Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hubbard Bushnell

Bushnell, Thomas Hubbard; lawyer; born, Burton, O., Aug. 17, 1856; son of Ebenezer and Julia Baldwin Bushnell; public school and university education, B. A. 1882, M. A., 1885, Western Reserve College (now Western Reserve University, Adelbert college); married, Columbus, O., Oct. 23, 1889, Sophia Ballard; issue, five children; with Union Rolling Mill Company, this city, 1882-1885; admitted to bar, 1885; practiced law in Cleveland one year, in Hurley, Wis., 1886-1896; and in Cleveland since, except while judge of the Cuyahoga County Insolvency and Juvenile Court, during parts of 1904 and 1905; member Cleveland, Ohio, and American Bar Associations; Delta Kappa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William S. Blau

Blau, William S.; manufacturer; born in Austria, Sept. 7, 1875; son of Samuel and Katherine Blau; public school education, until 15 years of age; married, Cleveland, Oct. 20, 1892, Miss Sloss; issue, four children, Katherine, William, Jr., Sol, and Alan; three years with Cohn & Sampliner, dealers in wholesale notions; in 1883, started in business on Bank Street, with H. Friedman, in 1904, firm moved to East 37th and Perkins Avenue, incorporated as the Friedman-Blau-Farber Co., manufacturing a general line of fancy knit goods; employing over 400 people and shipping goods all over the United States; treas. the company; Republican, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James McCreary Gee

Gee, James McCreary; real estate broker; born, Kingsville, O., Dee. 24, 1875; son of Francis W. and Mary McCreary Gee; educated, common and high schools, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa.; Western Reserve University, Law Dept.; married, Marysville, N. Y., June 6, 1900, Helen Mills; issue, Francis, born March 30, 1901, Daniel, born Dec. 7, 1904, Nicholas, born Feb. 24, 1908, and Caroline, born May 9, 1911; member Corps of Cadets, Allegheny College; Republican; traveling salesman before settling in Cleveland; in 1902, engaged in the life insurance business as asst. supt. of The Prudential Life Ins. Co.; in 1904-1905, mgr. sales and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eckstein Case

Case, Eckstein; sec’y and treas. Case School of Applied Science; born, Carlyle, Ill., July 9, 1858; educated public schools in 1878; entered United States Military Academy, at West Point; two years there; in 1881, came to Cleveland; studied law under the direction of Judge J. E. Ingersoll and Judge Rufus P. Ranney; entered law department, University of Michigan, graduating in 1883; admitted to the bar, but never engaged in active practice; member of school council 1903 to 1905; member Rowfant and University Clubs; and Masonic Fraternity; Republican, five years member of the executive committee of the Municipal Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of George W. York

York, George W.; investment banker; born, 1869; graduated from Hiram College in 1892; he’ has been associated with the bond business since 1893; has had a long experience in the purchase and sale of bonds; has traveled extensively in connection with his work; for some years he was mgr. of the Bond Dept. of the Otis Co., and in 1911 became a general partner in the firm.

Biographical Sketch of Walter J. Bader

Bader, Walter J.; dentist; born, Cleveland Aug. 31, 1887; son of Herman B. and Anna Mary Vogt Bader; Cleveland grammar and high schools; Western Reserve University Dental Dept.; mgr. Cleveland Branch, New York Tire Filler Co.; member Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n; National Dental Ass’n; member Lakewood Chamber of Commerce and Lakewood Tennis Club. Recreations: Tennis and Yachting.

Biographical Sketch of William N. Taylor

Taylor, William N.; mnfgr.; born, New Straitsville, August, 1879; son of Thomas and Ester Taylor; educated, common schools, New Straitsville; finished in mechanical engineering; married, Cleveland, Aug. 9, 1904, Mary A. Beerer; issue, one son and one daughter; active in politics, but has never run for any office; organized The Taylor Machine Co., which manufactures dairy supplies and gear cutting; has interest in several important patents; member Y. M. C. A., Foresters. Recreations: Motoring and Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Casper James Miller

Miller, Casper James; steamship agency; born, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 12, 1876; son of Casper and Frances Speck Miller; education, common and high schools; married at Cleveland, June 25, 1907, May R. Hart; issue, Casper Hart Miller, Lawrence William Miller; first employed as clerk in the Collver Steamship Agency, in 1896, and rose to partnership; now in full charge of the steamship business of Collver & Miller; member Gilmour Council, Knights of Columbus. Chief recreation: Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Hunter McKay

McKay, Robert Hunter; lawyer; born, Cleveland, 1885; son of Robert and Agnes Hunter McKay; educated, Adelbert College and Yale University; early schooling at South High School, and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, April 26, 1910, Jessie K. Jones; one son, Hunter J. McKay; member law firm George R. and Robert H. McKay, sec’y and director The Information Co.; sec’y and director M. K. Patent Development Co.; director and legal advisor The Western Reserve Adjustment Co.; director and sec’y American Remedies Co.; director and sec’y Reserve Coal & Timber Co.; director Associated Investment Co.; director and pres. The Doty McKay Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Carl Friend

Friend, Frank Carl; lawyer; born in Austria, Nov. 17, 1862; son of Anton and Petronila Friend; educated, public schools and Central High School; studied law in the office of the late E. K. Wilcox; admitted to the bar in 1884; married, Cleveland, Nov. 26, 1S90, Miss Lilly D. Davies; practiced law in Mr. Wilcox’s office until 1893, when the partnership of Wilcox & Friend was formed; this partnership was dissolved in 1904; member Cleveland Bar Ass’n; Republican; Chapter Mason; elected to the City Council in 1885; served two terms; member Board of Education, 18894890; member Board. of Health, 1906-1907; owner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jay D. Fuller

