Biographical Sketch of Charles A. Ricks

Ricks, Charles A.; sec’y and treas. Kuhlman Car Co.; born, Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1868; son of Augustus J. and Emma Maxwell Atwater Ricks; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, and Kenyon College; married, Oct. 21, 1897, at Detroit, Mich., Miss Margaret Trowbridge; business career, 1888 clerk First National Bank, Massillon, O., sec’y and treas. Massillon Loan Ass’n; came to Cleveland in 1890, and became auditor and traveling salesman for the Standard Oil Co.; in 1896, appointed mgr. of the Cleveland station; in 1900, organized the G. C. Kuhlman Car Co., sec’y and treas., builds electric and steam railway cars, turning out … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Prince

Prince, Joseph; cloak manufacturer; born, Hungary, 1862; son of Leopold and Rosalie Reiff Prince; educated, Academy of Budapest, Hungary; married, Chicago, June 16, 1907, Mrs. Nellye Kauffman; one son, Joseph Prince, Jr., born April 6, 1908; came to this country in 1888; come to Cleveland, and started as salesman on the road in 1889; started in business in New York, 1898; firm name same as present, Prince-Wolf Co.; moved entire plant to Cleveland in 1900; known for making the highest grade of merchandise (ladies cloaks and suits); pres. and treas. The Prince-Wolf Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Wholesale Board; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Sherwin

Sherwin, John; banker; born, Cleveland, 1868; son of N. B. and Lizzie Kidder Sherwin; married, Cleveland, 1893, Frances McIntosh; issue, two sons, John, Jr., and Francis M.; pres. First National Bank, First Trust & Savings Co., Wigmore Realty Co.; chairman Bishop, Babcock, Becker Co.; director Cleveland Telephone Co., Central Union Telephone Co., Wellman, Seaver, Morgan Co.; G. C. Kuhlman Car Co., and the Lenox Co.; member Union, Tavern, Athletic, Country, Roadside, Mayfield, Chagrin Valley Hunt, and Willowick Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Herbert Mathews

Mathews, Herbert; law and real estate; born, Canada, Nov. 21, 1864; son of Aaron and Caroline (Crabtree) Mathews; educated, public schools and Western Reserve Law School, Cleveland; one of the earliest developers of Lakewood, well-known suburb; one of the original committee of the Chamber of Industry; helped to frame the law establishing a County Park Board; pres. The Cleveland Real Estate Board and Home Exposition; director-general West Side Industrial Exposition; in 1900, organized Rocky River Bank; charter member Phi Delta Phi, Legal Fraternity; member Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Industry, Hermit, Athletic, and Keswick Golf Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of William Erastus Cushing

Cushing, William Erastus; lawyer, born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1853; son of Henry Kirke and Betsy Maria Williams Cushing; educated Western Reserve College, A. B., 1875; Harvard Law School, LL. B., 1878; married, Pittsfield, Mass., June 4, 1884, Carolyn J. Kellogg; served a number of years as member of Ohio State Board of Commissioners on Uniform Laws, member law firm Cushing Siddall & Lamb; trustee University School, Adelbert College, First Presbyterian Church.

Biographical Sketch of Lucius M. Sigler

Sigler, Lucius M.; jeweler; born, Trumbull County, O.; son of Gilbert and Lorinda Tyrell Sigler; educated, Oberlin College; married, Trumbull County, O., Alice L. Silliman; issue, one son, Gilbert L. Sigler; in February, 1874, began business in Cleveland, forming a partnership with Chas. E. Sumner in the wholesale jewelry business; in May, 1875, bought Mr. Summer’s interest, and continued the business under the name of L. M. Sigler, until January, 1878, when Urial R. Sigler, a brother, came into the business, and the firm name was changed to Sigler Bros., which business was incorporated in 1895, as The Sigler Bros. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Harris Hopkins

Hopkins, David Harris; lawyer; born, Granger, Medina county, O., Oct. 8, 1882; son of Chauncey J. and Ale Harris Hopkins; graduated from Granger High School in 1900; following year attended Ohio Northern University, and graduated from Baldwin University, 1911, receiving LL. B. degree; married, Granger, O., Jan. 16, 1904, Vira Marie Kerstetter; opened his law office in the Engineers’ Bldg. in November, 1911; interested in farming and breeder of Holstein-Friesian cattle, Poland China swine and fancy poultry; director The Cleveland Poultry Breeders Ass’n Co.; member Masons, Odd Fellows, Maccabees, and Sigma Kappa Phi Fraternity.

