Biography of John Ellsworth Wiley

John Ellsworth Wiley, a prominent lawyer of Mound City, had been a resident of Kansas for half a century and during his active life had made himself useful both in the field of education and in that of the law and had attained no small degree of success and honor in his chosen vocation. Mr. Wiley was born on a farm in Knox County, Missouri, November 20, 1861, son of Elijah Perry and Amy Jane (Shahan) Wiley. The Wiley family had the spirit of pioneers and have lived successively on various frontiers of advancing civilization. Elijah P. Wiley was born … Read more

Wilson, Joseph – Obituary

Joseph Wilson Killed He Falls From His Train and Over a Trestle 70 Feet to his Death The Press of Fairfield, Illinois, of the 22nd inst. has the following to say of the death of Joseph Wilson, who at one time conducted a drug store in Union. “Joseph Wilson, conductor on the Air Line, fell from his train near Taxewell, Ind., Thursday of last week while the train was on a trestle 70 feet high. He struck the trestle and fell to the ground. When discovered by the trainmen he was under the framework, his body was split open from … Read more

Biography of Richard A. Rouse

RICHARD A. ROUSE. Many of the farmers of Baxter County, Arkansas, have led such quiet, unobtrusive lives as to be seldom heard of outside of their own township. They are doing fine work in their own community, but do not care to come more prominently before the public, and devote all their time and energies to the cultivation of their farms and the development of the resources of their community. Such men deserve more credit than they ordinarily receive, and we are glad here to present one of them in the person of Richard A. Rouse, who is one of … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Landrus

A leading citizen of Wallowa County and numbered with the most progressive agriculturists of his vicinity, the subject of this sketch is eminently fitted to be granted representation in the annals of his county, since he has been faithful in its development and has also displayed commendable zeal in the advancement of its interests, while also in the days gone by when base strife was tearing the nation asunder he responded quickly to the call of freedom’s banner and fought with courage and valor on the fields of blood until the last enemy was put down. Joseph H. was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Beals

Jesse Beals, farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Mattoon; owns 250 acres; was born in Crawford Co., Ind., April 26, 1826; lived with his father until 1836, and then lived with his mother until he married, Dec. 12, 1844, to Mary Ann Horton, who was born in Bedford Co., Penn., Dec. 4, 1818; they have had five children, four of whom are now living, viz., Amand M., Emma H., Nevada and Frank W.; deceased-Cary. Mr. Beals was School Director five years, Township Supervisor of this township one term, in 1866, and was elected Justice of the Peace, in 1877, which office … Read more

Biography of Henry F. Samuels

There is coming to the front of Idaho a class of lawyers of the younger generation who are making their mark in no uncertain way and will be worthy successors to some of the older members of the bar when their time for retirement shall come. One of the best and most prominent of these is Prosecuting Attorney Samuels, of Shoshone County, some account of whose busy and successful career to the present time it is purposed to introduce here. Henry F. Samuels was born in Mississippi, April 4, 1869, a son of Captain Floyd and Isabella (Jenkins) Samuels. His … Read more