Biographical Sketch of Allyn Fitch Harvey

Harvey, Allyn Fitch; transportation; born, Cleveland, Feb. 3, 1871; son of Henry Allyn and Mary Williams Harvey; educated, Cleveland public schools, private tutor, Yale, 1893, A. B.; in 1894, began work with Pickands Mather; remained until the spring of 1901; when Steel Corporation was formed, took position as asst. to the gen. mngr. Pittsburgh Steamship Co. at that time, appointed asst. gen. Mngr. of above company, in 1902; is still with them; director Provident Steamship Co., Cleveland Folding Machine Co., Lake Carriers Ass’n, and vice pres. American Fabric Belting Co.; trustee Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital; member Shipmaster’s Ass’n, American Iron … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank L. Dyke

Dyke, Frank L.; business college; born, North East, Pa., Oct. 2, 1865; son of L. J. and Lucinda Stetson Dyke; high schools and some college training in Pennsylvania and Ohio; married, Cleveland, June 22, 1887, Ada E. Brown; two daughters, Lucy M. and Ruth E.; after teaching in public schools and business colleges for nine years, the institution now known as the Dyke School of Business, was established in 1893; began business in the Cuyahoga Bldg.; later moved to the Pythian Temple, and in 1902, to its present location in the Browning Bldg., on East 9th St., occupying 12,000 square … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Wenneman

Wenneman, Joseph H.; lawyer; born, Cleveland, May 23, 1871; son of Henry C. and Katharine Hoff Wenneman; educated, St. Mary’s Parochial School, St. Ignatius College, received A. B., 1894, M. A., 1895, Western Reserve University, Law School, LL. B., 1896; married, Cleveland, April 12, 1899, Augusta Cecilia Sellers; issue, two sons, Joseph A. and William Henry; before entering college worked at various iron trades, also in wood cabinet makerworks; in 1895 was admitted to the bar; in June, 1895, opened law office in Cleveland; in October of that year formed partnership with Herman Presser under firm name of Presser & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mattoon Monroe Curtis

Curtis, Mattoon Monroe; university prof.; born, Rome, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1858; son of William F. and Harriet E. (Royce) Curtis; A. B., Hamilton College, 1880; A. M., 1882; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1883; studied University of Leipzig, 1889-1891, Ph. D., 1890; married, Emily, daughter of William Few Chrystie, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1884; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1883; pastor Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1883-1885; Beck-with Memorial Church, Cleveland, 1885-1888; prof. philosophy, Western Reserve University since 1891; supervisor of 13th Federal Census in Cuyahoga County, O., vice pres. Cleveland School of Art; member board managers, Western Reserve University; member American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lloyd B. Greenleaf

Greenleaf, Lloyd B.; moving contractor; born, Plessis, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1853; son of Alfred F. and Eliza Vanallen Greenleaf; educated in schools of Plessis, N. Y., married, Cleveland, June 15, 1887, Anna Knadler; came to Cleveland in 1884, with nothing, but has built up a very prosperous business; member Loyal Order of Moose, Protected Home Circle. Recreation: Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Martin A. Marks

Marks, Martin A.; sec’y and treas. Cleveland Worsted Hills; born, Feb. 6. 1853; son of Aaron and Sarah August Marks; common school education; married, Cleveland, Oct. 28, 1885, Belle Hays; issue, two daughters, Florence, now Mrs. Herman Moss, and Ethel Hays Marks; when a young man, went into his father’s store and became later a member of the firm of A. Marks & Co., in Madison, Ind.; came to Cleveland in 1887; member firm of Klein, Marks & Co.; in 1890, went with the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.; then with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York, as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warren Bicknell

Bicknell, Warren; pres. Cleveland Construction Co.; born, Morrisville, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1868; son of Charles T. and Susan Payne Bicknell, educated, public schools of Morrisville, N. Y., and Massillon, O.; graduated from Adelbert College in 1890; married, St. Paul, Minn., February, 1900; issue, Frances Louise born, November, 1900, Warren, Jr., born, 1902, and Elizabeth, – born, – February, 1904; business career, for a time studied law in. the office of Boynton, Hale & Herr; a year and half sec’y Cleveland Athletic Club; one year in the coal business in New Castle, Pa.; sold. interests there and became auditor of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul H. Anthony

