Biographical Sketch of Dr. Harris R. C. Wilson

Wilson, Harris R. C.Dr.; D. D. S.; born, Painesville, O., Sept. 7, 1881; son of George H. and Kittle Cooley Wilson; educated, Painesville and Cleveland graded schools, Western Reserve Academy at Hudson, Hiram College, Western Reserve University Dental School; married, Ravenna, June 20, 1908, Mabel Rogers; issue, Kathryn, Roger, Georgetta; member National Dental Ass’n, Ohio State Dental Society, Cleveland Dental Society, Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n; recording sec’y Cleveland Dental Society, 1913; member Clifton Club.

Biographical Sketch of Eckstein Case

Case, Eckstein; sec’y and treas. Case School of Applied Science; born, Carlyle, Ill., July 9, 1858; educated public schools in 1878; entered United States Military Academy, at West Point; two years there; in 1881, came to Cleveland; studied law under the direction of Judge J. E. Ingersoll and Judge Rufus P. Ranney; entered law department, University of Michigan, graduating in 1883; admitted to the bar, but never engaged in active practice; member of school council 1903 to 1905; member Rowfant and University Clubs; and Masonic Fraternity; Republican, five years member of the executive committee of the Municipal Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of Edward Lockwood Davis

Davis, Edward Lockwood; hardware; born, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1874; son John J. and Frances M. Hunt Davis; B. A. degree, Yale University; married, Bay City, Mich., Oct. 18, 1899, Flora E. Eddy; sec’y and director Davis, Hunt, Collister Co., hardware, entering company 1896, and elected sec’y on its incorporation in 1899; member Zeta Psi, Euclid and Hermit Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of John H. Hertner

Hertner, John H.; mechanical engineer; born, Jan. 14, 1877, Williams county, O.; educated, M. E., Ohio State University, 1899; married, Nov. 20, 1908, Erma King, Cleveland; organized Hertner Electric Co., 1901; Hertner Electric & Mfg. Co.; organized 1906, absorbed by reorganized Rauch & Lang Co., 1907; director and mechanical engineer, Rauch & Lang Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Society of Automobile Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Biographical Sketch of William Tryon Higbee

Higbee, William Tryon; vice pres. The Higbee Co.; born, Cleveland, Oct. 24, 1867; son of Edwin Converse and Mary Haines Higbee; public and private school education; married, Oct. 9, 1889, Ella M. Perdue; two sons, Edwin C. and Eugene P.; member Union, Rowfant, and Chagrin Valley Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Allyn Fitch Harvey

Harvey, Allyn Fitch; transportation; born, Cleveland, Feb. 3, 1871; son of Henry Allyn and Mary Williams Harvey; educated, Cleveland public schools, private tutor, Yale, 1893, A. B.; in 1894, began work with Pickands Mather; remained until the spring of 1901; when Steel Corporation was formed, took position as asst. to the gen. mngr. Pittsburgh Steamship Co. at that time, appointed asst. gen. Mngr. of above company, in 1902; is still with them; director Provident Steamship Co., Cleveland Folding Machine Co., Lake Carriers Ass’n, and vice pres. American Fabric Belting Co.; trustee Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital; member Shipmaster’s Ass’n, American Iron … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles J. Phypers

Phypers, Charles J.; insurance; born, Cleveland, Oct. 22, 1874; son of George S. and Catherine E. Barker Phypers; common school education in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1905, Harriet B. Wood; issue, one son began work at 14 years, as postal messenger boy; office at 15, with L. S. & M. S.; office position at 17, with Sherwin-Williams Co.; when 23, entered insurance office of Fred P. Thomas Co.; in 1900, with brother, George W., formed the Phypers Pros. Co., insurance; in 3913, consolidated with Neale Bros. Co., as the Neale-Phypers Co.; treas. Neale-Phypers Co.