Biographical Sketch of X. X. Crum

Crum, X. X.; real estate; born in Macoupin County, Ill.; educated, public schools Lombard University and Blackburn University, degree of A. B.; in 1883, married Miss Marcia Phelps; issue, two sons; supt. of schools for five years in Carlinville, Dl.; teacher of sciences in Keokuk, Ia.; supt. of schools of Lincoln, Neb.; came to Cleveland in 1881, as sec’y and treas. of the Board of Trade, later known as the Chamber of Commerce; wrote the history ,of the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Life of Cleveland; organized the National Safe & Lock Co.; charge of Safe Dept. of MacNeale … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Edward Tuckerman

Tuckerman, Jacob Edward; surgeon; born, Austinburg, O., Aug. 23, 1876; son of Louis Bryant and Mary Ellen Hopkins Tuckerman; educated, South New Lyme Institute, South New Lyme, O., 1888-1890; Cleveland Central High School, 1893; Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, A. B.; Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons, M. D.; commissioner first Charter Commission of City of Cleveland, 1913; vice pres. American Academy of Medicine, 1912-1913; sec’y and treas. Academy of Medicine, Cleveland, 1911-1912-1913; member Ohio State Medical Ass’n, and American Medical Ass’n; taught physics and chemistry, Ogden High School, Ogden, Utah, 1897-1899; instructor embryology and comparative anatomy, Cleveland College Physicians, 1899-1902; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. Kenneth Chisholm

Chisholm, C. Kenneth; pres. Chisholm Shoe Co.; born, Ontario, 1865; married, Ashtabula, O., 1899, Laura Ford; one daughter, Ruth; 32d° Mason; member Cleveland Athletic, Mayfield, Country, Hermit, and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of James Gormsen

Gormsen, James; manufacturer; born, Fyn, Denmark, Oct. 6, 1870; son of John and Christina Jensen Gormsen; common school education; married, Cleveland, Dec. 15, 1894, Anna Louise Carlson; issue, Ray, born Dec. 30, 1903, and Hilda, born Sept. 14, 1899; Republican Councilman in Lakewood for four years; blacksmith business for fourteen years, and hardware business for one and one-half years; his business, as it stands today, is hand made harness and repairing; dealer in implements, vehicles, horsemen’s supplies, gas engines, auto wagons; in April, a year ago he added a furniture dept., which met a long-felt want of the community; he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Owen N. Wilcox

Wilcox, Owen N.; attorney; born, Cleveland, Jan. 29, 1880; son of Frank N. and Jessie F. Snow Wilcox; educated, Cleveland public schools and Central High School, Adelbert College, Western Reserve University Law School; Bachelor of Letters, Adelbert, 1902; Bachelor of Laws, Western Reserve University Law School, 1905; married, Cleveland, Oct. 24, 1905, Margaret Knowlton; issue, two sons; pres. and treas. The Gates Legal Publishing Co.; member Delta Tau Delta (College) Fraternity, and Phi Delta Phi (Law School) Fraternity. AN, N. R.; commercial paper; born, Pitchur, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1879; son of Elijah and Elsie Newton Wildman; educated, public schools, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William C. Scott

Scott, William C.; Lake Ford agt. Can. Pac. Ry.; born, Carroll County, O., May 3, 1869; son of Thomas and Susanna Gant Scott; in common schools until 13 years old, then entered coal mines; has picked up education since, as duties would permit; married, Cambridge, O., May 6, 1896, Sophia Hollenbeck; issue, two sons; Independent, politically; 1897-1899, National organizer U. M. U. A.; 1899-1901, editor Miners Journal; since 1901, in fuel department of Canadian Pacific R. R.; looking after mine loading, lake and rail forwarding of all American fuel purchased by the Canadian Pacific R. R.; three million tons annually; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Buse

Buse, William; prop. Hofbrau-Haus; born., Sept. 1, 1865; Heppens, Oldenburg, Germany; in Cleveland since 1867; education, common and high schools; practical restauranteur; married Aug. 27, 1889, Mary Fry; issue, one daughter, Margaret, Dec. 4, 1904; member Concordia Lodge, F. & A. M.; Hillman Chapter, Holyrood Commandery, Lake Erie Consistory; Cleveland Lodge, B. P. O. E.; Westwood Golf Club, Cleveland Athletic Club, Cleveland Automobile Club.

