Biography of Robert W. Hoit

Last Updated on May 19, 2013 by

Robert W. Hoit, of Mast Yard, Concord, N.H., son of Robert B. and Hannah (Goodwin) Hoit, was born July 15, 1859, on the ancestral estate on Horse Hill, Penacook, where he still makes his home.

His great-grandfather, Oliver Hoit, born in November, 1747, married first Rebecca Gerald, and second widow Rhoda Hoit Whittier. He had by his first wife fifteen children, thirteen of whom lived to maturity. Mrs. Rebecca G. Hoit died in 1808, aged fifty-eight years; and Mrs. Rhoda Hoit died in 1851. Oliver Hoit died September 11, 1827. Oliver Hoit settled in 1772 on Horse Hill in the northwestern part of Concord, being the first settler in that part of the town. On March 7, 1775, a parish of Concord voted to lease him the eighty-acre school lot for nine hundred years, he paying six dollars annually; but this vote was reconsidered March 4, 1777, and the Selectmen were directed to receive of him one hundred dollars in full consideration for said lot.

The son Enoch, born to Oliver and Rebecca, August 16, 1783, eventually came into possession of the farm. He married a widow, Mary French Hoyt, who had five children by her former husband; namely, Freeman, Sewall, Mary French, William, and French Hoyt. The children of Enoch and Mary Hoit were as follows: Robert B., Gillman T., Oliver, Priscilla, Rosette and Jeanette (twins), Henry, Enoch, and Wyette. The twin to Oliver died young. Enoch Hoit was an industrious farmer, and added many improvements to the farm. He died July 31, 1856. His wife Mary died August 1, 1848.

Their son, Robert B., the next proprietor of the homestead, where he was born, received such education as was afforded by the district schools. He was always a farmer; and, with the exception of a few years in Massachusetts, he spent the whole of his life on the estate, which he enlarged. He built a fine set of brick buildings about thirty years ago, and these still stand out very prominently in the town. He died July 18, 1887, on his seventieth birthday. He was a very prominent citizen, and served as Selectman and as Councilman, and was two terms in the State legislature. He married in 1843 Hannah Goodwin. She died April 9, 1896, aged seventy-four years. They had five children-Katherine P., Mary F., Lucy, Willie, and Robert W. Lucy and Willie died young. Katherine P. Hoit married Sherwin Colby. They reside in West Concord, and have four children-Evelyn M., Kate P., Idella, and Clarence Colby. Mary F. Hoit married George French. They reside in Boscawen, and have no children.

Robert W. Hoit, of Mast Yard, N.H., was born at the homestead on Horse Hill, as above stated, about thirty-eight years ago. He was educated here, and has always made this place his home. His father bequeathed the estate to him, and he is now in possession. He married November 20, 1882, Bessie B. Deatherage, who was born February 29, 1864, at Waverly, Ill.

Mr. Hoit is a loyal Republican. He is known to be keenly interested in all the leading questions of the day, and well informed in political and educational and other public matters. He takes an active part in political affairs, and has served as Councilman. His first Presidential vote was cast for James A. Garfield.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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