Anthony, Paul H.; contractor; born, Pennsylvania, 1876; son of William M. and Sarah Chambers Anthony; educated, public and high school, supplemented by private tutors, also experimental and research work; married, Allegheny, Pa., 1901, Gertrude E. Cox; issue, three children; military service in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and Philippine insurrection; pres. The Standard Structural Co., Cleveland, and same Co., Canada; pres. The Hindman-Henderson Co. of Penn.; manager or director in allied contracting companies covering various fields of construction; member American Society Engineering Contractors.

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Ensign

Ensign, Theodore; milk business; born, Chester, O., March 26, 1882; son of George L. and Celia M. Foster Ensign; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 22, 1909, Clara Zarnoio; foreman City Ice Delivery Co. for four years; gen. mgr. of Lake City Ice Co. for two years; vice pres. of the Milk Dealers’ Fraternal League. Recreations: Motoring and Music. In the last year the quality of the milk and methods of doing business have doubled their business.

Biographical Sketch of Francis J. Peck

Peck, Francis J.; engineer; born, West Farmington, O., Sept. 7, 1866; son of Dr. Allen Francis and Cordelia A. Fuller Peck; educated, public schools, Cleveland and Warren, O., Hudson Academy, Hudson, O., University of Michigan, Ph. C., B. S., E. M.; married, Elyria, O., Nov. 20, 1901, Caroline Margaret Cramer; one daughter, Helen Dorothy Peck; city chemist, Cleveland; chief engineer and mngr. Francis J. Peck & Co.; mining, chemical and mechanical engineers; director The Universal Community Mausoleum Co., and the Standard Reduction Co.; member American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The National Geographical Society; member Elks, B. P. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eckstein Case

Case, Eckstein; sec’y and treas. Case School of Applied Science; born, Carlyle, Ill., July 9, 1858; educated public schools in 1878; entered United States Military Academy, at West Point; two years there; in 1881, came to Cleveland; studied law under the direction of Judge J. E. Ingersoll and Judge Rufus P. Ranney; entered law department, University of Michigan, graduating in 1883; admitted to the bar, but never engaged in active practice; member of school council 1903 to 1905; member Rowfant and University Clubs; and Masonic Fraternity; Republican, five years member of the executive committee of the Municipal Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of William Andrew Leonard, Rt. Rev. D. D.

Leonard, William Andrew, Rt. Rev. D. D.; Bishop of Ohio; born, Southport, Connecticut, July 15, 1848; educated, Philips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, St. Stephen’s College, Annadale, N. Y., and Berkley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn.; ordained May 31, 1871, degrees of D. D. from St. Stephen’s College, and Washington and Lee University, Virginia; Rector the Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872-1880; St. John’s Parish, Washington, D. C., 1880-1889; consecrated Bishop of Ohio, Oct. 12, 1889; in charge of the American Episcopal churches on the continent of Europe, 1897-1906; one of the founders of the University Club; Chaplain Ohio Society of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Starke Seibert Saffold

Saffold, Starke Seibert; insurance; born, Mobile, Ala., March 15, 1852; son of Judge Milton J. and Martha Harrison Saffold; educated by private instructor, Graylock and Emerson Institutes; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 1, 1881, Harriet Webb; issue, one daughter, Mrs. Wm. C. Young, of Texas, and one son, J. Webb Saffold, Cleveland; has occupied official position in eight or ten professional and business concerns, from secretary to president; from which since retired; gen. agt., since 1886, Provident Life & Trust Co.; pres. Acme Eng. & Stamps Co.; director Chippewa Lake Co.; Los Seros Copper Co.; Gold Bug Mining Co.; Ohio Lemon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Webb C. Ball