Biographical Sketch of Jay E. Latimer

Latimer, Jay E.; capitalist; born, Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1864; sou or James and Mary A. Latimer; (College of Hard Knocks); married, Cleveland, June 12, 1889, Jennie C. Zeidner; three children; business career, promoted Electric Railway, built Cleveland, Chagrin Falls, Columbus, Delaware & Marion R. R., Cleveland, Painesville & Ashtabula R. R., Buffalo Dunkirk & Western R. R., and The Fireproof Storage Buildings; pres. The Fireproof Warehouse Co., The United Light & Power Co., and The Ontario Street Land Co.; member Athletic, Willowick, and Cleveland Driving Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Jasper Holmes Sheadle

Sheadle, Jasper Holmes; Iron ore and lake transportation; born, New Bedford, Pa.; son of Obediah and Sarah Barnheisel Sheadle; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, New York, Kate Buckingham; Republican; joined his father in banking business, in Girard, O.; two years teller of the Girard Savings Bank; at the age of 22 became asst. cashier Second National Bank, Youngstown, O.; left the banking business, and went to New York City, as supt. of laying of gas mains for Standard Gas-Light Co.; 1888, became sec’y of the Mahoning Valley Iron Manufacturers Ass’n, in 1890, became sec’y’ for The Cleveland Cliffs … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Clark Ford

Ford, Horatio Clark; lawyer, banker; born, Cleveland, O., Aug. 25, 1853; son of Horatio Cyrus and Martha Cozad Ford; Oberlin College, 1870-1872; B. S., University of Michigan, 1875; married, Ida M. Throp, of Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1877; in law practice, Cleveland, since 1878; senior member Ford, Snyder & Tilden; also pres. Garfield Savings Bank since 1892; pres. Williamson Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co. Wheeling Traction Co., Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co.; member City Council, 1879-1885 (part of the time vice pres.), trustee Oberlin College; vice pres. Congregational Building Society; director Congregational Board Ministerial Relief; member Zeta Psi, Union Club.

Biographical Sketch of A. B. Sprosty

Sprosty, A. B.; jeweler and optician; born, Cleveland, 1873; grammar and high school education; watchmaker by trade, and has been in the jewelry business for fifteen years; pres. The Electra Pure Water Co.; councilman from the 13th ward, 1910-1911; member of K. of P. and past chancellor; member of the Orders of Moose and Eagles and the Bohemian Order, C. S. P. S., and of the Bohemian Turners Sokol Cece.

Biographical Sketch of James Humphrey Hoyt

Hoyt, James Humphrey; lawyer; born, Cleveland, Nov. 10, 1852; son of James Madison and Mary Ella Bebee Hoyt; educated, public schools, Hudson Academy, one year Western Reserve University, two years Amherst College, graduated, Brown University in 1874, graduated, Harvard Law School, LL. B. 1877; married, June 17, 1884, Jessie P. Taintor; issue, one daughter, Katherine Boardman and one son Elton II.; formed law partnership with H. S. Sherman, firm name, Sherman & Hoyt; later Willey, Sherman & Hoyt, and then Sherman, Hoyt & Sherman, Hoyt & Dustin; now firm name is Hoyt, Dustin, Kelly, McKeehan & Andrews; gives attention to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred J. Stevens

Stevens, Alfred J.; oil business; born, Cleveland, July 28, 1867; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, October, 1894, Agnes E. Rowan; issue, one son; has been in the oil and grease business twenty-seven years; pres. The Stevens Grease & Oil Co.; member Elks, Chamber of Commerce, Athletic, Auto, and Gun Clubs.