Biographical Sketch of Neil T. Clark

Clark, Neil T.; dentist; born, Chippewa Lake, O., 1887; son of Samuel and Mary Tylee Clark; educated at West High School, Cleveland, and University of Michigan (doctor of dental surgery); member Delta Sigma Delta (dental), Cleveland Dental Society, Ohio State Dental Society.

Biographical Sketch of James Herbert Whitelaw

Whitelaw, James Herbert; banker; born, Oshawa, Can., Aug. 19, 1863; son of John Whitelaw and Mary Arkland Whitelaw; educated, Case School of Applied Science; one of the first three students of that institution; married, Cleveland, Feb. 1, 1893, Eleanor Sprecher; issue, one daughter, Dorothy Whitelaw; entered National City Bank as collector in January, 1886, and has been with that institution ever since; at present cashier National City Bank.

Biographical Sketch of P. R. Putnam

Putnam, P. R.; teaming contractor; born, Hinckley, O., June 7, 1854; son of Russell and Deborah Moody Putnam; educated, Hinckley High School; married, Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1879, Mary A. Randolph; six children; member of Astria Court, No. 64, of the Tribe of Ben Hur; also of Chapter No. 50, of the American Insurance Union, of Columbus, and the Grand Fraternity Club of Cleveland.

Biographical Sketch of John J. Currier

Currier, John J.; jeweler; born, Cleveland, Sept. 7, 1877; son of Daniel and Mary Dunn Currier; educated at St. Augustine’s School; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1904, Theresa Helen Deininger; issue, one son and one daughter; in 1891, went with the Webb C. Ball Co.; eight years in their employ; then with Sigler Bros., for four years, with the Force Bros. Co. for three years; now own business, located at 2631 W. 14th St.; member Knights of Columbus, Augustine Club, The Deutsche, and Tuxedo Clubs; sec’y Jennings Square Business Men’s Ass’n; also director.

Rufus Hoadley Todd of Stronsville OH

Rufus Hoadley Todd6, (Linus5, Seth4, Eleazer3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Jan. 5, 1819, died July 1892, married Eliza L., daughter of John and Esther (Johnson) Bennett, who was born Feb. 27, 1823, died June 29, 1896. In 1835 they moved to Ohio and bought a farm at Stronsville, Cuyahoga County, O. Children: *1054. William Luzerne, b. Nov. 20, 1850. *1055. Charles Herbert, b. March 7, 1861.

Biographical Sketch of Ernest M. Sprague

Sprague, Ernest M.; mgr. American Bridge Co.; born, Farmington, Mich., Oct. 20, 1865; son of Lorenzo and Laura G. Mead Sprague; educated, University of Michigan, 1888, B. S., C. E.; married, Denver, Col., March 8, 1901, Maude Sill; issue, two children; six years with Chicago & N. W. R. R., asst. engineer; since 1894, with American Bridge Co., and affiliated companies; last eight years, mgr. Cleveland branch; member American Society Civil Engineers, Masonic Order, Athletic Club. Recreation: Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Warren Bicknell

Bicknell, Warren; pres. Cleveland Construction Co.; born, Morrisville, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1868; son of Charles T. and Susan Payne Bicknell, educated, public schools of Morrisville, N. Y., and Massillon, O.; graduated from Adelbert College in 1890; married, St. Paul, Minn., February, 1900; issue, Frances Louise born, November, 1900, Warren, Jr., born, 1902, and Elizabeth, – born, – February, 1904; business career, for a time studied law in. the office of Boynton, Hale & Herr; a year and half sec’y Cleveland Athletic Club; one year in the coal business in New Castle, Pa.; sold. interests there and became auditor of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Klein

Klein, Louis; cigar business; born Austria, Sept. 25, 1871; son of Benj. and Augusta Klein; attended public schools in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Aug. 14, 1894, Fanny G. Gottlieb; issue, Cecile Penrose, and Ruth Helen; with Halsey & Montgomery, cigar dealers; Excelsior Laundry Co., Cleveland Steam Laundry Co., nine years with J. R. Quinn, in the cigar business; in 1907, incorporated and pres. the Louis Klein Cigar Co., with nine retail stores in the city; also wholesale business; member Elks, H. B. S. U., and the Cleveland Independent Aid Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of Dayton Clarence Miller