Fuller, Jay D.; manufacturer; born, Alden, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1872; son of Spencer J. and Mary A. Smith Fuller; educated, Alden High School; married, Cleveland, June 4, 1896, Florence Helen Quayle; one daughter, Helen; with the Haserot Canneries Co. fifteen years; established The Fuller Canneries Co. in March, 1904; pres. of the company; in November, 1912, became identified with The Weideman Co., Canned Foods and Mnfg. Dept.; Mason; member Union and Athletic Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Irving L. Daniels

Daniels, Irving L.; civil engineer; born, Oberlin, O., June 26, 1877; son of Theodore F. and Julia H. Lewis Daniels; educated public and high school, Lorain, O., Berea College, Berea, Ky., and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Cleveland, O., Della E. Holmden; two sons, 9 and 3 years of age; member Sons of Veterans, Lookout Camp, No. 466, and Cleveland Commandery, Uniform Rank Sons of Veterans; member the Old Stone Church (1st Presbyterian); member the Cleveland Chamber of Industry; for five years in Engineering Dept., L. S. & M. S. R. R., in the Toledo Division; on county work for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul D. Jones

Jones, Paul D.; treas. The Guarantee Title & Trust Co.; born, East Bangor, Pa., April 30, 1876; son of William D. and Linda A. Weidman Jones; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, June 28, 1900, Georgia A. Hauxhurst; one child; member Chamber of Commerce, and Keswick Golf Club.

Biographical Sketch of John Wilson Hollyday

Hollyday, John Wilson; supt. Railway Mail Service; born, Findlay, O.; son of Robert H. Hollyday, D. D.; his mother’s name was Lydia A. Patterson; educated, High School, Findlay, O., and Business College, Cleveland; married, Washington, D. C., Sept. 29, 1886, Mary Elizabeth Larner; issue, one daughter, Eleanor; early life spent in mercantile pursuits; appointed to railway mail service, March 4, 1878; transferred to office Gen. Supt. Washington, D. C., 1885; made chief clerk to Gen. Supt., Aug. 1897; made chief clerk to Second Asst. Post Master General, February, 1907; made supt. Railway Mail Service, Cleveland, Oct. 13, 1911; assumed duties … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick H. Moritz

Moritz, Frederick H.; florist; born, Germany, April 5, 1854; son of Lewis and Louise Young Moritz; educated, Painesville public schools; married, Cleveland, May 19, 1879, Miss M. E. Kelliher; 1862, began in florist trade until 1866, was with Loomis & Brainard, as foreman, until 1869; came to Cleveland, and was employed by Harris Jaynes, as florist, until 1884; then worked for David Charlesworth, until 1887; then went as private gardener for Mrs. Henry Chisholm, until 1893; with Henry Blossom, until 1896; in 1901, opened greenhouse for himself on Carnegie Ave.; pres. and treas. of the firm; decorator and designer; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas B. Richards

Richards, Thomas B.; real estate broker; born, Nova, O., Sept. 10, 1869; son of Albert N. and Clarioco Poag Richards; married, Nova, April 3, 1889, Carrie B. Bruce; member Phoenix Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 233, and Protected Home Circle, No. 32, Lorain, O. Recreation: Bowling.

Biographical Sketch of Walter A. Bellchambers

Bellchambers, Walter A.; hairdresser; born, New York City, Jan. 18, 1874; son of Robert F. and Ellen Shugg Bellchambers; educated, New York City public schools; two years at Nazareth, Pa., Military School; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1804, Maud L. Weaver; one son, F. Walter Bellchambers; came to Cleveland in 1892; in 1893, bought the business of Geo. Greenfield, which was established in 1854; Mason, Brooklyn, No. 454, F. & A. M., Hellman Chapter, No. 166.

Biographical Sketch of Warren Hervey Cowdery

Cowdery, Warren Hervey; mfgr.; born, Perry, O., May 21, 1853; son of Lyman Hervey and Sarah Holmes Cowdery; educated, High School, Painesville, O.; married, Geneva, O., Sept. 19, 1878, Hattie Kelley, two sons and two daughters; at 21 years of age, sec’y The Geneva Tool Co.; organized The Ashtabula Tool Co. in 1880; was sec’y and treas. of the company until 1902, then became 1st vice pres. of The American Fork & Hoe Co.; became pres. of the Company in 1908; pres. The National Handle Co.; trustee Hiram College; Ohio Christian Missionary Society; member Willowick Country Club.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Waddell Chestnutt

Chestnutt, Charles Waddell; lawyer and author; born, Cleveland, June 20, 1858; son of Andrew J. and Maria Chestnutt; educated, public schools Cleveland and Fayetteville, N. C.; began teaching at the age of 16 years and for 9 years taught in the schools of Fayetteville, N. C.; at the age of 23, became principal of State Normal School, at Fayetteville; in 1884, spent a number of months in newspaper writing in New York City; began business life in Cleveland as a shorthand reporter; employed as such in the Cleveland Courts; studied law with the late Samuel E. Williamson; admitted to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Alfred Bramley

Bramley, William Alfred; florist; born, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1873; son of Charles and Sarah Kennedy Bramley; public school education; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1898, Anna Marie Mann; four sons and one daughter; started in the florist business with his father, under the firm name of Charles Bramley & Son; in 1898, he purchased his father’s interest, and now conducts the business under the firm name of Bramley & Son; in 1908, greatly increased the capacity of the plant, now having 40,000 square feet under glass; the firm has the largest green houses in Cleveland, with all modern equipment; make a … Read more