Ball, Webb C.; jeweler; born in Knox Co., Ohio; married in 1879 to Miss Florence I. Young of Kenton, O.; issue one son and three daughters; at an early age apprenticed to a watch maker to learn the watch making and jewelers’ trade; came to Cleveland in Mch., 1879; for 5 yrs. had been business mgr. of the Dueber Watch Case Mnfg. Co., then located in Cincinnati; head of Railroad Time Inspection System as well as one of the leading merchants of Cleveland; the name Ball today stands for accuracy in construction of Railroad watches; in connection with Railroad inspection … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Wayne Chase

Chase, William Wayne, sec’y White Sewing Machine Co.; born, Geauga County, O., Nov. 19, 1872; son of Charles E. and Annette S. Ellis; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 12, 1893, Edna E. Thomas; issue, Kathryn, Russell, Charles; married, Cleveland, March 5, 1907, Reba Neff; issue, Ruth, June; began work with White Sewing Machine Co., as bookkeeper, May, 1892; became sec’y, 1905; member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass ‘n, Archwood Congregational Church, Brooklyn lodge F. & A. M.; Webb chapter, R. A. M.

Biographical Sketch of Wilbur J. Watson

Watson, Wilbur J.; civil engineer; born, Berea, O., April 5, 1871; son of D. R. and Maria Parker Watson; educated, public schools of Berea, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, B. S. (C. S. A. S.), S. E. (C. S. A. S.); married, Cleveland, 1900, Harriet Martha Barnes; issue, two daughters; five years in engineering dept. of L. S. & M. S. Ry.; nine years as asst. engineer for consulting engineering firms; last six years engaged in consulting, designing and supervising work in connection with construction of bridges and buildings for cities, counties, railroads and private corporations, etc.; work covers … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Cyril Faeh

Faeh, Alexander Cyril; advertising mgr.; born, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1876; son of Louis and Josephine Haider Faeh; educated St. Mary’s Parochial School, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Feb. 20, 1909, Anna F. Rudolph; left school at 12 years of age; entered the shoe business in Cleveland; identified with that business six-teen years; entered the advertising business ten years ago; identified with The Seth Brown Advertising Agency; Town Topics, and several automobile concerns in advertising dept.; conducted department on various publications consisting of drama, music and automobile; advertising mgr. The Rauch & Lang Carriage Co. Recreations: Athletics.

Biographical Sketch of Chalmer G. Geodes

Geodes, Chalmer G.; sheet metal contractor; born, Liberty, Trumbull County, O., Dec. 25, 1871; son of James and Minerva McGeehon Geddes; district school education, Troy, Geauga County, O.; married, Cleveland, March 8, 1899, Lilon A. Bliss; two daughters, Helen and Hazel; learned the machinist trade at the Warner & Swasey Co., and for seven years followed the sheet metal branch of the trade; in 1900, formed a partnership with C. R. Bliss, con-ducting a general hardware store at Burton, O.; in the fall of 1903, moved their business to Glenville, O., and engaged in the furnace and sheet metal business; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Sanford Crane

Crane, Fred Sanford; sales mgr.; born, Mantua, O., July 15, 1875; son of Simeon Charles and Laura L. Crane; educated, Mantua and Ravenna schools and Hiram College; married, Hudson, O., March 17, 1900, Alice E. Ellsworth; sales mgr. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., since 1903, Cleveland; member Masonic, Knight Templars, Consistory, Shrine, Automobile and Rotary Clubs, and Association of Credit Men.

Biographical Sketch of Maurice Weidenthal

Weidenthal, Maurice; editor Jewish Independent; born, Hungary, Oct. 3, 1856; came to Cleveland as a boy, attending Rockwell Street school; married, Cleveland, Feb. 14, 1883, Lida Brandes; correspondent New York Dramatic News; reporter and critic Cleveland Herald; city editor Cleveland Plain Dealer; reporter and critic Cleveland World (News); city editor Cleveland Recorder; reporter, dramatic and editorial writer Cleveland Press; made politics a specialty, “covering” many national and state conventions for Cleveland Press and Scripps-McRae league of newspaper; accompanied late Senator Hanna on national campaign tours; founded Jewish Independent March 1906, being president of the publishing company; member Independent Order B’nai … Read more