Miller, Dayton Clarence; physicist; born at Strongsville, O., March 13, 1866; son of Charles W. D. and Vienna (Pomeroy) Miller; A. B., Baldwin University, 1886, A. M., 1889; D. Sc., Princeton, 1890; married Edith C. Easton, of Princeton, N. J., June 28, 1893; prof. natural science, Baldwin University, 1883-1889; asst. in mathematics and physics, 1890-1893; prof. physics, since 1893, Case School Applied Science; fellow A. A. A. S. (sec’y Sect. Physics, 1903-1907, vice pres. 1908; gen. sec’y 1910), member American Physical Society, American Astronomical Society, Cleveland Engineering Society (pres., 1906); trustee Baldwin University since 1899. Author: Laboratory Physics, 1903; Boehm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Willard Grant Aborn

Aborn, Willard Grant; manufacturer; born Wakefield, Mass., Sept. 23, 1870; son of George W. and Mary Frances Pennel Aborn; educated Wakefield High School; Academy at Monson, Mass.; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1893, degree of A. B., and A. M. in 1896; married, Chicago, Ill., Sept. 23, 1896, Miss Florence Louise Higgins; issue, one daughter Mary Louise and one son John Russell; spent summer vacations during college education working at engineering on water work construction; spent two yrs. in that line of work after graduation; in summer of 1895 worked for Spaulding-Pepper Tire Co., of Chicopee Falls, Mass., 1896, sec’y … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Sulzmann

Sulzmann, John M.; cigar mnfr.; born, Cleveland, Dec. 4, 1869; son of Maximilian and Christina Ansenhofer Sulzmann; educated, St. Joseph’s School, 7th grade; married, Cleveland, Nov. 25, 1890, Emma Reiblers; issue, fourteen children; member City Council from 5th District, 1901-1903; councilman-at-large, Jan. 1, 1912, to Jan. 1, 1914; during his career as councilman has introduced a number of ordinances of importance, regarding traffic regulations, the consideration of traffic policemen, the relief of the poor; was active in helping the late Mayor Tom L. Johnson secure three-cent fare for the City of Cleveland; active in the annexing of Brooklyn, which gave … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adam William Kuechle

Kuechle, Adam William; treasurer; born, Sandusky, Aug. 3, 1873; son of Adam and Otilda Kilcher Kuechle; educated, public schools and business college; married, Cleveland, Oct. 19, 1904, Mable Rose Miller; issue, Katherine Mabel and Helen Louise Kuechle; started, in 1893, as private sec’y to L. E. and Albert F. Holden; sec’y Cleveland Sarnia Saw Mill Co., Ltd., of Sarnia, Ont.; director and treas. The Hollenden Hotel Co.; director, sec’y and treas. Hub Transfer & Storage Co.; director Goodhold Farms Co.; member Halcyon Lodge, F. & A. M., McKinley Chapter, Forest City Commandery, K. T., Al Koran Temple, N. M. S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John William Perrin

Perrin, John William; librarian; born, Eugene, Ind.; son of William Jasper and Susan (Allen) Perrin; A. M., Wabash College. Ind., 1889; studied Johns Hopkins, 1890-1892; graduate student and honorary fellow, University of Chicago, 1892-1893, Ph. D., 1895; married Harriet Naylor Towle, of Evanston, Ill., April 16, 1890 (died, Jan. 25, 1910); prof. of history and politics, Allegheny College, Pa., 1894-1898; prof. of history, Adelbert College, (Western Reserve University), 1898-1904; Albert Shaw, lecturer, American diplomatic history, Johns Hopkins, 1904; lecturer on American history, Allegheny College, 1905; librarian, Case Library, Cleveland. since June 1, 1905; organized, 1899, and chairman until 1903, conference … Read more