903, became pres. of the company; pres. The Merchantile Warehouse Co., Hough Ave. Bank & Trust Co., and director The First National … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Spencer Marcus Duty

Duty, Spencer Marcus; brick business; born, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1878; son of Daniel and Sarah L. Cozad Duty; common and High School education in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Dec. 12, 1905, Mabel Cummer; one son, Spencer Cummer Duty; pres. The Deckman-Duty Brick Co.; director The National Belting Co.; The F. D. Cummer & Son Co.; member The National Paving Brick Mnfg. Ass’n, Chamber of Commerce and Athletic Club.

Biography of A. B. Rabbeson

A.B. RABBESON. – Mr. Rabbeson, who observes that “he was born of rich but honest parents” at New York in 1824, was devoted from his youth to the most interesting and desperate adventures. Nevertheless, he was always delivered from his perils just at the right time, and lives to-day in hale age at Olympia. His boyish adventures began not many years after the death of his father in 1833. His step-father he did not like, and consequently left home. We find him out in Canada, soon at New York City with his grandparents and attending school, but within a few … Read more